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You can feel "fit as a lord"-8 to 10 degrees cooler, and enjoy any kind of weather on the following breakfast, luncheon, or supper, suggested by a famous food expert:

Some Fruit, preferably cooked,

Saucer of Grape-Nuts, with good rich cream,
Soft-boiled Eggs,

Some hard, crisp Toast,

Cup of Postum, made according to directions and
served with a little sugar and good cream

That's enough to run you until noon.

Grape - Nuts food is made of selected parts of
the grains that rebuild the brain and nerve centres.

"There's a Reason" for


Postum Cereal Co., Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich., U. S. A.






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cns with the choicest adornments of the .andscape artist-who has produced a sweeping green lawn covering over 75 acres, which include the golf links, kept

ways in excellent condition by a cometent corps of attendants. In front of ne house is a putting course of eighteen A structure of Maine granite, vrch was erected at the World's Fair, cago, in 1892 as Maine's State Buildng, was purchased by the Rickers, the Princes of the hotel world, who know every detail and carefully study any sign which will possibly originate an idea for mproving their already magnificent hoseries. This building was brought back to ts native state and set up in the grove at the end of the south wing, to be used as 1 Library, Art Gallery and Museum for feral and geological specimens, collected n Maine. The library contains several housand volumes of standard and modern works and the art galleries have exhibits of the greatest of our American masters, while the geological and floral collections are extensive. The orchestra is usually under the direction of a Boston Symphony Orchestra player and each morning and evening a concert is given. There is a smaller hotel known as the Mansion House, under the same management. It is a modern hostelry in every sense of the word; and although the rates are lower than the large hotel, the guests have_all the privileges afforded at the other. The Mansion House is open the year round. The hotel rates at the Poland Springs are $5 a day or $28 a week, with special rates to persons stopping two weeks or longer and from $3.50 per day or $17.50 per week at the Mansion House. The famous Poland Spring water, known all over the world for its wonderful curative propensities bubbles forth from the earth and is bottled here.

North from the city of Lewiston on the Maine Central, a little above Leeds Center is Maple Grove on the west bank of Androscoggin Lake. It is one of the choicest havens bordering this picturesque sheet of water and is fast gaining fame as a summer resort. Five miles west of Augusta, the capital city, is Lake Cobossocontee. Cobossocontee is nine miles long and two miles wide. Some thirty or more prominent islands are scattered over the surface of the lake, Hodgon's being the largest. Three miles across the lake from Hodgon's Island is Hammond's Grove, where twentyfive years ago, the first cottage was built, fronting the shores of Manchester Bay. by a Mr. Hammond. From this small beginning grew the summer colony, which annually convenes at Winthrop, Monmouth and Litchfield in the town of Manchester. Electric cars connect the nearby towns of Gardner and Hallowell and a commodious

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On Bedler's or Craig's Print, across like from the tie of the old hotel i St Charles, an sp-to-date house sitma on elevated ground and surrounded all sides by beautiful lawns and fox beds Belgrade Lakes next! at the station of Belgrade the stage is waiting to conduct the passengers to the village by the shores of the lake. A few years ago, this reset was practically unknown while to-day during the season visitors by the hundreds journey to the Camps of cottages or enjoy the hospitality of the Belgrade or Central House-these are the two large hotels, besides a score of smaller ones which carefully guard the wants and welfare of the tourist. In spring time, when the black bass begin to bite and by the way, this is the home of that favorite specimen of the finny tribesportsmen ardent in their desire to be among the first to pursue the pleasures of Walton, throng the shores. When summer comes the sportsman's places are well filled by the colony of resorters who find enjoviment in the pure atmosphere; surpassing scenery and delightful opportunities for boating; yet the anglers have not all hurried away, for the piscatorial sport continues until summer has waned and the froots of winter have closed both lakes and houses In the entire Belgrade chain, there are nine lakes, the largest of which are Great and Long Lakes,

Waterville is a city of about 10,000, admirably placed at the junction of the Messalonikee, the outlet of the Belgrade Lakes; the Kennebec which rises in Moosehead Lake and the Sebasticook, a Sanch of the Kennebec. It is a railroad marction, where the upper and lower routes the Laine Central intersect and is addng to its reputation and colony year by The Kennebec, Maine's greatest wa, who he empties into the ocean at

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tion and e les 1.000 feet above the sea level Ar the shores of Moosehead as soom as the in begins to break are bomdreds of fisherIt is a famnite fishing ground trout. ogue, and land-locked salmon oftentimes

ping three pounds and wards are the customary catches. An elaborate reproduction on canvas of this picturesome region. was shown at the Sportsmen's Show. last winter in Boston The giant Mt. Kineo. like a sentinel guard faced the blue waters of the lake from his rising vantage point. on a projecting peninsular-so impressively fascinating was the landscape scene. that hundreds were drawn in admiration


TACT of tremendous water skirted on both sides, through

length by beautiful forest Sout, canoes and all sorts

view it night after night, but they who

gazed upon the artificial vista would stand in cpen mouthed awe and wonder at the surprising grandeur of the real scene. At the foot of Kineo Slope is situated the Kineo House, an exemplary hotel, suitable for the fulment of all the wants and desires of the Post fastidious summer saunterers. It has accommodations for four hundred people The outlook over the surface of the lake and the panorama, presented from the summit of Mt. Kineo is simply superb! A fast steamer is the means of communication between Greenville and the hotel During the hunting season. the shipment of moose and deer from Greenville, proves the popularity of this territory, as a hunting ground. Greenville is the point of departure for a half dozen camps and hotels all delightful abodes, reached by stage or steamer.

Winding around the rorthern extremity of Moosehead Lake is the Penobscot River. Two courses are presented to the canoeist a journey to the famous Northeast Branch, or a trip down the West Branch, through a delightful country affording in all a tempting water route of 125 miles. Reached from Stacyville on the Bangor and Aroostock Railroad is the famous Mt. Katahdin Mt. Katahdin stands alone supreme in the northern wilds and rears his summit 5.000 feet. Camps and hotels are scattered all about, for this is the hunters' paradise. A great number of moose and deer roam the forests. The pure atmosphere has all the salubrious qualities of mountain air; and rest and quiet in the most silent of solitudes can be safely guaranteed. Fifty miles south of here, in

New Ocean House

Swampscott, Massachusetts

The most magnificent modern summer hotel on the North Shore.

The New Ocean House is but thirty minutes from Boston by rail. Has accommodations for four hundred. Its situation is delightful.

Among other attractions it has to offer are safe surf-bathing, sailing, fishing, and the finest roads for driving, riding, and automobiling in America. Boarding stable and garage on premises.

Concerts by a superb orchestra every afternoon and evening during the season.

Facilities for all out-of-door sports.

Select patronage.

Write for booklet and other information.

Ainslie & Grabow


Address until June 1st, 270 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Mass. After that date, New Ocean House, Swampscott, Mass.

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