Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1906, by AMERICA COMPANY in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington. All Rights Reserved. 289 493 Goorroogoo: An Epic of the Australian Bush Leighton Demain-Grange Glimpses of Washington Goblet. Story of the Idyll of Tristam Shepard Immigration. The Modern Problem of Jamestown of New England. The (Pemaquid) Lancers. The National Legends of Old Newgate (March) Legends of Old Newgate (May) Literary Conundrum. A Longing. A New England A The (June) Massachusetts Bench and Bar. The A. H. Houk Sarah B. Lawrence John Stuart Barrows Stephen O. Sherman, Weston F. Hutchins Abbie Farwell Brown Hon. John F. Fitzgerald, Mayor of Boston Clifton Johnson Mabel S. Merrill John Stuart Barrows Lucy M. Thornton. 458 Old-Home Week Our District Attorney Over the Spite Fence Patriotism and the Patriotic Societies Pictorial or the Creative. Pirate Crew. A. The Problem of Immigration. The Modern Eleanor H. Porter Joseph Woodbury Strout 657 162 606 I 689 443 628 HE Publishers of the New England Magazine are frequently asked to suggest the name of some Periodical Subscription Agency that can be depended upon for prompt and accurate service, and the lowest prices. Our Subscription Department will furnish such service. Address: SUBSCRIPTION DEPT., NEW ENGLAND MAGAZINE. New England Magazine Offers MONEY MAKERS You can EARN from $15.00 to $40.00 per week SOLICITING SUBSCRIPTIONS for us-if you POSSESS AVERAGE ABILITY, fair command of the English language and will DEVOTE your ENTIRE TIME to the BUSINESS in accordance with OUR INSTRUCTIONS. If you devote a PART of your time, REGULARLY, you will net proportionate returns. Our solicitors in the field are PROVING WHAT WE STATE EVERY WEEK. If you would like to build up the business in your vicinity, now is the time to make the start. Write us, at once, for full particulars, giving references, if you wish receipts and a permanent connection. Address CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT. |