volet hæc fub luce videri, Judicis argutum quæ non formidat acumen. HOR. OXFORD: Printed for J. NEWBERY in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCL. 07-29-43 City [iii] TO THE READER. IN N the course of this work particular care will be taken, that nothing be inferted indecent or immoral: and as we are determined to give umbrage to no Perfon or Party, all political Difputes and whatever is offenfive to Good Manners will of confequence be avoided. Our defign being only to promote learning in general, we shall not confine ourselves to any particular fubject, but occafionally comprehend all the branches of polite Literature. Each number will confift of fuch Originals in Profe and Verfe, as we hope will prove agreeable to our readers. And tho' we might with impunity comply with the common practice of preying indifcriminately on the labours of others, yet we shall not to our knowledge publish any thing that has been printed before, or without the consent of the respective A 2 Authors: Authors: for the one we confider as a fraud on the publick, and the other an invasion of private property. Thefe confiderations we prefume will remove any prejudice which the Learned may conceive against our undertaking, and induce them not only to encourage, but assist us in the profecution of it. And as we must neceffarily depend on the Publick for the Success of our work, we hope it will meet with their indulgence. No endeavours on our part shall be wanting to render it worthy their approbation; and we no longer defire their favour, than while we continue to deferve it. THE |