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my counsell gratis, confeffing him to be more then my match, and that I am very loath to fall into his


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F Reformation, Compofition, Ceffation, can finde no admittance, there muft and will be Profecution: to which I would also fpeake briefly and indifferently ftill to both fides; and first to that, which I had rather call Royalifts then malignants; who if I mistake not, fight against the Truth.

Foolish Cowardly man (I pray patience, for I speak nothing but the pulfe of my owne heart) dreads and hates, nothing in Heaven or Earth, so much as Truth: it is not God, nor Law, nor finne, nor death, nor hell, that he feares, but only because hee feares there is Truth in them: Could he de-truth them all, he would defie them all: Let Perdition it felfe come upon him with deadly threats, fiery fwords, displayed vengeance, he cares not; Let Salvation come cap in hand, with naked Reason, harmleffe Religion, lawny imbracements, he will rather flye or dye, than entertaine it: come Truth in what shape it will, hee will reject it: and when hee can beat it off with most steely proweffe, he thinkes himselfe the bravest man when in truth it is nothing but exfanguine feeble exility of Spirit. Thy heart, faith the Prophet Ezek. 16. 30. is weake, like the heart of an imperious whorish woman: a man would thinke, the heart of an imperious whore, were the very pummell of Scanderbergs; fword; alas, fhee is hen-hearted, fhee dares not looke Truth in the face; if she dared, fhee would neither bee who

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whorish, nor imperious, nor weake. He fhewes more true fortitude, that prayes quarter of the least Truth, at a miles distance, than hee that breakes through and hewes downe the moft Theban Phalanx that ever field bore. Paul expreffed more true valour, in faying, I can doe nothing against the Truth, than Goliah, in defying the whole hofte of Ifrael.

Couragious Gentlemen, Yee that will ftab him that gives you the lye; take heed yee fpend not your bloods, limbes and foules, in fighting for fome untruth: and yee that will fling out the gantlet to him that calls you Coward,difhonour not your felves with fuch Cowardife, as to fight against Truth, meerly for feare of it. A thousand pities it is fuch gallant Spirits should spend their lives, honours, heritages, and fweet relations in any Warres, where, for ought many of them know, fome false mistake commands in Cheife.

Honoured Country men, bee intreated to love Truth: if it loves not you againe, and repaires not all your loffes, then inftall fome Untruth in its room for your Generall. If you will needs warre, be perfwaded to contend lawfully, wifely and stedfastly against all errours in Divinity and Policy: they are the curfed Counter-mures, dropt Portcullifes, fcouring Angi-ports, fulphurious Granado's, laden murtherers, peevifh Galthropes, and rafcall defparadoes, which the Prince of lyes imployes with all his skill and malice, to maintaine the walls and gates of his kingdome, when Truth would enter in with grace and peace to fave forlorne finners, and diftreffed commonwealthes; witneffe the prefent deplorable eftate of fundry States in Europe.


Give me leave to fpeake a word more: it is but this; Yee will finde it a farre easier field, to wage warre against all the Armies that ever were or will be on Earth, and all the Angels of Heaven, than to take up Armes against any truth of God: It hath more Counsell and strength than all the world befides; and will certainly either gaine or ruine, convert or fubvert every man that oppofes it. I hope ingenuous men will rather take advice, then offence at what I have said: I had rather please ten, than grieve one intelligent man.

If this fide be refolute, I turne me to the other.

Goe on brave Englishmen, in the name of God, go on profperoufly, because of Truth and Righteousnes: Yee that have the cause of Religion, the life of your Kingdome and of all the good that is in it in your hands: Goe on undauntedly: As you are Called and Chofen, so be faithfull: Yee fight the battells of the Lord, bee neither defidious nor perfidious: You ferve the King of Kings, who ftiles you his heavenly Regiments, Confider well, what impregnable fighting it is in heaven, where the Lord of Hofts is your Generall, his Angels your Colonels, the Stars your fellow-fouldiers, his Saints your Oratours, his Promifes your victuallers, his Truth your Trenches; where Drums are Harps, Trumpets joyfull founds; your Enfignes Chrifts Banners; where your weapons and armour are spirituall, therefore irrefiftable, therefore impierceable; where Sun and wind cannot disadvantage you, you are above them; where hell it selfe can


not hurt you, where your fwords are furbufhed and sharpened by him that made their metall, where your wounds are bound up with the oyle of a good Caufe, where your blood runs into the veynes of Chrift, where fudden death is prefent martyrdome and life; your funerals refurrections your honour glory; where your widows and babes are received into perpetuall penfions; your names lifted among Davids Worthies; where your greatest loffes are greatest gaines; and where you leave the troubles of war, to lye down in downy beds of eternall reft.

What good will it doe you, deare Countrymen, to live without lives, to enjoy England without the God of England, your Kingdome without a Parliament, your Parliament without power, your Liberties without stability, your Lawes without Juftice, your honours without vertue, your beings without wel-being, your wives without honefty, your children without morality, your fervants without civility, your lands without propriety, your goods without immunity, the Gofpel without falvation, your Churches without Ministery, your Ministers without piety, and all you have or can have, with more teares and bitterneffe of heart, than all you have and fhall have will sweeten or wipe away?

Goe on therefore Renowned Gentlemen, fall on refolvedly, till your hands cleave to your fwords, your fwords to your enemies hearts, your hearts to victory, your victories to triumph, your triumphs to the everlafting praise of him that hath given you Spirits to offer your felves willingly, and to jeopard your lives in high perils, for his Name and service fake.


And Wee your Brethren, though we neceffarily abide beyond Jordan, and remaine on the American Sea-coafts, will fend up Armies of prayers to the Throne of Grace, that the God of power and goodneffe, would incourage your hearts, cover your heads, strengthen your arms, pardon your finnes, fave your foules, and bleffe your families, in the day of Battell. Wee will alfo pray, that the fame Lord of Hofts, would difcover the Counfels, defeat the Enterprizes, deride the hopes, difdaine the infolencies, and wound the hairy scalpes of your obftinate Enemies, and yet pardon all that are unwillingly mifled. Wee will likewise helpe you beleeve that God will be feen on the Mount, that it is all one with him to fave by many or few, and that he doth but humble and try you for the present, that he may doe you good at the latter end. All which hee bring to paffe who is able to doe exceeding abundantly, above all we can aske or thinke, for his Truth and mercy fake in Jefus Chrift. Amen. Amen.

A Word of IRELAND:

Not of the Nation univerfally, nor of any man in it, that hath fo much as one haire of Christianity or Humanity growing on his head or beard, but onely of the truculent Cut-throats, and fuch as fhall take up Armes

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in their Defence.

Hefe Irifh anciently called Antropophagi, maneaters: Have a Tradition among them, That

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