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other purpose, the said persons, clerk or trustees shall cause notice thereof to be given by posting such notice in six public places within said corporation, for at least two weeks prior to the time of holding any such election.



SECTION 1. The trustees shall have the control and management of all the finances, and of all the property belonging to the corporation, and shall have power within said village to make, establish, publish, alter, modify, amend and repeal all rules, regulations, ordinances and by-laws, for the following purposes, viz.:

Powers and

duties of


and ordi

1. To prevent vice and immorality, and to preserve the Regulations peace and good order of said village, to prevent and pun- nances. ish drunkenness and disorderly conduct in public streets and places, and to restrain and punish vagrants, mendicants, street beggars, common prostitutes and disorderly persons, and to restrain and suppress disorderly houses and houses of ill-fame, gaming-houses and instruments and devices for the purpose of gaming, billiard tables, nine or ten pin alleys, gun or ball alleys.

2. To regulate auction sales.

3. To prohibit or regulate the rolling of hoops, playing Ibid. at ball, flying of kites, sliding down hill on sleds, or any other amusement or practice having a tendency to annoy persons passing on the streets or sidewalks, or to frighten teams or horses in said village, and to regulate or prevent the firing of guns or pistols, fire-arms, the firing of crackers, rockets, squibs and fireworks in said village, or building any fire in any street in said village.

4. To restrain the running at large in said village of Ibid. cattle, horses, swine, sheep, ducks and geese, by imposing such fine or fines therefor upon the owner, owners, possessor or possessors thereof, as they may think proper, and to authorize the distraining, impounding and sale of the same for the penalty incurred, and costs of impounding and proceedings, and to appoint one or more persons to drive any of the animals found so running at large in said village to the pound and cause the same to be impounded, and to determine their fees and duties, and to

Regulations and ordi


To prevent horse-racing, &c.

Obstructions, in


authorize any person or persons to drive any such animals to the pound from the streets of said village, or from any inclosure therein, when trespassing.

6. To establish and regulate the public pounds, and to prescribe the powers, duties and fees of pound master or keeper, and to regulate or prevent the running at large of dogs in said village; and also to prevent any person from rescuing, or attempting to rescue, any animal authorized to be impounded by the by-laws of said village, from the person or persons while driving, or attempting to drive, the same to the public pound; and also to restrain and prevent any person or persons from breaking, or attempting to break, open the pound of said village, or otherwise to injure the same.

7. To prevent horse-racing, immoderate driving or riding in any of the streets of said village, and to prevent and regulate the exhibition or exercise of any stallion or stallions in any of the public streets or places of said village.

8. To prevent and remove all incumbrances, obstruccumbrances tions and encroachments, from any cause whatever, upon the public streets, bridges, public squares or grounds, sidewalks or crosswalks of said village, and to cause the same to be removed, and the streets to be cleaned, and to prevent riding, driving or leading any horse or horses, team or teams, or cattle, with or without a wagon, sleigh, or other carriage, on any sidewalk in said village.

Highway taxes.



9. To apply so much of the moneys raised for highway taxes as they may deem necessary to defray and pay the expense of removing or scraping the snow, ice or dirt from the sidewalks in said village, from time to time.

10. To compel the owner, or occupant or occupants, of any unwholesome house or place, to cleanse, remove or abate, or discontinue the use of the same whenever, in the judgment of the said trustees, it shall be necessary for the health, comfort or convenience of any of the inhabitants of said village.

11. To determine what are nuisances, and to cause the same to be removed, destroyed, prevented or abated. To regulate slaughter-houses, and to direct or prevent the use or location of the same. To regulate the ringing of bells, and provide for the winding, repairing and keeping in order of a public clock. To erect hay scales in said

village, and appoint a weigher at the same, and prescribe his fees and duties.

12. To prevent or prohibit all exhibitions of any natu- Exhibitions ral or artificial curiosities, caravans, or animals, circuses, theatrical, and other shows, exhibitions, or performances for money or other compensation, in said village, unless the trustees shall license the same on payment of not less than five, nor more than twenty-five dollars, for the exhibition of the same for not more than twenty-four hours.


13. To direct the manner of making, grading, pitching, Grading, leveling, paving and repairing sidewalks in said village, and to direct the manner of making all other improvements authorized by this act, and to fix the grade of all sidewalks, and to require, direct and regulate the planting, setting and protecting ornamental or shade trees in any public square, grounds or streets of said village, and to furnish and fix penalties for the hitching of horses, or other animals, and for any injuries whatever to such trees, and to any and all public property of said village, and any property of public use or ornament in said village.

14. To survey the boundaries of said village, to survey and determine the boundaries of the streets in said village, and to make and establish a map thereof, and file the same with the clerk, and to designate and alter the name or names of said streets, or either of them, as often as they may deem expedient, and to lay out, alter, or discontinue streets in said village in the same manner and with like effect as streets are now laid out, altered or discontinued by highway commissioners of towns.

15. To enter, and authorize others to enter, in the day time, any building in the said village in which shall be a fireplace, chimney, stove or stove pipe, for the purpose of examining the condition of the same, and to make such regulations in regard thereto as a proper security against fires, shall, in their judgment, be required from time to time, and to regulate the keeping of ashes in said village safely.

Survey the


of village.



re, &c.

for collection of taxes.

16. To issue warrants for the collection of all taxes Warrants assessed and levied in said village, and for the collection of moneys unpaid for the making, grading, constructing, relaying or repairing sidewalks, authorized by this act, of

Notice of

the person who ought to pay the same, which shall be returnable in thirty days thereafter, and to renew the same when necessary.

17. To give notice in the manner required by law of annual and the annual and special elections in said village, or cause the same to be done, and to preside at such elections.

special elec




of highways.

Bowers, &c.

Fines and penalties.

To employ attorneys, &C.

Snow or ice.


Special meetings.

And to

18. To procure the necessary ground, and to erect a pound thereon, and keep and repair the same. keep and maintain a watch by night in said village.

19. To appoint or employ one or more persons to oversee the work done on the highway or streets of said village, and all other improvements which they are authorized to make, and to determine their duties and compensation.

20. To regulate sewers and drains at the sides of and in the streets of said village, and to prevent and punish the obstruction or filling up of any sewer or drain of said village.

21. To cause prosecution upon any contract or liability in which the village is interested, or by fines or penalties imposed by this act. or by any by-law or ordinance of said village, and to enforce the collection thereof, and to settle or compound all suits, claims, ordinances, for or against the said village.

22. To employ attorneys and counsel in the prosecution or defense of any action by or against the said village, or for the transaction of any business of the village requiring professional skill, and to fix by agreement the amount of their compensation, and pay the same out of any moneys belonging to said village.

23. To compel the removal by the occupant of any snow or ice, or both, from the sidewalk in front of any lot, within such time after notice as they may direct.

24. To appoint and dismiss firemen, and members of hook and ladder companies, and to make regulations for their conduct and government.

25. To provide for the care, custody and preservation of the records and public papers of said village.

26. To call special meetings of the electors, when in their judgment it shall be required to carry into effect any resolution lawfully adopted at any meeting of said electors.

27. To see that officers of said village faithfully perform their duty, and to prosecute any official bond for a breach in the condition thereof.

28. To construct and regulate reservoirs, hydrants, Reservoirs. water pipes, public pumps and wells, and to prevent unnecessary waste of water of the same.

$2. The trustees of said village may make, publish, Ordinances ordain and amend all such ordinances, by-laws and regulations, not contrary to any law of this state, as may be necessary to carry into effect the powers given to them by this act, and repeal the same, and enforce observance of all rules, regulations, resolutions, ordinances and bylaws made in pursuance of this act, by imposing a penalty or penalties, fine or fines, or forfeiture, on any person or persons, or corporations, violating the same, not exceeding for any single offense the sum of fifty dollars, to be recovered against the offender, with costs of suit, in a civil action, in any court having cognizance thereof. Every such ordinance, by-law or regulation imposing any fine, penalty or forfeiture for a violation of its provisions, shall, after the passage thereof, be published in a newspaper printed in said village, in case there shall be one; if there shall be no newspaper printed in said village, then the clerk of said village shall post copies of such ordinance, by-law or regulation, in five public places in said village ; and proof of such publication, by affidavit of the printer or publisher of such newspaper or of the said clerk, of the time and place of such posting, taken before any officer authorized to administer oaths, and filed with the clerk of said village, shall be sufficient evidence of such publication or posting in all courts; and every such resolution or by-law shall take effect only from the time of such publication or posting.

3. It shall be the duty of the trustees, each and every year, at the place and time when the annual election or meeting is held, to exhibit at such meeting or election a statement of all moneys received by them or the treasurer, and the several sums paid out by them or under their direction, and for what purposes.

Trustees to make stateneys, &e.

ment of me


$4. The trustees, before entering upon the duties of Oath of their office, and each and every of them, shall take and subscribe, before some officer having power and authority to administer oaths, an oath or affirmation to support the

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