Imágenes de páginas

One supervisor of aqueducts and reservoirs to reside in each district.

One chief inspector of barrels, and one assistant barrel inspector, to reside in each of districts number one, three and four, and two assistant barrel inspectors to reside in district number two; and such assistant inspectors, weighers and overseers as he shall deem it necessary to employ, with the assent and approval of the comptroller.


$7. There shall be allowed and paid to the several Compensa officers to be employed under this act, the following rates of compensation, namely:

To the superintendent, the sum of fifteen hundred dollars per annum, to be deducted monthly from any moneys in his hands, drawn from the treasury pursuant to law.

To the chief engineer, nine hundred dollars per an


To the chief inspector, and to the receiver in district number one, each eight hundred and forty dollars per


To the receiver in district number two, and the inspec- Ibid. tors other than the chief inspector, each six hundred dollars per annum.

To the receivers in districts number three and four, each five hundred dollars per annum.

To the chief barrel inspector and to the overseer of the pumps, in district number one, each six hundred dollars per annum.

To the assistant inspectors, weighers, overseers of the pumps, and supervisors of the aqueducts and reservoirs, the sum of forty dollars per month for such time as they may be actually employed.


$8. The said superintendent shall have power to re- Power of quire of the several officers named in the preceding sec- dent, &c. tion, and appointed by him, the performance of such duties and services in behalf of the state as he may consider appropriate and necessary, and may remove them from office at his pleasure, and for their acts, in virtue of their offices, he shall be responsible. Every appointment made by him shall be in writing, and shall be filed in the office of the clerk of Onondaga county. Every person so appointed by him shall, before entering upon

Officers' duties and powers.

Wells, pumps, &c.

the duties of his office, take and subscribe the oath of office prescribed by the constitution, and file the same in the office of the clerk of Onondaga county; and shall also give such bond, with sufficient sureties, to the superintendent, for the faithful performance of his duties, and for the faithful and punctual payment to the superintendent, of all moneys which he shall from time to time receive as such officer, and as often, or at such stated periods as may be required of him.



SECTION 9. The superintendent of the Onondaga salt springs shall have power, from time to time, to ordain and establish such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with law, as he may deem expedient, respecting:

1. The manufacture and inspection of salt, and the collection of the duties thereon.

2. The manner and order of receiving the salt water from the state reservoirs and aqueducts, the mode of conducting such to the respective manufactories and erections, and the securing of such water from waste and loss.

3. The examination of the several salt works and manufactories by his deputies, to determine whether the provisions of the law are properly complied with.

4. The loading of salt in bulk, or otherwise, into boats, to be transported upon the canals, or the shipment of salt by railway or otherwise, to be conveyed to market.

5. And in all other respects that shall tend to the more perfect execution of the provisions of this act.

SECTION 10. He shall, from time to time, provide such additional wells, pumps, reservoirs, aqueducts and machinery as he shall determine to be needful and proper for supplying the manufactories of salt with brine, in the largest quantity and of the best quality, and shall keep the same, and all other works and property belonging to the state, under his charge, in complete repair; and he shall have power to employ competent workmen to make such improvements, erections, repairs and additions.

But no repairs, or alterations involving an aggregate expenditure of more than two thousand dollars shall be made or undertaken, without the approval of the comptroller to be indorsed upon detailed estimates; and no new structures which, upon previous estimates, shall involve an expense of five thousand dollars or more, shall be undertaken, without having also obtained the approval, in writing, of the governor and comptroller.

&c., to be

by super

SECTION 11. It shall be lawful for the said superintend- Penalties, ent to prescribe specific penalties for the violation of the prescribed rules and regulations established by him, to the amount intendent. of from ten to one hundred dollars for each offense, and to recover the same, with costs, in a court of justice; and he may, at his discretion, withhold the usual supply of brine for the use of the manufactories, until such penalty is paid.

printed, &c

SECTION 12. The several penalties prescribed by law, Rules to be together with the rules and regulations, shall be printed on a fair sheet, and posted up in the several offices of the superintendent, in all the fine salt manufactories and storehouses for coarse salt, and mills for grinding salt, and in such other places as shall be deemed expedient for the information of the public; and the rules and regulations of the superintendent shall be binding after one week from the time they are so ordained and published, and until they are revoked or others are established in their stead.


SECTION 13. The superintendent shall, at the expira- Report of tion of each fiscal year ending on the thirtieth day of dent. September, or within ten days thereafter, make a report to the comptroller stating the quantity of salt inspected during the previous fiscal year, the amount of revenues accruing thereon, and from other sources, the expenditures made by the superintendent, and the amount which in his judgment will be necessary for the support of the salt springs for the ensuing year. The superintendent shall also, within fifteen days from the first day of January in each year, make a report in detail to the legislature of his doings during the year just then expired, embracing such information in regard to the manufacture of salt and the situation of the public works, and submitting such recommendations for their further improve

Office hours

List of


Officers to prosecute,



dent's and deputies' duties.

Officers not to be con

cerned in manufac

ment and extension as he shall deem necessary and proper.

SECTION 14. The superintendent's offices, in the several districts, shall be kept open from sunrise to sunset every day, except Sunday and the fourth day of July; and all persons may resort, during office hours, to either of said offices and examine the books of entry kept by the superintendent.

SECTION 15. A list of the names of all the persons holding office by the appointment of the superintendent, shall be kept conspicuously posted in each of the receiver's offices in the several districts, for the information of all persons interested in knowing who are in authority in the management of the salt springs.

SECTION 16. It shall be the duty of each of the officers connected with the salt springs, and acting by authority, to prosecute in the name of the superintendent for all penalties imposed or prescribed by statue,* or by the rules and regulations, if the commission of any offense, punishable by a penalty, shall come to his knowledge, either by his own examination or observation, or by information of any other person furnishing satisfactory proof of the offense alleged.

SECTION 17. It shall be the duty of the superintendent and of his deputies to prosecute all persons who shall knowingly commit a trespass upon any of the lands belonging to the state, or who shall willfully do any damage to any of the machinery, erections, fixtures, or other property of the state.

SECTION 18. Neither of the officers connected with the salt springs shall be in any way concerned in the manuturing, &c. facturing or selling of salt, or have any interest whatever, directly or indirectly, in any salt manufactory or erection for the manufacture of salt, or in the profits of any such manufactory, or in any labor or materials, or contracts for doing any work on the salt reservations, or which may be done under the provisions of this act.

Neglect of duty.

Superintendent to be in

SECTION 19. The superintendent, and the several persons holding office by his appointment, shall be liable to indictment and punishment, as for a misdemeanor, for any willful neglect of duty, or for any malpractice in the discharge of their public duties.

SECTION 20. The superintendent shall be deemed to be

* So in original.

of certain

in possession of all the lands, wood, timber, trees, build- possession ings, erections, pumps, and machinery of every kind, and property. of all water-courses, conduits, wells, aqueducts, springs, and all other property belonging to the people of this state connected with the salt works, on the salt springs reservation, in the county of Onondaga; and he shall have the charge, government and management of the same, under such provisions as shall be prescribed by law, and he shall superintend and have charge of the salt water, and shall regulate and control the delivery of the same to the manufacturers of salt.

SECTION 21. Whenever any person shall be in possession of said lands or property, or any part thereof, without proper authority or right, it shall be the duty of the superintendent to cause such person to be removed therefrom, and to take possession of the same.

Persons in of property





dent may

sue, &c.

SECTION 22. The superintendent may sue in his name of office for the recovery of damages for any injury to such lands or property, according to the nature of such injury; and any underletting, diversion or use for any other purpose than the manufacture of salt, of any of the lots that have been or may be leased by the superintendent, to any person or persons, for such manufacture, is strictly forbidden, and shall work a forfeiture of the leasehold estate; and it shall be the duty of the superintendent, in case of such forfeiture, to obtain possession of the lands so forfeited by action of ejectment. SECTION 23. The superintendent may lease to any per- May lease. son any of the lots or lands of this state reserved for the manufacture of salt, and not lawfully held or occupied for that purpose, but not for a longer period than three


dent may



SECTION 24. The superintendent shall receive all mo- Superintenneys payable to the state for all duties, rents, fines or receive penalties specified in this act, or in any manner arising from the salt springs or the property of the state connected with the salt manufacture.

be kept.

SECTION 25. The superintendent shall keep in each of Books to his offices regular books of entries, in which all his accounts and transactions shall be entered.

dent shall

SECTION 26. The superintendent shall deposit in each Superintenweek, to the credit of the treasurer of this state, in such deposit bank or banks as may be designated by the canal board, money, &c.

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