CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION SO AS TO ABOLISH THE PROPERTY QUALIFICATION. Resolved (if the senate concur), That section one of article two of the constitution of this state be amended by striking out the following words: "But no man of color, unless he shall have been for three years a citizen of this state, and for one year next preceding any election, shall have been seized and possessed of a freehold estate, of the value of two hundred and fifty dollars, over and above all debts and encumbrances charged thereon, and shall have been actually rated and paid a tax thereon, shall be entitled to vote at such election. And no person of color shall be subject to direct taxation, unless he shall be seized and possessed of such real estate as aforesaid." Resolved (if the senate concur), That the foregoing amendment be referred to the legislature to be chosen at the next general election of senators, and that in conformity to section one of article thirteen of the constitution, it be published for three months previous to the time of such election. STATE OF NEW YORK, The foregoing resolutions were duly passed. WM. RICHARDSON, Clerk. STATE OF NEW YORK, The foregoing resolutions were duly passed. By order, } S. P. ALLEN, Clerk. CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS RELATING TO A REDUCTION OF CANAL TOLLS. Resolved (if the assembly concur), That the legislature concur with the canal board in the reduction of tolls on the articles of property named in the resolution of that board, dated April first, eighteen hundred and fifty-nine, when the same is transported on the canals of this state. STATE OF NEW YORK, IN SENATE, April 6, 1859. The foregoing resolution was duly passed. By order of the Senate, S. P. ALLEN, Clerk. STATE OF NEW YORK, IN ASSEMBLY, April 7, 1859. S The foregoing resolution was duly concurred in. WM. RICHARDSON, Clerk. CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS IN RELATION TO THE REOPENING OF THE SLAVE TRADE. Resolved (if the senate concur), That this legislature and the citizens of this state, look with surprise, mortification and detestation upon the virtual reopening, within the federal union, of the slave trade; that against this invasion of our laws, our feelings, and the dictates of christianity, we solemnly protest here, as we will protest elsewhere, and especially at the ballot-box; that we call upon the citizens of this Union, to make common cause, in the name of religion, humanity, and as friends of principles underlying our system of government, to unite in bringing to immediate arrest and punishment, all persons engaged in the unlawful and wicked slave trade, and hereby instruct our senators and representatives in congress to exert all lawful powers for the immediate suppression of the infamous traffic. Resolved, (if the Senate concur), That the executive of this state be required to transmit a copy of this resolution to the legislatures of the several states of the Union, and earnestly request their coöperation in arresting this great wickedness. By order of the Assembly, WM. RICHARDSON, Clerk. Concurred in without amendment. } By order, S. P. ALLEN, Clerk. CONCURRENT RESOLUTIONS IN RELATION TO COMMISSIONERS OF RECORD FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OF NEW YORK. Resolved (if the senate concur), That the commissioners of record for the city and county of New York, appointed by an act passed April 13, 1855, be and hereby are directed to cause one copy of the records, documents, maps and indices in the form and to the extent printed by them, in accordance with the said act, to be deposited forthwith in the state library, and one copy of the same in the office of the secretary of state, at Albany; also, to cause to be likewise deposited, a like copy of all such records, documents, maps and indices, which said commissioners may hereafter print, or cause to be printed as aforesaid; also, that the clerk of the assembly be directed to furnish said commissioners of record with a copy of this resolution. INDEX. Abyssinian Baptist Church. In City of New York, incorporated, Academies. PAGE. 954 Act relative to distribution of public funds to, amended, 965 Dividends to Stockholders of, and other Institutions of 1151 965 Halfmoon, sale and conveyance of property owned by, 336 972 Auditing of, by Board of Supervisors of Montgomery 916 Of Sheriffs, deputies, justices and constables of Oneida 418 Acts confirmed. Of Board of Supervisors of Fulton county,.. 510 |