AN ACT relating to salaries of County Commissioners in counties having a population of not less than 34,900 and not more than 35,400, as shown by the 1920 Federal Census, and with an assessed valuation of not less than $38,000,000.00, as shown by the assessment rolls of the preceding year. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA: County Commissioners-Salary. Section 1. In all counties in the State of Oklahoma, having a population of not less than 34,900 and not more than 35,400, as shown by the 1920 Federal Census, and with an assessed valuation of not less than Thirty-eight Million ($38,000,000.00) Dollars, as shown by the assessment rolls of the preceding year, in addition to the annual salary now provided by law, the members of the Board of County Commissioners shall receive the sum of Six ($6.00) Dollars, for each day's actual and necessary service in overseeing road and bridge work in their counties, but not to exceed Two Hundred (200) days each in any fiscal year. Providing, that all claims under this Act shall be so itemized, as to show the dates on which the services were rendered, the road or bridge inspected and the distance traveled in making such inspection. Provided, that the provision of this Bill shall not take effect during the term for which the present Board of County Commissioners were elected. Approved March 14, 1924. CHAPTER 67. SENATE BILL NO. 102. Traveling Expenses of District Judges and Reporters AN ACT making appropriation to pay traveling expenses of District Judges and Reporters while holding court within their respective Districts, but outside of the county of their actual residence, and while holding court outside of their respective districts on assignment of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, providing rules regulating Assignment of District Judges outside of their respective districts by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and declaring an emergency. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA; Section 1. In addition to the amounts heretofore appropriated for that purpose, there is hereby appropriated out of any money in the State Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, the sum of Six Thousand, Five Hundred ($6,500.00) Dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay expenses of District Judges and Reporters while holding Court within their respective districts, but outside of the County of their actual residence, and while holding Court outside of their respective districts on assignment of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, as follows: Provided, however, that before any claim shall be paid out of this appropriation the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall investigate and audit such claim, and if found to be a legitimate claim against the State, endorse his approval thereon, otherwise such a claim shall be disallowed: Expenses of District Judges and Reporters while holding Court within their respective districts, but outside the County of their actual residence, during the year beginning July 1, 1923--- --$2,500.00 Expenses of District Judges and Reporters while holding Court outside of their respective districts on assignment of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, during the year beginning July 1, 1923$2,500.00 Expenses of District Judges and Reporters while holding Court within their respective districts, but outside of the County of their actual residence for the year end. ing June 30th, 1923___ Emergency. -$1,500.00 Section 2. It being immediately necessary for the preserva tion of the public peace, health and safety, an Emergency is hereby declared to exist, by reason whereof this Act shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval. AN ACT amending Sections 2 and 6, of Chapter 26, of Session Laws of 1923, relating to Superior Courts in certain counties, and declaring an emergency. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA: Superior Court-District Judge-Clerk-Reporter. Section 1. Section 2, of Chapter 26, of the Session Laws of 1923, is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 2. That said Court shall be held and presided over by the regular District Judge within and for the Judicial District including such County, and such Judge is hereby given, and shall exercise the power to designate the time when such terms of Court shall be held so as not to conflict with any of his other Courts in such judicial district; and provided, that the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of Oklahoma may assign any other District Judge of the State to preside over said Court in the same manner that such District Judge may be assigned to preside over any District Court of the State. And the Court Clerk of such County shall be the Clerk of said Court and shall perform all the duties thereof in the same manner and form as is required of him in his duties as Clerk of the District Court; and the Court Reporter of the particular judicial district, employed as the reporter for the district courts of said judicial district, shall act as reporter for said Court in the same manner as required of him by law as reporter for the district courts; provided, that these services shall be performed by said judge, clerk and reporter without compensation, other than than that received by them as district judge, court clerk and district court reporter; that is to say, they shall have no additional compensation for services rendered in said Superior Court. The bond given by said Clerk as Court Clerk shall be liable for his faithful performance of the duties of said Superior Court, the same as required of him by law as Court Clerk." Same-Cases Pending---Transfer. Section 2. That Section 6, of Chapter 26, of the Session Laws of 1923, shall be amended to read as follows: "Section 6. That all cases now pending in the District Court of such County, or that may hereafter be filed therein, and all such cases in the County Court of which said Superior Court may have jurisdiction, shall be by the Court Clerk transferred to such Superior Court, upon the application by motion filed by either plaintiff or defendant in the Court where such case was originally filed; provided, further, that only one transfer of any case shall be had upon the motion of the parties to such action; provided, further, that the presiding judge of either the District or Superior Court may, upon his own motion, transfer or re-transfer any case from the District to the Superior Court or from the Superior Court to the District Court, and there shall be no extra fee charged or allowed for such transfer and refiling of the papers in the court, to which the transfer is made. Cases originally filed in such Superior Court may be transferred from said Superior to the District Court in like manner and form, as herein provided, for transfer to the Superior Court." Emergency. Section 3. It being immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, by reason whereof this Act shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval. Approved March 14, 1924. CHAPTER 69. SENATE BILL NO. 105. Murray State School of Agriculture-Course of Instruction. AN ACT providing for control of the Course of Instruction in Murray State School of Agriculture, located at Tishomingo, and declaring an emegency. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA: Murray State School of Agriculture-Studies. Section 1. That the Murray State School of Agriculture. located at Tishomingo, Johnston County, Oklahoma, shall hereafter be known as the Murray State School of Agriculture, and shall be governed, managed and controlled by the State Board of Agriculture, and in addition to the secondary subjects now authorized to be taught in said school, the State Board of Agriculture is hereby authorized and empowered to provide and establish two (2) years of additional college work, and all such work shall include courses in Agriculture, Dairying, Animal Husbandry, Science, Mechanical Art, Home Economics, Educational and other allied and auxiliary subjects. Emergency. Section 2. It being immediately necessary for the preservation of the public health, peace and safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, by reason whereof this Act shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval. Approved March 17, 1924. CHAPTER 70. SENATE BILL NO. 106. Confederate Home-Boilers. AN ACT making Appropriation for the purchase and the installing of a new boiler and repairs of the boiler now in use at the Confederate Home, located at Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma, and declaring an emergency. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA: Appropriation. Section 1. There is hereby appropriated out of any money in the State Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, the sum of Four Thousand ($4,000.00) Dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purpose of repairing the old boiler and purchasing and installing a new boiler for the use and benefit of the Oklahoma Confederate Home, located at Ardmore, Carter County, Oklahoma. Emergency. Section 2. It being immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, by reason whereof this Act shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval. Approved March 14, 1924. CHAPTER 71. SENATE BILL NO. 112. Leasing of Soldiers' Tubercular Sanitorium, Sulphur, Oklahoma. AN ACT authorizing the leasing or conveyance to the United States of America, of the real property, the improvements situated thereon, together with all or any part of the apparatus, equipment, furniture and fixtures, comprising and now used by the State of Oklahoma as the Soldiers' Tubercular Sanatorium, at Sulphur, Oklahoma, empowering and directing the Soldiers' Relief Commission of the State of Oklahoma to negotiate with, and contract for the leasing or conveyance thereof, and empowering the Governor of the State of Oklahoma to execute lease or deed of conveyance thereof to the United States of America, and making an appropriation to be expended by the Governor to pay the freight on captured war material. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA : Soldiers' Tubercular Sanatorium-May Be Leased. Section 1. The leasing or conveyance to the United States of America, or to any Bureau Official or Department thereof, as it may direct, is hereby authorized, of the following described real property, situated in Murray County, State of Oklahoma, and now owned by the State of Oklahoma, to-wit: All of Blocks Two Hundred, Sixty-nine (269), Two Hundred, Seventy (270), Two Hundred, Seventy-one (271), Two Hundred, Seventy-two (272), Two Hundred, Seventy-Three (273), and Two Hundred, Seventy-four (274), of the Townsite of the City of Sulphur, Murray County, State of Oklahoma, together with all the improvements thereon and rights and appurtenances thereunto belonging, together with all improvements thereon located, including all or any part of the apparatus, equipment, furniture and fixtures, now used as and comprising the Soldiers' Tubercular Sanatorium, located at Sulphur, Oklahoma, said lease or conveyance to be with or without consideration as is acceptable to the United States of America; Provided, any monies received for such lease or conveyance shall be paid to the State Treasurer of the State of Oklahoma, to be deposited in the General Revenue Fund of said State. Soldiers' Relief Commission-May Negotiate Contract. Section 2. The Soldiers' Relief Commission of the State of Oklahoma, is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to negotiate and enter into contract with the United States of America, or any Authorized bureau official or Department thereof, for the leasing or conveyance of the property described and mentioned in Section one (1), of this Act. Governor-To Sign Deed or Lease. Section 3. The Governor of the State of Oklahoma is hereby empowered to execute and deliver such lease or deed of conveyance to the United States of America, or to such Bureau Official or Department thereof, as it may direct, covering the property described and mentioned in Section one (1) hereof, such lease or deed of conveyance to be signed by the Governor of the State of Oklahoma, attested by the Secretary of the State, and sealed with the Great Seal of said State; provided, that in case the property |