CHAPTER 45 SENATE BILL NO. 35. Corporations. AN ACT providing for the amendment of the articles of incorporation of corporations including the amendment or change in the name of corporations, and amending Section 5306, Compiled Oklahoma Statutes, Annotated, 1921. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA: Corporations-Amendment of Articles-Change of Name. SECTION 1. That Section 5306, of the Compiled Oklahoma Statutes, annotated, 1921, be, and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 5306. It shall be lawful for any corporation organized under the laws of the State of Oklahoma, for which a charter has been issued, to amend its Articles of Incorporation in any particular competent to have been embodied or inserted in the original articles of incorporation of such company, including the amendment of or a change in the name of such corporation; provided, however, that the change in the name of any such corporation shall not change or affect the liabilities or rights of such corporation existing at the time of the change of its name. In order to amend its articles of incorporation, it shall be necessary for new articles to be filed, signed by all the directors and officers of the company which shall be entitled 'Amended articles of incorporation,' which amended articles of incorporation, as to substance, shall fully comply with the provisions of this chapter, and shall contain the amendments desired, set forth clearly and specifically. When said articles are so amended as aforesaid they shall be filed with the Secretary of State, accompanied by a certificate of the County Treasurer of the county or counties, where the Corporation transacts business and a certificate of the State Auditor that all taxes due on the part of the Corporation have been paid, and the Secretary of State shall cause an amended charter to issue, signed by the Governor, and attested by the seal of the State, from which date the amendments shall relate back and be considered and be a part of the original articles of incorporation to the same effect as if originally set forth therein; but nothing herein shall be construed as authorizing an increase of the capital stock by amending articles and causing an amended charter to issue." Emergency. SECTION 2. It being immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, by reason whereof this Act shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval. Approved March 5, 1924. CHAPTER 46 SENATE BILL NO. 41. Geological Survey. AN ACT placing the Geological Survey located at Norman, Oklahoma, under the direction and supervision of the Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma, making an appropriation for said Geological Survey for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1925, repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith, and declaring an emergency. BE IT. ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA: Geological Survey-Board of Regents. Section 1. That the Geological Survey of the State of Oklahoma located at Norman, Oklahoma, is hereby placed under the direction and supervision of the Board of Regents of the University of Oklahoma. Appropriation. Section 2. That there is hereby appropriated out of any moneys in the treasury of the State of Oklahoma, not otherwise appropriated, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1925, the following sums, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purposes herein named, and no other: OKLAHOMA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY, NORMAN, OKLAHOMA. ADMINISTRATION: Office Supplies (including printing announcement forms of publications for sale) 200.00 Motor Vehicle Supplies 250.00 Equipment: Including a report to accompany Colored Geological maps of the State. Gazetteer of Altitude. It is provided, that a charge shall be fixed by the director of said survey, covering the cost of preparation, printing and distribution of the publications for which appropriation is herein made; said moneys so collected from the sale of said publications shall be turned into the State Treasury to the credit of Oklahoma Geological Survey. It is further provided, that copies of all such publications may be furnished without cost to libraries and exchange lists; and be it also provided, that moneys received from the sale of publications in the Geological Survey up to and including June 30, 1923, may be used to defray the current expenses for the Survey. Amounts of money unexpended on that date shall be turned into the State Treasury to the Credit of the Oklahoma Geological Survey. FIELD WORK. Subsurface map of oil region of northeastern quarter of the State, showing gen- Agricultural and soil survey of Texas and Beaver Counties (State Lands): Bills contracted by Oklahoma Geological Survey previous to July 1st, 1923, and still unpaid Total for entire survey Repealing Section. $ 1,500.00 250.00 250.00 500.00 $ 2,500.00 737.35 $15,789.35 Section 3. All Laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Emergency. Section 4. It being immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, by reason whereof this Act shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval. Approved March 7, 1924. CHAPTER 47 SENATE BILL NO. 42. Bank Commissioner. AN ACT to amend Section 4225, Compiled Oklahoma Statutes, 1921, relating to the appointment and term of office of Bank Commissioner, and declaring an emergency. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA: Section 1. That Section 4225, Compiled Oklahoma Statutes, 1921, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "Section 4225. The Governor shall appoint, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, a Bank Commissioner, who has been a tax payer for three years prior to appointment and who shall hold office for a term of four years, and until his successor is appointed and qualified." Emergency. Section 2. It being immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, by reason whereof this Act shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval. Approved March 17, 1924. CHAPTER 48 SENATE BILL NO. 44 State Highway Commission AN ACT creating a State Highway Commission, providing for the appointment of officers and employees, defining powers and duties, providing for the construction and maintenance of a connected system of State Highways, securing to the state the benefit of all present and future Federal Aid that may be offered by the Federal Government, defining the powers of the State Highway Commission; providing for the division and classification of the Highways of the State; taking over construction, repair and maintenance of State Highways by the State Highway Commission of State Funds on State Highways; and of other funds agreed upon by it, and any county or township or citizen; the designation by County Commissioners of county roads, defining and limiting their powers; creating County Highway Fund, and fixing the authority to expend the same and authorizing counties and townships to join in the construction of State Highways, and repealing all Acts or parts of Acts in conflict herewith, and declaring an emergency. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA : State Highway Commission—Members. Section 1. The State Highway Commission is hereby created with offices at the state capitol, and said offices shall be furnished and provided for by the State Board of Public Affairs. The State Highway Commission created by this Act shall consist of three members, not more than two of whom shall belong to the same political party, and said commission shall be appointed by the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, one member shall be appointed for a term of six years, one member shall be appointed for a term of four years, and one member shall be appointed for a term of two years, and upon the expiration of each of the foregoing terms of said commissioners the successor shall be appointed by the Governor for a term of six years, with the advice and consent of the Senate. Any commissioner appointed under the provisions of this Act shall hold office during the term for which the appointment is made, but may be removed from office by impeachment, for wilful neglect of duty, corruption in office, drunkenness, incompetency, or any offense involving moral turpitude committed in office, in the same manner as is provided for the removal of elective state officials and not otherwise. Same-Duties and Powers. Section 2. The State Highway Commission is hereby vested with the powers and duties necessary and proper to enable the commission to fully and effectively carry out all of the objects of this Act, and in addition thereto, shall have the following specific powers and duties: (a) Have supervision of highways and bridges which are constructed, improved or maintained, in whole or in part, by the aid of State moneys, and of highways constructed, in whole or in part, by the aid of moneys appropriated by the United States government so far as such supervision is consistent with the Acts of Congress relating thereto. (b) Prescribe rules and regulations not inconsistent with this Act or other laws of the State of Oklahoma, fixing the duties of all persons employed by the State Highway Commission, and prescribing the manner of co-operation between county, township and city officials with the State Highway Commission. (c) Investigate and determine upon the various methods of road and bridge construction to the different sections of this State and as to the best methods of construction and maintenance of state highways and bridges. (d) Aid at all times in promoting highway improvement and maintenance throughout the State. (e) Let, or supervise the letting of, all contracts for construction or improvement of state highways or any contract for road or bridge construction or improvement where the work is being done in whole or in part with federal moneys. State Highway Engineer. Section 3. The State Highway Commission shall appoint a state highway engineer who shall hold office at the pleasure of the commission, and who shall be empowered to appoint such assistant engineers and clerical help as may be by the commission deemed necessary for the proper discharge of the duties of such office. Secretary. Section 4. The State Highway Commission shall appoint a secretary who shall serve at the pleasure of the commission, and whose duties it shall be to keep full and true records of the proceedings of the commision, and who shall be the custodian of all books, maps, documents, papers and files connected with or belonging to the commission. Under the direction of the commission the secretary shall have general charge of its office and shall superintend its clerical business and perform such other duties as may be by the commission required. The commission shall have an official seal and the secretary shall be the custodian thereof, and shall have power to administer oaths in any matter connected with the business of the commission. Assistants. Section 5. The commission, in addition to the appointment of a state highway engineer and a secretary, as herein provided, is also authorized and empowered to employ such other assistants and clerical help as may, in the judgment of the commission, be necessary to fully and properly carry out the objects and purposes of this Act. Oath of Office. Section 6. All members of the commission, engineer, secretary and every other person appointed to office or employed by the commission, shall, before entering upon the duties of his or her office or employment, take and subscribe to an oath or affirmation to support the constitution of the United States and of the State, and to faithfully and honestly discharge the duties of such office or employment. No member of the commission, engineer or other person appointed or employed by the commission shall have any pecuniary interest in the sale of road or bridge building materials, tools, ma |