the purpose of investigating into the conduct of members of the House of Representatives of the Ninth Session of the Oklahoma Legislature in extraordinary session; and, WHEREAS, said Committee pursuant to the authority conferred upon it by said resolutions and the laws and Constitution of Oklahoma, has conducted an investigation into certain charges of misconduct, malfeasance and oppression in office made against Murray F. Gibbons, Speaker of the Ninth Regular Session of the Oklahoma Legislature, and a member from McClain County, Oklahoma; and, WHEREAS, said Committee has caused the attendance of witnesses to be brought before it and a transcript of said testimony made and transmitted to the House together with its findings of facts and recommendations; and, WHEREAS, it appears from the report of said Committee and from the testimony produced at its hearing, that said Murray F. Gibbons has been guilty of misconduct in office, oppression, malfeasance, misfeasance, and other high crimes and misdemeanors, which justify his expulsion as a member of this body; and, Whereas, it appears from the report of said Committee that the said Murray F. Gibbons while serving as Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Regular Session of the Ninth Legislature, commercialized the influence and prestige attached to his position as such Speaker for the purpose of procuring Executive Clemency for one Ira Williams, convicted of the crime of rape, in the District Court of Okmulgee County, Oklahoma, and sentenced to serve a term of twenty-five years in the State Penitentiary at McAlester, Oklahoma; and, WHEREAS, as a result of his activities, solicitations and negotiations and by the employment of certain agents and associates, to-wit: one Kellogg and one Hunter, he procured a parole from the Governor of Oklahoma for said Ira Williams, which parole was issued on April 14, 1923, but withheld from the said Ira Williams until he had paid or caused to be paid to said Murray F. Gibbons, or associates, the sum of One Thousand Dollars; that said money, in fact was not paid until May 3, 1923, at which time the said parole was delivered; and, WHEREAS, it further appears from the report of said Committee that said Murary F. Gibbons by virtue of his position as Speaker aforesaid, was empowered to appoint a committee to edit, compile and print the Journal of the proceedings of the Regular Session of the 1923 Legislature; and, WHEREAS, the said Murray F. Gibbons, as Speaker, has wholly neglected and disregarded his duty with respect to the editing, preparing and printing said Journal, and has been guilty of acts of omission and commission in connection therewith, to the extent that numerous persons have received pay as employees of said Committee, who in fact were never employees of said Committee, and who performed no services whatsoever for said Committee, and the said Murray F. Gibbons in this connection, certified to the correctness of said names on the payroll of said Committee with the result that upon October 10, 1923, the money expended by said Committee in preparing and printing said Journal has reached the staggering sum of $19,555.00, in comparison with a total cost of $4,576.00 for the preparing and printing of the Journal for the 1919 session, and $9,237.50 for the printing and preparing of the Journal of the 1921 Session of the Oklahoma Legislature; that said Murray F. Gibbons, while purporting to act as Chairman of said Committee on the Journal, devoted but little service to said Committee and absented himself from the State of Oklahoma at one time for from two to three weeks, during which time he continuously drew his per diem of $6.00 and $4.00 for expenses; and, WHEREAS, it further appears from said report of Committee that said Murray F. Gibbons, while still a member of the Legislature of Oklahoma, accepted an appointment from J. C. Walton, Governor of Oklahoma, on or about October 1, 1923, as a Major in the Oklahoma National Guard or State Militia, and acting under orders from J. C. Walton, Governor, proceeded to Sulphur, Murray County, Oklahoma, on October 1st, and there employed certain military forces of the State of Oklahoma to prevent the holding of the election regularly called and held within the State of Oklahoma on October 2, 1923, for the purpose of permitting the electors of the State to vote upon certain initiated measures and amendments to the Constitution of Oklahoma; that by virtue of his purported authority as said Major, in command of the military forces, he interfered with the election officials of Murray County by intimidation, oppression and for the purpose of overawing the citizens of Murray County, stationed a guard at a room in the Court House, containing the election supplies and ballot boxes, and planted a machine gun in close proximity to said Court House, all of which was in violation of the laws of the State of Oklahoma. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved; by the House of Representatives of the State of Oklahoma, that Murray F. Gibbons, be placed on trial before the House. Be It Further Resolved; that a copy of this Resolution, together with the report of said Committee be spread upon the Journal of this House; and Be It Further Resolved; That a copy of these resolutions be furnished to the said Murray F. Gibbons, and that the Speaker of the House of Representatives fix a reasonable time in which to allow the said Murray F. Gibbons to show cause, if any he has, why he should not be expelled as a member of this House. Adopted by the House of Representatives November 23, 1923. CHAPTER 28. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 16. Commemorating Death of H. S. P. Ashby A RESOLUTION commemorating the death of Hon. H. S. P. Ashby. To the Honorable Speaker of the House of the Extraordinary Session of the Ninth Legislature: WHEREAS, it has pleased the Supreme Lawgiver of the Universe to remove from our midst the Honorable H. S. P. Ashby of Octavia, Le Flore County, Oklahoma, one of our most worthy citizens; and WHEREAS, Honorable H. S. P. Ashby was a member of the House of Representatives from Marshall County in the First Legislature, and from Pushmataha County in the Third and Fourth Legislature; and WHEREAS, He was one of the most efficient and honorable members; and WHEREAS, his life as a citizen is worthy of our emulation; Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that we profoundly regret the loss of such a model citizen; and Be It Resolved, that H. S. P. Ashby was one of nature's noblemen, a big-hearted, big-brained, manly man, and one of which the State of Oklahoma, or any other commonwealth might have been proud. Be It Further Resolved; that a copy of this resolution be printed in the House Journal, and an engrossed copy be sent to the deceased's nearest relative, and that a page of the Journal be set aside in memory of the Honorable H. S. P. Ashby. Adopted by the House of Representatives January 14, 1924, CHAPTER 29. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 17. Recommending Removal of John B. Campbell. A RESOLUTION recommending the removal of John B. Campbell as head of the Federal Truck Department of the State of Oklahoma. WHEREAS, the Investigating Committee, appointed by the Honorable Speaker and confirmed by the members of the House, has, during its investigation, discovered many irregularities in the departments of certain appointive officials; and, WHEREAS, John B. Campbell is the duly appointed, qualified and acting head of the Federal Truck Department; and, WHEREAS, Paul Nesbitt, head of the Highway Department, is the person who has the appointive power in said Federal Truck Department; and, WHEREAS, the Investigating Committee has discovered many irregularities in the conduct of the Federal Truck Department, a summary report and audit of this department by D. C. Patterson is hereto attached and by reference made a part of this report and resolution; and, WHEREAS, it appears that the said John B. Campbell has been guilty of divers acts, in which he has violated the rules and regulations of the Federal Truck Department, which involves the accounts of said department; and, WHEREAS, it appears that he has sold to himself two automobiles, one a Dodge car No. 595771 for $100.00 and one Cadillac No. 5-R-634, both of said cars having been bought by the said John B. Campbell from the Federal Truck Department, of which he is the head, at and for a sum greatly lower than the actual value of said property; and, WHEREAS, it appears that the said John B. Campbell sold to one C. F. Bates a Hudson touring car, Engine No. 31606, for a sum greatly less than its actual value; and, WHEREAS, said acts are in direct violation of the rules and regulations of the Federal Truck Department: Now, Therefore, Be It the Sense of the Investigating Committee, that we do recommend to the House that they adopt this report and resolution, recommending to Paul Nesbitt, head of the Highway Department of the State of Oklahoma, that he remove from office the said John B. Campbell. Adopted by the House of Representatives November 26, 1923. CHAPTER 30. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 19. Resolution Providing for Trial of Guy L. Sigler. A RESOLUTION providing for the placing of Guy H. Sigler, member from Carter County, on trial before the House of Representatives. WHEREAS, a Committee composed of J. N. Voorhees, Jess Pullen, Price Thompson, W. J. Otjen, A. K. Berry, L. A. Eberhart (sic) and C. D. Lewis, were appointed by the Honorable Speaker of the House of Representatives, for the purpose of investigating into the conduct of members of the House of Representatives of the Ninth Session of the Oklahoma Legislature in extraordinary session; and, WHEREAS, said Committee pursuant to the authority conferred upon it by the said appointment and the laws and Constitution of Oklahoma, has conducted an investigation into certain charges of misconduct in office made against Guy H. Sigler, member from Carter County, Oklahoma, of the House of Representatives of the Ninth Session of the Oklahoma Legislature; and, WHEREAS, said Committee has caused the attendance of witnesses to be brought before it and caused their testimony to be transcribed; and, WHEREAS, it appears from the report of said Committee that said Guy H. Sigler has been guilty of misconduct in office, which justifies his expulsion as a member of this body; and, WHEREAS, it appears from the report of said Committee that said Guy H. Sigler, while serving as a member of the House of Representatives of the State of Oklahoma, during the Ninth Session of the Legislature, commercialized the influence and prestige attached to his position as such member, and the friendship and influence he had obtained; and, WHEREAS, it appears, while serving as a member of the House of Representatives, said Guy H. Sigler was an active and warm supporter of Governor J. C. Walton, and that said Guy H. Sigler commercialized the influence and prestige and power attached to his position as a member of the House of Representatives for the purpose of procuring various acts of executive clemency, the total number being to the Committee unknown, these acts being procured not for deserving persons, but because of large fees paid therefor to said Guy H. Sigler, among the acts of executive clemency obtained being the following: The parole of Pearl Hicks; the pardon of Harry Sipes; the pardon of C. I. Sherman, and others to the Committee unknown; and, WHEREAS, as the result of the procuring of such acts of executive clemency by said Guy H. Sigler, the granting of pardons and paroles by the Governor of the State of Oklahoma was brought into disrepute, and the law enforcement in Carter County was seriously impeded, and the procuring of the various acts of executive clemency by said Guy H. Sigler tended to obstruct the enforcement of law and the administration of justice and seriously interfered with good government in the State of Oklahoma, and tended to and did bring the granting of pardons and paroles and acts of executive clemency by the Governor of the State of Oklahoma into disrepute: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Oklahoma that said Guy H. Sigler be placed on trial; and, Be It Further Resolved that a copy of this Resolution, together with the report of said Committee, be furnished to the said Guy H. Sigler, and that the House of Representatives fix a reasonable time in which to allow the said Guy H. Sigler to show cause, if any he has, why he should not be expelled as a member of this House and that the House take such action thereon as it may deem proper. Adopted by the House of Representatives December 4, 1923. CHAPTER 31 HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 20. Resolution Vacating Seat of W. Perry Miller. A RESOLUTION to declare vacant the seat of W. Perry Miller of Muskogee County. WHEREAS, W. Perry Miller the duly elected Representative from Muskogee County to the Ninth Legislature qualified as such Representative on or about the 9th day of January, 1923, and, WHEREAS, the said W. Perry Miller has not attended the sessions of the 9th Legislature, Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the said W. Perry Miller be declared not to be a Representative from Muskogee County and that his seat be declared vacant, and a vacancy be declared to exist in the office of Representative for the third member from Muskogee County. Adopted by the House of Representatives December 4, 1923. CHAPTER 32. HOUSE RESOLUTION NO. 22. Secretary of Market Commission. A RESOLUTION concerning the office of Secretary of the Market Commission. WHEREAS, investigation shows that one J. E. Matlock, Secretary of the Market Commission, has used that office for the purpose of personal gain; and |