WHEREAS, the compensation provided for and paid to those, who served in the World War, was less than twenty-five (25%) per cent of the most common of wages paid for daily labor to civilians during the period of the War; and WHEREAS, subsequent to establishment of peace, the National Government has paid to railroad corporations taken over during the War, additional adjusted compensation to approximate amount of Eight Hundred, Twenty-four Million ($824,000,000.00) Dollars, and has paid to war contractors an additional adjustment on war contracts with the Government, of an approximate amount of Seven Hundred Million ($700,000,000.00) Dollars, and has paid to civilian Federal employees an adjusted compensation of Two Hundred, Sixty-five Million ($265,000,000.00) Dollars, and to Federal civilian employees of Army and Navy, an adjusted compensation of Two Hundred, Thirty-five Million ($235,000,000.00) Dollars; and WHEREAS, it is not in keeping with the American policy to discriminate against its citizens, and especially should that not be done as against those who offered their lives and property in defense of the Nation during the World War; and WHEREAS, France, England, Australia, New Zealand, Italy and Canada have heretofore paid adjusted compenstion to their soldiers, sailors, marines and nurses, who served honorably during said War: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONCURRING THEREIN, that the Congress of the United States be, and is hereby profoundly urged to give mature consideration, and to enact a law making an adjustment in compensation to the soldiers, sailors, marines and nurses, who served honorably in the World War, to the end that the patriotic service during the war of the American soldier, sailor, marine and nurse may be on a parity insofar as compensation for service is concerned, with the common daily labor of those in civil life during the emergency; That the Senators and Representatives in Congress from the State of Oklahoma are urged to support such a provision of law; That a copy of this Resolution be transmitted to both branches of Congress, and a copy to each member of the Oklahoma delegation therein. Adopted by the Senate February 2, 1924. Adopted by the House of Representatives February 9, 1924. CHAPTER 156 SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 11. Joint Committee on Dispatch of Business. A RESOLUTION providing for the appointment of a joint committee on the part of the House and Senate to jointly consider and recommend the dispatch of business, to confer with the chief executive, and fix a date of adjournment. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONCURRING That the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Presi dent of the Senate are hereby authorized and directed to appoint a joint committee, of the House and Senate, composed of five members of each house, with the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate as additional ex-officio members; That it shall be the duty of the said joint committee to consider and recommend to each house a program for the consideration and passage of important legislation, and after conference with the Chief Executive, to fix and recommend the date of final adjournment. Adopted by the Senate February 29, 1924. Adopted by the House of Representatives March 6, 1924. CHAPTER 157 SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 13. Resolution Providing for Court Action to Test Constitutionality of Amendment. A RESOLUTION providing for the institution of a Court Action to test the Validity and Legality of the Constitutional Amendment submitted under House Concurrent Resolution No. 18, Chapter 288, Session Laws, 1923, and adopted by the people at the Special Election held October 2nd, 1923, same being an Amendment to Section 9, Article 10, of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma, and directing the Attorney General to Institute the proper Court Action to have said Amendment re-submitted at the next General or Special Election in the event of the Invalidity of said Amendment, and conferring original Jurisdiction upon the Supreme Court of the State of Oklahoma in said Action. WHEREAS, Chapter 288, Session Laws of Oklahoma, 1923, known as House Concurrent Resolution No. 18, authorized and instructed the State Election Board to prepare and submit to the voters of the State of Oklahoma for their adoption or rejection the proposed amendment to Article 10, Section 9, of the Constitution; and WHEREAS, the Amendment proposed by said House Concurrent Resolution No. 18, was submitted at the special election held on the 2nd day of October, 1923, and the tabulated returns of said election disclose that said measure received a majority of the votes cast; and WHEREAS, said Amendment vitally affects the school system of the State of Oklahoma in that it makes the state partially responsible for the support of the public schools through a state levy; and WHEREAS, school districts throughout the state will soon be confronted with the duty of making their annual estimates and budgets of revenues and expenses for the school year 1924-25, and said districts expect to include the income from this amendment in their estimates; and WHEREAS, experience has shown throughout the state that hundreds of school districts throughout the state are unable to maintain their schools under the present system of local support, owing to the inequalities of property valuations in proportion to the number of children in said districts; and WHEREAS, the validity of said amendment may be called into question and in the event of the invalidity of the same, the amendment cannot be again submitted to the voters of the state until said amendment is declared invalid: 1 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: That the Attorney General be and he is hereby authorized and directed to bring and institute civil action to test the validity of the above mentioned Constitutional Amendment, and in the event of the invalidity of said amendment to institute proper civil action in the Courts of this State to cause to be submitted in conformity with the election laws of this state, this Amendment as was proposed in Resolution 18, Session Laws, at the next general or special election held throughout the State. Passed by the Senate March 12, 1924. Passed by the House of Representatives March 15, 1924. CHAPTER 158 SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 14. Resolution Memorializing Congress to Defeat House Resolution No. 178. A RESOLUTION Memorializing Congress to defeat the provisions of House Resolution No. 178, which directs the Secretary of the Interior to pay certain Royalties to the Kiowa, Comanche and Apache Indian Tribes and divert same from the Treasury of the State of Oklahoma. WHEREAS, The President of the United States, on February 25th, 1920, approved an Act entitled: "An Act To Promote The Mining of Coal, Phosphate, Oil Shale, Gas and Sodium on the Public Domain"; and WHEREAS, the Supreme Court of the United States of America has decided that that portion of the bed of Red River, situated South of the medial line of the main channel of Red River, in Oklahoma, is public domain; and WHEREAS, the President of the United States, on March 4, 1923, approved: "An Act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to issue to certain persons and certain corporations, permits to explore, or lease of, certain lands that lie South of the medial line of the main channel of Red River in Oklahoma and for other purposes," which Act extended the relevant portions of the Act of February 25, 1920, to said lands; and WHEREAS, Section 35, of the Act of February 25, 1920, provided wat thirty-seven and one half (372%) per cent of the amounts derived from the bonuses, royalties and rentals, upon lands leased thereunder, shall be paid by the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States to the State within the boundaries of which the leased lands or deposits are located; said money to be used by said State for the support of public schools or for the maintenance of public roads or for other public educational institutions, as the legislature of the State may direct; and WHEREAS, a receiver is now operating certain oil and gas properties in the south half of the Red River, as above described, and has set aside in his royalty account a sum in excess of Eight Hundred Thousand ($800,000.00) Dollars, approximately Three Hundred Thousand ($300,000.00) Dollars, of which, under the pro visions of the Act above referred to, would be paid to the State of Oklahoma, to be used as above recited; and WHEREAS, There is now pending in Congress of the United States, a bill known as House Resolution No. 178, which directs the Secretary of the Interior to pay such royalties to the Kiowa, Comanche and Apache Indians and diverts the payment of the above sum from the Treasury of the State of Oklahoma: Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, That the Oklahoma Congressional Delegation be, and they are hereby respectfully requested to resist the passage of the above named House Resolution No. 178. Adopted by the Senate March 12, 1924. Adopted by the House of Representatives March 13, 1924. CHAPTER 159 SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 15. A RESOLUTION providing for Compiling, Indexing and Publishing Session Laws of the Extraordinary Sessions of the Ninth Legislature of the State of Oklahoma, and for the payment of the cost thereof. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONCURRING THEREIN: That the Secretary of the Senate is hereby authorized and directed to compile, index and publish the Session Laws of the extraordinary sessions of the Ninth Legislature of the State of Oklahoma, or cause the same to be compiled, indexed and published, and that he is hereby authorized to employ all help and to incur all expenses necessary for the completion of the said work; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the cost and expenses of compiling, indexing and publishing of said Session Laws shall be paid out of the appropriations heretofore made for the per diem and contingent expense of the regular session of the Ninth Legislature of the State of Oklahoma, and said fund is hereby made available for that purpose; provided, that all claims shall be approved by the Secretary of the Senate and paid by the State Treasurer out of the said funds on warrants drawn by the State Auditor in accordance with such approved claims; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the cost of said Session Laws to the State shall not exceed $1.25 per volume. Adopted by the Senate March 14, 1924. Adopted by the House of Representatives March 14, 1924. CHAPTER 160 SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 17. Resolution Correcting Senate Bill No. 41. A RESOLUTION correcting and construing Senate Bill No. 41, of the Second Extraordinary Session of the Ninth Legislature of the State of Oklahoma. WHERAS, There appears an error in Senate Bill No. 41, passed by both Houses of the Second Extraordinary Session of the 9th Legislature, and already signed by the Governor; and WHEREAS, There appears in Senate Bill No. 41, the words and figures, as follows: "and be it also provided that moneys received from the sale of publications in the Geological Survey up to and including June 30, 1923;" and WHEREAS, There should have appeared in said Bill in lieu thereof, the following words and figures: "and be it also provided that moneys received from the sale of publications in the Geological Survey up to and including June 30, 1924:" THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE OF THE SECOND EXTRAORDINARY SESSION OF THE NINTH LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA, THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES CONCURRING THEREIN, That Senate Bill No. 41, be construed as to the language above set forth, to read as follows: "and be it also provided that moneys received from the sale of publications in the Geological Survey up to and including June 30, 1924." Adopted by the Senate March 15, 1924. Adopted by the House of Representatives March 15, 1924. CHAPTER 161 HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 9. Act to Promote Mining. AN ACT promoting the mining of coal, phosphate, oil, oil shale, gas and sodium on the public domain. WHEREAS, the President of the United States, on February 25, 1920, approved an Act entitled: "An Act To Promote The Mining of Coal, Phosphate, Oil, Oil Shale, Gas and Sodium On The Public Domain," and WHEREAS, the Supreme Court of the United States of America has decided that that portion of the bed of Red River situated south of the medial line of the main channel of Red River, in Oklahoma, is public domain, and, WHEREAS, the President of the United States, on March 4, 1923, approved: "An Act to Authorize the Secretary of the Interior to issue to certain persons and certain corporations permits to explore, or lease of, certain lands that lie south of the medial line of the main channel of Red River in Oklahoma and for the purposes," which Act extended the relevant portions of the Act of February 25, 1920, to said lands, and WHEREAS, Section 35 of the Act of February 25, 1920 pro |