vancy district of the State of Oklahoma, acknowledging itself to owe and for value received hereby promises to pay to bearer _Dollars ($_____) on the first day of 6 ____ and of 19____, with interest thereon from the date hereof until paid at the rate of _____per cent (____%) per annum, payable. 19, and semi-annually thereafter on the first day of in each year on presentation and surrender of the annexed interest coupons as they severally become due. Both principal and interest of this bond are hereby made payable in lawful money of the United States of America, at the fiscal agency of the State of Oklahoma, in the city of New York. (Here insert a concise and condensed statement of the proceedings up to the issuing of the bond.) This bond is one of a series of bonds issued by Conservancy District No. for the purpose of paying the cost of constructing a system of flood prevention (or for the other works) for said district and in anticipation of the collection of the several installments of an assessment duly levied upon lands within said district and benefitted (sic.) by said improvement in strict compliance with the Conservancy Act of Oklahoma, and pursuant to an order of the board of directors of said district duly made and entered of record. And it is hereby certified and recited that all acts, conditions and things required to be done in locating and establishing said district and in equalizing appraisals of benefits and in and in (sic.) levying assessments against lands benefited thereby, and in authorizing, executing and issuing this bond, have been legally had, done and performed in due form of law; that the total amount of bonds issued by said district does not exceed ninety per cent (90%) of the assessments so levied and unpaid at the time said bonds are issued or any legal limitation thereof. And for the performance of all the convenants and stipulations of this bond and of the duties imposed by law upon said district for the collection of the principal and interest of said assessments and the application thereof to the payment of this bond and the interest thereon, and for the levying of such other and further assessments as are authorized by law and as may be required for the prompt payment of this bond and the interest thereon, the full faith, credit, and resources of said Conservancy District No. are hereby irrevocably pledged. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, The board of directors of__---Conservancy District has caused this bond to be signed by its president and sealed with the corporate seal of said district, attested by its secretary, and registered by the State Auditor of the State of Oklahoma, and the coupons hereto annexed to be executed by the facsimile signature of said president and secretary, as of the_day of_----____19__--. On the first day of Conservancy District promises to pay to bearer____ ca, at the office of the being semi-annual interest due on that date on its conservancy bond dated__ _Conservancy District. NOTICE OF ENLARGEMENT OF DISTRICT. Public Notice Is Hereby Given: day of County of Oklaho (1) That heretofore on the 19____, in the district court of ma, duly entered a final decree erecting and creating____. Conservancy District and appointing a board of directors therefor. (2) That thereafter this court duly appointed: to be the board of appraisers for said district; that said board of appraisers on the ____day of 19-, filed their report recommending the following described lands not originally included in the district, be added thereto: (Here describe generally the lands which the report of the board of appraisers recommends should be added to the district.) day of (3) That on the 19----, (or as soon thereafter as the convenience of the court will permit) at the court house in___ Oklahoma, the district court of- County, Oklahoma, will hear all persons and public or private corporations who are owners of or interested in the property described in this notice upon the question whether said lands should be added to and included in said Conservancy District. Court Clerk, District Court, ___County, Oklahoma. FORM OF CERTIFICATE OF LEVY OF ASSESSMENTS: County, Oklahoma: This is to certify that by virtue and under the authority of the Conservancy Act of Oklahoma, the board of directors of_-----Conservancy District have and do hereby levy the sum of Dollars ($________) which said assessment bears interest as provided by law and is payable in installments, with interest as follows: (Here insert.) You are further notified that for the account of the maintenance fund, for the year 19, this board has levied the sum of Dollars ($__________.) The amounts of said levies upon the several parcels of land upon which the same are imposed are set forth upon the schedule hereto attached, marked Conservancy District Assessment Book. The said assessment shall be collectable and payable the present year in the sums herein specified at the same time that the state and county taxes are due and collectable and you are directed and ordered to warrant and require the treasurer of County, Oklahoma, to demand and collect such assessments as provided by law, and this Conservancy Assessment Book shall be your authority and the authority of the treasurer to make such collections. Witness, the signature of the president of said board of directors, attested by the seal of said corporation and the signature if its secretary, this the-day of----------19----. (SEAL) Secretary. Approved March 28, 1924. President. CHAPTER 140 SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 4. Appropriation to Pay for Slaughtered Cattle. A Resolution making an appropriation to reimburse cattle owners of Oklahoma for Tuberular cattle slaughtered by order of the State Board of Agriculture during the Fiscal Year ending June 30th, 1922, and declaring an emergency. WHEREAS, During the fiscal year of 1922, the Board of Agriculture, by proper order, slaughtered a number of tubercular cattle, the value whereof is in the sum of Thirty-one thousand, Four Hundred Forty-two Dollars and Ninety-four cents ($31,442.94), to which sum the owners of said cattle are entitled under existing State Statutes, and have not been paid, for the reason that no appropriation has been made therefor: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE AND THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA: Appropriation. Section 1. That there is hereby appropriated out of any monies in the General Fund of the State Treasury, not heretofore appropriated, the sum of Thirty-One Thousand, Four Hundred Forty-two Dollars and Ninety-Four Cents ($31,442.94), for the purpose of liquidating the claims of owners of tubercular cattle slaughtered by order of the Board of Agriculture for and during the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1922; provided, however, that none of said money shall be expended in the payment of any claims for segregated tubercular cattle. Emergency. Section 2. It being immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, by reason whereof this Act shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and approval. Passed by the Senate February 5, 1924. Passed by the House of Representatives March 5, 1924. CHAPTER 141 SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 5. Amendment to Constitution Fixing Per Diem of Members of Legis lature. A RESOLUTION authorizing the submission of a proposed Amendment to the Constitution, to the people for their approval or rejection, said proposed Amendment fixing the per diem of the members of the legislature, limiting the actual working days of the Session, fixing the mileage for necessary travel, and providing that no bill shall be introduced after the sixtieth day of the session, except upon recommendation of the Governor, and being an Amendment to Section 21, of Article 5, of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma, relative to the legislative department. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE NINTH LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA, IN SPECIAL SESSION ASSEMBLED: That the Secretary of State is hereby instructed to prepare and submit to the voters of this State for their adoption or rejection, at the next general election, the following proposed amendment to Section 21, of Article 5, of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma, and to read as follows: Compensation of Members. "Section 21, Article 5. Members of the Legislature shall receive ten ($10.00) dollars, per diem, for their services during the session of the Legislature, which shall be limited to ninety (90) actual working days, and ten (10c) cents, per mile, for every mile of necessary travel in going to and returning from the place of meeting of the Legislature on the most usual route, and shall receive no other compensation. Provided, that no bill shall be introduced in either House after the sixtieth (60th) day of such session, except upon recommendation of the Governor." Adopted by the Senate February 12, 1924. Adopted by the House of Representatives March 15, 1924. CHAPTER 142 SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 8. A JOINT RESOLUTION directing a refund to Coe Davis, County Treasurer of Kay County, State of Oklahoma, from the State Treasury, of certain monies collected by her and erroneously paid by her to the State Treasurer and converted into the State Treasury, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency. WHEREAS, The Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, a corporation, paid under protest to Coe Davis, County Treasurer of Kay County, State of Oklahoma, of the last half of its taxes of 1920, the sum of Two Hundred, Eighty-five Dollars and Eighty-six cents ($285.86); and WHEREAS, said Coe Davis, County Treasurer of Kay County, through error, remitted and paid to the State Treasurer of Oklahoma, the sum of Two Hundred, Eighty-Five Dollars and Eighty-six cents ($285.86), and the same has been erroneously converted into the State Treasury; and WHEREAS, the Supreme Court of the State has held that the tax for which said sum was paid by said Telephone Company, was illegally levied: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE SENATE AND THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA CONCURRING, that said sum of Two Hundred, Eighty-five Dollars and Eighty-six cents ($285.86) be refunded from the State Treasury to said Coe Davis, County Treasurer of Kay County, State of Oklahoma, to be held and disbursed by her as such County Treasurer, as required; and there is hereby appropriated out of any money in the State Treasury, not otherwise appropriated, the sum of Two Hundred, Eighty-five Dollars and Eighty-six Cents ($285.86) to effect said refund to said Coe Davis, County Treasurer of Kay County; and the State Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue his warrant on the State Treasurer in favor of said Coe Davis, County Treasurer of Kay County, Oklahoma, for said sum of Two Hundred, Eighty-five Dollars and Eighty six Cents ($285.86); and said State Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to pay the same. Emergency. It being immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, by reason whereof this Act shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. Adopted by the Senate February 12, 1924. Adopted by the House of Representatives March 6, 1924. |