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JANUARY 8, 1901.

To the Senate and House of Representatives:

THE law requires that the governor shall communicate to every session of the Legislature, by message, the condition of the state, and recommend such measures as he may deem expedient, and transmit to each regular session of the Legislature the reports of all the state officers and the officers of all the educational, charitable and penal institutions required by law to be made to him.

In conformity to this requirement of the statute, I take pleasure in saying that the general condition of the state is one of unusual prosperity. During the two years just past, the number of school children has increased from 495,949 to 508,854; we have builded 340 schoolhouses, at a cost of more than half a million dollars, and now have an attendance in our colleges and universities of over 10,000. During the period mentioned, the value of our agricultural and livestock interests has increased from $265,151,756 to $331,254,159, and our bank deposits from $44,847,255 to $61,368,637. It is exceedingly gratifying to know that, notwithstanding our small increase in population during this time, the advance of our material and educational interests has been at a rate unknown in the previous history of the state.

Upon the other hand, there has been but little increase in crime, and the number confined in our penal institutions is but slightly larger than it was two years ago. There has been a decrease of our bonded indebtedness of more than three millions of dollars, and we pay a much lower rate of interest on our public indebtedness. During the time mentioned, the people have reduced their mortgage indebtedness about eight millions of dollars. We have many reasons to congratulate ourselves for the condition that has brought to our people such a large measure of prosperity.


STATE UNIVERSITY.-The increased attendance at the university is followed by a demand for additional room and increased facilities. The enrolment for the year commencing September, 1898, was 1062, for the year 1899 was 1150, and for the year 1900 promises to be 1200. The chancellor and board of regents unite in saying that an increased appropriation for the proper maintenance of the university will be necessary. They claim that for several years the teaching force has

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