HYMNS OF THE FAITH (DHAMMAPADA) Being an Ancient Anthology Preserved in the Short Collection of the Sacred "This celebrated ancient anthology of Buddhist devotional poetry was com- "If ever an immortal classic was produced upon the continent of Asia, it is THE OPEN COURT PUBLISHING CO., CHICAGO, ILL. LONDON: KEGAN PAUL, Trench, TrÜBNER & Co., LTD. Foundations of Geometry A systematic discussion of the axioms upon which the Euclidean Geometry is Recently Published! Defining the elements of geometry, points, straight lines, and planes, as abstract things, Professor Hilbert sets up in this book a simple and complete set of independent axioms defining the mutual relations of these elements in accordance with the principles of geometry; that is, in accordance with our intuitions of space. The purpose and importance of the work is his systematic discussion of the relations of these axioms to one another and the bearing of each upon the logical development of the Euclidean geometry. The most important propositions of geometry are also demonstrated and in such a manner as to show exactly what axioms underlie and make possible the demonstration. The work is therefore not only of mathematical importance as a contribution to the purifying of mathematics from philosophical speculation, but it is of pedagogical importance in showing the simplest and most logical development of our analysis of space relations. THE OPEN COURT PUBLISHING CO., LONDON: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., Ltd. CHICAGO, 324 Dearborn St. A QUARTERLY MAGAZINE DEVOTED TO THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE VOLUME XIII CHICAGO THE OPEN COURT PUBLISHING COMPANY LONDON AGENTS: KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRÜBNER & CO., LTD. CONTENTS OF VOLUME XIII. ARTICLES AND AUTHORS. Arréat, Lucien. Literary Correspondence (France), 114, 586; Religion in Attention, The Problem of. By O. Kuelpe... Biology, The Contrary and the Contradictory in: A Study of Vitalism. By Budge, E. A. Wallis. Neter, the Egyptian Word for God.. Bumstead, Arthur. The Risen Christ at Damascus..... Cagliostro A Study in Charlatanism. By Henry R. Evans.. Carus, Paul. Theology as a Science, 24; The Problem of Consciousness, 69; The Philosophical Foundations of Mathematics, 273; The Foundations Chamberlain, Alexander F. Primitive Theories of Knowledge: A Study in Children in Ancient Israel, The Education of. By Carl Heinrich Cornill.... Christ at Damascus, The Risen. By Arthur Bumstead Consciousness, Notes on. By Paul Robert Shipman. Consciousness, The Problem of. By Paul Carus Cornill, Carl Heinrich. The Education of Children in Ancient Israel.. Danger, The Sense of, and the Fear of Death. By George R. Wilson. Death, The Sense of Danger and the Fear of. By George R. Wilson... Emch, Arnold. A Strange Application of Mathematical Probabilities Energetics, The Theory of, and Its Philosophical Bearings. By John Grier PAGE Hibben, John Grier. The Theory of Energetics and Its Philosophical Bearings 321 Hilbert's Foundations of Geometry. By Oswald Veblen ..... Hyslop, James H. Kant's Treatment of Analytic and Synthetic Judgments.. 331 Kant's Treatment of Analytic and Synthetic Judgments. By James H. Hyslop 331 Knowledge, Primitive Theories of: A Study in Linguistic Psychology. By PAGE Kuelpe, O. The Problem of Attention Literary Correspondence (France). By Lucien Arréat ... .114, 586 Loria, G. Sketch of the Origin and Development of Geometry Prior to 1850. 80, 218 Mathematical Probabilities, A Strange Application of. By Arnold Emch.... 463 Mathematics, The Philosophical Foundations of. By Paul Carus.. Shipman, Paul Robert. Notes on Consciousness, 124; Scientists out of Place, 617 Spencer's Definition of Evolution. By John Benjamin Nichols Sumerians, The Cosmology of the. By H. Radau.... Testament, The Religio-Historical Interpretation of the New. By Hermann BOOK REVIEWS AND NOTES. Aikens, H. A. The Principles of Logic ... 474 Alexander, Hartley Burr. The Problem of Metaphysics and the Meaning of Black, J. S. and Cheyne, T. K. Encyclopædia Biblica. Vol. IV.. Bolland, C. J. P. J. Hegel's Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts. Brooks, H. Jamyn. The Elements of Mind: Being an Examination Into the Budge, E. A. Wallis. A History of Egypt from the End of the Neolithic |