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AN ACT to Legalize the Incorporation of the Town of Lettsville, in H. F. 496. Louisa County, Iowa, the Election of Officers and all Acts Done and Ordinances Passed by the Council of said Town.

WHEREAS, Under and by virtue of the laws for incorporating Preamble. towns, proceedings were had for the incorporation of the town of Lettsville; and

WHEREAS, Doubts have arisen as to the legality of said incorporation and it is pretended full compliance with the statute providing for the incorporation of towns was not had; and

WHEREAS, The council of said town of Lettsville did make and adopt laws, rules and ordinances, for the government of said town, and have performed such other duties devolving upon them, including the levy of taxes as authorized by law; therefore,

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Iowa: SECTION 1. That the incorporation of said town of Letts- Legalized. ville, Louisa county, Iowa, the election of its officers, all laws, rules and ordinances adopted or passed by the council of said town, and all taxes levied, and all official acts of said council and officers not in contravention of the laws of the state, and within the legal limits of the powers of incorporated towns, be and the same are hereby legalized and declared to be valid and binding, the same as though the laws relating to incorporated towns had in all respects been strictly complied with.

SEC. 2. This act being deemed of immediate importance, Publication. shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication in the daily State Register, and the Wapello Republican, newspapers published at Des Moines and Wapello, Iowa, without expense to the state.

Approved, April 3, 1884.

I hereby certify that the foregoing act was published in the Wapello Republican April 10, 1884.

J. A. T. HULL, Secretary of State.



H. F. 443.

Persons and railway cor


AN ACT for Union Railway Depot. [Additional to code, ch. X,
Title 5.]

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Iowa:

SECTION 1. In order to facilitate the public convenience and porations to safety in the transmission of freight and passengers from one organize for railway to another and to prevent unnecessary expense and the purpose of establishing inconvenience attending the accumulation of a number of sta union depots. tions in one place. Authority is hereby given to any number of persons or any number of railway corporations or both persons and railway corporations to form themselves into a body corporate under the general incorporation laws of this state relating to corporations for pecuniary profit for the purpose of acquiring, establishing constructing and maintaining at any place in this state union station houses or depots for freight or passengers or for both with necessary offices for express, baggage, and postal rooms in the same or separate buildings, railroad tracts [tracks] and other appurtenances of such depots. And for May file arti- that purpose may make and file for record articles of associa tion in the manner provided for such corporations in this state, and any railroad company operating a road in this state or interested in the operation of a road in this state, whether organized under the laws of this state or elsewhere may become stockholder in such corporation in the same manner an individual might. Such articles may provide for the business of Business may the corporation being conducted under by-laws to be adopted under by-laws. by the stock holders in which case a copy of such by-laws shall be posted in the passenger or waiting rooms of the depot and in the office of the company.


be conducted

Power of cor

der this act.

SEC. 2. Every corporation formed under the provisions of porations un- this act, shall have power to take and hold for the purposes mentioned in section 1, such real estate as may be deemed necessary by the railroad commissioners for the location erection and construction of their depot and its approaches, which they may acquire by purchase or by condemnation as provided by chapter 4 title 10, code of Iowa 1873, and when condemned and paid for as thereby provided such real estate shall belong to the corporation.

With consent

SEC. 3. Such corporation with consent of the city council of of city council any city or town in this state in which said depot is located, shall have the right to lay its tracks to make necessary connecnections. tion with all railways desiring to use such depot upon the

may make

necessary con

streets or alleys of said city, and by and with the consent of such city council may erect such depot upon or across any such street or alley, but no railroad track can thus be located nor can such depot, be so erected until after due injury to property abutting upon the streets or alleys upon which such railway track is proposed to be located or such depot is proposed to be erected, has been ascertained and compensation made in the manner provided for taking private property for works of internal improvement in chapter four of title ten of the code, subject to the provisions of section 464 of the code.

SEC. 4. Nothing in this act contained, or in the articles of Railroads not incorporation or by-laws, of the corporation herein provided released from for, shall in any manner release the railroad companies using damages. such union depots, tracks or appurtenances from the same liability for all damages by injuries, to persons stock, baggage or freight, or for the loss of baggage or freight, in or about said union depot grounds as if said depot, tracks and appurtenances wholly belonged to and were operated by said railroad companies using the same.

SEC. 5. This act being deemed of immediate importance Publication. shall take effect upon publication in the Iowa State Register, published at Des Moines and the Daily Gate City published at Keokuk.

Approved, April 3, 1884.

I hereby certify that the foregoing act was published in the Iowa State Register April 9, and Daily Gate City April 8, 1884.

J. A. T. HULL, Secretary of State.



AN ACT Providing for the Care and Management of the New Cap- H. F. 544. itol.

Be it enacted by the Genenral Assembly of the State of Iowa.

exclusive care

until com

SECTION 1. That after the adjournment of the present gen- Building under eral assembly, the capitol buildings and grounds shall be under of capitol the exclusive control of the board of capitol commissioners commissioners until the building shall have been completed and accepted by pleted. the general assembly and until some other provision shall have been made by law for the control and management thereof. Provided, that nothing in this act shall be so construed as to Proviso. prevent any officer or board occupying rooms in said building from having the entire control thereof.

Board of commissioners to make provisions for.

SEC. 2. The said board of commissioners shall make all suitable provisions for the heating, lighting, ventilating, cleaning and care of said building; shall cause the rooms that are furnished to be kept cleaned and in proper order for use at all times and see that all parts of the building are kept in good repair; shall make all necessary provisions for the admittance of visitors to all furnished parts of the building during business hours by furnishing the proper escort therefore, Proate and house vided the senate chamber and the hall of the house of represenchambers. tatives shall not be used for any purposes whatever except for legislature purposes.

Admit visitors.

Proviso: sen

Shall report expense to sup't of construction.

Report filed with auditor

SEC. 3. The said board of commissioners shall at the end of each month cause to be made an itemized report of the expenditure necessary in complying with the provisions of this act and when such report shall have been approved by the superintendent of construction or such other person as may have been appointed by the board of commissioners therefor and by the governor, it shall be filed in the office of the auditor of state and warrant shall be issued on the state treasurer for the amounts due the parties entitled thereto as shown by said report, but such expense shall not be chargeable to the appropriation for completing and furnishing the building.

SEC. 4. The board of commissioners shall cause a report to Report to G. A. be made to the general assembly on the first day of the meeting thereof, which report shall contain an itemized statement of the expenditures necessary in complying with the provisions of this act, and shall in addition to the above, report what provisions have been made for the care and management of the building during the session of the general assembly, showing the number of men employed, for what purpose and the price to be paid per day, which provision shall continue until changed by order of the two houses of the general assembly.


SEC. 5. This act being deemed of immediate importance, shall be in force and take effect from and after its publication in the Iowa State Register and Iowa State Leader, newspapers published at Des Moines, Iowa.

Approved, April 3, 1884.

I hereby certify that the foregoing act was published in the Iowa State Register April 9, and Iowa State Leader April 8, 1884.

J. A. T. HULL, Secretary of State.



AN ACT Making Appropriations for the Penitentiary at Fort Mad- H. F. 323. ison.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Iowa:

SECTION 1. That there is hereby appropriated for the pen- $12,075 appro priated. itentiary at Fort Madison out of any money not otherwise appropriated the following sums for the purposes named, to-wit; To complete the steam heating apparatus $3,000.

To transport convicts and furniture for warden's house $2,200.
To contingent fund and repairs $5,000.

To procure iron bedsteads, $1,500.

To purchase porcelain lined cell buckets $375.

Not more than one-half of this appropriation shall be drawn One half to be

during the year 1884.

Approved, April 3, 1884.

drawn in 1884.



AN ACT to Repeal Sections 4013 and 4016 of the Code and to Enact 8. F. 56.
Substitutes therefor Relating to Houses of Ill-fame and to Pros-
titution, and to Enact an Additional Provision Relating to Houses
of Ill-fame and Prostitution and Lewdness.

Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Iowa:
SECTION 1. That section 4013 of the code is hereby repealed
and the following is enacted in lieu thereof:

SEC. 4013. If any person keeps a house of ill-fame, resorted to for the purpose of prostitution or lewdness, such person shall be punished by imprisonment in the penitentiary not less than six months nor more than five years.

SEC. 2. That section 4016 of the code is hereby repealed and the following is enacted in lieu thereof:

SEC. 4016. If any person entice back into a life of shame any person who has heretofore been guilty of the crime of prostitution, or who shall inveigle or entice any female before reputed virtuous to a house of

Penalty for keeping house of ill-fame.

Penalty for enticing females to house of illfame.

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