Counties. Terms. Where held. Laws. TENTH CIRCUIT-Cont'd. Brown......... 2d Monday in December..... Green Bay...... Ch. 33, Laws Special term for whole circuit, 1875. 4th Monday in January.... ELEVENTH CIRCUIT. Ashland..... 1st Tuesday after 1st Monday Ashland.... Ch. 112, L. 1876. 3d Monday in July.......... Barron. 4th Monday in March..... Rice Lake........ Ch. 112, L. 1st Monday in September.... Bayfield....... 1st Tuesday after 2d Monday Bayfield 1876. .... in July*. Ch. 112, L. 1876. 2d Monday in March*.. Osceola. ... Ch. 112, L. 1876. 4th Monday in September*... TWELFTH CIRCUIT. Rock Green...... 4th Monday in April......... Janesville Ch. 143, L 4th Monday in January...... Wednesday next succeed ing 1st Monday in Novem ber..... 1st Tuesday in March........ Monroe... 3d Tuesday in June.......... 1st Tuesday in October....... 1st Monday in February...... Jefferson... Jefferson..... 2d Tuesday in June.... 1st Tuesday in September... 1875. Ch. 143, L. 1875. Ch. 143, L. 1875. THIRTEENTH CIRCUIT. Buffalo....... 1st Tuesday in May Alma. Ch. 2, G. L.. 4th Tuesday in October...... 1876. Eau Claire....... 4th Monday in March... Eau Claire...... Ch. 216, G. 4th Monday in September.. L., 1876. 1st Tuesday in August, spe 34, L., 1868. cial term for circuit.. Trempealeau 3d Tuesday in April........ Galesville Ch. 2, G. L. 2d Tuesday in October...... 1876. *Special term for whole circuit. 2 relating to improvement of Thorn-Apple river... 915 1875 1841, 2 relating to highways and bridges...... 643 1875 203 providing for revision of the statutes. 810 1875 232 1 in relation to elections..... incorporating city of Waupaca... 1875 223 3,4 act to lay out state road from St. Croix Falls to Ashland.. 590 1875 258 1875 299 1,2,3 relating to imspector of Fourth lumber district... 1875 326 1 authorizing dams on Black River... 862 521 641 613 64-LAWS. incorporating Family Protective Association. 962 1870 164 4, 5 relating to Nimakogan and Totogatic Dam Company. 948 1871 338 8 incorporating Wisconsin Valley Railroad.. 608 1872 16 .... incorporating city of Eau Claire. 917 76 relating to protection of lands incorporating city of Janesville. AMENDED-REVISED STATUTES. Chap. Sec. 2 relating to elections. relating to duties of registers of deeds. APPORTIONMENT, of state into senate and assembly districts. APPROPRIATIONS to Atwood & Culver 870 945 897 622, 896 Cadle Home Fish Commissioners Fond du Lac Relief Society Governor, for contingent fund Gray, Ansley Graham, George Griffin, Patrick.. Hayhurst, Taylor S.. Home of the Friendless 595 651 896 627 623 934 623 897 846 ARBUCKLE JOHN, authorized to build dam in Burnett county. 596 ASEMBLY DISTRICTS, apportionment of State into.. 870 ASSEMBLY JOURNAL, act relating to..... 588 ASSESSMENT OF TAXES, act relating to, amended... 914 ATWOOD & CULVER, appropriation to..... 945 B. BANKING, formation of associations for.... BARABOO RIVER, act for the protection of fish. BENNETT, JOSEPH, appropriation to.. county of Burnett authorized to build. C. Page. 853 908 591, 611 636 897 869 594 905 521 643 850 853 649 850 920 CADLE HOME, of Green Bay, appropriation to CEMETERIES, act relating to, amended. 895 614, 618 CHIPPEWA COUNTY, act providing for lien on logs in, amended 913 CHIPPEWA FALLS, city of, of, incorporated 668 CIRCUIT COURT in Winnebago county, act relating to... 812 CLAIMS of Nelson McNeal, appointment of commissioners to investigate... 963 COMMISSIONERS OF SCHOOL AND UNIVERSITY LANDS, to in- COUNTY BOARDS OF SUPERVISORS, relating to powers of. 627 COUNTY FUNDS, act to provide for depositing, repealed....... 898 COUNTY SEATS, act for locating and changing, amended....... 960 D. Page DAM, act authorizing building of, on Clam river, amended 591 at Janesville, act relating to 922 John Arbuckle authorized to maintain in Burnett county 596 John Jacobson authorized to erect. 632 across Little-Wolf river. 594 act authorizing Daniel E. Tewksbury to build, on Clam river, amended 611 629 DEEDS, and other instruments to be numbered consecutively by register of 946 DODGE COUNTY, act relating to county court of, amended. 637 E. EAU CLAIRE, city charter amended ELECTORS, act for registration of amended. of towns to vote for repair of roads and bridges. EMBARASS RIVER, act for improvement of F. FAMILY PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION of Milwaukee, act incorporating, FEES, to garnishees, act for payment of... for warrant issued upon requisition of executives of other states.... 917 862 862 648 591 648 915 593 962 900 938 FELONY, molesting track of railroad to be punished as..... FOND DU LAC RELIEF SOCIETY, appropriation to..... FOURTH LUMBER-DISTRICT, act relating to, amended. |