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City and

CHAP. 190.

AN ACT for the Relief of William Frazer.

Passed April 16, 1830.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

S1. All the rights forfeited by William Frazer, of the town of Shandaken, in the county of Ulster, by his conviction for petit larceny, are hereby restored; and all the disabilities consequent upon said conviction, are hereby removed.

CHAP. 191.

AN ACT authorising the First Judges or any other Judge of the Courts of Common Pleas of the Counties of Rensselaer and Dutchess, of the degree of Counsellor at Law in the Supreme Court, to hold the Courts of Common Pleas in and for those Counties.

Passed April 16, 1830. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

§ 1. The courts of common pleas for the counties of Rensselaer and Dutchess, respectively, may be held by the first judges of the said county courts, or any other judge of the same courts, of the degree of counsellor at law of the supreme court, either alone or with one or more of the other judges.

S2. This act shall be in force and take effect immediately upon the passage thereof.

CHAP. 192.

AN ACT authorising and requiring the Supervisors of the City and County of Albany to raise certain Moneys, for the erection of a building in the City of Albany for City and County purposes.

Passed April 16, 1830.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

S1. The supervisors of the city and county of Albany county tax. shall cause to be raised, levied and collected, in four annual instalments, on and from the taxable property in said city and

county, in the same manner as other county charges are levied and collected, the sum of fifteen thousand dollars, for the purchase of a site and for the erection of a building in the city of Albany, for city and county purposes; which sum, to be raised, levied and collected, shall, from time to time, be paid over to the said mayor, aldermen and commonalty of said city, to be applied for the purposes aforesaid.

S2. The supervisors of the city and county of Albany City tax. are hereby authorised and required, in addition to the fifteen thousand dollars so to be raised as aforesaid, to raise upon the taxable property of said city of Albany, such sum or sums of money, not exceeding in the whole the sum of forty thousand dollars, as the said mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the said city shall, by their resolution from time to time, require to be raised by the said supervisors of said city and county; the amount so raised, to be applied to the purchase of the site and the erection of a building for city and county purposes: and the sum thus required by the resolution or resolutions aforesaid, shall be levied and collected on and from the taxable property in said city of Albany; and when collected, shall be paid over to the said mayor, aldermen and commonalty of said city.

CHAP. 193.

AN ACT authorising the Board of Supervisors of Chenango County to audit and allow certain Accounts therein mentioned, and for other purposes.

Passed April 16, 1830.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

Norwich &

$1. All accounts contracted by the overseers of the poor Towns of of the towns of Bainbridge, Norwich and New-Berlin, in the Bainbridge, county of Chenango, for the support of county poor during New-Berlinthe year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine, shall be audited and allowed by the board of supervisors, at their next annual meeting, to the said overseers, in the same manner as if the Revised Statutes had not taken effect previous to said accounts having been contracted.


$ 2. The overseers of the poor of the town of Greene may Town of at any time before the first day of July next, appeal from the order of the overseers and justices of the peace of the town of Oxford, in relation to the last place of legal settlement of Robert Stillson and family, upon giving notice in the manner now prescribed by law; and upon such determination, the ac

counts for the year one thousand eight hundred and twentynine shall be settled.


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CHAP. 194.

AN ACT authorising Henry Stephens to erect a Dam across the Tioughnioga River.

Passed April 16, 1830.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

S 1. It shall be lawful for Henry Stephens, his heirs and assigns, to erect and maintain a dam across the Tioughnioga river, in the town of Cortlandville, in the county of Cortland, on lot number seventy-six in said town, or near to the southeast corner thereof, not exceeding four feet high above low water mark.

S2. There shall be constructed and maintained in said constructed. dam, a good and sufficient ark gap, one and a half feet lower than the top of the dam, with a good and sufficient apron, so as to render the passage easy and safe for boats, arks and rafts, and of sufficient width to admit of their free passage.

Saving clause.

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S3. Such dam shall not be so constructed as to injure or overflow the land or property of any person, unless the consent of such person be first obtained: and the legislature may at any time alter or repeal this act.

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CHAP. 195.

AN ACT to authorise the Supervisors of the County of
St. Lawrence to raise Moneys to complete their Public

Passed April 16, 1830.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

S1. For the purpose of completing the court-house, jail be raised by and clerk's office in the county of St. Lawrence, and the appendages necessary for the use and occupation thereof, the supervisors of the said county are hereby authorised and required, at their annual meeting next after the passage of this act, to raise by tax upon the freeholders and inhabitants of said county, subject to be taxed, such sum or sums as shall be ascertained, by the commissioners herein after named, to be necessary to complete the said public buildings, not exceeding

in all the sum of six hundred dollars; and to cause such sum as shall by them be determined, to be assessed, collected and paid into the treasury of the said county, as other taxes of the said county are assessed, collected and paid; which said sum, when so collected and paid to the treasurer of the said county, shall remain in his hands, subject to the order of the commissioners appointed by an act passed January 28, 1828, to superintend the erection of the said buildings.

S2. Whenever and as often as the supervisors shall have How to be levied and caused to be collected and paid over to the trea- appropriated. surer of said county any moneys under this act, the commissioners aforementioned shall be, and they are hereby authorised to draw upon the treasurer of said county of St. Lawrence, from time to time, for such sum or sums of money as shall come into the treasury of the said county to be appropriated for the completion of the said buildings; and it shall be the duty of the said treasurer to pay, on the order of the said commissioners, or a majority of them, any sums of money in his hands, appropriated to the completion of the said buildings.


$ 3. The said commissioners shall apply and account for Commission all moneys that shall come into their hands under this act, in ers to ac the like manner as they are required by the act to establish the location of the court-house and other public buildings of the county of St. Lawrence, passed January 28, 1828.

CHAP. 196.

AN ACT to authorise Solomon Roosa to build a Bridge over the Esopus Creek.

Passed April 16, 1830.

The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

$1. Solomon Roosa, of the town of Saugerties, in the Bridge county of Ulster, is hereby authorised to construct and maintain, for the period of fifteen years, a floating bridge across the Esopus creek, in the town of Saugerties, where the public highway crosses the said creek, near the house now occupied by Henry Bogardus.

$ 2. The said bridge shall be so constructed as to afford a How to be safe and convenient passage for loaded wagons, carts and car- constructed. riages, with their teams, and shall have safe and sufficient railings at the sides, and shall be kept in good order and fit condition for passing, during at least nine months in the year: and whenever the said bridge shall be out of repair, or shall be removed on account of damage from ice or floods, the said

Rates of






Roosa shall faithfully keep and attend a ferry during the several hours of the day, with a good and sufficient scow, with hands to work the same, together with sufficient implements for such ferry.

$ 3. The said Roosa, his executors, administrators or assigns, shall be authorised to demand and receive, for the crossing of said bridge or ferry, the following rates of toll: For every four-wheeled pleasure carriage, stage-wagon or post-coach, drawn by two horses, twelve and a half cents; for every additional horse, three cents. For every cart, sleigh or sled, drawn by two horses or other beasts, nine cents. For every wagon, sleigh or sled, drawn by one horse or other beast, six cents. For every man and horse, six cents. For every foot passenger, two cents. For every horse, jack, mule or horned cattle, twelve and a half cents for each score. For every score of sheep or hogs, six and one quarter cents, and in proportion for a less number.

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$ 4. In case the said Solomon Roosa, his executors, administrators or assigns, shall fail to construct or establish a good and sufficient floating bridge at the place above mentioned, according to the true intent and meaning of this act, within three months after the passing of the same, or to keep and maintain the same as required by this act, or to keep and maintain a ferry at the times when said bridge shall not be passable, the court of common pleas of the county of Ulster, upon complaint made after eight days' notice to the said Roosa, his executors, administrators or assigns, shall have the power to examine into the truth of such complaint; and if the same be well-founded, to declare by rule or order, that the terms of this act have not been complied with; and thereupon, the rights and privileges herein granted shall cease.

$ 5. It shall not be lawful for the court of common pleas to grant a license to any person to keep a ferry at the place aforesaid, for any longer period than until such bridge shall be constructed, unless the rights and privileges granted in this act shall be declared as aforesaid to have ceased.

If any person shall be unreasonably hindered or detained in passing said bridge or ferry, the person attending the same, and the owner or proprietor of said bridge, shall be jointly or severally liable to pay to the party injured, five dollars for every offence, to be recovered with costs.

The said Roosa, his executors, administrators or assigns, may erect a gate at or near said bridge, and take the tolls herein before specified, after having obtained and filed in the office of the clerk of Ulster county, a certificate of one of the judges of the court of common pleas of said county, that the bridge hath been constructed and completed in conformity with this act.

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