CHAP. 23. AN ACT to divide the Town of Romulus, in the County of Seneca. Passed February 6, 1830. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: $1. From and after the first day of April next, the territory Division. included within the limits of the town of Romulus, in the county of Seneca, shall be divided into two towns, by a line commencing at the Cayuga lake, on the south line of late West Cayuga reservation; thence west along the same to the southwest corner of said reservation; thence north eight degrees east five chains and twenty-five links to the centre of the highway running west through the farm of Jacob Vreeland thirtyone chains; thence west on the line between George Alexander and Albert Earll thirty-three chains and ninety links to the east line of military lot number sixty-three; thence south two chains and thirty-three links to the southeast corner of lot number sixty-three; thence west on the line of military lots number sixty-three, sixty-eight, sixty-two, sixty-seven, sixty-one and sixty-six, to the east line of military lot number sixty-four; thence north to the northeast corner thereof, and from thence west to the Seneca lake. S2. That part of the present town of Romulus lying south Romulus. of the said division line shall be known by the name of Romulus, and the first town-meeting shall be held at the now dwelling-house of Ira Giddings, on the first Tuesday of April next. $ 3. That part of the present town of Romulus lying north varick erectof the said division line shall be known by the name of Varick, and the first town-meeting shall be held at the now dwellinghouse of Benjamin Lemmon, on the first Tuesday of April next. ed. vided. S4. The supervisors, overseers of the poor and the trustees Funds and of the gospel and school lands of the towns of Romulus and poor to be diVarick, shall, as soon as may be after the first town-meeting therein, upon notice to be given by the said supervisors, or one of them, meet together at such place as the said supervisors shall appoint, and apportion the poor and poor monies, and other funds of said towns, agreeably to the assessment roll of the town of Romulus for the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-nine, and each of said towns shall thereafter support its own poor. 3 Actions how to be commenced. Hearing of tions. CHAP. 24. AN ACT relative to the Superior Court and General Sessions of the City of New-York. Passed February 8, 1830. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: S 1. The provisions of the first and second sections of the first title of the sixth chapter of the third part of the Revised Statutes shall apply to the superior court of the city of NewYork; but this section shall not be so construed as to authorise the commencement of a suit by the service of a declaration on any person residing out of the city and county of New-York. S2. All the powers relative to the hearing of non-enumenonnumerated motions, which, by the sixth section of the act for the establishment of the said superior court, passed March 31st, 1828, are vested in a single judge of the said court, may be exercised by such judge at chambers, under such rules and regulations as the said court may establish. Vol. 2, p. 199. Jurors. Act when to take effect. Comptroller to loan $4,000. S3. The provisions of the twenty-first, twenty-second, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh sections of the third title of the first chapter of the third part of the Revised Statutes, shall apply to the said superior court and the judges thereof. S4. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the city and county of New-York to draw the names of not exceeding eighty-four instead of thirty-six persons, to serve as jurors in the said superior court and court of general sessions respectively, according to the provisions of the twenty-fourth section of article second, title fourth, chapter seventh, of the third part of the Revised Statutes. S5. This act shall be in force and take effect immediately upon the passage thereof. CHAP. 25. AN ACT respecting the Court-House and Jail in the Passed February 9, 1830. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: $1. The comptroller is hereby directed to loan to the county of Broome the sum of four thousand five hundred dollars out of the moneys in the treasury belonging to the capital of the common school fund, on receiving from the treasurer of said county a bond, conditioned for the repayment thereof, by instalments of not more than one thousand dollars, in each of the years one thousand eight hundred and thirty-four, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven, and one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight; and for the payment of interest on said bond annually, at the rate of six per cent. $ 2. The board of supervisors of said county are required Tax. to raise by tax, on the taxable property of said county, in every year preceding the time when said instalments shall respectively become due, a sum sufficient to pay the same; and also in like manner to raise the requisite sum to meet the annual interest, as the same shall become due; and also the interest which may become due on a former loan authorised by law for erecting a court-house and jail in said county, and the moneys so raised shall be applied to the payment of said bond. ers. $3. The money so required to be loaned shall be at all Commissiontimes subject to the order of the commissioners appointed in and by the act, entitled "An act to provide for the erection of a new court-house and jail in the county of Broome," passed April 18th, 1828, and shall be by them appropriated and applied in discharge of their contracts for building the late courthouse and jail, and in erecting and furnishing a court-house and jail upon the site of the one recently burned in the village of Binghamton. $ 4. The said commissioners are hereby required to ac- To account. count with the said board of supervisors for the expenditure of the sum hereby authorised to be loaned. CHAP. 26. AN ACT extending the Time for the Collection of Taxes in the Town of Brooklyn, in the County of Kings. Passed February 10, 1830. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : ed. 1. The time for the collection of taxes in the town of Time extendBrooklyn, in the county of Kings, is hereby extended to the first day of April next; and the collector of said town shall have the like power and authority to collect the said taxes, as be possessed previous to the expiration of the term now limited by law for the collection of the same. Bail to consent. Terms. Writs, &c. S2. This act shall not take effect, unless the bail of said collector shall consent to the extension of the time as aforesaid, by instrument in writing under their hands and seals, and file the same in the office of the treasurer of the said county; or unless the said collector' shall give new security, at the election of the supervisor of said town of Brooklyn; upon the filing of which consent, this act shall go into effect. CHAP. 27. AN ACT relative to the Court of Common Pleas and Passed February 10, 1830. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: $ 1. The present term of the court of common pleas and general sessions in the county of Greene, now held on the first Tuesday of January in each year, shall hereafter be held on the first Monday of February in each year. The present term of the court of common pleas now held on the last Tuesday of May in each year, shall hereafter be held on the last Monday of May in each year. $ 2. All writs, summons, recognizances, and other proceedings in the said court of common pleas of the said county of Greene, made returnable on the last Tuesday of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty, shall be considered as returnable on the last Monday of May in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty; and that all adjournments, appearances, continuances, and notices of any proceedings in said court, shall be held and taken to be made to and for the last Monday of May one thousand eight hundred and thirty, agreeably to the alteration made by this act. Transcripts of judgments. CHAP. 28. AN ACT concerning certain duties of the Clerks of the Passed February 10, 1830. $1. It shall not be the duty of the clerks of the supreme court, to copy the transcripts of judgments sent to them respectively from the several offices; but the said clerks shall preserve all such transcripts, and bind them in books, in a manner convenient for examination and use. docketted be 1830. S2. Upon judgments docketted previous to the first day of Judgments January, one thousand eight hundted and thirty, it shall not be fore January necessary for the clerks of the supreme court to enter satisfaction of said judgments or returns of executions thereon, pursuant to the twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh sections of title four of chapter six of the third part of the Revised Statutes; but such satisfaction and returns may be entered in the manner used before the said Revised Statutes took effect. CHAP. 29. AN ACT extending the Time limited for completing the Passed February 10, 1830. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: ed. $1. The time limited for the completion of the said road, Time extendby the fourth section of "An act to amend the act entitled An act to incorporate the Nassau turnpike company,' passed the 31st day of March 1827, is extended to two years from the first day of June next. in the line of $ 2. The commissioners appointed to lay out said road, by Alterations the third section of said in part recited act, may make such road. alterations in the line thereof as they may deem beneficial to the public, and facilitate the making of said road, upon application to them by the directors of said company for that purpose. restrictions. S3. The said company shall be entitled to the privileges, Privileges & and subject to the limitations and restrictions, contained in title first of chapter eighteen of the first part of the Revised Statutes. CHAP. 30. AN ACT for the Relief of Thomas Wilkie. Passed February 12, 1830. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: $ 1. The time for the collection of taxes in the second ward Time extendof the city of Schenectady, is hereby extended until the fif- ed. teenth day of March next; and Thomas Wilkie, the collector of the said ward, shall have the same powers to collect the |