$2. The treasurer shall pay, on the warrant of the comptroller, to the said Thomas H. Hubbard, a sum not exceeding two hundred dollars, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the repairs, alterations, and erections contemplated by this act. Expense how S3. It shall be the duty of the said Thomas H. Hubbard, Clerk to to render to the comptroller a detailed account, upon oath, of account. the monies expended by him under this act, together with the vouchers for such expenditure, within sixty days after the same shall have been drawn from the treasury. CHAP. 7. AN ACT to authorise the Overseers of the Poor of the Town of Johnsburgh in the County of Warren, to sell and convey a certain lot of land. Passed January 18, 1830. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: S 1. The present overseers of the poor of the town of Johnsburgh in the county of Warren, or their successors in office, are hereby authorised to sell and convey a certain lot of land situate in said town, conveyed by Elijah Ross to the overseers of the poor of said town of Johnsburgh, containing about sixtynine acres, be the same more or less, at the highest price which they can obtain for the same; and the said overseers, or their successors in office, are required to pay the money which they shall receive for the said lot, from time to time, to the treasurer of the county of Warren for the time being; and that the same be applied to the payment of that portion of the poor tax which shall fall to the share of the said town of Johnsburgh, and that the said town be released from the poor tax from time to time, to the amount which shall be so paid in by the said overseers of the poor. 1 СНАР. 8. 1 AN ACT relative to the Line of West-street, between the Albany Basin and Battery Place, (late Marketfieldstreet,) in the City of New-York. Passed January 18, 1830. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: $1. It shall be lawful for the mayor, aldermen and commonalty of the city of New-York, whenever West-street shall be made between the Albany basin and Battery place, (late Marketfield-street,) in the said city, to alter the plan or direction thereof, as heretofore laid out, approved of or agreed upon, in such manner that the line thereof shall run parallel with the line of Washington-street, and that the easterly side thereof shall be one hundred and eighty feet distant from the westerly side of Washington-street, at the termination of the said streets, or Battery place, (late Marketfield-street,) in the said city. CHAP. 9. AN ACT to alter the Time of the Annual Meeting of the Passed January 18, 1830. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: $1. From and after the passage of this act, the annual meeting of the board of supervisors of the county of Westchester, shall be on the first Monday after the annual election in each and every year. CHAP. 10. AN ACT to extend the Time for the Collection of Taxes in the Town of Greenbush, in the County of Rensselaer. Passed January 22, 1830. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact at follows: $1. The collector of the town of Greenbush shall have the like power and authority as is now given by law, to execute his warrant for the collection of taxes, until the ninth day of March one thousand eight hundred and thirty, to which time the said warrant is extended. This act shall not be considered as extending the time for the collection of said taxes, unless the bail of the said collector shall consent to the same, by an instrument under their hands and seals, to be filed with the county treasurer. CHAP. 11. AN ACT to incorporate the Buffalo and Hamburgh Passed January 23, 1830. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: created. S 1. Elijah Leech, Bela D. Coe, Joseph Foster, and their Corporation associates, are hereby constituted a body corporate, by the name of "The Buffalo and Hamburgh Turnpike Company," for the purpose of making a turnpike road, from near the house of Joseph Foster in the town of Hamburgh, on the most eligible route to the village of Buffalo. 2. The said company shall erect and maintain good and Bridge. sufficient bridges, not less than twenty feet in width, over Buffalo creek, Smoke creek, and Rush creek. S3. The capital stock of said company shall be twenty Stock. thousand dollars, to be divided into two hundred shares of one hundred dollars each; and Elijah Leech, Bela D. Coe and Thomas G. Abeel, shall be commissioners to receive subscriptions for said stock. S 4. When said company shall have erected a bridge over Rates of toll. the Buffalo creek, and completed one mile of said road next adjoining the same, they shall be authorised to erect a gate at said bridge, and receive the following tolls: For every waggon or cart drawn by one horse, mule or ox, six and a quarter cents; for every waggon or cart drawn by two horses, mules or oxen, twelve and a half cents; for every additional horse, mule or ox, attached to such waggon or cart, three cents; for every stage-waggon, chariot, coach, coachee, phæton, curricle, or other pleasure waggon drawn by two horses, eighteen and three-fourth cents; for every additional horse attached to such carriage, three cents; for every chaise, chair, sulkey, or other pleasure carriage drawn by one horse, twelve and a half cents; for every sleigh or sled drawn by two horses, mules or oxen, six and a quarter cents, and for every additional horse or mule, three cents; for every sleigh or sled drawn by one horse, mule or ox, four cents; for every horse and rider, four cents; for Additional gate. General powers. Right to repeal. every horse led or driven, three cents; for every score of cattle, horses or mules, twenty-five cents; for every score of sheep or hogs, ten cents, and so in proportion for a greater or less number; for every footman, two cents. But if said road shall not be fully completed within two years from the time of erecting said gate, no toll for the passage of said bridge shall be received until said road is fully completed. $5. When the said turnpike road shall be completed and approved according to law, the said company shall be authorised to erect upon said road, another gate, and receive thereat, in addition, the same amount and rate of tolls as provided in the last preceding section, except for footmen passing said gate. $ 6. From and after the passing of this act, the provisions of title first of chapter eighteenth of the first part of the Revised Statutes, shall take effect and apply to the said company. $7. It shall and may be lawful for the legislature, at any time, to alter, modify, or repeal this act. Three months allowed to file certain CHAP. 12. AN ACT concerning Masters in Chancery. Passed January 25, 1830. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: S1. In all cases where a reference was pending before a master in chancery, on the thirty-first day of December last, or reports, &c. where he had advertised any real or personal property for sale under a decree or order of the court of chancery, or either of the courts of equity, on or previous to that day, he may proceed on such reference, or with such sale, and to pay over the proceeds thereof, and make and file his report, at any time within three months after the said thirty-first day of December last. Court may $ 2. The court of chancery, on sufficient cause shown, may extend the extend the time for such master to complete the report or proceedings in any particular case beyond the three months. time. Proceedings $3. All proceedings on any such reference or order for sale nade valid. previous to the passage of this act, shall be valid and effectual, and of the same force as if the term of office of such master had not expired. Power of after in simiJar cases. S 4. When the term of office of any master in chancery shall court here- hereafter expire while a reference is pending before him, or after he has advertised any real or personal property or other thing for sale, under a decree or order of the court of chancery, that court may, by a special order, authorise him to proceed in such reference, or to complete such sale, and pay over the proceeds thereof, and to make and file his report, within such time as the chancellor or vice-chancellor making such order deems reasonable, notwithstanding a successor in the said office may have been appointed, and entered upon the discharge of the duties of said office. S 5. This act shall be in force and take effect immediately This act upon the passage thereof. CHAP. 13. AN ACT to authorise the Supervisors of the County of Ulster to raise money to build a bridge over the Shawangunk-kill. Passed January 26, 1830. The People of the State of New-York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: when to take effect. tax. S1. The supervisors of the county of Ulster, at their next Amount of annual meeting, shall cause to be levied on and collected from the town of Shawangunk and the town of New-Paltz in said county, in the same manner as other town charges are directed to be levied and collected, the sum of twelve hundred dollars; six hundred dollars from the town of Shawangunk, and six hundred dollars from the town of New-Paltz; to build a bridge over the Shawagunk-kill, at the village of Tuthilltown, on the state road leading from Albany to Goshen, in the same place where the old bridge now stands, partly in the town of Shawangunk and partly in the town of New-Paltz in said county; and the collectors of said towns shall pay the sums of money levied upon each of their respective towns, when collected, to the commissioners hereinafter named, and take their receipts for the same. ers to build $2. David M'Kinstry, John H. Dubois, Henry Denton, CommissionRobert Jardon, Jonas Hasbrouck, Jacob Hardenbergh and bridge. Nathan Harlow, are hereby appointed commissioners to superintend the building and completing of the said bridge, and they are hereby vested with power to contract for the materials and workmanship of the same; and the said commissioners shall, before they enter upon their duties as aforesaid, execute a bond to the supervisors of said towns, in the penal sum of twenty-four hundred dollars, conditioned for the faithful discharge of their duties under this act. 33. It shall be the duty of the said commissioners, within To account. two years after the passage of this act, to account to the supervisors and town clerks of said towns, for all monies expended |