In primis Sir Richard Howghton Knight towards the benefytt of the same Scoole hath given Item towards the benefytt of the said Scoole the said Mr. Fleetwood hathe geven the vjli xiijs iiijd Collectors appointed for Colleccion of the moneye afforsayd for the use of the said Scoole by the consent of the said Governors viz. Henrye Mawdesly & John Gellibrond to be generall receevors of such benevolences as are or shalbe geven to thuse of the said Scoole. Memorandum that the some of xxli was due and paiable to the said Governors by one obligacion made by one Lawrence Heye and others at and upon the laste deye of December 1598, which was not paid accordinglye but onlye the some of xxx8 which is paid to the Ussher of the said Scoole for the forbearinge thereof for three quarters of the saide yeare from the last of December last and the some of xs resteth due at Michaelis nowe next for the last quarter of the same yeare. Memorandum that the daie and year abouesaid it is ordered by the sayd Governers that yf the said some of xxli mencioned in the said obligacion be satisfyed and paid unto the said Governors upon the last of December nowe next that then the said Obligacion to be voyde and redeliured unto the said parties, and yf they will geue warninge at or before the Feast of St. Michaell tharchangell now next unto Mr. Walche now Vickar there or the Collectors afforenamed or to ether of them for the having of the same an other yeare yt is agreed that they shalbe taken putting in good securetie for the payment of the same, and yf they will not doe the same that then the said Obligacion maye be renewed to the use afforsaid at the discreccion of the said Mr. Walch or the Collectors afforsaid. xxjo die Decembris 1599. Coram Thomas Walmysley uno Justicariorum Domine Regine ad Communia placita Thoma Sowthworth Johanne Osbaldeston armigero Jacobo Lyvesaye et aliis gubernatoribus etc. This day it appereth by the Collectors afforsaid that the said obligacion of bound of xxli principal was renued and a newe bounde thereof made & taken, & the same deliuered and putt in to Coustody with other evidences for the same Scoole in the cheeste & the olde bounde redeliuered. Item it is acknowledged the daye afforsaid that James Lyvesaye gent. hathe paid to the Ussher of the said Scoole the some of xxs to hym geven of benevolence as afforsaid accordinge to an order thereof. Item that the obligacion of Mr. Richard Houghton gent. is renued and the same is nowe deliuered in to the cheeste and the olde bounde redeliuered. Item it is thought meete that the some of twentye nobles nowe received of the benevolence of Mr. William Fleetwood esqwyre together with xxs gyven by one Giles Shorrocke of Blackburne shalbe deliuered unto the hands of the said tooe Collectors and the benefytt thereof to be bestowed and hadd to the use of the said Ussher. Item it is thought good by the consent of the Governers then present that John Crosse of Over Derwen gent. shalbe a Governer & is so elected and of his benevolence to paie the some of xxs to be imployed by the said Collectors to the use afforsaid together with the somes laste before mencioned. F xvijo die Septembris 1600. Coram Thoma Walmysley uno Justiciariorum Domine Regine de Banco Johanne Osbaldeston et Willelmo Fletewood Armigeris et aliis gubernatoribus etc. This day it is thought good by the Gouernors aforesaid that all bonds made for any money belonging to the said Schole shalbe from Michelmas next renewed for one whole yeare & upon payment of such money as shalbe then due for the forbearance thereof their ould bonds to be redeliuered. And also it is now ordered that all such as have any of the Schole money in thir hands and haue not entered into bonde for the payment of the same againe, shall nowe from Michelmes next enter into bond with two sufficient suerties for the payment of the same. And Mr. Lyvesay Mr. Astley John Clayton Henry Madisley John Gelibrond Richard Lawe & Henry Felden are desired to se the said bonds taken in the names of the Governors. Vicesimo nono die Septembris Anno Regni Elizabeth Regine etc. xliijo [1601]. Whereas there was xxs gyven by Mr. Barnard Smythe and other xxs by John Crosse in benevolence to the Schoole aforesaid the same xls is deliuered into the hands of George Asmall for whiche hee haithe gyven his obligacion, and the same is nowe put into the Cheste. Also William Risheton haithe paid this daye xls xjd to the Ussher remnant of a colleccion of Eighte pound, and the other vjli is deliuered to John Elswycke of Mellor gentleman upon his obligacion. And the said xls xjd and also xs in the hands of Edward Gelibrand for the receyte of Mellor is also to be put to the use of the Schoole. Also a bill of xx8 bestowed by yonge Mr. Walmysley is in the hands of the Ussher and the Ussher haithe gyven his bill for it whiche is put in the Chest. Memorandum there is xxxs in the hands of George Boulton of Banckhey for whiche there is nowe noe securetie gyven whiche is to be paid to the Ussher and to be putt out by Mr. Astley and the others. Also there is nowe deliuered to the Ussher by Mr. Astley xlixs whiche remayned in his hands and is to be putt fourthe as aforesaid. Memorandum also that it is agreed by all the Governors nowe present that the obligacions hereafter mencioned vz: one of Lawrence Hey and others for xxli: one of John Gelybrand and others for xli: one of Richard Houghton for vjli xiijs iiijd: one of John Hylton for vijli xiijs iiijd and one of George Asmall for xls: shalbe renewed and securetie gyven vz: Lawrence Anyswoorthe with Mr. Houghton, and Mr. Fleetwood withe Mr. Hylton. And the use of all the somes aforesaid alreadye due and not paid is to be paid to the Ussher. Memorandum that after all this George Asmall aforesaid paid the said xls to the Ussher the daye aforesaid and the said obligacion for the same was deliuered agayne to George Asmall. The names of suche persons as of theire godlye and charitable disposicions bestowed anye benevolence towards the purchasinge of a yearlye rent of twentye pounds for the use of the Free Gramer Schoole of Quene Elizabethe in Blackeburne and the severall somes bestowed by everie suche person. Gylbart Gerrard Knight by his tenants of * - lxvjli xiijs iiijd Thomas Walmysley one of her Majestie Thomas Talbot Esquire of his owne gyfte the some of fyve pounds Edwarde Braddill Esquire of his owne gyfte the some of fyve marks Thomas Sothwoorthe Esquire of his owne Thomas Langton Esquire Baron of Newton xxxli xli vli iijli vjs viijd iijli vjs viijd iiijli vli The Ladye Anne Ratcliffe of her own gyfte the some of William Harwoode Clerke otherwise called Parson Harwoode of his owne gyfte three pounds Thomas Holcrofte Esquire of his owne gyfte Edwarde Walche vicar of Blackeburne of his owne gyfte the some of twentie shillings Edwarde Walmysley gentleman of his owne gyfte the some of twentie shillings * Blank. |