OF THE PROVINCE OF CANADA PASSED IN THE 1443 TWENTY-THIRD YEAR OF THE REIGN OF HER MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA AND IN THE THIRD SESSION OF THE SIXTH PARLIAMENT Begun and holden at Quebec on the Twenty-eighth day of February, in the HIS EXCELLENCY THE RIGHT HONORABLE SIR EDMUND WALKER HEAD, BARONET, GOVERNOR GENERAL. PRINTED QUEBEC: BY STEWART DERBISHIRE AND GEORGE DESBARATS, Anno Domini, 1860. ANNO VICESIMO-TERTIO VICTORIA REGINE. CAP. I. An Act to amend the Act respecting the Representation of the People in the Legislative Assembly. [Assented to 23rd April, 1860.] HEREAS the Cities of Quebec and Montreal are each Preamble. represented by three Members, and the City of Toronto by two Members, in the Legislative Assembly, and it is expedient that the said Cities respectively should be divided into Electoral Divisions each of which may be represented by one Member, as the other Electoral Divisions of the Province now are: Therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows: 1. The City of Quebec shall be divided into three Electoral Quebec diviDivisions, to be called respectively: 1. Quebec West, which shall consist of St. Peter's Ward, Champlain Ward, and so much of Montcalm Ward as lies south of the centre of Artillery street, and its prolongation parallel to La Grande Allée, to the City limits; with so much of the Banlieue as lies South of the said line prolonged to the Western Line of the said Banlieue; ded into three electoral divi sions. Quebec West. 2. Quebec Centre, which shall consist of Palace Ward, St. Quebec Louis Ward, St. John's Ward and so much of Montcalm Ward Centre. and of the Banlieue as will not be within Quebec West or Quebec East; 3. Quebec East, which shall consist of St. Roch's Ward and Quebec East. Jacques Cartier Ward, and that portion of the Banlieue to the North of a line prolonged towards the south-west from the southern |