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FOR Washington's Birthday, Feb. 22 This Big Flag



to any teacher

We have furnished more than 10,000 schools with these beautiful flags free

HAS your school a flag for out-o'doors?
Have you a flag for your room?

No school is really a school without a flag in sight.
Every separate room should have its own to be complete.
There is no reason why you should not have one, for you can
now get the finest kind of a flag absolutely free.
Here is the way:-

First, tell your pupils that, without spending a penny, they can help you get a beautiful flag for their room or school. All will be eager for it. All will be anxious to know how they can do this wonderful thing for you. Then, explain that you will simply divide among them 35 emblematic flag buttons in the beautiful national colors. These they are to sell at only 10 cents each. Friends and relatives will be glad to buy them for shirt waist sets or coat lapel ornaments. Everyone will think them really artistic and worth far more than a dime. In a few minutes each child can do his or her part, and the next day they bring you the money.

That is all they do and almost before they expect it the big flag has arrived as from a fairy godmother.

You see your pupils will do the little work required. All you do is send for the buttons and return the money to us.

So don't delay a day. Write us now. Don't send any money. We will mail the buttons postpaid.

The same day the proceeds reach us we will ship you, all charges prepaid, the fine big flag, 5x8 feet, all bunting, 48 stars not painted but sewed on both sides, sewed stripes,-the kind of flag the Government uses, the kind that stands the weather, the kind that is made to use anywhere, any time, indoors or out. Guaranteed not to fade. The same flag that sells at retail from $4 to $5. Fill out the coupon and send it now. You risk not a penny. We guarantee to please you in every detail.

Read them.

Our United States Flag arrived last Saturday in ex cellent shape. Can say it is the best stitched flag I have ever seen. It is certainly a fine flag for so little work. I can cheerfully and heartily recommend your flag to any school or residence desiring an excellent large sized beautiful flag. It can be used outdoors as well as indoors and there is no danger of fading. I certainly will do all I can for a company having such a great aim. BERNARD C. COGGAN,

Principal of Shipple's School, Big Rapids, Mich.
Have received our picture and are well pleased with
it and consider our efforts to secure it well repaid.
Will recommend you all in my power.
A. GERTRUDE C. DALEY, Assonet, Mass.

Your picture of Lincoln received and I wish to thank you very heartily, on behalf of our school. It is certainly fine and I shall be glad to recommend your plan.

ETHEL MINNARD, Irving, Mich.

The flag is received and please accept our sincere thanks for the same. It is even more beautiful than we expected. Some of the pupils chipped their hands and said, "Hurrah for our flag," as I unrolled the package. ADAM P. FREY, Jordan, Pa.

Received the flag Monday and am pleased to say it is even better than I had dared to anticipate. Shall recom mend your plan to my fellow teachers as I think it is a fine way to obtain a new flag free, for selling the but tons is only a trifle. Thanking you in behalf of my pupils I am,

MABEL C. SAMPSON, West Duxbury, Mass.


Washington and
Beautiful Pictures

If you already have a good flag, the next addition to your room or school hall should be pictures of the patriots,
Washington and Lincoln.
You can get either free with just a little effort on the part of your pupils and without a particle of trouble to yourself.
The plan is the same as for the free flag.

Simpl have the pupils sell 35 buttons of the flag design as described above, or of Washington or Lincoln.
Sd the money to us and we will immediately ship you, all charges prepaid, the picture you want,
-a picture
20, 24 inches, in life-like photo colors, and with neat solid black two-inch oak frame
that you will be proud to hang on your wall.

One of these offers should interest you right now.
Show your progressiveness.

Make your principal and trustees keep you in mind.

Tell us the kind of buttons you want and get the great free flag or picture that will make your room the talk of the school.

Teachers who have taken advantage of this plan are now making extra money writing a few letters for us to other teachers. You can do the same.

Mail this Coupon TODAY.


Anderson, Indi


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