| Samuel Butler - 1744 - 570 páginas
...content the Catholicks, but that She never could learn what ijaould content the Puritans. f. 213, 214. That with more care keep Holy-day, — The wrong, than others the right 'way.'] They were Ki remarkably obftinate in this refpefl, that they kept a Faft upon Chriftmas-day : (fee... | |
 | Samuel Butler - 1750 - 486 páginas
...findmg fomewhat ftill amifs ; More peevim, crofs, and fplenetick, Than dog diftraft, or monkey fick. That with more care keep holy-day The wrong, than others the right way i 415 Compound for fins they are inclin'd to, By damning thofe they have no mind to. Still fo perverfe... | |
 | Samuel Butler - 1753 - 462 páginas
...finding fomewhat ftill amifs : More peevifh, crofs, and fplenetic, Than dog diftracT:, or monkey fick. That with more care keep holy-day The wrong, than others the right way : 215 Compound for fins they are inclin'd to, By damning thofe they have no mind to. Still fo perverfe... | |
 | Samuel Butler - 1757 - 404 páginas
...blâmer d'autres les façons : More peevish , croff, and fplenerick , Than Dog diftraft , or Monkey jlat. That with more Care keep Holy-day The wrong, than others the right way : Compound for Sins they are inclin 'd to , Sy damning thofe they have no mind to. Still fo perver fe and oppojite , As if they... | |
 | Samuel Butler - 1757 - 402 páginas
...d'autres les façons : More peevish , croff, and fplenetick , Than Dog diftract , or Monkey Jtck. , That with more Care keep Holy-day The wrong , than others the right way : Compound for Sins they are inclin'd to , "By damning thofi they htrve no mind to. Still fo perverfe andappojtte , As if they worship... | |
 | Samuel Butler - 1757 - 494 páginas
...fpmewhat ftill amifs : More peevifh, crofs, and fplenetick, Than Dog diftraA, or Monkey fick. Thait with more care keep Holy-day The wrong, than others the right way : :*•. 210. And 'finding fomeiahatftill amij I, .] Mr. Butler defcribes them to the fame purpofe,... | |
 | 1762 - 556 páginas
...fplenetick, Than Dog dillraft, or Monkey fick. That with more Care keep Holiday, Tjie wrong, than oihers the right Way. Compound for Sins they are inclined to, By damning thofc they have no Mind to : Still fo preverfe and oppofite. As if they worfhipp'd God for Spight.... | |
 | Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 348 páginas
...finding fumewhat ftill amifs; no More peevifh, crofs, and fplenetick, Than dog diftraft, or monkey fick ; That with more care keep holy-day The wrong, than others the right way.; Compound for fins they are inclin'd to, z15 By damning thofe they have no mind to i Still fo perverfe and oppofite,... | |
 | English poets - 1790 - 342 páginas
...ufe, as the eating Chriftmas-pies and plum-porridge at Chriftmas, which tliej; reputed finful. That* That with more care keep holy-day The wrong, than others the right way; Compound for fins they are inclin'd to, - J , By damning thofe they have no mind to: Still fo perverfe and .oppofite,... | |
 | John Bell - 1797 - 722 páginas
...plum.porridge at Christmas, which thcy reputed sinful. Canto I. HUDIRRAS. 33 That with more care keep holy day The wrong, than others the right way ; Compound for sins they are inclin'd to, 21 ; By damning those they have no mind to : Still so perverse and opposite, As if they... | |
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