Visible Unity and the Ministry of Oversight: The Second Theological Conference Held Under the Meissen Agreement Between the Church of England and the Evangelical Church in GermanyChurch House Publishing, 1997 - 367 páginas German Protestant and Anglican experts outline and explain the different understandings of episcopacy and oversight which arose during the German and English reformations, and how these have developed since, allowing the reader to understanding how these are reflected in the liturgy and the law of the churches. Their contributions draw on research presented at the second conference held under the Meissen Agreement between the Church of England and the Evangelical Church in Germany. On the basis of these papers and of the work of other recent ecumenical dialogues, the Conference sets out in its report an agenda for future work towards an ecumenical consensus on these issues for the life and unity of the Church as a whole. |
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Ulrich Kühn Das Amt des Bischofs in liturgischen | 1 |
Gordon Roe The Public Roles of those exercising | 2 |
Dorothea Wendebourg The Reformation in Germany and | 49 |
John Findon Developments in the Understanding | 79 |
Mary Tanner The Anglican Position on Apostolic | 108 |
Ulrich Kühn The Office of Bishop in the Liturgical | 135 |
Eilert Herms The Exercise and Understanding | 153 |
Episcopacy in the Church of England | 164 |
Joy Tetley John 13 117 | 212 |
zu einigen ungeklärten Fragen | 231 |
Dorothea Wendebourg Die Reformation in Deutschland und | 274 |
Jan Rohls Apostolizität Episkopé und Sukzession | 303 |
Formularen der Kirchen der EKD | 319 |
Eilert Herms Die Ausübung und das Verständnis | 325 |
Hans Christian Knuth Die öffentliche Rolle eines nordelbischen | 344 |
Reinhard Frieling Bibelarbeit zu Markus 10 Verse 3245 | 362 |
Términos y frases comunes
aller Ämter andere anderen Anglican anglikanischer Anglo-Catholic apostolic succession apostolische Sukzession apostolischen Archbishop Aufgaben baptism Bischof bischöfliche Bischofsamt bishop BSELK Canon Catholic Christ Christian Church of England church order clergy Concordat of Agreement congregation consecration continuity deacons deshalb Dienst diocesan dioceses doctrine ecclesiae ecclesiastical ecumenical Einheit episcopacy Episcopal Consecration episcopal office eucharist evangelischen Evangelium faith Full Communion functions geistliche geistlichen Gemeinschaft gibt Gospel Gottes historic episcopate Holy induction institution Jahrhunderts Jesus Kirche von England Kirchen kirchliche kirchlichen Lambeth Conference leadership Luther Lutheran Meissen Melanchthon Merseburg ministers ministry of oversight Naumburg öffentliche office of oversight ordained ministry ordination ordinierte Amt ordinierten Ordnung parish pastor Pfarrer Porvoo Porvoo Common Statement preaching presbyters priesthood priests proclamation Recht Reformation rite sacraments Scripture secular spiritual Superintendent Superintendenten synod task territorial churches theological theologische threefold ministry VELKD Verständnis visible unity WABr Weise whole Church Wittenberg word and sacrament wurde Zeichen