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Memorials of London and London Life in the Thirteenth,
Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Centuries; being a Series of
Extracts, Local, Social, and Political, from the Early
Archives of the City of London, A.D. 1276-1419. Se-
lected, translated, and edited by Henry Thomas Riley,
M.A., &c. Published by Order of the Corporation of
London, under the Superintendence of the Library
Committee. (Longmans.)

What would the ancient Fathers of the City, or their trusty Town Clerk, John Carpenter, the compiler of the Liber Albus, have said to the idea of a Library Committee of the Corporation ?—and to the still more startling idea of such Committee authorising the publication of such a selection from the City Records, as are given to the world in the handsome volume before us? Assuredly they would have declared that, by such doings, the days of the City's glory were numbered. We, who live in more enlightened days, see on the other hand in this well-considered act, a wise recognition on the part of the City authorities of the spirit of the present age; and a laudable desire to give to the world in an authentic form every proper information respecting the social and political condition of the City and its inhabitants, in the so-called Good Old Times.

Having determined upon the publication of such a volume as the present, the Library Committee could not possibly have entrusted its editorship to any gentleman so competent to do justice to the subject as Mr. Riley. Thoroughly acquainted with the history of the period to which these Memorials refer, Mr. Riley possesses, moreover, a special fitness for the present task from the experience acquired by him in preparing for the press those important municipal records the Liber Albus and Liber Custumarum What wonder is it, then, that when entrusted with the preparation of these Memorials, he has produced a volume so rich in local information, throwing so much new light not only on the topography of Old London, but on the manners, customs, and daily life of the citizens and their social and political relations, that every page of it may be read with interest? We commend it to our readers most heartily. A long introduction sets forth its claim to their attention in a very pleasant manner, while an admirable index makes the work everything that can be desired as a book of reference.

The Apostles of Jesus. By Mrs. Clere. (Hatchard.)

The object of the present work is to supply a want which the authoress has been assured is felt-namely, an account of the Apostles written in a style suitable to general readers. It is written in a modest and unpretending spirit, and will furnish profitable reading to those for whose more especial use it has been compiled.

The Herald and Genealogist. Edited by J. Gough Nichols. Part XXVII. May, 1868.

This popular repertory of genealogical and heraldic knowledge continues its useful course. Two papers in the present number are of special interest-that on Sheriffs' Seals, and the inquiry Who was William of Wykeham ?

THE LATE REV. E. S. TAYLOR.-This gentleman, formerly curate of Ormesby, near Great Yarmouth, was a man of considerable literary attainments, and for many years a frequent contributor to "N. & Q." He died in 1-63, his wite dying within a fortnight of him under very distressing circumstances, leaving a son, Roland Dilke Taylor, who is a candidate for admission to the Clergy Orphan School at Canterbury. We therefore venture to recommend his case to the attention of such of

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Notices to Correspondents.

UNIVERSAL CATALOGUE OF BOOKS ON ART.-All Additions and Corrections should be addressed to the Editor, South Kensington Museum, London, W.

OLD POSTAGE STAMPS are utterly valuless except to professed collectors of stamps. There is not the slightest foundation for supposing them of use to manufacturers of papier maché, or for the purpose of getting candidates into schools or almshouses.

G. (Edinburgh) on the Coronation Oath. etter to this Correspondent?

Where can we address a

T. N. will, we are sure, on reflection, see that it would be impossible to open our columns to the discussion of his purely legal query.

CORNUB. The custom of throwing the Hood at Haxey is noticed in "N. &." 2nd S. iv. 486; v. 94, 137; viii. 137.

J. The phrase "Buzz the bottle," is explained in "N. & Q." 1st S. V. 187, and 3rd S. iv. 212.

ERRATA-4th 8. i. p. 172, col. ii. line 37, for "twelve " read "twelfth;" p. 560, col. ii. line 47, for "repining " read " ripening."

"NOTES & QUERIES" is registered for transmission abroad.

Library of the late Edward Dennys, Esq.


by AUCTION, at their House, 47, Leicester Square, W.C. (west side), on WEDNESDAY, July 15, and two following days, a Collection of Valuable BOOKS, the Library of the late EDWARD DENNYS, Esq., of Hampstead. including The Byble, by T. Matthewe, 1549-Macklin's splendid Edition of the Bible, 4 vols., russia-Gustave Doré's Bible, 2 vols. morocco-Chaucer's Works, 1542-Gower's Confessio Amantis, 1554-The Workes of Jhn Taylor. the Water Poet Pierce Plowman's Vision 161-Treasurie of Eunonymus, 1559- Heures à l'Usaige de Paris, 1524-Brandt's Stultifera Navis, 1567-Brandt's Ship of Fooles, translated by Barclay-Dibdin's Typographical Antiquities, 4 vols.-Archæologia, 20 vos.-Count Libri's fine Work on Bookbindings-Lenoir's Ancient Monuments-Museum of Painting and Sculpture, 17 vols. Boydell's Shakespeare Gallery, 2 vols.-Pennant's London, illustrated, 2 vols. Whitaker's Craven-Shaw and Nodder's Naturalist's Miscellany, 24 vols.-B. wick's Quadrupeds, and E-op's Fables-Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, 36 vols.-Philosophical Magazine, 68 vols. Quarterly Review. 113 vols.-Rees' Cyclopædia, 45 vols. Chalmers's Biographical Dictionary; 32 vols.-Wetstein's Greek Testament, 2 vols. Hickes's Thesaurus, 3 vols., large paper-Lye and Manning's Anglo-Saxon Dictionary, 2 vols.-Knight's Pictorial Shakspere, 7 vols Bell's British Theatre, 20 vols., large paper-Inchbald's British Theatre 42 vols., &c.-a fine set of the Original Quarto Editions of the Delphin Classics, bound in 52 vols. blue morocco, by C. Lewis-Rare and Curious Books-English and Foreign Facetiæ, Poetry, &c.-a variety of Standard Bo ks in all classes, &c.


Catalogues on receipt of two stamps.

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LIBRARIES of OLD and NEW BOOKS, and gives their FULL VALUE. The loss on Sales by Auction is thus avoided.-Apply to THOMAS BEET (late RODWELL). BOOKSELLER, 15 CONDUIT TREET, BOND STREET, LONDON, W. Established nearly a century.

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TEETH. MR. WARD, S.M.D., 188, Oxford

Street, respectfully intimates that over twenty years' practical experience enables him to insert FALSE TEETH without the least pain, on the most improved and scientific principles, whereby a correct articulation, perfect mastication, and a firm attachment to the mouth are insured, defying detection, without the use of injurious and unsightly wires. False tooth on vulcanite from 5s, complete set from 51.; on platinised silver 78. 6d.. complete set 67.; on platina 108., complete set 91.: on gold from 1:8., complete set from 127.; filling 58. Old sets refitted or bought.-N. B. Practical dentist to the profession many years. Testimonials undeniable. Consultation free.

METAPH GILOTY MActfully directs the attention of t

ETALLIC PEN MAKER TO THE QUEEN. Commercial Public, and of all who use Steel Pens, to the incomparable excellence of his productions, which for QUALITY OF MATERIAL, EASY ACTION, and GREAT DURABILITY, will ensure universal preference.

Retail, of ev ry Dealer in the World; Wholesale, at the Works, Graham Street. Birmingham: 91, John Street, New York; and at 37, Gracechurch Street, London.

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CURE YOURSELF BY THE PATENT SELF-ADJUSTING CURATIVE AND ELECTRIC-BELT. Sufferers from Nervous Debility, Painful Dreams, Indigestion, Weakness. &c., can now cure themselves by the only "Guaranteed Remedy in Europe, protected by Her Majesty's Great Seal. Free for One Stamp, by H. JAMES, ESQ., (Medical Electrician to the London Hospitals), Percy House, Bedford Square, London.

N.B.-Medicine and Fees Superseded. (Reference to the leading Physicians of the Day.)


The sultry summer days strain the nerves of the fe ble and decrepit, which state eventuates in disease, unless some restorative, such as these puri ying Pills, be found to correct the disordering tendency. Holloway's me icine gives tone to the nervous system which is the source of all vical movements and presides over every action which main ains the growth and well being of the body. No one, therefore. can overestimate the necessity of keeping the nerves well strung, and the ea e with which these Pills accomplish that end is borne witness to hy thousands dwelling in hot climates, whose tivers have been saved and whose lives have been spared.


LLEN'S PATENT PORTMANTEAUS and TRAVELLING BAGS, with SQUARE OPENINGS; Ladies Wardrobe Trunks. Dressing Bags, with Silver Fittings Despatch Boxes, Writing and Dressing Cases, and 500 other arti les for Home or Continental Travelling-ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE, post tree. J. W. ALLEN, Manufacturer and Patentee, 37, WEST STRAND, London, W.C. Also, Allen's Barrack Furniture. Catalogue of Officers' Bedsteads, Washhand Stands, Canteens, &c., post free.



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W.D. WATSON, Wine Importer, 72 and 73, Great Russell Street, corner of Bloomsbury Square, London, W.C. Established 1841. Full Price Lists post free on application. Terms, Net Cash.

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On receipt of a Post-office order, or reference, any quantity will be forwarded immediately by



Brighton 30, King's Road.

(Originally established A.D. 1667.)

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Printed by GEORGE ANDREW SPOTTISWOODE, at 5 New-street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride, in the County of Middlesex; and Published by WILLIAM GREIG SMITH, of 43 Wellington Street, Strand, in the said County.-Saturday, July 11,1868.

[blocks in formation]

The Inaugural Meeting will be held in the Shire Hall at Lancaster Castle on Tuesday the 28th instant, at Noon.

During the Meeting Address will be given, and Pa ers or Essays will be read, in the Sections of Antiquities, Architecture and Histo y. Excursions will be made to Heysham, Diton Castle. Peel Castle, Furness. Cartmel, Levens Hall, Lizergh Hall, Skipton Castle, Bolton Abbey, &c.

A temporary Museum of objects of Art and Antiquities will be formed.

Tickets for the Meeting: Gentlemen, One Guinea (not transferable); Ladies, Half-a-Gumea (transferable).

Contributions to the Museum, &c., are earnestly solicited.

Apply to the Hon. Secretaries of the Local Committee, DR. MOORE and JOHN ROFE, ESQ., Lancaster; or at the Offices of the Institute. W. R. LODGE, Secretary and Librarian.

Offices of the Institute,

16, New Burlington Street, W.

[blocks in formation]

Price Fourpence. Stamped Edition, 5d.

13, Great Marlborough Street. HURST & BLACKETT'S NEW WORKS.

ELEPHANT HAUNTS; being a Sportsman's

Narrative of the Search for Dr. Livingstone; with Scenes of Elep ant, Buffalo, and Hippopatamus Hunti g. By HENRY FAULKNER, late 7th Lancers. 8vo, with illustrations, 158.

AROUND THE KREMLIN; or, Pictures of

Life in Moscow. By G. T. LOWTH. Author of "The Wanderer in Arabia." 8vo with illustra ions, 158.


and About It. By DR. DORAN. 2 vols. 248.



By George Mac

DONALD, LL.D., Author of " Alec Forbes." &c. 3 vols.

"A work of the deepest human interest.”—Athenæum.

MILDRED. By Georgiana M. Craik, Author

of Leslie Tyrrel," &c. 3 vols.


"An exceptionally excellent novel."-Star.



SWEET ANNE PAGE. By Mortimer Collins.

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London: LONGMANS and CO. Edinburgh: A. and C. BLACK.

Now ready, in 1 vol. royal 8vo, price 21s. cloth, [EMORIALS of LONDON and LONDON

a Series of Extracts, Local, Social, and Political, from the Archives of the City of London, A.D. 1276-1419. Selected, transiated, and edited by H. T Riley, M.A. Barrister-at-Law. (Published by order of the Corporation of London, under the superintendence of the Library Committee.)

London: LONGMANS, GREEN, and CO. Paternoster Row.



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Manuscript Paper (letter size), ruled or plain, 48. 6d. per ream.
Sermon Paper (various sizes), ruled or plain, 18., 5., and 68. per ream.
Cream or Blue Envelopes, 48. 6d. 68. 6d., and 78. 6d. per 1000.
The Temple" Envelope, new shape, high inner flap, Is. per 100.
Polished Steel Crest Dies, engraved by the first Artists, from 58.;
Monogram, two letters, from 68. d.; Ditto, three letters, from 8s. 6d.;
Address Dies, from 48. 6d. Preliminary Pencil sketch, ls. each.
Colour Stamping (Relief), reduced to 18. per 100.

Manufacturing Stationers.

192, Fleet Street, Corner of Chancery Lane.-Price List Post Free. In the press, and shortly will be published, price 6d., the 110th thousand of the

ORISONIANA; or, Family Adviser of

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Comprising Oigin of Life and true Cause of Diseases explained, forming a complete manual for individuals and families for everything, that regards p eserving them in health and curing their diseases. The whole tried and proved by the members of the British College of Health during the last forty years.

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TEETH MR. WARD, S.M.D., 188, Oxford

Street, respectfully intimates that over twenty years' practical experience enables him to insert FALSE TEETH without the least pain, on the most improved and scientific principles, whereby a correct articulation, perfect mastication, and a firm attachment to the mouth are insured, defying detection, without the use of injurious and unsightly wires. False tooth on vulcanite from 5s, complete set from 52.; on platinised silver 78. 6d.. complete set 61.: on platina 10s., complete set 91.: on gold from 158., complete set from 127.; Alling 58. Old sets refitted or bought.-N.B. Practical dentist to the profession many years. Testimonials undeniable. Consultation free.

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This Instrument has a clear magnifying power of 32,000 times, shows all kinds of Animalcula in Water, Circulation of the Blood. &c. &c., Adulteration of Food, Milk, &c.. and is just the Microscope that every Surgeon, Dentist, Schoolmaster, Student, and Working Man should have.

It is pronounced by the Press (and all scientific men who have seen it), to be the best, cheapest, and most simple microscope ever invented.

It has twenty times the power of the Coddington or Stanhope Microscope, and is twice as good as the celebrated Rae Microscope (which has been awarded so many prize medals), as may be interred from the following letter received from Mr. Rae himself:

"CARLISLE, DECEMBER 12th, 1867. "To Mr. McCulloch, Philosophical Instrument Muker.

"Sir, Having seen some of your Diamond-Plate Lenses. I write to ask your terms for supplying me with the same per 20 gross, as I consider them superior to mine. Yours. &c..

KAE & CO., Opticians, Carlisle.'

I beg to inform the public that I have no Agent anywhere, and all pretended Agents are impostors. The above instrument can only be had from me, in Birmingham. Those at a distance who care for instruction and amusement, can have it safe and free by sample post, with book of full instructions, on receipt of 32 Postage Stamps. Samples sent abroad 2 extra Stamps.

All persons withing further particulars and testimonials, must send stamped and addressed envelop.

Address, A. McCULLOCH, Philosophical Instrument Maker, 18, Blucher Street, Birmingham.

is ready for publication,


(House of Hanover), from the Squibs, Broadsides, Window Pictures, Lampoons, and Pictorial Caricatures of the time. By THOMAS WRIGHT, F.S.A. With more than 400 Illustrations, many of a very droll character. Nearly 700 pages crown 8vo, price 78. 6d.

London: JOHN CAMDEN HOTTEN, 74 & 75, Piccadilly.

Ready early in July, cloth, 68.


By E. D. YOUNG. Revised by the REV. HY. WALLER, F. R.G.S. With Map and Illustrations. LETTS, SON, & CO.; SIMPKIN, MARSHALL & CO.; and all Booksellers.


HAND BOOKS in all Classes of ENGLISH LITERATURE, also GREEK and I.ATIN CLASSICS, in good condition at moderate prices. Send stamp for postage.-W. HEATH, 497, Oxford Street London.

NOPPER COINAGE — BATTY'S CATALOGUE of and COLONIES. Illustrated. London: SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, & CO. Manchester: JNO. HEYWOOD. Now ready. Part I, uniform with "NoTS AND QCRRIFS," 24 pag 8, 28. or from the Author, D. T. BATTY.9, Fennell treet. Manchester, post, 28. Id.; from whom may also be had the "Miscellanea Curiosa," or Catalogue of Rare Books Coins, &c., 1d.; post, 2d.

ERY CHEAP BOOKS.THOMAS BEET has now hand Books, all marked at extraordinary low prices. Sent by post on receipt of a stamp.

THOMAS BEET, 15, Conduit Street, Bond Street, London, W. BOOKS BOUGHT IN ANY QUANTITY.

The First Portion of the Valuable and Extensive Library, formed by the Rev. Thomas Corser, M.A., F.S.A., of Stand Rectory, near Manchester.


ESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON, & HODGE, Auctioneers of Literary Property and Works illustrative of the Fine Arts, will SELL by AUCTION, at their House, No. 13. Wellington Street, S rand, W.C., on TUESDAY, July 28. and two following Days, at 1 o'clock precisely, the FIRST PORTION of the valuable and extensive LIBRARY formed by the REV. THOMAS CORSER. M.A., F.S.A.. of Stand Rectory, near Manchester, who, from age, ill-health, and bodily infirmity, is precluded from the further enjoyment of his books; comprising a large assemblage of rare and unique works of our early English Poets and Dramatists, several volumes by Caxton and other early English Printers, Manuscripts, Block-book, &c. May be viewed two days prior.

Catalogues may be had; if by post, on receipt of twelve stamps.


The exceedingly choice Library of the late Felix Slade, Esq. ESSRS. SOTHEBY, WILKINSON, & HODGE will SELL by AUCTION (on MONDAY, August 3, and five following days), the exceedingly choice and valuable LIBRARY of the lat FELIX SLADE, E-Q.; comprising most magnificent Specimens of Ancient and Modern Bindings, Books of Prints in the finest state, Early Typography, Serv ce Books, recherché Copi s of the best Works in English and French Literature in fine old Morocco, including exquisitely beautiful Examples of the Bibliopegistic skill of Roger Payne, Kalthoeber. M ntagu, Lewis. Clarke. Bedford. De Rome, Padeloup, De Seuil, and other celebrated Binders, mostly enriched with claborate tooling in the finest possible taste.

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Free by Post Four Stamps.

"Messrs. Gabriel are particularly successful in their system of Artificial Teeth, wh ch they fix firmly ine mouth by means of an Elastic Gum without springs, painlessly, and without any operation."-Herald. "Invaluable to clergymen, public orators, and invalids." Court Journal.

Charges: Tooth from 5s.; Set from 4 to 20 guineas.
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