I. Revolutions of Naples in 1617 and 1648.-II. Mozart.-III. Hieroglyphics.-IV. Marino Faliero; Lord Byron and Casimir Delavigne.-V. Letting of Land; Metayer System.-VI. Spanish Epic Poetry: Ercilla's Araucana-VII. Wessenberg and the Roman Catholic Church in Germany.-VIII. The Black Sea and the Caucasus. -IX. Méry and Barthelemy; The Son of the Man.-X. History of the Knights Templars.-XI. Rosini's Nun of Monza.-XII. to XX. Critical Sketches of Latin, German, French, &c. Works. Miscellaneous Literary Notices, No. VIII, containing 66 Notices from Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Russia, Spain, and of Oriental Literature.-List of the Principal New Works published on the Continent from April to June, 1829.-Index to the Fourth Volume. No. IX. will be published in OCTOBER. The first Four Volumes may now be had complete, Published by TREUTTEL and WURTZ, TREUTTEL, jun. and RICHTER, Foreign Booksellers to the King, 30, Soho Square; and CADELL and Co. 41, St Andrew Square, Edinburgh. This day is published, price 2s. 6d. "In most things the MANNER is as IMPORTANT as the MATTER: If you speak the sense of an angel, in BAD WORDS and AGREEABLE UTTERANCE, nobody will hear you twice that mm help it." CHESTERFIELD EXERCISES on the DERIVATION of the MR ROBERTS will RESUME his CLASSES ENGLISH LANGUAGE; to which is added, in a Series of Extracts, the HISTORY of LANGUAGE, and a VIEW of its GENERAL PRINCIPLES, as pointed out by the Etymologies of Various tongues; intended for the Use of the Higher Classes in English Schools. By WILLIAM GRAHAM, OF THE CUPAR ACADEMY. Cupar: Printed and published by R. TULLIS; and sold by J. COOK, St Andrews; J. CUMMING, Kirkaldy; J. MILLER, Dunfermline; D. MORRISON, jun. & Co. Perth; J. Chalmers, Dundee; and CoNSTABLE & Co. Edinburgh. On the 1st Oct. 1899, will be published, price Two Shillings, (To be continued Monthly,) No. I. OF THE EDINBURGH JOURNAL OF NATURAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE. CONDUCTED BY AN ASSOCIATION OF NATURALISTS. Illustrated occasionally with Maps, Charts, and Engravings. DANIEL LIZARS, No. 5, St David Street, Edinburgh; WHIT TAKER, TREACHER, and ARNOT, London; and WILLIAM CURRY for ELOCUTION on THURSDAY, OCTOBER the FIRST. PRIVATE TUITION AS USUAL. N.B.-Mr ROBERTS, having been particularly requested by Bune rous individuals to open Classes for the JUNIOR BRANCHES ₫ FAMILIES. with a view to their acquiring an ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION, while the ORGANS of SPEECH are flexible and under command, begs leave to announce that he will receive Porta between EIGHT and FIFTEEN YEARS OF AGE, from 9 to 10 o'civet A.M., and from 6 to 7 and from 7 to 8 o'clock PM. ¡—name), YOUNG LADIES on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATURDATI; YOUNG GENTLEMEN on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and Fe DAYS. Mr R. will give due notice of his WINTER COURSE of LECTURES and ILLUSTRATIONS. No. 62, Hanover Street. TO THE DYSPEPTIC, THE STUDIOUS, AND SEDENTARY. & Co. Dublin; to be had also of all the Booksellers of the United BUTLER'S COOLING APERIENT POW Kingdom. The interest hitherto felt in the Government, Commerce, and Affairs of India, having been confined to the very highest circles of society, the circulation of all works exclusively devoted to those topics has been of necessity circumscribed within the limits of those circles only. Recent events. however, added to the approaching termination of the East India Company's Charter, having contributed to awaken a much more general and powerful interest in these subjects than has ever been manifested before, Mr Buckingham is desirous of meeting the wants and wishes of the community at large. by bringing THE ORIENTAL HERALD more within the reach of all classes of readers than its previous price would admit of. It will accordingly be reduced from 5s. to 3s. 6d. per Number,-the ordinary price of the principal Monthly Journals,-in the assurance that the increased circulation likely to be obtained for it, by the intense interest now excited in all parts of the kingdom on questions of Indian Policy and Trade, will render it more extensively useful to the great cause of which it is the only exclusive advocate,-namely, the improvement of our intercourse with the Eastern World. The reduction in price will take place from the 1st of October next, when a new volume will be commenced for the purpose; and for the accommodation of those who may desire to possess any previous portions of the work, the numbers already issued will be furnished at the same reduced rate. It is therefore hoped that this sacrifice to public utility will be met by a corresponding spirit on the part of the British public, whose interests it has never ceased to advocate, and that there will be few families or individuals in the respectable ranks of life who will not avail themselves of this opportunity to make themselves acquainted with its contents. A very few perfect Sets of THE ORIENTAL HERALD now remain; and the following reduced scale of prices will bring these also within the reach of private purchasers, as well as of Public Institutions, to whom, as being furnished with copious Indexes for reference, it may be safely offered as a complete Library in itself on all subjects connected with the Government, Manners, Institutions, Productions, and Trade of the whole Eastern World : Complete Set of the Work, in 22 volumes 8vo, of 600 pages each, in boards, DERS,-produce an extremely refreshing Effervescing Drink, preferable to Soda, Seidlitz, or Magnesia Water, and at the same time A MILD AND COOLING APERIENT, peculiarly adapted to promote the healthy action of the Stomach and Bowels, and the eby prevent the recurrence of Constipation and Indigestion, with all their train of consequences, as Depression, Flatulence, Acidity or Heartburn, Headache, Febrile Symptoms. Eruptions on the Skin, &e. &c. and by frequent use will obviate the necessity of having recourse to Ca lomel, Epsom Salts, and other violent medicines, which tend to de bilitate the system. When taken after too free an indulgence in the| luxuries of the table, particularly after too much wine, the usual disagreeable effects are altogether avoided. In warm climates ther will be found extremely beneficial, as they prevent accumulation of Bile, and do not debilitate. Prepared, and sold in 2s. 9d. boxes,-and 10s. 6d. and 20s. cases, by BUTLER, CHEMIST TO HIS MAJESTY, No. 73, PRINCE'S STREET, EDINBURGH; and (authenticated by the Preparer's name and ad dress, in the Label affixed to each box and case,) may be obtained of all the principal Druggists and Booksellers throughout the Un ted Kingdom. Of whom may also be procured, BUTLER'S CARBONATED EFFERVES gredients of the celebrated Springs of Harrowgate, with the very CING HARROWGATE SALTS,-which contain all the solid inimportant addition of the Volatile Gases in an immediate state of disengagement, by the addition of pure water, and altogether will be found a valuable substitute, proper for those Invalids who are un able to reside at Harrowgate. The Water of the Harrowgate Springs is very successfully used in cases of Scurvy, Serofula, and Bilious and Gouty Affections; and it has, in particular, acquired great cele brity for the removal of the most complicated and obstinate Cutane ous Eruptions. The Salts are sold in 4s. 6d. and 10s. 6d. Bottles. Edinburgh: Published for the Proprietors, every Saturday Morning, by CONSTABLE & CO. 19, WATERLOO PLACE: Sold also by ROBERTSON & ATKINSON, Glasgow; W. CURRY, jun. & Co., Dublin; HURST, CHANCE, & Co. London; and by all Newsmen, Postmasters, and Clerks of the Road, throughout the United Kingdom. Price 6d. or Stamped, and sent free by post, 10d. Printed by BALLANTYNE & Co. Paul's Work, Canongate. The fourth volume of Russel's Works of the English and Scottish Reformers is in the press. A Manual of Instructions in Gymnastics has been printed at Copenhagen, by order of the King of Denmark, and a copy sent to all the schools in the kingdom-his Majesty desiring that these exercises should be universally taught. MR ALEXANDER Balfour.-We are sorry to have to record the death of this gentleman, who died here a few days ago. Mr Balfour has long been known to the public as an author of much respectability, both in prose and verse. His principal works are "The Scottish Probationer," a Novel, "Contemplation, and other Poems," and "Characters omitted in Crabbe's Parish Register." He was at one time the chief writer in Constable's Edinburgh Magazine, and contributed largely to many other periodicals, among which we have pleasure in including the LITERARY JOURNAL. He had been long in an infirm state of health; but his mental powers remained vigorous to the last. He has left many manuscripts behind him, which it is not unlikely may yet be given to the public. FRENCH LITERATURE.-Paris is too busy with the new Ministry to afford us much literary novelty. What new works, either in literature or the fine arts, make their appearance, are either neglected or laid hold of for the purpose of making a political squib. M. Charles Lacretelle, of the French Academy, has published "L'Histoire de la Restauration." The Constitutionnel calls it impartial, which is a good ground for believing it to be the reverse.-The nine months' confinement of the poet Beranger is on the eve of termination. It is not unlikely that he may be delivered of a book as well as from a prison, at the end of that critical period. A subscription is in progress for the payment of his fine.-A Revue Britannique is now published at Paris: but, in the last number, only one of the eight principal articles has any reference to this country,-" Mœurs Anglaises; un concert bourgeois."-Professer C. Dumenil, member of the Academy of Sciences, &c. commenced a course of Zoological lectures in the gallery of the Museum of Natural History on the 1st of September. He proposes to confine himself this year to the natural history of reptiles and fishes." Le Proscrit, ou les Ruines du Chateau de Hunebourg," a new work lately announced, is undergoing a round of puffs preliminary from some of the Journals. FRENCH THEATRICALS.-The directors of the Parisian Theatres pay a tenth of the price of every ticket of admission towards a poor's fund. They have lately refused to pay this proportion in the case of gratis tickets. The Prefecture of the Seine, however, has decreed that this tithe is to be levied on all tickets of admission, those which are given gratuitously, as well as those which are sold. The only exception is in favour of tickets granted expressly to servants of the Theatre and police officers-Rossini's new opera, William Tell, still keeps the stage at L'Academie.-The opera of Paul and Virginia, which had been announced for representation at the "Théâtre de la rue Ventadour," has been withdrawn: it is said, at the command of the Ministry. M. la Bourdonnaye was afraid that the parterre might take occasion, from a namesake of his who figures in the piece, to eut some jokes at his expense.-M. l'Abbé Motte, Curé of the Cathedral at Rouen, has had the unheard-of liberality to perform the marriage ceremony for a M. Serda, an actor there; and without pronouncing any anathema against his profession. The liberal journals are of course filled with praises of the magnanimous conduct of M. le Curé. GERMAN LITERATURE.-We learn by a letter from Germany that Dr Becker, of Offenbach, is preparing a German Grammar for the use of the London University, to be published early in the winter. We are glad that the University has fixed upon Dr Becker for the execution of this task; for, both from our own knowledge of the Doctor's grammatical researches, and from the experience of several of our friends, we can safely state, that his plan of tuition has, in every instance, been found able to advance the student rapidly, and, at the same time, to ground him thoroughly in the language. We observe that Dr Von Muhlenfels is also preparing selections from the German, in prose and poetry, together with lectures preliminary to the study of German literature, for the use of the students at the London University. We contemplated offering some remarks of our own on the most eligible plan of study for such as wish to acquire German; but we shall now defer them till the appearance of these works-Another part of the Byzantine Historians has been published at Bonn. It contains the Chronographies of Syncellus and Nicephorus. Neither work is of much interest. FINE ARTS.-Newcastle Exhibition-Taken as a whole, this exhibition scarcely equals that of last year. The sale of pictures, too, is dull; and, of the few that have sold, scarcely one has brought the price originally fixed upon it by the artist. Among the sales is Lauder's "Dying Soldier." Among the names in the catalogue, we recognise Martin, Howard, Crome, Forster, and a goodly number of our Edinburgh artists, among whom we observe Pairman, with his eternal "Sheep's head." Many of the pictures, both by English and Scottish artists, which are now at Newcastle, have already been ex hibited here. With the exception of a bust by E. H. Bailey, the whole of the sculpture is by D. Dunbar, the spirited founder, and chief stay, of the Carlisle Academy. Theatrical Gossip.-At a meeting of the friends of Covent-Garden which took place a few days ago, a voluntary loan and subscription were entered into, to enable the performers to open the house at the usual period. It was stated, that if £6000 could be collected, it would be sufficient to keep all the creditors quiet; and from the spirit which seemed to pervade the meeting, where £1500 was subscribed in a very short time, there can be little doubt of the sum required being soon made up. It is strange, that at this meeting no notice whatever was taken of the liberal offer which had been made by Macready. It was mentioned, however, that Miss Kelly had offered to perform six nights gratuitously.-At the English Opera House, two little dramas have been produced with success, the one entitled "Sold for a Song," and the other "The Recruit."-At the Haymarket, another new piece by Miss Boaden, called "William Thomson," seems to be pleasing the people pretty well.-Miss Foote and young Kean have been performing at Brighton.-Miss Love, who ran away from a provincial engagement the other day, has intimated her intention not to return to the stage till she is tired of her present more secluded mode of life.-Mackay, of our Theatre, seems to have established himself as a favourite in Liverpool :-" His Benefit," says one of the Newspapers of that city, "was deservedly honoured by one of the fullest attendances of the present season. The play was The Bride of Lammermuir,' in which he delighted us with one of the richest pieces of comic acting, and one of the most finished specimens of dramatic portraiture we ever witnessed, Caleb Balderstone."—Malibran Garcia has been singing at the Liverpool Theatre; and Miss Jarman, who is coming here on a permanent engagement, has been performing there. Her abilities are very well estimated by a Liverpool critic in these words; "Miss Jarman is an extremely agreeable actress-easy, judicious, unaffected, and, within a certain range, very forcible. In the various parts she performs, one has always pleasure in seeing her: for if she fails in any to produce all the effect which one can desire, she never offends, either by tameness or extravagance."-We observe that Mr Jones, in consequence of the liberal encouragement he has received in London, is to continue to give lessons in elocution there for some time longer.-We are happy to understand, that it is not Mr Bass's intention to re-open the Caledonian Theatre during the winter. He is to close in a week, and proceeds, we believe, to Perth during the Hunt. Mrs Bass takes her benefit on Monday, but the opening of the Theatre-Royal on that evening will be against her, which we regret, as her husband has conducted the establishment well, and seems resolved to act with prudence, by avoiding any foolish competition with Mr Murray. The report that De Begnis had taken the Caledonian Theatre for December is not correct; some correspondence took place between him and Mr Bass on the subject, but no terms have been agreed upon.-We do not believe the rumour that Alexander intends opening a theatre in George Street; Alexander is not such a blockhead. TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS. SEVERAL Reviews are unavoidably postponed. We have received a letter from Mr Mackay, the author of the "History of the Clan Mackay," in which it is taken for granted that the review of that work which appeared in our pages was written by a person who did not write one word of it. It would be unfair, therefore, to publish the letter; nor are we desirous to enter into any controversy with Mr Mackay, never having expected that he would agree with the opinions we promulgated regarding his book. The able article on "The Literary Character of Charles James Fox" shall have an early place." A Reminiscence of School Days" lies over for insertion.-We never refuse a request, if possible;-that of " A Friend" is granted.-We cannot insert the review sent us by "F. G.," as we have not seen the book reviewed, and do not choose to praise it so highly on the authority of an anonymous correspondent. There are some pretty thoughts in the story of "The Blind Fiddler;" but it does not quite come up to our standard. The communication by the author of "Anster Fair" in our next. The Ballad of "Lord Aubrey's Daughter" is clever, but unequal, and too long.-We were on the point of inserting "The Auld Man to his Staff," but, on a second reading, we thought it scarcely good enough.-"J. C." of Glasgow has genius, but "The Contrast" is not his best effort." Philo-Celticus," of Dalmally, is rather Ossianic for our taste.-The contributions from London, by the author of the Translation from Heyne, are not so good as we could wish.-The effusions of "A Subscriber," and of “G. L.," will not suit us. ERRATUM. In the Edinburgh Literary Journal, No. 43, p. 198, for "H. V. Boluffy," read " H. V. Bolaffy." This day is published, In 2 vols., small 8vo, price £1 in boards, A GENTEEL FAMILY, residing in a healthy FOSCARINI, or the PATRICIAN of VENICE. and pleasant situation, can accommodate TWO BOYS attending any of the public seminaries in town; every attention will be paid to their comfort, and in all respects they will be treated as members of the family. Applications may be made to Alexander Cowan, Esq. Moray House, Professor Wallace, Professor Jamieson, and Mr Miller, bookseller. Edinburgh, Sept. 17, 1829. ELOCUTION. "In most things the MANNER is as IMPORTANT as the MATTER: If you speak the sense of an angel, in BAD WORDS and a DISAGREEABLE UTTERANCE, nobody will hear you twice that can help it." CHESTERFIELD. MR ROBERTS will RESUME his CLASSES for ELOCUTION on THURSDAY, OCTOBER the FIRST. PRIVATE TUITION AS USUAL. N.B. Mr ROBERTS, having been particularly requested by numerous individuals to open Classes for the JUNIOR BRANCHES of FAMILIES, with a view to their acquiring an ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION, while the ORGANS of SPEECH are flexible and under command, begs leave to announce that he will receive PUPILS between EIGHT and FIFTEEN YEARS OF AGE, from 9 to 10 o'clock A.M., and from 6 to 7 and from 7 to 8 o'clock P. M.;-namely, YOUNG LADIES on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATURDAYS; YOUNG GENTLEMEN on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and FRI DAYS. R. HUNTER, 72, St Paul's Churchyard. This day are published, In one volume, small 8vo, price 8s. boards, ESSAYS on the PURSUIT of TRUTH, the PROGRESS of KNOWLEDGE, and the FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE of all EVIDENCE and EXPECTATION. By the Author of ESSAYS on the FORMATION of OPINIONS. R. HUNTER, 72, St Paul's Churchyard. On the 1st Oct. 1829, will be published, price Two Shillings, (To be continued Monthly,) No. 1. OF THE EDINBURGH JOURNAL OF NATURAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE. CONDUCTED BY AN ASSOCIATION OF NATURALISTS. Illustrated occasionally with Maps, Charts, and Engravings. CONTENTS:-ART. I. A Description of the Landes of Acquita nia; by W. AINSWORTH, Esq.-ART. II. Description of Five New British Species of Shells, with Figures; by CAPTAIN THOMAS BROWN, F.R.S.E.-ART. III. On the Electricity of the Simple and Compound Galvanic Circles; by K. T. KEMP, Esq.-ART. IV. Account of the Island of Jersey; by ALEXANDER SUTHERLAND, Esq.-ART. V. Notice of a Cavitary Worm, with a Plate; by W. RHIND, Esq. Surgeon.-ART. VI. Oral Information on the Origin of the Gorkhas; by CAPT. AYTON.-Sir Rufane Donkin's Dissertation on the Course and Termination of the Niger, Lond. 1829. Mr R. will give due notice of his WINTER COURSE of LEC- Polydore Roux's Crustaces de la Mediterranee, et de son littoral, TURES and ILLUSTRATIONS. Paris, 1828.-Ellis's Polynesian Researches, Lond. 1829.-Transse tions of the Plinian Society, Edin. 1829.-Dr Holland's Experiment al Inquiry into the Laws of Life. Edin. 1829.-Accounts of the Vey age of the Astrolabe and of the Chevrette.-Cailles' Voyage.-Travels of Champollion.-The Scientific Voyage to the Morea.-Establish ment of the New Colony on the Swan River.-Notice of Dr Knox's new theory of Hermaphrodism.-Capt. Brown's Observations on Mr Kenyons Paper on the British Shells.-Discovery of Two Oviducts in a Fowl. On the different causes of the coloration of Snow and Ice, &c. &c Abstract Notices of New Works and Papers on Geography, Natural History, &c.-Recent Discoveries in General Science and the Arts.-Proceedings of Scientific Institutions. DANIEL LIZARS, No. 5, St David Street, Edinburgh; WHIT TAKER, TREACHER, and ARNOT, London; and WILLIAM CURRY & Co. Dublin; to be had also of all the Booksellers of the United Kingdom. LITERARY CHIT-CHAT AND VARIETIES. A NEW Juvenile Annual is in a state of forwardness, to be called The Zoological Keepsake, a name which describes at once both its peculiar feature, and almost its whole plan of contents and publication. It will be enlivened by a light conversational manner of treating its Zoological topies, and by an abundance of anecdote, and a share of humorous poetry, and description. The embellishments will consist of engravings, from drawings by Cruickshanks, Landseer, Baynes, Saunders, and others. The embellishments for the Third Series of the Tales of a Grandfather are engraved. The frontispiece for the first volume is a portrait of the Chevalier de St George, and the vignette is the execution of Lord Derwentwater and his unfortunate fellow-sufferers; for the second volume there is a portrait of the Duke of Argyle, and a vignette of an incident which took place at the battle of Sheriff-muir; and for the third volume a portrait of a Highland Chieftain, out in the "forty-five," and a vignette of Flora Macdonald. The work is expected to appear about the end of the year. The Life and Times of Daniel de Foe is preparing for publication. If well executed, the publication ought to be an interesting one, both as a literary biography, and as an illustration of a remarkable period of English literature. We understand that the Bijou is to appear this season along with the other Annuals, with high graphic and literary attractions. Gleanings of an English Hermit in Portugal during the years 1827, 1828, and 1829, is announced as about to be published in Lisbon. Some Account of the Life and Writings of White Kennet, D.D., Minister of St Botolph, Aldgate, afterwards Lord Bishop of Peterborough, by W. Burgess, is in the press. The publication of the translation of Childe Harold into German, by Baron Von Sedlitz, has been prohibited by the Austrian authorities at Vienna ! The Poems lately published by the King of Bavaria, have excited a considerable sensation amongst the literati of Germany; and an eminent literary character, now residing abroad, we understand, is preparing a translation of them, with which the public will be shortly favoured. CHEAP LITERATURE.-The spirit which gave rise in England to the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, has spread itself over the Continent. A subscription has been opened at Louvain for the economical propagation of useful books. Each member is to receive a copy of all the works which the Society may have published in the course of the year, in virtue of a subscription of six florins (10s. 7d.) Twelve volumes will be published annually, containing at least 120 sheets each, and embracing the matter of twelve volumes of a French edition, of the value of 75 franc-a little more than £3 sterling. BUST OF MRS HEMANS.-Mr Angus Fletcher has nearly finished a bust of this celebrated poetess. We have had the pleasure of seeing it, and are able to speak very favourably of it. It is chastely and elegantly executed, and, whilst the individual features are well copied, the general character of the countenance has been happily brought out. It is somewhat remarkable, that there is a striking resemblance between the expression of Mrs Hemans's face and that of Miss O'Neil. We believe the bust has been executed for Sir Robert Liston, but it will be exhibited here next season. MACDONALD'S STATUES.-A drawing which has been taken of this group by Lauder, is about to be lithographed, we believe, by Johnstone, and will be published immediately. This is a compliment which Macdonald deserves. GYMNASTICS.-A Hint to the Highlanders.-A French periodical, the Revue Encyclopedique, adverting to the account given in the Edinburgh newspapers, of the feats performed at the last meeting of the Highland Club, observes, that if the best high leaper sprang only 50 inches from the ground, and that if the best thrower of the hammer threw the 21-pound hammer only 31 feet 4 inches, and the 12-pound hammer only 67 feet 4 inches, there is scarcely a villager in France who would not be willing to dispute the palm with the Scotch either in leaping or throwing the hainmer. We daresay the Revue Encyclopedique is right; but, fortunately for Scotland, the members of the Highland Club are far from being its best gymnastics. We have seen a Scotchman clear at a high leap 61 inches; and, as for throwing the hammer, we will, ourselves, undertake to throw either of the two mentioned half-a-dozen feet farther, and we know many men who could throw them a dozen. A DOUBTFUL COMPLIMENT.-The reports of Captain Dickenson's trial were forwarded to the Evening papers by one of those laborious authors called penny-a-line men. In his report of one of the days, this gentleman, commenting on his own contributions, observes,-" The avidity with which the London papers are read is really astonishing!" A MELANCHOLY SITUATION.-The leading article of a recent Number of an American paper, consists of the following sentence: "The editor, printer, publisher, foreman, and oldest apprentice, (two in all) are confined by sickness, and the whole establishment has been left in the care of the devil." Theatrical Gossip.-The subscription for the relief of Covent Gar- WEEKLY LIST OF PERFORMANCES. TUES. The Stranger, & Happiest Day of My Life. The Merchant of Venice, & 'Twould Puzzle a Conjuror. TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS. THE descriptive sketch of the ascent of Bennevis shall be inserted. -"A Tale of the Coast of Kent," and "J. C. U." are under consideration. We have received Mr Brydson's explanatory note.-The Jones alluded to by the John Bull is not our Jones. The posthumous poem by the late Alexander Balfour, which we think one of its author's happiest efforts, shall have an early place."The Weepers," by "T. B. J." of Glasgow,-the Communications from Montrose,-the Ballad by "C." of Dalkeith,-the Letter from "R. G." of Leith,-and the Poems by "D. M. Askill," lie over for insertion at our best convenience.-Our Glasgow friend, " T. A." has our thanks for his contributions.-We are afraid that "W." of Aberdeen will not suit us; and " Arthur Seat" is in the same predi cament. The NATURAL HISTORY of SELBORNE, by the late Rev. GILBERT WHITE, M.A., Fellow of Oriel College, Ox ford. A New Edition, with Additions, by Sir WILLIAM JARDINE, Bart. 1 vol. II. HISTORY of the MOST REMARKABLE CON SPIRACIES connected with EUROPEAN HISTORY, during the 15th, 16th, and 17th Centuries. By JOHN PARKER LAWS, MR ROBERTS will RESUME his CLASSES M.A., Author of the "Life and Times of Archbishop Laud,” as for ELOCUTION on THURSDAY, OCTOPER the FIRST. PRIVATE TUITION AS USUAL. N.B.-Mr ROBERTS, having been particularly requested by numerous individuals to open Classes for the JUNIOR BRANCHES of FAMILIES, with a view to their acquiring an ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION, while the ORGANS of SPEECH are flexible and under command, begs leave to announce that he will receive PUPILS between EIGHT and FIFTEEN YEARS OF AGE, from 9 to 10 o'clock A.M., and from 6 to 7. and from 7 to 8 o'clock P. M. ;-namely, YOUNG LADIES on TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, and SATURDAYS; YOUNG GENTLEMEN on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS, and FRI DAYS. MR ALEXANDER NEGRIS, a Native of Greece, has arrived in Edinburgh with the intention of giving Lessons in ANCIENT and MODERN GREEK. They who wish to exercise themselves at the same time in FRENCH, may be taught through the medium of that language. Mr Negris' Address is, No. 2, Nelson Street, where he will be found at home every day between the hours of 5 and 7. M. ALEXANDRE NEGRIS, Grec de naissance. se propose de donner des Leçons en GREC, ANCIEN et MODERNE. Et à ceux qui desire en même temps s'exercer dans la LANGUE FRANCAISE, fera ses enseignements du Grec par le moyen de la langue Française. On trouvera M. Negris, Nelson Street, No. 2, tous les jours de 5 a 7 heures. 2 vols. III. HISTORY of the REBELLIONS in SCOTLAND under DUNDEE and MAR, in 1689 and 1715. By ROBERT CHAP BERS, Author of the "Rebellion in Scotland in 1745," &c. 1 vol IV. HISTORY of the OTTOMAN EMPIRE, from its Establishment till the Year 1828. By EDWARD UPHAM, Esq., is thor of the History of Budhism." In 2 vols. V. HISTORY of SCULPTURE, PAINTING, and ARCHITECTURE. By J. S. MEMES, LL.D. Author of "The Life of Canova," &c. 1 vol. On the 1st Oct. 1899. will be published, price Two Shillings, (To be continued Monthly,) No. 1. OF THE EDINBURGH JOURNAL OF NATURAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL SCIENCE. CONDUCTED BY AN ASSOCIATION OF NATURALISTS. Illustrated occasionally with Maps, Charts, and Engravings. DANIEL LIZARS, No. 5, St David Street, Edinburgh; WHIT TAKER, TREACHER, and ARNOT, London; and WILLIAM CURRY Kingdom. & Co. Dublin; to be had also of all the Booksellers of the United LIBRARY OF ENTERTAINING KNOW On the 21st of September, in Two Volumes post 8vo, 18s. WILMOT WARWICK. By HENRY VERNON. A SECOND EDITION of the FIRST VOLUME may now be had.-Also, Í. A FOURTH EDITION, in octavo, of the ME THE Public of Edinburgh, and the Inhabitants of MOIRS and CORRESPONDENCE of LORD COLLINGWOOD. the Southern Districts in particular, are respectfully informed, that an ACADEMY will be opened in No. 1, BUCCLEUGH PLACE, on Thursday the 1st of October, under the following Masters for their respective branches: Mr W. M. GUNN, Mr JOHN RUSSELL, M.A. Lec { Classics, including Greek, Latin, English Literature, Ancient and Modern Geography. turer on Mathematics in the Arithmetic and Mathematics. Leith School of Arts. Mr JOHN KIRKPATRICK, .... Writing. A French Elementary Class will at the same time be formed by Monsieur MONNARD. Testimonials, and information as to Hours, Terms, &c. may be obtained from Mr Gunn, No. 20, Gayfield Square; Monsieur Monnard, 6, Howe Street; and in the shops of the principal Booksellers in the Southern Districts. The rooms in Buccleugh Place will be open on and after Thu day the 24th September, from 12 to 3 P. M. for the purpose of ceiving the names of intending Pupils. 1, Buccleugh Place, 22d Sept. 1829. |