frequency and aggravation, shrewd guesses may be made at the progress of a nation in population and in wealth,— in luxury, refinement, and knowledge, and in the consequent more marked and felt inequality of rank. might have been difficult, even with all these " appliances and means to boot," to have got up such a detailed statement of some of the cases on record, as would have shown, with some degree of clearness, the form of procedure observed by our Justiciary at that period; but still it was pos- The picture presented to our view, is such as the presible; and, for such an attempt, it is natural to suppose that vious history of Scotland would have led us to expect. Mr Pitcairn's habits, as a regular bred lawyer, would The long and frequent minorities of its kings,-the conhave been of advantage to him. No attempt of this kind, centration of wealth and power in the hands of a not very however, is made: and this we are inclined to regard as numerous nobility, the close union of these few into a neglect not very pardonable in the editor of a work of clans, by means of frequent intermarriages, had been sucsuch national importance. We have not, after two care-cessful in keeping the executive too weak to organize and ful perusals of the book, been able to ascertain from Mr Pitcairn's selections, at what stage of the proceedings, or in what manner, the witnesses were examined, or even whether it were thought necessary to examine them at all. We could have wished more clear information on this particular, for, from what appears, we are inclined to suspect that the officers of the crown were at that time in the practice of receiving the information, upon which they proceeded, on oath; and that if the "dittay" bore that the communications were so made, or, if the king's advocate swore to the truth of the facts therein stated, the assize required no further evidence. The only information we obtain on this point is:-first, in the case of "William Huchesoun, and his spous," (p. 43,) where we find the woman's prelocutor calling upon the King's advocate to swear to the truth of one of his assertions;-in the case of Grahame of Fyntrie, (p. 74,) where the "preloquitor" for the panel produced, after the "dittay" was read, a letter from one of the pursuers, declaring " that he was onlie moueit be malice of utheris personnis to persew the same;" which does not seem to have been attended to;-and lastly, in the case of Johnne Mayne, (p. 82,) where the “testimoniallis and writtis" produced both for and against "the pennall" are inserted at full length, but without any notice how or when they were laid before the assize. The only other ground we have to go upon, is the general form of recording the verdict; from which it would seem, that the assize were in the habit of retiring immediately after the reading of the libel, and the conclusion of the pleadings to the relevancy, taking with them the "takinnis and depositioneis produceit," and making up their minds among themselves. This, joined to the possibility (vide case of Megot and Dobye, pp. 4 and 7) that months might elapse between the commencement and termination of a case, during the whole of which period the jurors were mixing in society as usual, left great room for undue bias and misrepresentation. For the sake of having some elucidation of this point, as well as for the great skill and subtlety shown in the drawing of some of the indictments and pleadings on the relevancy, we could have wished a greater degree of fulness in the selections; and we hope to find this wish gratified in future numbers. quiet the country. Literature and science had for some time found their way into the nation; but they were as yet only struggling for a firm footing, even among the wealthier and more easy classes. A few bright lights there were, but the mass of the nation remained as yet dark-neither softened nor warmed by their ray. Turbulence and rudeness, but, to counterbalance them, a want of the more polished vices, were the characteristics of society. Among the people had been kindled the zeal of an ascetic and intolerant system of religion. The deep devotion which it recommends as the motive of every action, the rigid correctness of life which it enjoins, were destined, at a later period, to form a peasantry of high and severe moral worth; but, at that time, they seem but to have exaggerated the unquiet and harsh features of the Scottish character. A good number of our readers will, in all probability, give us small thanks for dwelling so long on this subject. We can only say, in our defence, that it seemed important; and we now turn to that view of the work in which all take an interest-the picture it gives us of the age. From what we have said of the nature and form of the Records, the reader will easily conceive that we hear in them, as it were, but the echo of the waves of society which were at that time lashed into such noise and commotion. We see the facts through the cold medium of abbreviated legal forms; and, moreover, the selection of the editor is confined almost exclusively to offences of a political nature, or connected with political feuds, or originating in the superstition or bigotry of the age. We are not very conversant with the records of our Justiciary Court, and cannot, consequently, say from experience whether the kinds of crime which now-a-days keeps it exclusively employed, were then thought scarce worthy its notice; but if theft, fraud, and such matters, are to be found in the original, we should have liked to have found some notice of them here; for, from their comparative In accordance with this sketch, we find, in the book now before us, a court of justice, timid and dilatory in its proceedings; interrupted now by the non-appearance of the culprit, now by a deficiency in the number of those who ought to have taken a part in its deliberations, and not unfrequently by the interference of the King. Most of the offences, we have already said, originated in the disturbed political state of the country. We have frequently instances of men called on to underly the penalties of law for absenting themselves from the King's army-from the raids, as they were then called. The Court of Justiciary seems not unfrequently to have been used by political parties as a means of wreaking their malice upon each other, after the civil power had wrested their weapons from their hands. In the numerous cases of "slauchter," when we find a number of men put to the bar for a murder, we may be almost sure that, in the course of a page or two at furthest, we are to find the kin of the murdered man arraigned for killing a friend of the first accused. Comparatively few of these cases of slaughter and oppression seem to have had their origin in private brawls, and these few are confined, in a great measure, to the Highlands and Borders, which, from very different causes, seem to have been equally behind the rest of the country in civilisation. Of treason, we have ample store in these pages. The murder of Darnley, and of the two regents, Murray and Lennox; the execution of Morton and the Raid of Ruthven, occupy a goodly portion of them, and some interesting and authentic, if not exactly new information, on these points, is given. The book bears testimony, in like manner, to the zeal with which priests and their favourers were hunted out. With regard to private criminality, we are sorry to say that three very improper connexions with married women have a prominent place; and that the money and plenishing of the jolly dames seem in all the three to have been the chief object of the gallant, as their waste seems to be the chief topic of the husband's complaint. In the case of the Mongomeries of Scotstoun, we have a tale of the most unmanly and brutal violence that ever disgraced a country's annals, (p. 60.) The only remaining matters that can have any interest for a general reader, are three rather minutely detailed cases of witchcraft. The first is the case of Bessie Dunlop, (p. 49.) This poor woman seems to have been a visionary: there is nothing malicious in her self-delusion, nor impure in the feelings upon which her day-dreams seem to have been founded. Though all had been true that was laid to her charge, we cannot for our life see its guilt. Her ists-11th, Church Establishment-12th, Blencathrastory contains an interesting exposition of the popular Threlkeld Tarn-The Cliffords-Privileged Orders-The superstition of the time. The case of Alesoun Peirsoun American Government-13th, The River Greta-Trade(p. 161) is yet more pitiable. She seems to have been-Population-Colonies-14th, The Library-15th, The alike weak and sickly in body and in mind. The fearful Conclusion-A number of learned Notes and an Appendix reality with which her nightmare dreams presented are added. themselves to her fancy, is the only crime that we find brought home to her. There is not even an allegation that she ever did, or wished, harm to any human being. Yet both of these women were burnt by the orders of men, who showed themselves in other matters noways deficient in strength or acuteness of intellect. The case of Lady Fowlis is one of a more criminal cast. It is one where we admit the justice of the ultimate sentence, not-ritual essence of Sir Thomas More (who is allowed to rewithstanding the ridiculous by-ways by which it is come at. This is a dreary view of human nature; but what else is to be looked for in the records of crime? On the whole, this book is an interesting one, and worthy of the public attention. If some parts of the detail of its execution be amended in the future numbers, it will prove highly valuable. We have felt considerably interested (and perhaps our feelings may be shared by some of our readers) to find, in perusing these volumes, those whose names we have been accustomed to meet with only in the narrative of high political emulation, or (higher yet) in the poet's song, discharging quietly the ordinary avocations of life. That the names of Darnley, Morton, and Gowrie should occur, and that our distinguished lawyers should play a distinguished part in these annals, was to have been expected; but among the jurymen also, we meet with old acquaintances. We have only time to specify George Heriot, goldsmith. His habit of serving as juryman, sufficiently accounts for the intimate acquaintance he displayed in after life with the law of Scotland, as the reader may find recorded in the pages of that true history, "The Fortunes of Nigel." Sir Thomas More; or Colloquies on the Progress and Pros- THE purity of Mr Southey's style, and the varied stores of his information, make him the best writer of English prose now living. We do not mean to apply this praise so much to his matter, as to his execution; for though the former is commonly far above mediocrity, it is seldom so conspicuously excellent as the latter. It will thus be seen that a great variety of subjects come under discussion, on all of which something is said worth reading, though on some of them Mr Southey holds peculiar tenets, with which we are by no means disposed to agree, and his enlarging upon which, may prevent his book from becoming so popular, as on the whole it deserves. The conversations are supposed to take place between the spi visit the glimpses of the sun for this special purpose) and DERWENTWATER. "A tall, raw-boned, hard-featured North Briton said one day to one of our Keswick guides, at a moment when your lake; it's a poor piece of water, with some shabby I happened to be passing by, Well, I have been to look at inountains round about it.' He had seen it in a cold, dark, cheerless autumnal afternoon, to as great a disadvantage as, 1 suppose, from the stamp of his visage, and the tone and temper of his voice, he could have wished to see it, for it was plain he carried no sunshine in himself wherewith to light it up. I have visited the Scotch Lakes in a kindlier disposition; and the remembrance of them will ever be cherished among my most delightful reminiscences of natural scenery. I have seen also the finest of the Alpine lakes, and felt on my return from both countries, that if Derwentwater has neither the severe grandeur of the Highland waters, nor the luxuriauce and sublimity and glory of the Swiss and Italian, it has enough to fill the imagination and to satisfy the heart."—Vol. i. pp. 237-8. Our next quotation we consider a passage of much beauty: ON THE FEAR OF DEATH. "Surely to the sincere believer, death would be an ob ject of desire instead of dread, were it not for those ties those heart-strings-by which we are attached to life. Nor indeed do I believe that it is natural to fear death, howFrom my own feelever generally it may be thought so. ings I have little right to judge; for, although habitually mindful that the hour cometh, and even now may be, it has never appeared actually near enough to make me duly appreThe work which the Poet Laureat has now given to the hend its effect upon myself. But from what 1 have obserpublic, is of no small dimensions, and bears the traces of ved, and what I have heard those persons say whose procareful and laborious composition. The great research which fessions lead them to the dying, I am induced to infer that he displays in the course of it, and the extent of reading and the fear of death is not common, and that where it exists, it proceeds rather from a diseased and enfeebled mind, than learning which he calls to his aid, without ostentation or from any principle in our nature. Certain it is, that among pedantry, are perhaps its most prominent features. With the poor, the approach of dissolution is usually regarded many parts of it we have been much pleased. The tone of with a quiet and natural composure, which it is consolatory the whole is grave and dignified, and at the same time be- to contemplate, and which is as far removed from the dead nevolent and gentle. We cannot, however, say that, after palsy of unbelief, as it is from the delirious raptures of a pretty attentive perusal, we have been so much struck fanaticism. Theirs is a true unhesitating faith; and they are willing to lay down the burden of a weary life in the with the profundity or originality of the author's views, as sure and certain hope of a blessed immortality. Who, inwith the copiousness of his illustrations, the fine English deed, is there that would not gladly make the exchange, if he richness and vigour of his style, and the interesting man- lived only for himself, and were to leave none who stood ner in which lighter and more imaginative writing is occa- in need of him, no eyes to weep at his departure, no sionally dovetailed into the serious disquisitions and abstract hearts to ache for his loss? The day of death, says the reasonings in which the work abounds. The Colloquies, of Preacher, is better than the day of one's birth,-a sentence which there are fifteen, bear the following titles: 1st, In- that he has not lived ill, must heartily assent. to which, whoever has lived long, and may humbly hope The exceltroduction-2d, The Improvement of the World-3d, The lent Henry Scougal used to say, that, abstracted from the Druidical Stones-Visitations of Pestilence-4th, Feudal will of God, mere curiosity would make him long for anoSlavery-Growth of Pauperism-5th, Decay of the Feudal ther world.' How many of the ancients committed suicide System-Edward VI.-Alfred-6th, Walla Crag, Owen from the mere weariness of life, a conviction of the vanity of Lanark―7th, The Manufacturing System-8th, Steam of human enjoyments, or to avoid the infirmities of old -War-Prospects of Europe-9th, Derwentwater-Ca- age! This, too, in utter uncertainty concerning a future state, not with the hope of change, for in their prospect tholic Emancipation-Ireland-10th, Crosthwaite Church there was no hope; but for the desire of death."-Vol. i. -St Kentigern-The Reformation-Dissenters-Method- | pp. 241-3. The following will be read with interest : MR SOUTHEY'S LITERARY CAREER. "Never can any man's life have been past more in accord with his own inclinations, nor more answerably to his own desires. Excepting that peace, which, through God's infinite mercy, is derived from a higher source, it is to literature, humanly speaking, that I am beholden, not only for the means of subsistence, but for every blessing which I enjoy;-health of body, and activity of mind, contentment, cheerfulness, continual employment, and therewith continual pleasure Suavissima vita indies sentire se fieri meliorem; and this as Bacon has said, and Clarendon repeated, is the benefit that a studious man enjoys in retirement. To the studies which I have faithfully pursued, I am indebted to friends with whom, hereafter, it will be deemed an honour to have lived in friendship; and as for the enemies which they have procured to me in sufficient numbers, happily I am not of the thin-skinned race: they might as well fire small-shot at a rhinoceros, as direct their attacks upon me. In omnibus requiem quæsivi, said Thomas à Kempis, sed non inveni nisi in angulis et libellis. I too have found repose where he did, in books and retirement, but it was there alone I sought it: to these my nature, under the direction of a merciful Providence, led me betimes, and the world can offer nothing which should tempt me from them.”—Vol. ii. p. 346. We subjoin only one other extract on an important subject, and on which no one has a better right to deliver an opinion than Mr Southey: Biographical Sketches and Authentic Anecdotes of Dogs; with a copious Appendix on the Breeding, Feeding, Training, Diseases, and Medical Treatment of Dogs; together with a Treatise on the Game Laws. By Captain Thomas Brown, F. R.S. E., &c. Edinburgh. Oliver and Boyd. 1829. Pp. 570. WHEN Pierre says that he is "a friend to dogs," he gives for his reason, that they are "honest creatures." Now "honesty" implies virtue, and virtue implies reason, and reason mind, and mind soul, and soul immortality. This is just the point we wish to come to ;-we cannot help believing that dogs have souls, and that those souls are immortal. Put an intelligent dog by the side of a silly man, and what will be the result of the comparison ?-unquestionably this, that in all things the quadruped is superior to the biped, only, that the one, possessing accidentally the power of speech, which has been denied to the other, has been enabled, by the facilities thus afforded for mutual co-operation with his fellow-men, to make farther advances from a state of primitive nature. Yet even with the vast advantage to be derived from the power of uttering articulate sounds, are the naked savages of central Africa-men though they be entitled to look down with proud contempt upon the Newfoundland or the shepherd's dog? Deprive these savages of speech, and we question very much whether they would conduct themselves with so much moral and intellectual propriety as dogs generally do. And, on the other hand, give speech to dogs, and thus enable them to form themselves into communities, and we see nothing chimerical in "More lasting effect was produced by translators, who, supposing, that their progress in civilisation, science, and in later times, have corrupted our idiom as much as, in early the fine arts, would be great and rapid. Intensity and arones, they enriched our vocabulary; and to this injury the dour of feeling are universally allowed to lie at the foundaScotch have greatly contributed; for, composing in a language which is not their mother tongue, they necessarily tion of the brightest achievements of genius; and where do acquired an artificial and formal style, which, not so much we find such devoted attachment-such unshrinking fidethrough the merit of a few, as owing to the perseverance of lity-such unhesitating confidence-such generous heroism others, who for half a century seated themselves on the such disinterested friendship, as in dogs? We ask the bench of criticism, has almost superseded the vernacular question with a grave and melancholy conviction, that the English of Addison and Swift. Our journals, indeed, have been the great corrupters of our style, and continue to be so; his sentiments expression, clothing them in the pleasant answer must be-" Nowhere!" Man, it is true, can give and not for this reason only. Men who write in newspapers, and magazines, and reviews, write for present effect; garb of flowery language, and thus attach to them an imin most cases, this is as much their natural and proper aim, portance which they do not possess, and an apparent duraas it would be in public speaking; but when it is so, they bility which is no part of their nature; but then how are the consider, like public speakers, not so much what is accurate virtues which he can thus occasionally display alloyed and deor just, either in matter or manner, as what will be accept-based by the continual intermixture of more sordid elements! able to those whom they address. Writing also under the excitement of emulation and rivalry, they seek, by all the artifices and efforts of an ambitious style, to dazzle their readers; and they are wise in their generation, experience having shown that common minds are taken by glittering faults, both in prose and verse, as larks are with looking-honest paw of a dumb Newfoundland dog, than to grasp the glasses. THE CORRUPTION OF ENGLISH STYLE. Dogs cannot blazon forth their good deeds, nor can they write sonnets to the lady of their love; but if their lives are more obscure, they are far less characterized by the indulgence of vice and unholy passions. Far better to shake the "In this school it is that most writers are now trained; and after such training, any thing like an easy and natural movement is as little to be looked for in their compositions, If any one wishes to entertain enlarged and enlightened as in the step of a dancing-master. To the views of style, opinions regarding this noble class of animals, (whether he which are thus generated, there must be added the inaccu- coincide in the sentiments we have just expressed or not,) let racies inevitably arising from haste, when a certain quanti-him peruse these "Biographical Sketches" and "Authenty of matter is to be supplied for a daily or weekly publication, which allows of no delay,-the slovenliness that confidence as well as fatigue and inattention will produce, and the barbarisms which are the effect of ignorance, or that smattering of knowledge which serves only to render ignorance presumptuous. These are the causes of corruption in our current style; and when these are considered, there would be ground for apprehending that the best writings of the last century might become as obsolete as ours in the like process of time, if we had not in our Liturgy and our Bible, a standard from which it will not be possible wholly to depart."-Vol. ii. pp. 390-3. hand of many a plodder through the tawdry meanness of his selfish life! These volumes are got up in a manner which reflects credit even on Mr Murray, and are enriched with several beautiful engravings. There can be little doubt that they will still farther increase the well-earned reputation of one of the most industrious, learned, and zealous authors of the present age. tic Anecdotes" just published by Captain Brown. He will here find, besides a mass of highly useful and delightful information regarding the natural history and habits of every species of dog, upwards of two hundred and twenty anecdotes, illustrative of their dispositions, and all of the most entertaining kind. Captain Brown has pursued his subject with indefatigable industry and enthusiasm, and hesitates not to express his conviction, that the dog " possesses intellectual qualities of a much higher nature than mere instinct, and that many of his actions must be ascribed to the exercise of reason, in the proper sense of the word." Elsewhere he dwells on the unsullied and inviolable ardour and purity of the dog's attachment, on his anxiety to execute, and even to anticipate, his master's wishes,-on his dread of giving offence,-on his zeal, vigour, and gratitude for the little kindnesses be receives,-on his firmness in submitting to punishment, and on his indignation at unmerited injury. With such dispositions and capabilities, give dogs language, and why might we not see among them orators, statesmen, poets, and warriors? Educate them on the system of Lancaster, Hamilton, or Sheriff Wood, and we feel certain that many of them would make the best wranglers of Cambridge and Oxford look to their laurels. Without farther preface, we shall present our readers with a few amusing extracts from this work, the whole of which we have read with the highest satisfaction. Our first quotation treats of THE ENGLISH GREYHOUND. "We owe much of the superiority of our present breed of greyhounds to the perseverance and judgment of the late Earl of Oxford, of Houghton in Norfolk; and it is supposed he obtained the great depth of chest and strength of his breed from crossing with the bull-dog. At his death his greyhounds were sold by auction, and some of his best were purchased by Colonel Thornton; from one of them, Claret, which was put to a favourite bitch of Major Topham's, was produced the best greyhound that ever appeared, Snowball; although, indeed, he was nearly equalled by his brothers, Major and Sylvia, who were all of the same litter. They were never beaten, and may be considered as examples of the most perfect greyhound. The shape, make, elegant structure, and other characteristics of high blood, were equally distinguishable in all the three; the colour of Snowball was a jet-black, and, when in good running condition, was as fine in the skin as black satin. Major and Sylvia were singularly, but beautifully, brindled. Snowball won ten large pieces of silver plate, and upwards of forty matches, his master having accepted every challenge, whatever might be the dogs of different counties which were brought against him. His descendants have generally been equally successful. The last match run by this celebrated dog was against the famous greyhound Speed, the property of Hall Plumber, Esq. of Bilton Park, in the West Riding of Yorkshire. He gained the match; and so severe was the run, that Speed died soon after it. This terminated the career of Snowball's public coursing, as the owner, in consideration of his age, then declared he should never run another. This dog was perhaps the fleetest of his race that ever ran, and, like the Flying Childers, which was the swiftest of horses, may never be outstripped in rapidity of movements."-Pp. 109, 110. One of the most placid, obedient, serene, and grateful members of the canine race, is the shepherd's dog, whose greatest delight seems to be when he is employed in any kind of useful service. Captain Brown has given many anecdotes of this animal's instinctive propensity to industry, and inviolable fidelity; but we have room for only one, which, we believe, has been supplied by Mr Hogg: THE SHEPHERD'S DOG. "Mr Steel, flesher in Peebles, had such an implicit dependence on the attention of his dog to his orders, that, whenever he put a lot of sheep before her, he took a pride in leaving them to herself, and either remained to take a glass with the farmer of whom he had made the purchase, or took another road, to look after bargains or other business. But one time he chanced to commit a drove to her charge at a place called Willenslee, without attending to her condition as he ought to have done. This farm is five miles from Peebles, over wild hills, and there is no regularly defined path to it. Whether Mr Steel remained behind, or chose another road, I know not; but, on coming home late in the evening, he was astonished at hearing that his faithful animal had not made her appearance with the flock. He and his son, or servant, instantly prepared to set out by different paths in search of her; but, on their going out to the street, there was she coming with the drove, no one missing; and, marvellous to relate, she was carrying a young pup in her mouth! She had been taken in travail on those hills; and how the poor beast had contrived to manage the drove in her state of suffer ing, is beyond human calculation, for her road lay through sheep the whole way. Her master's heart smote him when he saw what she had suffered and effected: but she was nothing daunted, and having deposited her young one in a place of safety, she again set out full speed to the hills, and brought another and another, till she removed her whole litter one by one; but the last one was dead. I give this as I have heard it related by the country people; for though I knew Mr Walter Steel well enough, I cannot say I ever heard it from his own mouth. I never entertained any doubt, however, of the truth of the relation; and certainly it is worthy of being preserved, for the credit of that most docile and affectionate of all animals, -the shepherd's dog."-Pp. 159, 160. But, in a state of purity, and uncontaminated, by a mixture with any inferior race, the Newfoundland dog is unquestionably the noblest of all. His docility, his sagacity, his anxiety to excel, the pliability of his temper, his fidelity, and activity, are all conspicuous. We select, though almost at random, a few of our author's anecdotes, illustrative of this animal's character. No one can read them without feeling that the Newfoundland dog has a right to be viewed as a friend and fellow-creature. ANECDOTES OF THE NEWFOUNDLAND DOG. "There is another remarkable instance which also came under the observation of the owner of the dog just mentioned. One of the magistrates of Harbour-Grace had an old animal of this kind, which was in the habit of carrying a lantern before his master at night, as steadily as the most attentive servant could do, stopping short when he made a stop, and proceeding when he saw him disposed to follow. If his owner was from home, as soon as the lantern was fixed to his mouth, and the command given, Go, fetch thy master,' he would immediately set off, and proceed directly to the town, which lay at a distance of more than a mile from the place of his residence. When there, he stopped at the door of every house which he knew his master was in the habit of frequenting; and, laying down his lantern, would growl and beat at the door, making all the noise in his power, until it was opened. If his owner was not there, he would proceed farther in the same manner, until he found him. If he had accompanied him only once into a house, this was sufficient to induce him to take that house in his round."-P. 206. "A gentleman residing in the city of London was going one afternoon to his country cottage, accompanied by Cæsar, a favourite Newfoundland dog, when he recollected that he had the key of a cellaret, which would be wanted at home during his absence. Having accustomed his dog to carry things, he sent him back with the key; the dog executed his commission, and afterwards rejoined his master, who discovered that he had been fighting, and was much torn about the head. The cause he afterwards learned on his return to town in the evening. Cæsar, while passing with the key, was attacked by a ferocious dog belonging to a butcher, against which he made no resistance, but tore himself away without relinquishing his charge. After delivering the key in town, he returned the same way, and, on reaching the butcher's shop from which he had been assailed, he stopped and looked out for his antagonist; the dog again sallied forth, -Cæsar attacked him with a fury which nothing but revenge for past wrongs could have inspired, nor did he quit his enemy until he had laid him dead at his feet.”— Pp. 208, 209. "Mr M'Intyre, patent-mangle manufacturer, Regent Bridge, Edinburgh, has a dog of the Newfoundland breed, crossed with some other, named Dandie, whose sagacious qualifications are truly astonishing, and almost incredible. As the animal continues daily to give the most striking proofs of his powers, he is well known in the neighbourhood, and any person may satisfy himself of the reality of those facts, many of which the writer has himself had the pleasure to witness. "When Mr M. is in company, how numerous soever it may be, if he but say to the dog, Dandie, bring me my hat,' he immediately picks out the hat from all the others, and puts it in his master's hands. A pack of cards being scattered in the room, if his master has previously selected one of them, the dog will find it out and bring it to him. "One evening, some gentlemen being in company, one of them accidentally dropped a shilling on the floor, which, after the most careful search, could not be found. Mr M. seeing his dog sitting in a corner, and looking as if quite unconscious of what was passing, said to him, 'Dandie, find us the shilling, and you shall have a biscuit.' The dog immediately jumped upon the table and laid down the shilling, which he had previously picked up without having been perceived. "One time having been left in a room in the house of Mrs Thomas, High Street, he remained quiet for a considerable time; but as no one opened the door, he became impatient, and rang the bell; and when the servant opened the door, she was surprised to find the dog pulling the bell-rope. Since that period, which was the first time he was observed to do it, he pulls the bell whenever he is desired; and what appears still more remarkable, if there is no bell-rope in the room, he will examine the table, and if he finds a hand-bell, he takes it in his mouth and rings it. "Mr M. having one evening supped with a friend, on his return home, as it was rather late, he found all the family in bed. He could not find his boot-jack in the place where it usually lay, nor could he find it anywhere in the room, after the strictest search. He then said to his dog, Dandie, I cannot find my boot-jack,-search for it. The faithful animal, quite sensible of what had been said to him, scratched at the room-door, which his master opened-Dandie proceeded to a very distant part of the house, and soon returned, carrying in his mouth the boot-jack, which Mr M. now recollected to have left that morning under a sofa. "A number of gentlemen, well acquainted with Dandie, are daily in the habit of giving him a penny, which he takes to a baker's shop, and purchases bread for himself. One of these gentlemen, who lives in James's Square, when passing some time ago, was accosted by Dandie, in expectation of his usual present. Mr T. then said to him, I have not a penny with me to-day, but I have one at home.' Having returned to his house some time after, he heard a noise at the door, which was opened by the servant, when in sprang Dandie to receive his penny. In a frolic Mr T. gave him a bad one, which he, as usual, carried to the baker, but was refused his bread, as the money was bad. He immediately returned to Mr T.'s, knocked at the door, and when the servant opened it, laid the penny down at her feet, and walked off, seemingly with the greatest contempt. "Although Dandie, in general, makes an immediate purchase of bread with the money which he receives, yet the following circumstance clearly demonstrates that he possesses more prudent foresight than many who are reckoned rational beings. "One Sunday, when it was very unlikely that he could have received a present of money, Dandie was observed to bring home a loaf. Mr M. being somewhat surprised at this, desired the servant to search the room to see if any money could be found. While she was engaged in this task, the dog seemed quite unconcerned till we approached the bed, when he ran to her, and gently drew her back from it. Mr M. then secured the dog, which kept struggling and growling while the servant went under the bed, where she found 74d. under a bit of cloth; but from that time he never could endure the girl, and was frequently observed to hide the money in a corner of a saw-pit, under the dust. “When Mr M. has company, if he desire the dog to see any one of the gentlemen home, it will walk with him till he reach his home, and then return to his master, how great soever the distance may be."-Pp. 218-22. "The late Rev. James Simpson of the Potterrow congregation, Edinburgh, had a large dog of the Newfound land breed. At that time he lived at Libberton, a distance of two miles from Edinburgh, in a house to which was attached a garden. One sacrament Sunday the servant, who was left at home in charge of the house, thought it a good opportunity to entertain her friends, as her master and mistress were not likely to return home till after the evening's service, about nine o'clock. During the day, the dog accompanied them through the garden, and indeed every place they went, in the most attentive manner, and seemed well pleased. In the evening, when the time arrived that the party meant to separate, they proceeded to do so, but the dog, the instant they went to the door, interposed, and placing himself before it, would not allow one of them to touch the handle. On their persisting and attempting to use force, he became furious; and in a menacing manner drove them back to the kitchen; where he kept them until the arrival of Mr and Mrs Simpson, who were surprised to find the party at so late an hour, and more so to see the dog standing sentinel over them. Being thus detected, the servant acknowledged the whole circumstances, and her friends were allowed to depart, after being admonished by the worthy divine in regard to the proper use of the Sabbath. They could not but consider the dog as instrumental in the hand of Providence to point out the impropriety of spending this holy day in feasting rather than in the duties of religion."-Pp. 227-8. A circumstance, indicative of the sagacity of a Newfoundland dog, has come under our own observation, which is perhaps worth stating:-In his early youth, the dog to which we allude had been called Hector, but passing into the possession of a new master, he was re-baptised Nero. He soon got not only reconciled to his new name, but much fonder of it than his old one, seeing that his master preferred it; and what we consider remarkable, is, that when any one, either through mistake or ignorance, still called him Hector, he never failed to testify his displeasure by growling, and sometimes even by more active measures. It was plain that he did not agree with Shakspeare in thinking there was no value in a name. We subjoin three miscellaneous anecdotes, which are curious, though not more so than many others we are obliged to omit : A DRAMATIC POODLE. "My friend Robert Wilkie, Esq. of Ladythorn, in the county of Northumberland, had a black Poodle, which he had instructed to go through the agonies of dying in a very correct manner. When he was ordered to die, he would tumble over on one side, and then stretch himself out, and move his hind legs in such a way as expressed that he was in great pain; first slowly, and afterwards very quick; and after a few convulsive throbs, indicated by putting his head and whole body in motion, he would stretch out all his limbs and cease to move, as if he had expired, lying on his back, with his legs turned upwards. In this situation he remained motionless till he had his master's commands to get up.”—P. 248. A PUZZLING DILEMMA. "There was a French dog which was taught by his master to execute various commissions, and, among others, to fetch him victuals from the traiteurs in a basket. One evening, when the dog was returning to his master thus furnished, two other dogs, attracted by the savoury smell of the petits pâtés that this new messenger was carrying, determined to attack him. The dog put his basket on the ground, and set himself courageously against the first that advanced; but while he was engaged with the one assailant, the other ran to the basket, and began to help himself. At length, seeing that there was no chance of beating both the dogs, and saving his master's dinner, he |