Imágenes de páginas

of the chains of forts. Thus, too, we account for the fact of the fleet being found the fifth summer in the Frith of Clyde, and the sixth in that of Forth; it had returned, during the winter, to the mouth of the Thames. There is no evidence that the fleet was employed in the Frith of Forth previous to the sixth campaign. On the contrary, the anecdote of the runaway Usipii is only of importance from their having fallen into the hands of the Frisians and Suevi, after sailing northwards along the western coast of the island. It stands, moreover, expressly in Dio Cassius' narrative of the same event, that they sailed along the west coast.

Colonel Miller attributed to Agricola's having now entered the territories of the Brigantes, whose power had been shattered, but not finally overcome, by his predecessors. According to the essayist, Agricola could not possibly have made any important inroad into Scotland this year. The aparuit novas gentes," denoted mere skirmishing excursions; and in this view, he proposed to substitute "Tinam," for the "Taum" which stands in our editions of Tacitus. The fourth year was, according to Colonel M. the first in which Agricola advanced in force into Scotland, and was terminated by fortifying the line of country between the Forth and Clyde. In the fifth summer, he made himself master of Galloway and Ayrshire. Colonel Dr Hibbert remarked, as bearing upon what Dr CarM. maintains, that in his sixth campaign Agricola crossed son had said respecting the Roman fleet having been emthe Frith of Forth for the first time; and he fixes upon the ployed by Agricola previous to the sixth campaign, but site of Cambus Kenneth as that where the Roman army always on the west side of the island, that a station had crossed the river. He then traces their progress by the as-been discovered on the Ribble, which bore strong marks sistance of the symptoms of ancient encampments which still of having been frequented by the galleys of that people. remain, and the tradition of the country, to the hill of Hare- He could not assent to such an adventurous amendment law, which he assumes to have been the station in which as the substitution of “Tinam” for “ Taum;" but noticed, the ninth legion was attacked by the Caledonians. He as an apology for its boldness, the inaccuracy of the Rosupposes this to have been the last of a series of harassing mans in regard to the rivers of North Britain. Thus and desultory attacks, that convinced Agricola of the im- they uniformly confounded the Dee and the Mersey. Some possibility of effecting any thing decisive that year, and had, indeed, suggested, that these rivers might have oriled him to draw his army sooner than usual into winter ginally been united, and afterwards separated by an alquarters; as the locality of which, the essayist assigns luvial deposit: but having viewed the country in question Dunearn Hill for various reasons. The conclusion of the with the eye of a geologist, he could not admit of this soEssay, in which the author enters upon the investigation lation of the difficulty, and must still refer the confusion of the transactions of the seventh campaign, and the battle to the ignorance of the Romans. which terminated it and the war at once, was deferred till the next meeting.


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The question regarding the situation of the field of battle remains, as intimated, to be discussed at next meet

Such of our readers as may wish to look farther into the subject, may consult General Roy's Military Antiquities, and the Transactions of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, vol. I. p. 565, and vol. II. p. 289.


OUR readers will no doubt be surprised to learn that Miss Smithson, who commenced her engagement here with Belvidera aud Juliet, terminated it with Sophia in the "Rendezvous," and Ellen Byfield in the “Falls of Clyde," the first a romping character in a vulgar farce, and the second a stupid heroine in a still more stupid melo-drama. Whether this change in the choice of her parts is in any degree to be attributed to our remarks, it is unnecessary to enquire; but the latter class is certainly much more adapted to her abilities than the former. We perceive that certain Edinburgh papers, whose opinions in dramatic matters are smiled at even by the supernumeraries in Mr Murray's company, have attempted to get up an opposition to us upon the subject of Miss Smithson's merits; and that they might do the thing effectually, they have not contented themselves with merely praising her, but have taken all their gods to witness that she is the most gifted actress ever beheld in this city. The motives which have induced a few underlings thus to scribble, it would not be difficult to explain; but with such as these we hold no argument. In our most humble opinion, Miss Smithson is the smallest star that ever came to Edinburgh; and had Mrs Stanley, or Miss Stoker, or any other permanent member of our corps dramatique, treated us to similar exhibitions, we should at once have advised Mr Murray to rid himself of such an addition to the effective strength of his establishment.

Dr Carson did not, in what remarks he made, intending. A beautifully executed plan accompanies the essay. to prejudge the question of the real site of the battle of the Grampians, the essayist's opinion on that point not being yet before the Society; he had, however, some observations to make on the sketch of the previous campaigns. He could not agree to the substitution of "Tinam" for "Taum;" because the Tyne was not an estuary (œstuario nomen est.) Besides, if Agricola penetrated no farther the third summer than to the Tyne, he could only come in collision with the Brigantes, who were old acquaintances of the Romans, and to whom, therefore, the term novas gentes" cannot apply. The historian's expression, too, is". usque ad Taum," implying, that the river designated, whatever it be, was the utmost limits of that year's march. The excursion was partly exploratory, which removes any difficulty that might be supposed to arise from our finding Agricola employed in fortifying a territory in the fourth campaign, considerably within the limits to which he had advanced in his third. Having fortified his frontier, it was necessary, in order that he might advance with security, to leave no enemy on his flank: hence his incursion into Galloway in the fifth summer. Having secured every thing to the south of the Forth, he again crossed it in the sixth summer, for more lasting operations than were compatible with his previous flying visit. The expression, "quæ ab Agricola primum assumpta in partem virium," applied to the fleet, denotes, according to the genius of the language, that Agricola was the first Roman officer in Britain who had combined the operations of a naval and military force, and not that this was the first instance of his bringing them to act together—a supposition destroyed by the express notice of the fleet's employment, the previous year, on the other side of the island. He (Dr Carson) could not acquiesce in the author's opinion, that Agricola remained the whole winter in Scotland. It was the office of the Roman generals-and Dr Carson believed he was the first who had pointed out this fact-to be busied, during the winter cessation of arms, in the civil administration of their province. Agricola, therefore, returned southward during every winter. Such a step would have been other-sideration. We suppose it will be at once granted that wise rendered necessary, by the inability of Scotland to furnish provisions for so large an army. We can thus account for the great weight laid upon the maintenance

A few sensible and temperate persons have stated to us, that while they perfectly agreed with the general scope of our remarks upon Miss Smithson, they thought we went too far when we condescended to criticize her figure and face. This is a matter worth a moment's con

to praise an actress for the elegance of her figure, or the beauty of her countenance, if that praise can be bestowed conscientiously, is to do no more than what every writer

upon these subjects is called upon to do. Well, then, an actress, who has gained a good deal of notoriety, visits Edinburgh for the first time, and the public naturally wish to know what the dramatic critics think of her, always understanding that the public are of course aware that some of the dramatic critics are much more to be depended on than others. One person announces, that having seen the actress, he finds her a chaste, correct performer, and that, more than any other he knows, she has studied the graces of attitude, and those niceties and powers of expression which give to attitude a double effect;-that, besides, she possesses just such a symmetrical figure and fine countenance as are best calculated to make this style entirely successful. Such is the opinion of one critic; but another critic, whose notions of symmetry and beauty are of a very different kind, reads this opinion with positive distress, to think that what appear to him such vulgar and inadequate judges should have any thing to say to the public at all, and, in a fit of generous indignation, and an ardent desire to rescue the noble art which he admires from the degradation it might suffer were so rude and uncultivated a taste listened to by its professors, he proceeds to show, that the attitudes and gestures of the actress in question are extravagant and grotesque, and that her features, being little capable of expression, could never be commanding. These disagreeable truths might be told gently, and in many cases it would be proper to do so. But there are others, where the taste of a city has to be vindicated, or a venal party put down, when it becomes necessary to speak out in strong and piquant language, the novelty of which will attract attention, whilst its causticity makes the offenders smart. Every female who walks up to the stage lamps presents herself to the public to be scrutinized and reported upon. If she be modest and unassuming in her calling, a very little admonition will set her right upon her weak points; but if she attempt to split the ears of the groundlings, and to carry away the galleries by a coup-de-theatre, then he is a mere milk-sop, and is betraying the trust reposed in him, who is afraid to tell her of her defects-both intellectual and physical-in good round terms. Such is our creed; and such, in the case of Miss Smithson, has been our practice, not without good effect too, for the public now know in whom they may trust, and Miss Smithson has it not in her power to report that she was very favourably received in Edinburgh.

Sir Walter Scott's Tragedy of "The House of Aspen" was produced here with complete success on Thursday evening. The Literary Journal may give itself some credit for having been the first to suggest to Mr Murray the propriety of transferring this play from the pages of the Keepsake to his boards. The only thing to be regretted is, that Mr Murray was prevented from availing himself of the hint before it had been taken advantage of at the Surrey Theatre in London. The version, however, which has been brought out here, is widely different from that which was acted in London, and, we venture to say, very greatly superior. The five Acts have been converted into three, and a good deal of vocal and instrumental music has been interspersed, which has the effect of making the whole less heavy than it might otherways have been. The principal parts are cast almost exactly as was suggested in the Journal, with one exception, that Denham plays the old Baron Rudiger, instead of Murray himself, whom we thought, and still think, could have made more of it. Denham is good in the last scene, but in the earlier ones he does not sufficiently bring out the warm-hearted, fiery spirit of the old man. There is a want of nicety (if we may use the expression) in his conception of the character. He is rather lumbering and unwieldy in it. Besides, he is too young, and too tall, and too stout, to answer one's ideas of a hale, hearty, passionate old gentleman. We still say Murray was the man to have played Rudiger, and the play would have been ten per cent lighter if he had done so. But this is a matter of

smaller moment, in comparison with the very able and spirited manner in which the whole has been got up. There is some beautiful new scenery; there are many new dresses and decorations; and the supernumeraries are so metamorphosed and improved, that they scarcely seem to be the same beings. A number of fine melo-dramatic points have also been introduced with great skill; and the deviations from the play, as published by Sir Walter, are, in general, highly judicious. Neither must we forget particularly to allude to the powerful aid which the manager has received from Mr John Thomson, who has composed and arranged for the occasion, music, both vocal and melo-dramatic, which has only to be heard in order to convince every one that Mr Thomson is among the most promising votaries of the science of which this country can boast. His finale to the first act,—his drinking song,—and one or two of his marches, are amazingly bold, spirited, and, we will say, original; though they are perhaps indebted a little for part of their excellence to the genius of Weber. At present we write hurriedly; but we cannot conclude without alluding to the able manner in which Miss Jarman acquitted herself, who had the difficult task of playing not only the heroine, but the mother of Barton and Montague Stanley! Her dress was elegant and highly appropriate; if we are not mistaken, it is pretty accurately copied from the engraving which accompanies the Tragedy in the Keepsake. Barton also performed his part well upon the whole, and with less monotonous whining than is usual with him. Pritchard too, as the villain of the piece, bore himself bravely; and though Hooper has little to do, that little he did with good effect, and in a gentlemanly way. From the unanimous aud hearty applause with which it was received, this play is pretty sure to have a run, and, what is better, it deserves it; for it is the most spirited thing Mr Murray has done for some time. We shall have more to say concerning it next Saturday.

Old Cerberus.



O! NEVER eyes will beam for me
Like his-the lost-the dead!
Still o'er my heart their sunshine comes
In softened glory shed!

So deep the fondness of that gaze,

Where soul flash'd brightly ever;
Like evening's last rich golden rays,
That dance upon the river!
No other sun will ever pour

Such glory o'er the sea!
No other eyes will ever beam

Such fondness back to me!

O! never voice will breathe for me
Like his-the lost-the dead!
Its tones yet linger round my heart,
By wildest fancy fed!

A music floats into my soul,

And stirs me as the breeze Stirs the sad chords of some lone harp, Hung 'mid the forest trees!

No other wind will ever wake

Those airs so wild that be! No other voice will ever breathe Such melody to me!

O! never soul will beat for me

Like his-the lost-the dead! Still in my heart of hearts I feel Its holy influence shed!

I saw a bark at morn go forth,

Rich freighted from the strand; But ere night's stars rose pale, it lay A wreck upon the sand!

No arm will e'er its treasures bring

Forth from the dreary sea!

No heart will ever own that love

I buried deep with thee!



Don't bother us, Hal, with your love-broken hearts,
Away with this whining and sorrow;

A fig for young Cupid, his bow, and his darts!
Fill the glass, and let care come to-morrow!

The girl that you loved has deceived you-why, then,
Thank your stars that the match has miscarried;
The wench that would jilt you when single, 'tis plain
Would readily wrong you when married.

Her heart, like a weathercock set on a hill,

To pleasure for ever is veering;

And she drives down the current of passion and will,
Like a ship on the ocean careering.

Give her wealth, give her wealth, give her tinsel and show,
Give her banquetings, music, and laughter,
And she'll make to herself a snug heaven below,
For fear she should have none hereafter.

She'll ogle at church, she will scheme at the ball,
She will flirt at the rout and the revel;
She will cant at conventicles, sneer in the hall,
And laugh at both parson and devil.

Her charms are but summer flowers spread o'er the snare,
To which stupid simpletons hurry ;

For if a man wants a long life-lease of care,
Let him marry, by Jove, let him marry!

And then, like the knight in the tale, he will sleep
In the fetters in which she hath bound him,

Until he awake from his slumber deep
With the squalling of urchins around him.

Then why, my dear Hal, should you idly repine,
That you've got no such pest by your ingle?
Thank Heaven, that has left you a cup of good wine,
A good friend, and good sense to live single.

W. W.


WE understand that the following interesting new Works are in preparation for Constable's Miscellany, and will speedily appear ;The Achievements of the Knights of Malta, from the Institution of the Hospitallers of St John, in 1099, till the Political Extinction of the Order, by Napoleon, in 1800. By Alexander Sutherland, Esq. (2 vols.) History of Music, Ancient and Modern. By W. Cooke Stafford, Esq. (1 vol.) Life of King James the First. By Robert Chambers. (2 vols.) A Tour in Sicily, &c. By J. S. Memes. Esq. LL.D. (1 vol.) History of France, from the earliest authentic era, till the present time. By William Fraser, Esq. (5 vols.) Life of Sir William Wallace of Elderslie, with the History of his struggle for the independence of Scotland, including biographical notices of contemporary English and Scottish Warriors. By John D. Carrick, Esq. (1 vol.) Life of Francis Pizarro, and an Account of the conquest of Peru, &c. By the author of the "Life of Hernan Cortes." (1 vol.) History of the American War of Independence, with Memoirs of General Washington. (2 vols.)

A Monthly Magazine is about to be published at Perth, under the title of the Perth Miscellany, devoted not only to matters of local interest, particularly agriculture and gardening, for which Perthshire is celebrated, but also to general literature. Such a publication has been much wanted, and the proposed Miscellany promises to be well supported.

THE STORY OF A BROKEN HEART.-A tale under the above title, the production of an author of reputation, will speedily appear. It is said to be founded on an event which excited a strong sensation in a small circle a few years since, the detail and characters of which will be easily recognised by the individuals who were so deeply inteested in it at the time.

It is said that Messrs Colburn and Bentley intend publishing a se. ries of works, to be entitled Polite Literature, or the Gentleman's Library.

A work of an interesting and judicious kind will be published speedily in Edinburgh, under the title of The Excitement, or a Book to induce boys to read. It contains remarkable appearances in nature, signal preservations, and such incidents as are particularly fitted to arrest the youthful mind.

We announced some time ago the appearance of the London University Magazine; the King's College is about to start a rival Miscellany, to be entitled the King's College Miscellany and Review.

Dr Morton is preparing for the press Travels in Russia, and a residence in St Petersburg and Odessa, in the years 1827-8-9, intended to give some account of Russia as it is, and not as it is represented to be.

Mr Bernays has in the press a compendious German Grammar; to be followed by a Dictionary of German Prefixes and Affixes, explained in conformity to the recent investigations of Grimm and other distinguished grammarians.

London in a Thousand Years, with other poems, by the late Eugenius Roche, editor of the Courier, is announced for early publica. tion.

Peter the Great, being the fifteenth volume of Whittingham's edition of the French Classics, is in the press.

CONTINENTAL ANNUALS.-Russia produces seven Annuals, two of which are religious; Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Prussia, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Austria, France, Italy, and Germany, all possess annual literary Remembrancers. In America, there are not fewer than twelve or thirteen, the Atlantic Souvenir, and the Token, being the most popular.

The entire manuscript copy of Fletcher's play, called "The Humorous Lieutenant," has been found lately in the library of one of the Wynne family, and it shows that the editions hitherto printed, have been very inaccurate.

Mr Peel, we are informed, is making a collection of paintings which, in a few years, will become very interesting. It is to consist of portraits of the Ministers of this country, painted by Sir Thomas Lawrence. That on which the artist is at present engaged is a portrait of Lord Aberdeen, which is in a state of great forwardness.

NEW MUSIC. We observe that our talented professional mu. sician, Mr Finlay Dun, has just published a new Serenade, called 66 Softly, softly sleep, my dearest," the words of which are from the poem of "Vallery." The melody is rich and flowing, and we especially admire the first part of the minor. There are one or two passages rather difficult of execution, and more pains, perhaps, might have been taken with the symphonies. Mr Dun has also just published a set of the original, and another of the modern Ranz des Vaches. We particularly like the original, which is finely adapted, and the alternation of the Adagio and the Allegro very beautiful. The modern edition is more lively, and exceedingly pleasing also.

THE LONDON MUSICAL GAZETTE.-We have received the four first Numbers of this new periodical, which appears to be conducted on a plan calculated to obtain success. Each Number consists of eight folio pages, four of which are devoted to musical criticism, and miscellaneous literary matters connected with the science, and the other four to pieces of vocal and instrumental music, original and select. The price of the publication is moderate, and it offers an agreeable variety to the musical amateur.

A COURT ANECDOTE.-When a female member of the British Royal Family holds a levec, it is customary for her to kiss the ladies of the nobility, and no others. It happened that the lady of the Lord Justice-Clerk was on one occasion among the number of those presented to the late Princess Amelia, who, as is well known, was very deaf. "Stand by for my Lady Justice-Clerk," said the man-in-waiting. Meanwhile some meddling person whispered him that his announcement was incorrect, the lady being a commoner. By this time the kiss preliminary was about to be performed, when out bawled the man of office, through a speaking-trumpet, "Don't kiss her, madam-she's not a Lady!"

FINE ARTS IN EDINBURGH.-We had, a few days ago, the pleasure of seeing a painting, nearly finished, by Mr W. Simson: "The Luncheon," a pendant to "The Twelfth of August," exhibited in Spring in the Rooms of the Royal Institution. Both in the spirit of its conception, and in the mastery of its execution, the present work is far superior even to its pleasing predecessor. The scene is in some of those barren, heather-clad glens in our Highlands, down which a brawling streamlet stots from stone to stone. In the distance stretch blue hills, from the summits of which the mist, which has swathed them in the earlier part of the day, is just rising into the air. On the side of the glen, the main body of the party are snugly entrenched round a table-cloth, amply stored both with eatables and drinkables. One of them, in hearty good-humour, holds out the glass of Glenlivet he is about to discuss most tantalizingly to the latest comer, who has not yet had time to descend from his steed. Another, very characteristically diffused, takes his cigar from his mouth, to have his joke, too, at the cavalier's expense. Behind the recumbent për

a white pony looks over their shoulders, with a gravity never equal. led, save by the Dapple of Cervantes, and casting a gleam of light on all around, like "heavenly Una with her milk-white lamb." For the freshness of tone in the landscape, and the glee of the sportsmen, -for masterly arrangement of every thing down to its smallest details, (gillies, pointers, game, and eatables,) we look upon this as the artist's masterpiece. That glass of porter haunts us like the memory of a first love!


alluded in a former Number to these proceedings. The papers lodged by the parties, and the interlocutor of the Court, are now before us, and from them we have abstracted the following account of the relative situation and averments of the litigants. Some time in the year 1828, Mr Thom received an order from the Earl of Cassilis to complete for him a group, consisting of Tam O'Shanter, Souter Johnnie, the Landlord and Landlady. About the same time, Sir Charles Lamb gave him an order for copies of Tam and the Souter. In December 1828, Mr Thom entered into an agreement with Mr Dick at Tanfield, near Edinburgh, to complete for him a group consisting of the same figures as that intended for the Earl. Mr Thom promised that these figures should be the first of that description he should finish after those for the Earl and Sir Charles, but declined becoming bound to finish them by a certain day, as eircumstances which he could not foresee might occur to retard his labours. Mr Thom did not first complete the four figures bespoke by the Earl of Cassilis, and then apply himself to those intended for Mr Diek, but, according as fitting stones could be procured from the quarry, he worked at one or the other figure for both groups. In this way, he had made, in October 1829, two Tam O'Shanters, two Souters, and one Landlord, with which he was satisfied; one Landlady, which was likewise to his mind, and one which was not. On the 13th of June, he had, at the urgent entreaties of Mr Dick, delivered to him a Tam and a Souter; and, on the 14th of October, he shipped to the address of the Earl of Cassilis, a complete set of four figures. Mr Dick, on the plea that the Landlady, included in this shipment, was the sccond made, applied for an interdict against her delivery. The pursuer argued-That Mr Thom had agreed to deliver to him the first figures he should finish after those meant for the Earl of Cassilis and Sir Chas. Lamb; that Mr Thom had completed two figures of the Landlady; and that, consequently, the first belonged to the Earl, and the second to the pursuer. It was argued on behalf of Mr Thom-That he had never become specifically bound to furnish the pursuer with the second figure of the Landlady he should finish;--that having failed in his first attempt, he had never quite finished it, but set about making one more to his taste;-that he was entitled to do this, both on account of the obligation under which he lay to furnish his employer with a good piece of workmanship, and of a regard to his reputation, which might suffer by allowing an imperfect production to go forth to the world;-and, that he was still ready to implement his bargain. It was further urged for Mr Thom, that he had been induced to enter into the bargain with Mr Dick, by the latter's representing himself to be employed by a gentleman of fortune; whereas it now proved, that he was one of several partners who wished to get the statues for the purpose of exhibiting them in opposition to the exhibition in which the artist has an interest; and that the two figures delivered, had already been exhibited in Liverpool. It was argued for the Earl of Cassilis, (who was brought into court,)—That he was not obliged to take a first abortive attempt, but was entitled to the first successful one-That the terms of the pursuer's agreement excluded him from receiving any figures until the defender's prior orders had been executed.-Lord Moncreiff refused the complainer's bill of suspension and interdict, on the ground that the statue in ques tion had been delivered to the Earl of Cassilis before the bill was presented. In a note subjoined to his interlocutor, his Lordship declined entering into the merits, as unnecessary in the circumstances of the case. The case was carried before the Inner House by a reclaiming note on the part of the pursuer, but the Ordinary's interlocutor was

adhered to.

Theatrical Gossip. The great event of the week in the theatrical world of London is, Miss Kemble's appearance in her second character-Belvidera. Critics differ a little in regard to its excellence,some are ultra enthusiastic, and others are colder. They who are disposed to be very profound and philosophical, intimate their belief that the truth lies between the two extremes. One of the Correspondents of the Court Journal waxes poetical upon the subject, and as there is something spirited in the following verse, we insert it, He is addressing Miss Kemble:

"O! young inheritor of ancient power!
Thou new-born honour of this laurell'd clime!
Whose miracles have pass'd the deeds of old-

been drawing very crowded houses.-The Adelphi Elephant continues to prosper. The sensible animal is said to enjoy the gaping wonder of that many-headed monster-the town.-Elliston, it is said, has cleared L.6000 by the performances of "Black-eyed Susan." -We regret to understand that Pasta is not engaged for the King's Theatre this season-De Begnis, with his Italian company, is at Manchester. We hear that he has changed his mind as to coming here.-Braham is still in Ireland.-We are informed that Miss Smithson is about to return to Paris, having received an engagement for four-and-twenty nights at one of the French theatres. She is to play pantomime, or parts in which she will have occasion to speak only a few words. She commences, we believe, with Jeanie Deans.-Messrs Seymour and Alexander are quarrelling about the patent of the Glasgow Theatre.-Vandenhoff met with an accident at Liverpool on the night of his benefit, to which, however, no very serious com sequences are attached. We believe he will be in Edinburgh soon,

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On Saturday next, we shall publish a double Number, or rather, a Number twice our usual size. It will be the last Number of our se cond volume, our last Number for the year 1829, and also cutt CHRISTMAS NUMBER. It would be easy for us to mention a long list of persons of celebrity, contributions from whose pens, both in prose and verse, will grace our Christmas Number; but, in order that the contents may lose none of their freshness and novelty, we abstain. Our object, however, is, to present our readers and the public with a little literary banquet, which will make their firesides more cheerful, and enable them to part pleasantly with the departing your. Our labours among them have not gone unrequited, and now that we are in the heyday of our prosperity, we are anxious to prove that our literary friends are as staunch to us, as they were when our bark was first launched, and that we ourselves are determined never to fall asleep upon our oars.

We also expect to be able to mention, in next Number, the improve ments and increased resources with which we shall commence the New Year.

A Title-Page and Index for Volume II. of the EDINBURGH LITE. RARY JOURNAL, will accompany the CHRISTMAS NUMBER.


SEVERAL new works have reached us too late for notice this week.

* Astolpho” shall receive an answer next Saturday." Proteus" among our next varieties," Orion, the Younger," shall have a place. For the interesting communication from Kirkcudbright we feel obliged ;-we shall make use of it speedily. From our obliging London Correspondent," J. T." we shall be glad to hear at his best convenience." A Looker-on", will perceive that we have adverted to the subject on which he was good enough to write to us." The

Escape," by "J. S.," and " Agony," by " V. V." of Glasgow, will

not suit us.

"Umphraville" in our next.—" A Day's Fishing" is clever, and we may perhaps brush it up, and insert it one of these days-" A Lover's Hour" shall have a place." The Bar-maid" may perhaps appear. The following poems will hardly suit us:-"Lines to a Sea-Bird," The Wife Metamorphosed,"-" Song," by J. C. T., -"Lines," by E. V.,-" A Ballad" from Glasgow,—and "On Joy."

Where mind is rising, like the fabulous tower,

Even to Heaven !-'Tis glory to behold

Thy golden harvest waving ere thy prime:

To thy meridian move, orb of the mind sublime!"

ERRATA IN OUR LAST NUMBER.—In the Review of the Musical Annuals in our last, we made the odd mistake of speaking of Chernbini as the author of "Crudel Perche," when we meant to write "Perfida Clori," his beautiful canon for three voices.In Dr Gillespie's "Letter concerning Burns," for "Wallenhall," read Walser

-Miss Foote has been performing at Covent Garden, but has not Hall,-and for "iron chair,” read arm chair.

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THE EDINBURGH LITERARY JOURNAL. DEAR READERS,-This is our CHRISTMAS NUMBER for the year 1829, and in a most especial and particular manner do we dedicate it to you. Every thing we write is for you; but sorry are we to confess, that thoughts of our own profit sometimes mingle with our anxieties for your amusement. It is a weakness incident to mortality, and having frankly owned it, we trust we shall be the more readily believed when we declare, that in this, our last Number for the present year, we have thought only of securing for you a literary banquet of rich and varied excellence, proportionate to the respect we entertain for you, and not unworthy either of the season, or the land we live in. Thanks to the literary friends-talented and eminent as they are-who have so nobly and so faithfully rallied round us, we are this day able to furnish forth a feast, where even the veriest epicure will not fail to find something to stimulate and gratify his palate. It is for you, dear readers, that it is spread. May you bring to it as good appetites as we wish you,-and may you partake of it as freely as it is offered !

In sober earnestness, we are proud of our CHRISTMAS NUMBER. We challenge any periodical in the country to produce, within the same space, so bright a galaxy of names;—and not of names alone, but of articles whose intrinsic merits bear them up-ponderibus librati suis.

Where all are so conspicuous, it would be unfair to particularize a few. Were we to indulge in much talk concerning our own affairs, a thousand obligations would occur to us which we might acknowledge, but could not at present repay. We prefer, therefore, limiting ourselves to general expressions of thanks; and wherever we turn,— | to the south, the north, the east, and the west,-these have to be conveyed;-to some of the most distinguished of the fair sex, (thank Heaven!) as well as to many a manly heart, beating with all the ardour of genius, and a noble love of literature for its own sake. To each and all, we wish, from the bottom of our souls, the merriest Christmas, and the happiest New-Year!

Nor shall we ever be niggard of good wishes when we think and speak of you, dear readers. Many hundreds of you we have never seen in our lives, nor can we tell how our various lucubrations may individually affect you; yet we know that there is a sympathy between us, -that you are disposed to be lenient to our errors, both of commission and omission,-and that, if ever we have brought a smile to your lips, or a gentle tear into your eye, you love us for those smiles and for those tears. If the suspicion should chance to cross your minds that we are occasionally severe, or hasty, or vain, or foolish, we beseech you to believe that we are ourselves deeply, and, at times, painfully, conscious of our numerous deficiencies, and that it is our earnest desire to amend and purify our character, both in the eyes of the public, and of the friends whom


Heaven has given to us, and whose affection we value above all earthly things.


As critics, we this week give authors a holiday. shall resume our converse with them on Saturday, the 2d of January, 1830. Nothing but amenity and good humour-" nods, and becks, and wreathed smiles"-shall characterise us to-day; and if, amidst these, a few deeper and more solemn chords be touched, our Christmas gambols will not be the less delightful, that they carry a moral with them.

Dear Readers, we have said our say. Again we offer you our salaam; but instead of wishing, in the language of the East, that you may "live a thousand years," allow us to express the more seasonable, and not less pleasing hope, that you may eat a thousand geese. With this hope upon our lips, we humbly subscribe ourselves,

Yours, with faithfulness and respect,



By Dr Gillespie.

"WHATEVER withdraws us from the power of the senses; whatever makes the past, the distant, or the future, predominant over the present, advances us in the dignity of thinking beings." So says one, whose language no man can mistake, and whose knowledge of human nature few will be disposed to question. But of these alternatives, the predominancy of the past over the present appears to be the most purifying and exalting. A submission of present liking to future enjoyments, is nothing more, in its ordinary acceptation, than an enlarged and calculated system of selfishness. In regard, however, to the predominancy of the past over the present, the case is materially different. To the past, considered merely as such, we can never look from selfish or interested views

our trance into these familiar regions is at once voluntary and uninterested. We lose ourselves in recollections, not that we may relieve the present, or influence the future, but merely because such reveries are engrossing and irresistible. Happiness, indeed, and that of the most intense and purifying character, is the consequence-but not the motive, otherwise happiness would just be diminished in proportion to the extent of the previous calculation.


The future often looks up upon us, from the darkened distance, with a forbidding aspect. In spite of the most sanguine and happy temperament, there will be formed, in the distant obscurity, faces and forms, contingencies and possibilities, any thing but pleasing or inviting. But the past is a vast storehouse of good and evil, from which, at will, we can select such materials as we choose. frost-works of futurity are too frequently like the icy palace of the Zarina, whilst the past is a permanent, though a dilapidated structure. Happy, then, is the man, who can make the enjoyments of the past predominate over the sufferings of the present,-who can select such passages from the volume of experience, as will cheer and relieve the present gloom.

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