Imágenes de páginas

affecting, 107, on sharing profits with the master, 177, sole arbiters of their own destiny, 216, forms of government little influence over their condition, 217, no repeal of tax would materially benefit them, 220, fallacious expedients for relief of, 222, general conclusions on circumstances which govern wages of, 236, high wages not generally a cause of dissipation, 242, standard of wages, reference to hours of labour and holidays, 241, diseases to which they are subject, 244, conditions under which they may labour without injury to health, 246, effect of increase of population on, 249, secret by which their condition may be improved, 249, interest of government in their welfare, 251, effect of machinery on condi

tion of, 260, fluctuations in employment of, 252, examples of injury to, from combinations, 282, useful hints to, 298, as they become more intelligent, marriages and births will be fewer, 336, more interested than the rich in the doctrines of Malthus, 350, comparison with those of other countries, 384, character of, 388, proportion of taxes paid by, 541 Workhouses, effect of first introduction of, 75, mortality of children in, 81, abuses in, 86

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