$250,000 ated. CHAP. 9. AN ACT making an appropriation for continuing work on the new capitol during the winter and spring of the year one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three. PASSED February 3, 1883; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The sum of two hundred and fifty thousand appropri dollars is hereby appropriated out of the balances now in the treasury of the state not otherwise appropriated, which amount shall be used for the purpose of continuing work on the new capitol and purchasing materials therefor, and which amount shall be paid by the treasurer, upon the warrant of the comptroller, to the order of the new capitol commissioners as they shall require the same. How to be § 2. The amount hereby appropriated, or so much thereof as shall expended. be necessary, shall be expended for the completion of the rooms of the court of appeals and of the state library and in fitting the same for occupancy, and also toward completing the building in accordance with existing provisions of law. Common council may erect swing bridges. Estimate to be made. Area of assessment. § 3. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAP. 10. AN ACT to authorize the common council of the city of Syracuse to substitute swing or hoist bridges in place of the existing elevated bridges over the Erie canal at Warren street and the Oswego canal at James street, in said city, and to provide for the assessment, collection and payment of the expenses, costs and damages thereof. PASSED February 3, 1883; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The common council of the city of Syracuse is hereby authorized to remove the existing elevated bridges over the Erie canal at Warren street, and over the Oswego canal at James street, in said city, with the approaches thereto, and to substitute in their places suitable swing or hoist bridges, with an elevated foot bridge over Warren street, and to defray the expenses therefor, as hereinafter provided. § 2. As soon as practicable after the passage of this act, the city. surveyor and engineer of the city of Syracuse shall prepare and file with the city clerk of said city an estimate of the expenses of such improvements, including therein the estimated expenses of excavation and other work necessary to reduce to a proper grade the said Warren and James streets from Hanover square to the intersection of James street with the tracks of the New York, West Shore and Buffalo Railway Company. § 3. The assessors of said city shall thereupon make and file with said city clerk a certificate in writing defining the area of territory within said city which in their judgment would be specially benefited by such improvements, and within which a local assessment ought justly to be made toward the expense thereof. declare to make clerk to §4. The said common council shall then, by resolution, declare Common their intention to make said improvements, and shall direct the said council to city clerk to serve, or cause to be served, written or printed notices intention upon all owners or occupants of property within said area that such improveimprovements have been proposed by said common council, stating ments, and therein the estimated expenses thereof as certified by said city engi- give neer and surveyor, and that one-half of such expenses will be assessed notice. biennially, which notice shall be served by leaving a copy thereof at every occupied dwelling-house and place of business within said area, with some person of suitable age and discretion, and by depositing a copy thereof in the post-office in said city, properly sealed and directed, postage paid, to every owner or occupant of property within said area, so far as the same is known to said clerk; such notice shall be mailed and served at least six days before the matter shall be further considered by said council. sidered. § 5. At the next meeting of said common council, after the expira- Objections tion of said six days, they shall consider any objections which may be to be conmade to said improvements, and shall thereupon decide whether or not the same shall be made. In case they shall decide to make said improvements they shall direct said city clerk to advertise at least five days for proposals for doing the work and furnishing the materials, and shall award the contract or contracts therefor to the lowest responsible bidder who shall give sufficient sureties for the performance thereof. The said city engineer and surveyor shall prepare the plans Plans. and specifications for said improvements and the work shall be done in accordance therewith, and under his direction and subject to his approval. If in the opinion of said council the lowest bid is too high, or for any reason is not deemed advantageous to said city, they may reject the same, and direct said clerk to re-advertise for further proposals. to be col § 6. Upon the completion of said work to the approval of said city Expenses surveyor and engineer, he shall certify the cost and expense thereof to of, how said common council, and they shall thereupon pay one-half the lected and amount so certified, out of the general and contingent funds of said paid. city, the same to be included in the general tax levy of said city for the next fiscal year, and shall direct the assessors of said city to assess the remaining one-half upon the property included in the area so defined by them, which assessment shall be made and collected in the same manner as other local assessments under the charter of said city; and when collected shall be paid over to the person or persons entitled to the same. § 7. Any person claiming that the real estate owned by him, or any Claims for part thereof, is damaged by the change in the grade of Warren damages. and James streets occasioned by such improvements, may at any time before the same are completed file with said city clerk a statement of the amount of damages claimed by him. Upon the application of the common council, and upon notice of not less than two days to all persons filing such claims, the county judge of Onondaga county shall appoint three commissioners to estimate and award the damages, if any, which any owner of real estate may sustain by the change of grade aforesaid, and shall fix the time and place of their first meeting. The commissioners so appointed shall view the property Common council may issue bonds. Bonds to be sold at than par. not less Money, how to be used. on city. and may, in their discretion, receive any legal evidence affecting the same. They shall ascertain and award to each owner of real estate such damages, if any, as in their opinion will fairly compensate him for any injury occasioned by such change of grade, after deducting the benefits, if any, received by him. The report of the commissioners, or a majority of them, shall be final, and shall be filed with said city clerk within ten days after their appointment. The aggregate amount awarded shall be included in, and deemed to be a part of, the cost and expense of said improvements, and the amount awarded to each owner shall be paid over at such time as said common council may direct. § 8. Before any contract is awarded for making such improvements, the consent of the superintendent of public works shall first be obtained to the construction of such swing or hoist bridges, and the same shall be built, operated and maintained under the supervision of said superintendent, and without expense to the state. The bridges so removed with the abutments thereto shall be and become the property of the city of Syracuse. § 9. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAP. 11. AN ACT authorizing the city of Schenectady to issue bonds to raise money for school purposes. PASSED February 3, 1883; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The common council of the city of Schenectady is hereby authorized to issue ten bonds of said city for the sum of one thousand dollars each, bearing interest at the rate of four per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, two of which bonds shall be made payable at the expiration of each year after the issuing thereof for five consecutive years. Such bonds shall be signed by the mayor and treasurer of said city. § 2. The said bonds shall be sold by the treasurer of said city at not less than par, to the highest bidder, at public auction, or by sealed proposals, as the common council may direct, after at least ten days' public notice of such sale shall have been given by a publication thereof in two of the daily papers published in said city. § 3. The moneys obtained by a sale of such bonds shall be paid over by the treasurer of said city to the board of education of said city, and shall be used by said board solely for the purpose of completing the fourth ward school building in said city, and furnishing the same, and for repaying moneys advanced from other funds for such purpose. Bonds to § 4. The said bonds shall be a charge upon the real and personal be a charge estate of said city, and the principal and interest thereof shall be collected and paid in like manner as other debts and obligations of such city. Amount to 5. The amount paid by said city upon said bonds for principal be deemed and interest, in any one year, shall be deemed held and become a part sum to be of the sum of seventeen thousand dollars, which the common council part of of said city is authorized to raise annually for the use of the board of raised education of said city; and until such bonds are all paid the sum annually. which the common council may raise and pay over to said board in any year shall be the balance of the said sum of seventeen thousand dollars after deducting all payments made upon said bonds in such year. §6. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAP. 12. AN ACT to amend chapter two hundred and eighty-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty, entitled "An act to provide for repairing or rebuilding and enlarging the city hall of the city of Albany, for the use of said city and the use of the county of Albany, and to provide means for the payment thereof." PASSED February 3, 1883; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. Section fifteen of chapter two hundred and eighty-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty, entitled "An act to provide for repairing or rebuilding and enlarging the city hall of the city of Albany, for the use of the said city and the use of the county of Albany, and to provide means for the payment thereof," is hereby amended so as to read as follows: be ex acquire ad § 15. In addition to the amount authorized to be expended by the preceding section the commissioners are authorized, in their discre- 835,000 may tion, to expend such additional amount, not exceeding the sum of pended to thirty-five thousand dollars, as may be necessary to enable them to ditional acquire such additional land as they may deem necessary, in the man- land, etc. ner provided in the first section of this act, to reshape, regrade, and reflag the sidewalks around the city hall, repave with granite block pavement those portions of Maiden lane, Pine street and Washington avenue which the city or county is bound to keep in repair, and to sign on behalf of the property owned by the city or county of Albany any petition which may be required by law to enable the common council to pass any law for the repaving of the aforesaid streets, or any part of them, with granite blocks, and to complete the filling up of the interior of the building, to build a bridge from the city hall to the old jail, and procure such additional furniture as they may deem necessary and advisable. One-half of the amount so expended shall City and be borne and paid by the city of Albany, and the other half by the county to county of Albany. The treasurer of the county of Albany and the expense chamberlain of the city of Albany are authorized and required to make advances for the necessary expenditures of the commissioners, as prescribed in section eight and section ten of this act. In case Funds, there shall be no funds in the hands of the county treasurer or of the how to be chamberlain, from which such advances can be made, or in case it shall be necessary to replenish any fund from which advances shall have been so made, the president of the board of supervisors and the treasurer of the county of Albany shall be and they are hereby authorized to borrow, upon the credit of the county of Albany, and the bear equally. raised. Lands in named not mayor and the chamberlain of the city of Albany shall be, and they are hereby, authorized to borrow, upon the credit of the city of Albany, such sums of money as may be necessary to make the said advances or replenish the said funds, and shall issue certificates of indebtedness therefor, signed by the president of the board of supervisors and the county treasurer, and by the mayor and chamberlain respectively. Such certificates shall bear interest at the rate of not over five per cent per annum, and shall be made payable in the city of Albany on or before the first day of March, eighteen hundred and eighty-four. It shall be the duty of the board of supervisors of said county, and of the common council of said city, to cause to be raised by tax upon the taxable property in said county and city, respectively, in the same manner as the other general taxes are levied, a sum sufficient to pay all certificates issued or moneys advanced as herein provided, together with the interest thereon. Statements showing the amount of the certificates issued or moneys, advanced shall be prepared and submitted to the board of supervisors by the county treasurer, and to the common council by the chamberlain on the first day of November, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, and the amounts therein stated shall be levied and included with and in the taxes of that year. § 2. The said act is further amended by adding thereto the following section: 16. This act shall take effect immediately. 3. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAP. 13. AN ACT to prohibit sales of lands belonging to the state in the counties of Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton, Herkimer, Lewis, Saratoga, St. Lawrence and Warren. PASSED February 6, 1883. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. Hereafter and from the passage of this act no sales shall be made of lands belonging to the state situated in the counties to be sold. of Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton, Herkimer, Lewis, Saratoga, St. Lawrence and Warren. § 2. Nothing in this act shall be construed as prohibiting the commissioners of the land office from conveying lands heretofore contracted to be sold, and not yet conveyed, to the purchasers thereof. CHAP. 14. AN ACT in relation to assessors of the town of Oswegatchie, St. Lawrence county, and regulating the number and the compensation thereof. PASSED February 8, 1883; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. That from and after the passage of this act there shall be but three assessors for the town of Oswegatchie, St. Lawrence county. |