Imágenes de páginas

clerk to advertise and sell.

to be sold

of sale.

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Notice to

shall direct the clerk of said village to advertise and sell such lot or lots against which such taxes or assessments remaining unpaid, for a term of time for the payment of such tax or assessment, with interest at twelve per cent per annum, giving thirty days' notice of such sale by posting six notices and publishing the same once a week in each week during said time in the village newspaper, and serving personal notice on the owner or occupant of such estate, or his agent, if a resident of said village, or by depositing the same in the post-office, directed to such owner or occupant at his place of residence or the nearest postTo whom office thereunto, if known. Upon such sale such property shall be sold to the person who shall offer to take the same for the shortest term for the payment of such tax and assessment, with interest at the rate aforesaid, and the expenses of such notice and sale. The trustees shall thereupon, on the payment thereof by such purchaser, deliver to Certificate him a certificate of such sale, signed by the president and countersigned by the clerk, with the corporate seal affixed thereto. The execution of such certificate may be proven or acknowledged as deeds." President But in case there are no other purchasers at such sale, it shall be the chase and duty of the president of the village, or in his absence any member of certificate the board of trustees whom the president may appoint or designate, to purchase for the village all such property as may be offered for sale at such tax sale, and the same shall be paid for out of any moneys in. the village treasury. The certificate therefor shall be issued to the village of Greenbush, which certificate may at any time be sold or assigned by direction of the board of trustees of said village, the money arising therefrom to be paid to the village treasurer immediately after such sale or transfer. The village clerk shall at least one and not more than six months before the expiration of the time allowed lished by for redemption of the lands sold for taxes or assessments, prepare and publish as to such village, a notice similar to that required to be published by the comptroller of the state of New York under the general laws, specifying particularly every parcel remaining unredeemed and the amount necessary to redeem the same, calculated to the day on which said redemption can be made, and stating that unless such lands are redeemed by a certain day they will be conveyed to the purchaser, and he shall cause such notice to be published for at least once a week for five successive weeks previous to the expiration of the time of such redemption, in the village newspaper, the expense thereof to be charged pro rata upon said several parcels, and the expense of said publication shall be audited by said board of trustees and paid out of any money in the village treasury. If such real estate or any part thereof be unance to be redeemed as herein before provided, the said village clerk shall deliver to the purchaser, his heirs or assigns a conveyance of such real estate, which conveyance of such real estate shall be made and executed by the president of the village, with the corporate seal affixed thereunto. The execution of such conveyance shall be proven or acknowledged as deeds and be recorded in like manner and with like effect as other conveyances of real estate. Said conveyance shall vest in the purchaser or grantee an absolute estate for the term of years mentioned in his certificate, subject, however, to the liens of any assessment for improvements made by said village of Greenbush, and to all claims which the people of the state of New York may have thereon for taxes or other liens or incumbrances. When such conveyances are executed the certificate of sale upon which such conveyance is made shall be returned to the village clerk, who shall file said certificate in his office as a voucher for the conveyance executed and delivered. The village

redeem to

be pubclerk.




clerk shall be entitled to one dollar for preparing and executing such
conveyance, which conveyance may include all the lands unredeemed,
purchased at said sale by the said grantee.
§ 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

CHAP. 253.

AN ACT for the appointment of commissioners to select and locate lands for public parks in the twenty-third and twentyfourth wards of the city of New York and in the vicinity thereof.

PASSED April 19, 1883; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:



SECTION 1. The mayor of the city of New York is hereby author- Mayor to ized and empowered to nominate and, subject to confirmation by the appoint board of aldermen, appoint a commission, to consist of seven citizens, sion to whose duty it shall be to select and locate such lands in the twenty- lands for third and twenty-fourth wards of the city of New York and in the parks. vicinity thereof, as may, in their opinion, be proper and desirable to be preserved and set apart for one or more public parks for said city; and they shall report such selection and location to the legislature at the earliest day practicable.


§ 2. The said commissioners shall receive no compensation for their Not to services under this act, but they are hereby authorized to procure maps receive and plans of the lands selected and located by them, and to employ sation. surveyors for that purpose at an expense of not exceeding one thousand dollars, and the same shall be a charge upon said city and shall be paid as other city charges are paid.

§ 3. The said commissioners shall make such selection and location First as they may deem desirable in view of the present condition and future meeting. growth and wants of said city. The first meeting of the commissioners shall be held within thirty days after the passage of this act at such time and place as the majority of said commissioners shall designate. § 4. This act shall take effect immediately.

CHAP. 254.

AN ACT to amend chapter seven hundred of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-one, entitled "An act to provide for the liability of towns and commissioners of highways in certain cases.

PASSED April 19, 1883; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. Section six of chapter seven hundred of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-one, entitled "An act to provide for the liability of towns and commissioners of highways in certain cases," is hereby repealed.

§ 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

Duty of commissioners.


ings to acquire title to lands.

CHAP. 255.

AN ACT to amend chapter one hundred and eighty-one, laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-five, entitled "An act to authorize the villages of the state of New York to furnish pure and wholesome water to the inhabitants thereof," as amended by chapter one hundred and seventy-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-one.

PASSED April 19, 1883; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. Section four of chapter one hundred and eighty-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-five, entitled "An act to authorize the villages of the state of New York to furnish pure and wholesome water to the inhabitants thereof," as amended by chapter one hundred and seventy-five of the laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-one, is hereby amended to read as follows:

§4. It shall be the duty of the commissioners to examine and consider all matters relating to supplying the village with pure and wholesome water. For that purpose they shall have power to employ engineers, surveyors, and such other persons as shall be necessary for that purpose, and they shall adopt such plans as in their opinion may be most feasible for procuring such supply of water, and which shall embrace proper distribution pipes and supplies for all streets and places where, in their opinion, it shall be of interest to the village, for domestic purposes or for protection against fire, and shall ascertain the probable amount of money necessary to carry the same into effect; and for that purpose they shall have power to contract for and purchase, and take by deed or other instrument under seal in the name of said village, all lands, tenements and hereditaments, rights or privileges whatever, and situate at any place within the county or counties in which said village may be situated, which may be required for the purpose, and to contract for the execution of the work, or any part thereof, or the supply of any necessary material; and the commissioners and their agents and employees are authorized to enter upon any land or water for the purpose of making surveys, and to agree with the owner of the property, real or personal, which may be required for the purpose of this act, as to amount of compensation to be paid to such owner, subject to a revision by the court upon the application by any three taxable inhabitants of the village.

§ 2. Section six of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

§ 6. In all cases where the said water commissioners shall be unable to agree with the persons owning or having an interest in any lands, tenements or hereditaments required for the purposes of this act, the supreme court, at any special term thereof, held in the judicial district in which said lands are situated, shall, on application of said water commissioners, after ten days' written notice personally served on such person, or where such notice cannot be personally served within the state, or such persons as are infants, or otherwise incapacitated from receiving personal notice, then by service in such manner as the said court shall direct, appoint three disinterested citizens of the county in which said lands, or some portion thereof, are situated, who shall be

freeholders, as commissioners of assessments, to determine the damage sustained by each of such persons by reason of taking or use of his or her lands, tenements or hereditaments for the purpose of this act. Such commissioners of assessment shall take the oath required by the constitution, and shall personally examine each parcel of land or other property proposed to be taken or used, or shall estimate and report to said court, at any term thereof held in said judicial district, the several sums which will be a just compensation to such owners or person's interested, respectively, for the appropriation to the purposes of this act of any property, rights or privileges that may be so required, or for the title or use of any such property. Such commissioners of assessments may examine witnesses upon hearings before them, and all evidence so taken shall accompany their report. Ten days' notice in writing of the time and place of the presentation of said report shall be given to the parties interested. On the presentation of said report, the said court may confirm or amend the same, or appoint new commissioners, who shall proceed in like manner to the first commissioners, and whose report shall be final, and shall be confirmed by said court. Said commissioners of assessments shall receive from the said water commissioners the sum of three dollars per day, each, for each day employed by them in performance of their duties as above stated, together with the amount which said commissioners of assessments shall certify as correct, in their said report, for incidental expenses connected with their work, including the preparation of their report.

§ 3. Section nine of said act is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

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§ 9. No bonds, certificates or other obligations of indebtedness shall No bonds be issued by any board of commissioners authorized by this act until or certif such commissioners shall have filed with the clerk of a county in issue unwhich said village or some portion thereof shall be situated, their joint bonds are and several bond, in the sum of twenty thousand dollars, with sure- given. ties, to be justified before and approved by the county judge of such county, or a justice of the supreme court, and conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of such commissioners; and when the term of service of any such commissioner shall expire he shall hold his office as such commissioner until new bonds shall have been given by the board of which his successor is to be a member, which bonds shall be in similar form to those first executed for a like amount, and to be justified, approved and filed in a similar manner.

§ 4. Section seventeen is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

livered to

17. The said commissioners shall annually, on the first day of Statement May in each year, and at all such other times as required by the board of to be desupervisors of a county in which said village or some portion thereof supervisis situated, deliver to said board of supervisors a detailed statement of ors. all their accounts, a general statement of all their work, and condition of their affairs and state of finances, including a full detail of the amount expended in the progress of the work, and a particular statement of any deficiency as to the water rents, in meeting the principal and interest of the sum borrowed, as in the previous section herein before referred to; and all books and papers of every kind and description kept by said commissioners, upon which are entries of their transactions as such, shall at all times be subject to the inspection by said. board of supervisors and by every elector of said village.

§ 5. This act shall take effect immediately.


mit females to

ment by association


CHAP. 256.

AN ACT empowering the recorder of the city of Oswego to sentence and commit certain convicts to the custody and keeping of "The Woman's Reform Association of Oswego, New York," to transfer such prisoners and to empower said association to receive and hold such convicts.

PASSED April 19, 1883; three-fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

SECTION 1. The recorder of the city of Oswego is hereby authormay com- ized and empowered to sentence and commit any and all females convicted of any crime, misdemeanor or offense in the recorder's court of imprison- the city of Oswego, or before the said recorder sitting as a police justice, or in the special sessions of the said city of Oswego, to imprisonment, by "The Woman's Reform Association of Oswego, New York," in the same manner and with the same effect, in all respects, as the said recorder in either of said capacities 18 now authorized by law to sentence and commit such persons to the county jail or to the peniMay order tentiary. The said recorder is also hereby authorized and empowered, transfer of at his discretion, to transfer any female prisoner, hereafter sentenced prisoners. by him as aforesaid, from the county jail or penitentiary to imprison


Powers conferred on association.

ment by the said "The Woman's Reform Association of Oswego, New York," and to transfer, at his discretion, any female, hereafter sentenced by him as aforesaid to imprisonment by said association, from said association to the county jail or penitentiary, in the same manner and with like effect as if said original sentence had been to imprisonment in said jail, penitentiary or by said association.

82. The same powers which the sheriff of the county or the keeper of the Oswego county jail now has by law, to receive and hold convicts in imprisonment, are hereby conferred upon "The Woman's Reform Association of Oswego, New York," as to all such female convicts as are mentioned in this act. And the said "The Woman's Reform Association of Oswego, New York," shall receive the same pay and be paid in the same manner for the board of all such convicts sentenced to or transferred to imprisonment by said association, as provided for herein before, as the sheriff or keeper of the county jail would be entitled to if such convicts had been imprisoned in the county jail. §3. This act shall take effect immediately.


CHAP. 257.

AN ACT to establish a board of trustees in the city of New
York for parishes in foreign countries of the Protestant
Episcopal Church in the United States of America.

PASSED April 19, 1883.
WHEREAS, Sundry parishes in communion with the Protestant
Episcopal Church in the United States of America have been organized

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