Winslow, Nathan Howard Winslow, Josephine W. Winslow, Fanny H. Winslow and Caroline G. Winslow, all that certain piece or parcel of land under water of Niagara river, situate, lying and being in the town of Tonawanda, in the county of Erie, bounded and described as follows, namely: Beginning at the blue line on the north side of the Lands Erie canal, where the east line of great lot number eighty-seven of granted. the Niagara river reservation intersects the same; thence westerly, along said blue line, three hundred and thirty feet; thence north, thirty-four degrees west, and parallel with lot line, one hundred feet, to a point in Niagara river; thence easterly, parallel with said blue line, three hundred and thirty feet, to intersect the east line of said great lot number eighty-seven, extended; and thence south, thirty-four degrees east, along said lot line, to the place of beginning. Also that certain other piece of land under water of Niagara river, situate in the said town of Tonawanda, Erie county, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point where the blue line on the north side of the Erie canal intersects the west line of great lot number eightyeight of the Niagara river reservation; thence easterly, along said blue line, three hundred and thirty feet; thence north, thirty-four degrees west, one hundred feet, to a point in Niagara river; thence westerly, and parallel with said blue line, three hundred and thirty feet; and thence south, thirty-four degrees east, one hundred feet, to the place of beginning. Also that certain other piece of land under water of Niagara river, situate in the said town of Tonawanda, Erie county, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the blue line on the north side of the Erie canal, three hundred and thirty feet east of the east line of great lot number ninety of the Niagara river reservation; thence westerly, along said blue line, three hundred and thirty feet; thence north, thirty-four degrees west, one hundred feet to a point in Niagara river; thence easterly, and parallel with said blue line, three hundred and thirty feet; and thence south, thirtyfour degrees east, one hundred feet, to the place of beginning. Also that certain other piece of land under water of Niagara river, situate in the said town of Tonawanda, Erie county, bounded and described. as follows: Beginning at a point in the blue line on the north side of the Erie canal, six hundred and sixty feet west of the east line of great lot number ninety-one of the Niagara river reservation; thence westerly, along said blue line, three hundred and thirty feet; thence north, thirty-four degrees west, one hundred feet, to a point in Niagara river; thence easterly, and parallel with said blue line, three hundred and thirty feet; and thence south, thirty-four degrees east, one hundred feet, to the place of beginning, to be used for docks and commercial purposes. The said Mary A. Winslow to have her dower in all Interest of the above-described pieces of land. Caroline S. Williams and William grantees. G. Winslow each to have an undivided one-third thereof, and Kate W. Winslow, Nathan Howard Winslow, Josephine W. Winslow, Fanny H. Winslow and Caroline G. Winslow, children of Henry C. Winslow, deceased, and grandchildren of Nathan C. Winslow. deceased, to have an undivided one-third thereof. 82. This grant is made on the condition that the grantee or gran- Condition. tees do, within three years from the passage of this act, erect along the water front of said premises, on Niagara river, substantial docks,, that shall protect the banks of the Erie canal from injury by said river and maintain the same, and on the further condition that said granted premises shall be used for docking and navigation purposes only. §3. This act shall take effect immediately. Grantees. Lands granted. Condition. CHAP. 28. AN ACT to grant to Charles O. Scott certain land, under water of the Niagara river, for docks and commercial purposes. PASSED February 14, 1883, by a two-thirds vote. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. The following described land, under water of the Niagara river, is hereby given, granted and conveyed to Charles O. Scott (sole heir at law of Martin B. Scott, deceased), to-wit: All that certain piece or parcel of land, under water of Niagara river, lying and being in the town of Tonawanda, in the county of Erie, bounded and described as follows, namely: Beginning at a point in the blue line on the north side of the Erie canal, three hundred and thirty feet west of the east line of great lot number eighty-seven of the Niagara river reservation; thence westerly, along said blue line, three hundred and thirty feet; thence north, thirty-four degrees west, one hundred feet, to a point in Niagara river; thence easterly, and parallel with said blue line, three hundred and thirty feet; and thence south, thirtyfour degrees east, one hundred feet, to the place of beginning. Also that other piece or parcel of land, under water of Niagara river, situate in the said town of Tonawanda, Erie county, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point where the blue line on the north side of the Erie canal intersects the east line of great lot number eighty-nine of the Niagara river reservation; thence westerly, along said blue line, three hundred and thirty feet; thence north, thirty-four degrees west, one hundred feet, to a point in Niagara river; thence easterly, and parallel with said blue line, three hundred and thirty feet; and thence south, thirty-four degrees east, one hundred feet, to the place of beginning. Also that other piece or parcel of land, under water of Niagara river, situate in the said town of Tonawanda, Erie county, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the blue line, on the north side of the Erie canal, six hundred and sixty feet west of the east line of great lot number ninety of the Niagara river reservation; thence westerly, along said blue line, three hundred and thirty feet; thence north, thirty-four degrees west, one hundred feet, to a point in Niagara river; thence easterly and parallel with said blue line, three hundred and thirty feet; and thence south, thirty-four degrees east, one hundred feet, to the place of beginning. Also that other piece or parcel of land, under water of Niagara river, situate in the said town of Tonawanda, Erie county, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point where the blue line, on the north side of the Erie canal, intersects the west line of great lot number ninety one of the Niagara river reservation; thence easterly, along said blue line, three hundred and thirty feet; thence north, thirty-four degrees west, one hundred feet, to a point in Niagara river; thence westerly, and parallel with said blue line, three hundred and thirty feet; and thence south, thirty-four degrees east, one hundred feet, to the place of beginning. To be used for docks and commercial purposes. § 2. This grant is made on the condition that the grantee or grantees do, within three years from the passage of this act, erect along the water front of said premises on Niagara river, substantial docks that CHAP. 29. AN ACT to legalize and confirm the official acts of notaries public in the several counties of the state. PASSED February 14, 1883. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: legalized. SECTION 1. The official acts of every person as notary public within official the state of New York, heretofore duly commissioned as such, which acts acts have been performed since the thirtieth day of March, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, so far as such official acts might be affected, impaired or questioned by reason of the same having been performed after the expiration of his term of office, or by reason of misnomer or misspelling of name in the appointment or commission of said notary public, or by reason of his failure to take the oath of office within the time prescribed by law, are hereby legalized, confirmed, and made as effectual and valid as if the term of office of said notary public had not expired at the time of the performance of said act, or as if the oath of office had been taken within the time prescribed by law, or his name had been correctly stated in his appointment or commission; provided, however, that said notary public afterward during the continuance of his commission shall have duly qualified. § 2. Nothing herein contained shall affect any action or legal proceeding now pending or prevent the liability of any person from being prosecuted for fraudulently representing himself to be a notary public. 3. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAP. 30. AN ACT to authorize the payment of certain moneys out of the state treasury to Edmund Sager, heir at law and next of kin of James Sager, deceased. PASSED February 14, 1883, by a two-thirds vote. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows : SECTION 1. The comptroller is hereby directed to draw his warrant $9,674 to be upon the treasurer for the payment of the sum of nine thousand six paid. hundred and seventy-four dollars, and the treasurer to pay the same to Edmund Sager, heir at law and next of kin to James Sager, late of the city of New Orleans, in the state of Louisiana, deceased, or to Charles C. Lester, of Saratoga Springs, Saratoga county, New York, the attorney of said Edmund Sager, pursuant to an order of the supreme court, granted at a special term thereof, held at the supreme court room in the town hall in the village of Saratoga Springs, Saratoga county, on the twenty-second day of August, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, and duly entered in the office of the clerk of the county of Saratoga on the second day of September, eighteen hundred. and eighty-two, "In the matter of the petition of Edmund Sager." Appropria- The said sum of nine thousand six hundred and seventy-four dollars is hereby appropriated for that purpose, payable out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. tion. Boundaries of village. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAP. 31. AN ACT for the relief of the heirs at law of Ira Chase, junior, deceased. PASSED February 14, 1883. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. If there has been no interment in the lot hereinafter described then the heirs at law of Ira Chase, junior, deceased, late of the city of New York, are hereby authorized and empowered to sell and convey all their right, title and interest in and to lot number nine, laid down on the map of the Woodlawn cemetery, and owned by the said Ira Chase, junior, at the time of his decease. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAP. 32. AN ACT to amend chapter sixty-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and sixty, entitled "An act to consolidate and amend the several acts relating to the village of Catskill." PASSED February 14, 1883; three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: SECTION 1. Section one of chapter sixty-eight of the laws of eighteen. hundred and sixty, entitled "An act to consolidate and amend the several acts relating to the village of Catskill," is hereby amended so as to read as follows: § 1. All that part of the town of Catskill, in the county of Greene, embraced in the following bounds, that is to say: Beginning at Hudsons river, at the north side of a creek called "Stuck," and running north, seventy-five degrees forty-two minutes west, to the north-west corner of Lindsay's patent; thence due west to the Susquehanna turnpike road; thence in a direct line to the Catskill, at the north-west of the lands late of Hubartus DuBois, deceased; thence along the westerly bounds of said land to the farm late of Frederick Smith, deceased; thence easterly, along the north bounds of his farm, to the north-east corner thereof; thence in a direct line to the mouth of Ramshorn creek; thence east to the channel of the Hudson; thence up and along said channel to opposite the place of beginning, and thence west to the place of beginning, shall hereafter be known by the name of "The Village of Catskill," and the territory, together with the inhabitants therein, shall be a municipal corporation, by the name of "The Village of Catskill," and by that name shall have perpetual succession, and said corporation is hereby declared to be vested with and in possession of all the estate, real and personal, rights, privileges and immunities, which (at the time of passing this act) appertain and belong to the village of Catskill. The said corporation shall be capa- Corporate ble of suing and being sued, complaining and defending in any court, powers. make and use a common seal and alter the same at pleasure, and shall have power to hold, purchase and convey such real and personal estate as the purposes of the corporation may require, and shall also have power to hold, purchase and convey such other real estate in the town of Catskill, outside of the boundaries of the said village, for hospital and pest-house purposes, as the corporation may require, not exceeding fifteen hundred dollars in value at the time of the acquisition thereof. The said village shall be divided into five districts, as follows, which Districts. may be altered from time to time by the trustees of said village, who shall at once thereafter publish in a village newspaper any such alteration, provided that the said trustees shall have no power to make the number of said districts greater or less, and shall only have power to alter the boundaries thereof. District number one--All that portion of the corporation lying on No. 1. the east side of the Catskill creek and south of a line commencing at a point on said creek, opposite to the center of Bronson street, and running up said street to the center of Main street; thence down Main to opposite the center of Livingston street; thence up Livingston to and across Broad street, and continuing in a direct line to the Hudson river. District number two-All that portion of the corporation lying No. 2. north of the aforesaid line, up to a point on the said Catskill creek, opposite to the center of Liberty street, and up the same and to the center of Main street; thence up Main to opposite the center of William street; thence up and along the center of William, and continuing to the Hudson river. District number three-All that part of the corporation lying north No. 3. of the last aforesaid line up to a point on the said Catskill creek, opposite to the south line of Church street, and up to and crossing Main street, continuing in a direct line to the intersection of the Albany and Greene turnpike road; thence up and along the same to the line of the said corporation. District number four-All that part of the corporation lying on the No. 4 east side of the said Catskill creek, and north of the last aforesaid line. District number five-All that part of the corporation lying on the No. 5. west side of the said Catskill creek. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately. |