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Reproduction from

a painting of the estate of Mrs. Harold I. Pratt, Glen Cove, Long Island by Frank Swift Chase

Among prominent persons and insti-
tutions served by the Davey Tree
Surgeons are the following:


JOHN DAVEY Father of Tree Surgery

Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.

The D. T. E. Co., Inc., 1925

500 Davey Tree Surgeons-all regular Davey employes-none obtainable elsewhere THE only thing that the Davey Company has to sell is the service of expert and reliable Tree Surgeons, whom it has carefully selected, thoroughly trained, and properly schooled. There are no Davey Tree Surgeons except the regular employes of the Davey Company-500 in number.

The selection of these men is an exhaustive process in itself. No men are admitted, no matter how pressing the demand, except those of the right type Unsatisfactory men are eliminated as quickly as discovered. Consequently Davey Tree Surgeons are uniformly intelligent, industrious, painstaking, and of high personal integrity. Every man is trained before he is permitted to enter the field force of the Davey Company. This training is never done on the trees or at the expense of the client. The Davey officials, who know Tree Surgery values, guarantee the ability and the reliability of the experts whom they send to treat your priceless trees.

The Davey Institute of Tree Surgery is maintained at a cost of nearly $50,000 per year, to give scientific training to regular employes. It is open only to men already in the Davey organization; and all expenses are paid by the Company-in order that the service which you buy may be scientifically accurate and mechanically perfect.

No other professional service costs so little as Davey Tree Surgery. There is no place where you can buy so much service per dollar. Large-scale operation ($1,250,000.00 in 1924), plus this careful selection and training, plus proper discipline, make Davey Service so reasonable in cost.

Davey Tree Surgeons are local to you-anywhere between Boston and Kansas City, between Canada and the Gulf. Write or wire Kent, Ohio.

THE DAVEY TREE EXPERT CO., Inc., 135 City Bank Bldg., Kent, Ohio
Branch offices with telephone connections: New York, 501 Fifth Ave., Telephone Murray Hill 1629;
Albany, Volckert Bldg.; Boston, Massachusetts Trust Bldg.; Philadelphia, Land Title Bldg.; Wash-
ington, Investment Bldg.; Baltimore, American Bldg.; Pittsburgh, 831 Fourth Ave: Buffalo, 119
Franklin Street; Cleveland, Hippodroma Bldg.; Detroit, General Motors Bldg.; Cincinnati, Mer-
cantile Library Bldg.; Louisville, Todd Bldg.; Indianapolis, Lombard Bldg.; Chicago, Westminster
Bidg.; St. Louis, Arcade Bldg.; Kansas City, Scarritt Bldg.; Minneapolis, 636 Andrus Bldg.:
Montreal, 912 Insurance Exchange Bldg.


Every real Davey Tree Surgeon is in the employ of The Davey Tree Expert Co., Inc., and the public is cautioned against those falsely representing themselves. An agreement made with the Davey Company and not with an individual is certain evidence of genuineness. Protect yourself from impostors. If anyone solicits the care of your trees who is not directly in our employ. and claims to be a Davey man, write headquarters for his record. Save yourself from loss and your trees from harm

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Typhoid fever is a disease of T is the sort of thing that may

mean typhoid fever for the whole family a satisfying drink of cold, sparkling water that came from noone-knows-where!

strange wells.

It is never safe to drink from any
wayside streams or
Typhoid inoculation offers immunity
to most people for two or three years,

but to be absolutely safe, unknown

water must be boiled.

Inoculation also tends to protect you
from the danger of contracting typhoid
right in your own home. In many
cities the Health Department gives
such inoculations free.

filth caused by a germ that is taken into the body through the mouth. The germ is conveyed into the intestines where it rapidly multiplies, sets up inflammation and creates a poison that floods the body. Sewage-contaminated water, unclean milk, shell-fish from polluted water, uncooked vegetables, house flies -all of these may carry typhoid. That is why it is so important that rigid supervision of water, milk and food supplies be maintained in every section of our country. There need never be another epidemic of typhoid fever. Science has bestowed a wonderful blessing in of fering protection from typhoid. This merciless disease can be made as rare as yellow fever. In

Household helpers who are "typhoid
carriers" have been known to infect
entire families.

Inoculation against typhoid has no
relation to vaccinations for smallpox

and diphtheria. It is an added health

Typhoid fever kills one out of every ten persons who have it. Those who recover are left in such a weakened condition that for three years follow ing, the death rate among such persons is twice the normal rate.

Wherever cities protect their drinking supply from sewage or purify the water by chlorination the death-rate from typhoid drops. A marked reduction also takes place in communities where milk and food supplies are carefully protected and food handlers thoroughly inspected.

The value of typhoid inoculation was proved

oculation by means of a simple injection of vaccine under the skin will in most cases prevent typhoid. The injection is repeated at intervals of a week until three treatments have been given. No scar is left. In the rare cases where typhoid is con tracted, even after inoculation, this protection makes the siege much less severe.

Campers, hikers, vacationists and
all persons who are traveling, as
well as those who regularly eat
in public places should be the
first to be inoculated against

It is true that at times people
who are exposed to typhoid do
not contract it. They are tem
porarily immune. But it is never
safe to take immunity
for granted. Be inocu
lated and advise others

to protect them-
selves. Could you

ever excuse your

self had you advised a friend against inoculation who subse quently contracted the disease? Make an appointment with your doctor for yourself and all your family. Avoid danger so far as possible regarding what you eat and drink.


during the World War. Inoculation of our four
million men was compulsory. In France and in
our training camps at home there was practically
no typhoid in our ranks.

Contrast this with the records of the Spanish-
American War. There one out of every five con-
tracted the disease.

The Metropolitan Life Insurance Company will
be glad to mail its booklet, "The Conquest of
Typhoid Fever" to all who are interested in
stamping out this disease.

HALEY FISKE, President.





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METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY-NEW YORK Biggest in the World, More Assets, More Policyholders, More Insurance in force, More new Insurance each year

In writing to advertisers please mention SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE




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In writing to advertisers please mention SCRIBNER'S MAGAZINE


Your hand and your pen

are partners in the expression of your thought

Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen is the choice of millions
because it makes thinking and writing easier. There are
no annoying hindrances when a Waterman's is used-
just a steady flow of perfectly written words.

Made with different sized holders and different pen
points to suit all hands and styles of writing

50,000 merchants have selected Waterman's as the
best pen to sell because they know it satisfies all who buy

Ask a nearby merchant to show you Waterman's lip guard models (see
illustration) with mottled, black and cardinal holders, then select a pen
you like, at a price you will be glad to pay.

Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pen

L. E. Waterman Company, 191 Broadway, New York
Boston : Chicago : San Francisco : London : Paris : Montreal

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with Gold Filled Lev
er, Clip and Narrow
Band at Lip of Cap.
Holder exact size.
No. 01855

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