Then off there flung in smiling joy, And held himself erect By just his horse's mane, a boy: You hardly could suspect — (So tight he kept his lips compressed, Scarce any blood came through) You looked twice ere you saw his breast Was all but shot in... Pictures of the Living Authors of Britain - Página 66por Thomas Powell - 1851 - 206 páginasVista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | Rufus Wilmot Griswold - 1845 - 560 páginas
...suspect — (So tight he kept his lips compress'd, Scarce any blood came through,) You look'd twice e'er you saw his breast Was all but shot in two. " Well,"'ll be there anon To see your flag-bird flap his vans Where I, to heart's desire, Perch'd him." The chief's eye flash'd ; his plane Soar'd up again... | |
 | Rufus Wilmot Griswold - 1846 - 540 páginas
...suspect — (So tight he kept his lips compress'd, Scarce any blood came through,) You look'd twice e'er you saw his breast Was all but shot in two. " Well,"'ll be there anon To see your flag-bird flap his vans Where I, to heart's desire, Perch'd him." The chief's eye flash'd ; his plans Soar'd up again... | |
 | Thomas Powell - 1849 - 326 páginas
...Oppressive with its mind. Just as, perhaps, he mused — ' my plans That soar to earth may fall, Let once'my army leader Lannes Waver at yonder wall !' Out ''ll be there anon, To see your flag-bird flap his vans Where I, to heart's desire Perched him !' The chief's eye flashed, his plans Soared up again like... | |
 | Thomas Powell - 1849 - 328 páginas
...Out "twixt the battery smokes there flew A rider, bound on bound, Full galloping ; nor bridle drew Then off there flung in smiling joy, And held'll be there anon, To see your flag-bird flap his vans Where I, to heart's desire Perched him !' The chief's eye flashed, his plans Soared up again like... | |
 | Thomas Powell - 1849 - 324 páginas
...rider, bound on bound, . Full galloping ; nor bridle drew Then off there flung in smiling joy, And hold himself erect By just his horse's mane, a boy —'ll be there anon, To see your flag-bird flap his vans Where I, to heart's desire Perched him !' The chief's eye flashed, his plans Soared up again like... | |
 | 1849 - 270 páginas
...By just his horse's mane, a boy : You hardly could suspect — (So tight he kept his lips compressed Scarce any blood came through) You looked twice'll be there anon To see your flag-bird flap his vans Where I, to heart's desire, Perched him!" The Chiefs eye flashed; his plans Soared up again like... | |
 | Robert Browning - 1850 - 436 páginas
...: You hardly could suspect — (So tight he kept his lips compressed, Scarce any blood came thro') You looked twice ere you saw his breast Was all but...two. " Well," cried he, " Emperor, by God's grace " We 've got you Ratisbon ! " The Marshal 's in the market-place, " And you 'll be there anon " To... | |
 | 1859 - 450 páginas
...just his horse's mane, a boy : You hardly could suspect, — So tight he kept his lips compressed, Scarce any blood came through, — You looked'll be there anon To see your flag-bird flap his vans Where I, to heart's desire, Perched him !" The chief's eye flashed : his plans Soared up again... | |
 | John Williamson Palmer - 1861 - 540 páginas
...By just his horse's mane, a boy : You hardly could suspect, (So tight he kept his lips compressed, Scarce any blood came through,) You looked twice, ere you saw his breast Was all but shot in two. IV. " Well," cried he, " Emperor, by God's grace We've got you Ratisbon ! The Marshal's in the market-place,... | |
 | Robert Browning - 1863 - 430 páginas
...just his horse's mane, a boy : You hardly could suspect — (So tight he kept his lips compressed, Scarce any blood came through) You looked twice ere you saw his breast Was all but shot in two. rv. •' Well," cried he, " Emperor, by God's grace We've got you Ratisbon ! The Marshal's in the market-place,... | |
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