favourably of men of talent and cultivated taste; but so long as we confound these with men of genius, so long will the judgment of the many be of a low standard. The mind must not be educated into a false mediocrity, or the world will soon become a mob of mental dwarfs. Besides, it is the height of injustice to the man of real genius, and of still greater to those who pin their faith to a book. The false prophets of literature must be driven from the temple ere true religion can be preached to the multitude. Our space forbids our carrying out this subject to the extent we should wish; we must therefore return to Mr. Marston, and say a few words on the man. In 1842 Mr. Marston married a lady considerably older than himself, but clothed in the magical garment of "a small property." They live in Camden Town, near London, and are much attached to each other. Their acquaintance was the result of a correspondence on literary matters,-very dangerous weapons in a young lady's hands. In person Mr. Marston is tall and slenderly made, with an inclination to stoop; he has a slight impediment in his speech, and altogether gives little outward evidence of the author. FINIS. J. S. Pratt, Stokesley, Yorkshire. A SERIES OF SIXPENNY BOOKS, BY A. M. & C. E. SARGEANT. EXTRACT FROM PREFACE, 66 ADDRESSED TO THE READERS OF THE LIBRARY FOR "" LITTLE FOLKS. MY DEAR LITTLE FRIENDS, Little friends we may call you all, though there will, of course, be degrees of comparison-Little, less, and least-amongst the readers of the "Library for Little Folks." Some will have attained the important ages of eleven or twelve, and they must have food for the mind befitting that age; others will have arrived at eight, nine, and ten. But many who are not more than six or seven will, we hope, be learned enough to read some of the books in this "Library," and to suit such, some will be printed in large letters. The "Library" will contain amusing stories, pleasant conversations on a great many interesting and instructive subjects-mostly on the wonderful things in Nature; and now and then a History of some well-known person you k now I suppose, such Histories are called Biography. This sort of reading you will find quite as amusing, and a great deal more useful, than books about Giants and Fairies, and wild adventures. Every book we read ought to make us wiser and better, and it need not be dull or dry because it is intended to do so. Should you learn something that is good from every little book, you will of course be at the end of the year a great deal wiser and better than you are now; and then you will have cause to be glad that you laid out your money in buying "The Library for Little Folks." NEW YEAR'S NIGHT AND PAPA'S BIRTH-DAY. THE STEP-MOTHER; OR, THE BERESFORD FAMILY. MARY AND MINNIE; OR, THE LITTLE GIRLS' QUESTIONS. ACTIVE KINDNESS; OR, THE LITTLE NAIL-MAKER, UNCLE JOHN'S PARTY, AND THE ITALIAN BOY. THE BLUE SILK FROCK; OR, CELIA'S VISIT. WALKS WITH MAMMA. THE GOOD PASTOR; OR, THE LIFE OF JOHN FREDERIC OBERLIN, FANNY WOODBORNE; OR, THE PEARL-STRINGER. MAMMA'S STORIES. THE LIFE OF CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS. FREDERIC AND KATE; OR, THE LITTLE LETTER-WRITERS. BLIND ALICE; or, Do Right, if you wish to be Happy. GRACE AND CLARA; or, Be Just as well as Generous. THE COUSINS AT WOODVILLE; or, Disobedience Punished. LONDON :-PARTRIDGE & OAKEY, 34, PATERNOSTER ROW. And may be had of all Booksellers. NEW WORKS BY ANNE MARIA SARCEANT. THE HOLLY-WREATH; A PLEASANT COMPANION FOR A LEISURE HOUR. Elegantly bound and Gilt, with several Engravings, price 2s. 6d. Handsomely bound in Cloth, price One Shilling, TALES OF LONDON LIFE. CONTENTS. Introduction." "The Crimson Damask Window Curtains." "Be Just before You are Generous." "The Patroness." "The Artist's Daughter." Fortune Seekers and Fortune Makers." "Just too Late." Also, price One Shilling, TALES FOR MY OWN SEX. "Introduction." CONTENTS. "Home Duties." "The Blue Stocking." "The Handsomely bound and Gilt, with numerous Illustrations, price 1s. 6d. FIRESIDE LESSONS ON THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE BIBLE, IN SIMPLE AND FAMILIAR CONVERSATION. A BOOK FOR MOTHERS; OR, BIOGRAPHIC SKETCHES OF THE MOTHERS OF GREAT AND GOOD MEN. BY' C. E. SARGEANT. Neatly bound, price One Shilling. LONDON-PARTRIDGE & OAKEY, 34, PATERNOSTER ROW. And may be had of all Booksellers. |