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American Hotel and Resort Bureau

A Directory for the convenience of magazine readers traveling for business or pleasure. Managers of hotels, camps, transportation lines, etc., wishing to be listed should apply to A. H. and R. B., Post Office Square Building, Boston.

[blocks in formation]

The Atlantic House

with its famous cuisine, occupies a commanding bluff directly on the ocean at the head of the magnificent five-mile stretch of Nantasket Beach, where sandy shore, rock-bound coast, and rolling country meet. Here nature bountifully provides the attractions of both seashore and country. The Atlantic is reached from Boston by boat or rail in an hour,-or less, or by motor-car over beautiful park roads. Season, June 15 to Sept. 9. Rates, $2 per week and upwards. Special rebates to longterm guests. For additional information and booklet address J. Linfield Damon, Jr., Manager Hotel Thorndyke, opposite Public Garden, Boston.

Narragansett Pier


Queen of seashore resorts.
Swept by breezes from the broad Atlantic.
Unequalled bathing.
Beautiful scenery.
Country Club.
Golf, polo, tennis.
Fishing, boating.
Elegant macadam roads.




Address above Hotels.

Atlantic City. GALEN HALL. Hotel MASSASOIT.
& sanatorium. New brick,
stone, & steel building, elegantly furnished,
and with three specialties, comfort, attend-
ance, table. Address F. L. Young, Gen. Mgr.


Saratoga Springs, N.Y. WASH

centrally located. Splendid rooms, unex-
celled cuisine, spacious piazzas. Booklet.
the Catskills. HOTEL HAMILTON:
Under one management.
Modern. All amusements, music, spring
water, garage. Booklet. S.I. Brown, Prop.
Catskill, N.Y. SUMMIT
HOUSE. Home of Rip
Van Winkle. View of Hudson, pine grove,
driving, boating, fishing, bowling, pool, bil-
liards. Booklet. Milton H. Becker.

Beach Haven, N.J. THE ENGLE



Swampscott, Mass.

30 Minutes from Boston by Rail
Accommodations for 400
Thoroughly Modern

New Hygeia, Block Island, R.I. In Mid-Ocean. Capacity, 300. Coolest resort on coast. Sea air, surf-bathing, great health restorer. Booklet. J. C. Champlin, Prop.

Weekapaug Inn. Directly on the ocean.

Always cool. Charm-
ing, restful spot. Tennis, Golf, Fishing,
Boating, Touring Cars, Fresh Sea-food.
F. C. Buffum, Weekapaug, R I.

Franconia Inn and Cottages,
Sugar Hill, White Mts., N.H.

Grand scenery, fine roads, pure and in-
vigorating air. On slope of beautiful hill.
Excellent table supplied from our gar-
dens and farms. Artesian well water.
Sanitary plumbing and drainage.
Tennis and golf links.

Robert Peckett, Franconia, N.H.
White Mountains. BREEZY HILL


The most up-to-date summer hotel on the Massachusetts coast. Delightfully situated, safe surf-bathing, sailing, fishing, and finest roads for driving, riding, and automobiling in America. Boarding stable and garage, superb orchestra, facilities for every out-of-Sugar Hill. Alt. 1,600 ft. Fine cuisine. Crystal Spring Water. Golf, tennis, bowldoor sport. Select patronage. ing, billiards. Swimming pool. Eben Fish, Write for booklet and other information. Prop., Lisbon, N. H. AINSLIE AND GRABOW Proprietors 673'Boylston St., Boston, Mass.

[blocks in formation]

SIDE. The Island Resort. The only resort on the Jersey 15th. Large rooms, modern

coast that combines perfect bathing, always good fishing, with a modern hotel, and gives

Cuisine and table service un conveniences:
chestra. Excellent roads, fishing. bathing.

sure relief from hay fever besides. Booklet. golf, and tennis. R. F. Engle, Manager.

In the Allegheny Mountains.
Perfectly ideal. Fine table, boating, fish-
ing, good livery, perfect sanitation. Illus-
rated booklet. E. J. KIRKPATRICK,
Brookside, W.Va.

Nantucket Island. BEACH
A family summer home of the first class.
Seashore and country combined. Booklet.
G. H. Brinton, Siasconset, Mass.

For booklet and rates address

Frank D. Bennett, Magnolia, Mass.

Magnolia, Mass. THE NEW MAG-
NOLIA. Superbly
located on "North Shore." Beautiful drives
golf, tennis, fishing, bathing. Booklet. C.
H. MOWRY, Mgr., 673 Boylston St., Boston.
Turk's Head Inn,


Rockport, Mass.

Fairhaven, Mass.TABITHA INN. Piazza 400 feet Long THE HAR

Mrs. K. M. Price,

BOR VIEW. Prop. New,high-class house, pleasant rooms, E. Gloucester, Mass. Directly on Gloucester superior cuisine. Beautiful drives, macadam Bay; homelike rooms; excellent table. For roads. Automobiling. Prices $15 to $25 w'k. terms & booklet apply to W. F. Osborne. FALMOUTH Cape Cod,

SANTUIT HOUSE On Vineyard Sound, HEIGHTS, AND COTTAGES. bathing, and MASS. Macadam roads. Water tempera: Cotuit, Mass. Boating, fishing. Fine walks and ture, 74 degrees. Special rates, June and Sept. Craig House and The Terrace Gables. drives. James Webb, Proprietor. Plymouth, Mass. HOTEL PIL- Rye Beach, N. H. FARRAGUT HOUSE, GRIM. June to charmingly situated. Sept. On a Bluff above Plymouth Bay. Combines seashore and country. Golf links; Rooms with and without bath. Golf, tennis, superb bathing beach, with hot salt baths. bathing, fishing, boating, fine roads. P. P. Fifty miles from Boston over magnificent Pretto, Mgr. roads. Garage. Public and private baths.


Asquam Lakes. THE

elevation, unsurpassed view of lakes and
mountains, boating, bathing, fishing, driv-
ing. H. F. Dorr, owner, Holderness, N.H.
Camp Ossipee for
Boys (Lake Ossipee) stables, tents,

Bungalows, assembly halls,

launch, sail boats, horses, coaching and "roughing trips," farm. Trips to Canada, Jamestown Exp., Europe offered. Appointments in N. Y. and Phila. H. R. Young, B. A. A. Club, Boston. Camp Algonquin. A Summer Camp Lake, Holderness, N.H. Twenty-second season opens June 26. A pure outdoor life -boating, bathing, canoeing, mountain climbing, sports; tutoring. References reEdwin Dequired. Send for circular. Meritte, 180 Beacon Street, Boston, Mass.

[blocks in formation]

Please mention the Review of Reviews when writing to advertisers


Summertime is Vacation Time

The vacation which is intelligently planned will bring pleasure, rest and recreation to the most prosaic life.

Can't We Help You Plan It?

The Pere Marquette Railroad publishes a number of handsomely illustrated. guide books to the principal

Rest Spots of Michigan.

[ocr errors]

Michigan Summer Resorts " tells of the resorts of the upper Lake Michigan country.

[ocr errors]

Michigan East Coast Resorts" describes the lower shore of Lake Michigan. Then there is "Fishing and Hunting in Michigan," and booklets describing the resorts at Charlevoix, Ottawa Beach and Point aux Barques in detail. These booklets will be sent to any address on request to

H. F. MOELLER, G. P. A.,

310 Union Station, Detroit, Mich.

Piease mention the Review of Reviews when writing to advertisers

[graphic][subsumed][subsumed][merged small]
[graphic][merged small]

The Land of Opportunity

For information in regard to opportunities (commercial and agricultural) in Western Canada write to any of the advertisers in the following pages or to the addresses below:

Charles F. Roland, Secy. Winnipeg Industrial Bureau,
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
Indian Head, Saskatchewan
Regina, Saskatchewan
Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
John H. Hall, Secy. Board of Trade,
Medicine Hat, Alberta
E. H. Richardson, Secy. Board of Trade,
Calgary, Alberta
A. G. Harrison, Secy. Board of Trade,
Edmonton, Alberta

H. W. Baker, Secy. Board of Trade,
W. L. Birnie, Secy. Board of Trade,
H. C. Lawson, Secy. Board of Trade,
Hugh McKellar, Secy. Board of Trade,

James Weir, Secy. Board of Trade, Strathcona, Alberta
H. C. Beatty, Secy. Board of Trade,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
B. W. Wallace, Secy. Board of Trade,
Prince Albert, Saskatchewan
Davidson W. Black, Secy. Board of Trade,
Ft. William, Ontario
J. A. Campbell, Pres. Board of Trade,
Dauphin, Manitoba
Herbert Cuthbert, Secy. Tourist's Association,
Victoria, British Columbia
T. B. Evans, Secy. Board of Trade, Macleod, Alberta
Secy. Board of Trade, Vancouver, British Columbia
Secy. Board of Trade, Lethbridge, Alberta
Secy. Board of Trade, Port Arthur, Ontario

[graphic][subsumed][subsumed][merged small]

"The City of Opportunity"



the City with 100,000,000 acres of the finest agricultural land in the world behind it. The Gateway to the Last West.

[merged small][graphic][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][ocr errors][subsumed][ocr errors][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][subsumed][merged small][merged small]

We offer for investment as long as they last, a limited number of excellent building lots in

"Marlboro Place Addition"

situated in the "West End" the fastest growing part of the City. To fill the great demand when a sale of Marlboro Place was made, we secured this beautiful addition adjoining, and since February 1st, 1907, have sold over $200,000 worth in Winnipeg; a great many lots will be built on this year.

PRICES, $175 to $200 per lot. TERMS, 1-3 cash, balance in two annual payments, or $10 per lot cash, and $10 per month. Interest 6%.

TORRENS TITLE, which is guaranteed by the Government, to every lot.

This property will soon double in value.

Send deposit, and lots will be alloted in order of receipt.

Write for handsome book of views on Winnipeg, and plans of property.

now, the profits to be made will surprise you.

Macmillan @ Vollans,
Merchants Bank Building,

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


Do it

Any Mercantile Agency or any Bank in Winnipeg.

Please mention the Review of Reviews when writing to advertisers

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