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Why not do national advertising at a price that you formerly paid for local publicity? The classified columns of THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS make this possible. Here you can reach 1,000,000 of America's best buyers at a monthly cost of only $5. Following are some opinions from advertisers who have used our columns :

"We have obtained very satisfactory results from our first advertisement with you. We received 28 replies which resulted in 28 orders and 4 second orders."


Columbus Savings and Trust Bldg., Columbus, O. "I have received more replies, and have had better results, from a four line advertisement in the Review of Reviews, than any other magazine I ever used."


146 State Street, Boston, Mass.

$1.25 per agate line. Smallest space accepted, 4 lines; largest space for one advertise-
ment, 12 lines. On six-time orders, no charge will be made for the sixth insertion. All
advertisements set in uniform style. Cash for first insertion must accompany order, and
each subsequent insertion must be paid for in advance, on receipt of memorandum bill
which will be sent on the first of the month preceding date of publication.


Send for booklet, " An Advertising Problem." It tells all about Classified Advertising.
13 Astor Place, NEW YORK


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Please mention the Review of Reviews when writing to advertisers



The Bridge that spans the River of Life and the Heels of New Rubber that make life's burden easy to carry are illustrated here for your benefit. These Heels of New Rubber are a positive relief to all who walk or stand. Nurses are obliged to wear them in the sick room. If it is a fact that they make you step lighter and more buoyant and feel happier in mind. and body, adopt them for your own benefit, but be sure and get O'Sullivan's. They are the only heels that are made of new rubber If your dealer cannot supply you send 35 cents and diagram of your

Heels of heel to the manufacturers,

New Rubber


When you asked for
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tracked by some man
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It's better late than
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If you dont like

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O'Sullivan Rubber Co.
Lowell, Mass.


Please mention the Review of Reviews when writing to advertisers

When Building, Consider First



A great many buildings are built of fire-proof design, but of materials which. will not stand the test of a severe fire. Other buildings have proper materials, and yet a hot fire will sweep them from bottom to top. This explains why so many disastrous fires have occurred in so-called "fire-proof" buildings.

Fire proofing does not mean marble and mosaics. Such materials are non-combustible, but they are quickly ruined by fire. It does not mean steel and iron work; big girders and columns will twist like wax in a strong fire, leaving the entire structure a mass of worthless ruin. Fire-proofing in a building means the protecting of the structural members from the heat, so that, whatever else happens, the frame,

the walls and floors will stand intact.


A building, however, consists of more than the frame, walls and floors. However safe against fire these structural parts may be, the building as a whole, especially with regard to protection of its contents, is not what a fire-proof building should be unless it is of correct fire-proof design. All open areas must be shut off from each other. Then a fire in any part of the building can be confined to the floor or section or room where it originates, and the result is perfect fire-proofing. For example: In one of Chicago's best warehouses a fire broke out on an upper floor in a section filled with highly combustible goods. The fire was allowed to burn itself out. Although the most intense heat prevailed, no water was thrown on the fire, thus preventing water damage to other valuable contents on lower floors, The building was in no way damaged. The section in which the fire occurred was refitted with shelving and fixtures and was ready for use again in three days. This warehouse is really fire-proof and was so made under our methods.

A fine type of Storage Warehouse, fire-proofed throughout
by the National Fire Proofing Co.

The prospective builder of a Store, Hotel, Factory, Office or Apartment Building, Bank, Clubhouse, Residence, or other building must decide first the question of whether the building is to be fire-proof. Architectural features come later. Safety must be paramount.

Write for our literature on the subject of fire-proofing. It contains information which the owner and the lessee alike cannot afford to be without.

Address our Chicago office for literature and any specific information you desire or call at any of our offices.

Contractors for Construction Fire-Proof Buildings
Manufacturers Terra Cotta Hollow Tile

CHICAGO, 1103 Commercial Nat. Bank Bg. PITTSBURG, 1103 Fulton Bldg.
PHILADELPHIA, 403 Land Title Bldg.
ST. LOUIS, 503 Victoria Building.

NEW YORK, 1603 Flatiron Building.
MINNEAPOLIS, 303 Lumber Exch.
LOS ANGELES, 503 Union Trust Bg.
LONDON, ENG., 27 Chancery Lane.

BOSTON, 803 Old South Bldg.
WASHINGTON, 803 Colorado Bg.
CINCINNATI 603 Union Trust Building.
Twenty-six Factories Throughout the United States

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