Imágenes de páginas

The Bridge that spans the River of Life and the Heels of New Rubber that make life's burden easy to carry are illustrated here for your benefit. These Heels of New Rubber are a positive relief to all who walk or stand. Nurses are obliged to wear them in the sick room. If it is a fact that they make you step lighter and more buoyant and feel happier in mind. and body, adopt them for your own benefit, but be sure and get O'Sullivan's. They are the only heels that are made of new rubber If your dealer cannot supply you send 35 cents and diagram of your

Heels of heel to the manufacturers,

New Rubber


When you asked for
probably were side-
tracked by some man
behind a counter who
"knew" what you
wanted better than you.
It's better late than
never. Dont be side-
tracked again. Judge
for yourself. Put on a
pair; you'll know in a
minute if PRESIDENTS
are all we claim.
If you dont like
take them off &

buy others. Any

dealer will allow a try-on.

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O'Sullivan Rubber Co.
Lowell, Mass.


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CANADA THE LAND FOR SETTLERS AND INVESTORS Send for our Free Book describing Western Canada and the great opportunities for homeseekers or those looking for safe and profitable investments. Our book proves by testimonials that those who have bought land from us during last 10 years have realized a profit of from 50 per cent. to 200 per cent. on their money. With a capital of $1,000.000.00, of which $780,000.00 is paid in, we offer you every security and chance for investigation. Write to-day and ask for book 20. Haslam Land & Investment Co., Regina, Canada.

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EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR AUTO BUYERS Slightly used standard cars, in perfect condition, at unusually low prices. Call or write for list. Lurie's Auto Depot, 152-4 W. 38th St.. N. Y. City.. Tel. 5537-38th.

LOCOMOBILE FOR SALE. Original cost, $4200; will sell for $1100. 1904 model, 4 cylinder, King of the Belgians, body royal blue. A very handsome car, in good condition. Complete with canopy top. lamps and accessories. This car will be a bargain for any one in a fairly level country. Will go up any hill, too, but not on high speeds. Owner selling to get lighter car for exceptional hill use. Address M. Boebel, Greenwich, Connecticut.

HOW TO RUN AN AUTO. Owners, Operators, Repairmen. Homans' Self-Propelled Vehicles is best practical book on automobiles, easily understood, in text, diagrams. and illustrations. Accepted as standard. Price. $2. postpaid, to any address. Order to-day. money back if not satisfied. Audel Co., 63 Fifth Ave., New York.

SUPPLEMENTARY SPIRAL SPRINGS. The luxury of travel. Saves your tires, your engine, your patience, and your nerves. Attached by any handyman. Booklet free. Motor Supplementary Spring Co., 1780 Broadway, New York City.

MÓDEL K. WINTON, new last September, 4 cyl., 30 hp.. fine top and curtains, Rushmore lamps, gas tank; perfect condition. Dr. R. B. Waite, 50 Main St., Springville, N. Y.

EQUIP your car with "Hercules" non-skid. Puncture Proof Tires; made by largest tire dealers in world; agents wanted everywhere. Republic Rubber Tire and Shoe Company, 1686 Broadway, New York.

THE UNITED AUTOMOBILE CO. presents itself as being a Reliable House in the handling of slightly used Automobiles. We always have different makes of high grade Automobiles to sell at prices that are absolutely right. Consideration solicited from sellers as well as buyers. Cars shipped to all parts of the United States. Write for list. United Automobile Co., 136 West 38th St., New York.

AUTO BUYERS' AGENTS-Before buying an automobile write us for particulars. We carry none in steek; you deal direct with private owners. All makes, $75 to $9900. Auto Trading Co., 25 W. 42nd St.. N. Y.

AUTOMOBILE BARGAINS. We are the largest dealers and brokers of New and Second Hand Automobiles in the world. Automobiles bought for spot cash; cash always demands bargains, and we have them. Our past reputation and satisfied customers are our reference. Over 500 Automobiles on our sales floors to select from. including every make of Standard Automobile, ranging in price from $150 to $5,000. No matter what you are looking for, we are sure to have it. Complete list of Automobiles on hand. for Bargain Sheet No. 106. Times Square Automobile Company, new main entrance. 1599-1601 Broadway, and at 215217 West 48th St., New York.


OUR NEW CATALOGUE gives full particulars of the largest assortment of automobiles ever offered the public. Prices range from $50 to $3,500, including foreign and American models. They are the cheapest cars ever offered, quality considered. Every car carries our guarantee to be in good running order. We have no competitors-a fact our prices demonstrate. Mail orders and inquiries receive our best attention. Headen Auto Exchange, 196 Degraw St., Brooklyn, N. Y.


AUTOMOBILE GARAGE, absolutely fireproof and up to date Repair Shop, Electric Charging, all supplies and accessories. Official A. A. A. and A. M. L. Station. Special facilities for Tourists. T. S. Morse, Lenox, Mass.


GARAGE-Largest and best equipped in the world. commodations for 300 automobiles. Up-to-date repair department. Transient business a specialty. Accesories and supplies. Wyckoff. Church & Partridge, Broadway, at 56th.

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SIDE LINE FOR SALESMEN. There is good money in selling our $2.50 non-leaking fountain pen (to users, not the trade). Sample $1.50 (M. O. or cash). Sutton Pen Co., 11-17 William St., New York.

BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Many make $2,000.00 a year. You have the same chance. Start a Mail-Order Business at home. We tell you how. Money coming in daily. Very good profits. Everything furnished. Write at once for our "Starter and Free particulars. We are. originators. R. W. Krueger Co., 155 Washington St.. Chicago, Ill.

SALESMEN-Young men who can give reference from former employers: to such a party we pay salary and expenses to represent us in your and adjoining territory. Experience not necessary. Write with reference. Deering Mercantile Co. (Dept. G.), Chicago, Ill.

AMBITIOUS, industrious, well-dressed salesmen, desirous of earning $40.00 to $200.00 weekly. will be assisted in building up permanent business of their own. Address with references, P. C. Kullman & Co., 68 Wall St., New York.

MAGAZINE SOLICITORS WANTED in every town, large and small, to procure new and renewal subscriptions for Review of Reviews and our strong Clubbing Offers. Commissions liberal and $3000.00 in Special Cash Prizes every month. Become "The Magazine Man" (or woman) of your community-chance to build up a permanent and profitable business. Write for terms. The Review of Reviews Co., Room 428. New York.

AGENTS make big money selling our new sign letters for office windows, store fronts, and glass signs. Any one can put them on. Write to-day for a free sample and full particulars. Metallic Sign Letter Co., 68 N. Clark St., Chicago, Ill.

SALESMAN WITH EXCEPTIONAL ABILITY. No beginners and no canvassers wanted. Several of our men are averaging over $1.000 a month. Life Insurance men averaging $200 up can make $1,000 a month. We also want man experienced in handling a big Sales Force. Give reference. John B. Duryea, 449,-703 Third Ave., Seattle, Wash.

A DOLLAR AN HOUR.-Either sex earn $1.00 an hour introducing Electric Combs and fastest selling articles on market. Remember we guarantee $1.00 an hour for every hour you work. Dr. R. R. Hull, 1431 Penn Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.

WANTED-High class representatives to sell new store necessity needed by all merchants. Sells for $50 to $500. Profits 40 to 60 per cent. State experience, references and qualifications in detail, and we will submit proposition, names and addresses of 2000 satisfied purchasers. Exclusive territory for right man. Ref. First National Bank, Chicago. Pitner Company. 183-189 Lake St.. Chicago.

SOAP AGENTS MAKING $50.00 WEEKLY selling our wonderful $1.50 soap and toilet article combinations, with valuable premiums for 35c. Crew managers wanted. Buy direct of manufacturer. Profitable vacation work for students. Davis Soap Works, 20 Union Park Ct.. Chicago.

SELL OUR SCHOLARSHIPS. 2000 schools and colleges, all parts of country, or send us names of those going to school. Teachers, students and others can make big money during summer months. Can be done during extra hours. Liberal cash commission. Write to-day for particulars. Columbia School Agency, 357 Manhattan Bldg., Chicago.

IF YOU ARE A HIGH GRADE SALESMAN between 25 and 50 years of age, and wish to connect with a house established over 100 years, presenting an A1 proposition to professional men, write at once to William Wood & Company, 51 Fifth Ave., New York City.

(84) WANTED-Salesmen acquainted with toilet wares buyers everywhere sell Royal Tooth Powder, Royal Talcum, Allen's Foot Powder, etc.; half price others; "Royal finer wares; liberal inducements to all. The Allen Pharmacal Co., Plainfield, N. J.

THERE IS NO EXCUSE for any wideawake man working for a small income if he is willing to do some dignified hustling. We have a proposition to make to ambitious men in every community, whereby he can earn from $2500 to $15,000 yearly. The business is a secure and attractive one, and deserves your immediate inquiry. Write and we will tell you the whole story. You'll take it up at once. McCormack Real Estate Company, 804 Times Building. New York.

$100 PER MONTH and traveing expenses paid by an old established house for salesmen to sell goods to dealers. Experience unnecessary. New plan, rapid selling line. Purity D. V. Co., Chicago, Ill.

HIGH-CLASS SALESMEN WANTED. We have a very fine addition to the City of Houston, Texas. Lots ranging in price from $50.00 to $150.00, and sold on small monthly payments. Good men easily make $200.00 weekly. We have the finest literature, and back salesmen up in every way. The owners of this property are men who have been on the road selling lots, therefore know how to assist salesmen in their work. We pay unusually liberal commissions, and offer big cash prizes for good work. Long contract. Write quick for territory. The Western Land Corporation, Houston, Texas.

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LEARN to draw for money. We teach Cartooning, Caricaturing, Newspaper and Magazine Illustrating successfully by mail. If talented, send stamp for Art Circular and Free Lesson. National School of Caricature, 25 World Bldg., New York.

DO YOU NEED LITERARY ASSISTANCE,,-want lectures, addresses, club papers written for you,-desire manuscripts perfected, typewritten, or sold on commission? We serve efficiently. Booklet. Authors' Revision Bureau, 2400 Seventh Ave., New York.

[blocks in formation]

"EVERY MAN HIS OWN STENOGRAPHER "-Shorthand and Typewriting can be learned at home in leisure hours. Send for information and sample lesson. Shorthand Institute, Box 982, Palo Alto, California.

COLLEGE PREPARATORY COURSES in French, German, Spanish, Latin, and Greek, given at home. Also Commercial French, German, and Spanish. Native instructors. Send for free information. Massachusetts Correspondence Schools, 194 Boylston St.. Boston, Mass.

LEARN PLUMBING-Many of our students have graduated in four months and are earning regular plumber's wages. Illustrated catalogue Free. St. Louis Trade School, 3994 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo.

CIVIL SERVICE employees are paid well for easy work:. examination of all kinds soon; booklet A 13 describing positions and telling easiest and quickest way to secure them is free. Write for it now. Washington Civil Service School. Washington, D. C.

SIX LESSONS IN SALESMANSHIP FOR $1. If you ac cept my proposition I furnish you employment, too. Business pleasant and profitable. Remit to-day, with references. W. A. Carney, Suite 105, Stimson Bldg.. Los Angeles, Cal. $75 WEEKLY EASILY MADE fitting eye-glasses. Write to-day for "free booklet 51." Complete easy mail course. Diploma. Reduced tuition. Big demand for opticians. We start you in business. National Optical College, St. Louis.

PROFESSIONS QUICKLY TAUGHT BY MAIL. same as in our own resident schools. founded 1850. Law. Pharmacy, Nursing. Preparatory Medical. Cartooning. Illustrating. Mech. Drawing. Shorthand, Bookkeeping. Journalism, Penmanship. Personal instruction. Write for summer rate: state course desired. National Correspondence Schools. C-32 Penn St., Indianapolis, U. S. A.

LADY, of several years' experience, will care for and instruct a few backward girls at her home. Box 77. R. F. D.. Raymond. New Hampshire.


GALT'S SAFE INVESTMENTS.-Put your money into gilt edge Farm Mortgages or Bonds earning 4% to 6% interest. Beware of speculation. Write for my list of firstclass loans and high grade bonds. E. Le Roy Galt, 639 Continental Bank Bldg., Chicago.

FOR SALE. 6% preferred stock. Dividends payable January and July guaranteed. All sales secured by bank stock placed in trust for protection of purchasers. Bank references. Jesse Morgan, Pres., Hazard, Ky.

NOW OFFERED, an 8% Preferred Participating Stock. Reason, Established profit-earning business. to enlarge plant. Stock is full paid, non-assessable, cumulative. For particulars, address The Boston Development Co., 927 Old South Bldg., Boston, Mass.

WRITE ME if you wish to safely invest your monev where it will earn 7 to 10% a year. R. E. Abbott, Banker, 176 Federal St., Boston, Mass.

8 PER CENT A YEAR is what we pay on Certificates of Deposit. National Bank and Commercial Agency references. E. M. Martin, Cashier, Key West, Florida.

SEND FOR FREE COPY. 100-page book. "Success in the Stock Market, mailed free on application to John A. Boardman & Co., 53 Broadway, New York City, N. Y.

SIX PER CENT. NET on guaranteed first mortgages, secured by real estate; 30 years' experience. Write for further particulars and references. Ealy J. Moses & Son, Burnett, Tex.

INVESTORS-We offer Curb, Industrials and all unlisted securities at attractive prices. Send for price-list and our monthly, which is free. Correspondence solicited. M. T. Reed, Broker, 42 Broadway, New York.

5 PER CENT. AND SAFETY. We pay 5 per cent. on savings deposits. Our recognized strength and strict State bank laws guarantee safety. Write to-day for free booklet, "Banking by Mail." Pelham State Bank, Pelham, Ga.

FARM MORTGAGES paying 5 to 6 per cent. net, in the rich agricultural sections of the West and South are the safest and best securities to-day. Not affected by trusts or panics. "Bonds and Mortgages. Chicago, tells all about them. One Dollar a year; sample copy free. Address 1143 Monadnock Block, Chicago.

7 PER CENT. AND ABSOLUTE SAFETY GUARANTEED for your savings. Free from all element of speculation and risk-especially adapted to persons of moderate means. Write to Union Loan & Trust Co.. Springfield, O.


SEA VOYAGES: Attractive "Summer Excursions" to Colorado, California, Mexico; single or round-trip tickets to Key West, Fla.; Mobile, Ala.; New Orleans. La.; Galveston, Tex. Write for booklet "Ocean Travel,' to Mallory Steamship Co., 80 South St.. New York.

EASTON SANITARIUM. For treatment of the nervous or mentally ill. Superior location; skilled care. Visit here before selecting a place elsewhere, or call up Dr. Kinney for particulars. 'Phone 1661, Easton, Pa.

SUMMER TOURS FOR BOYS. College Graduate Tutors to accompany individuals or small parties to any part of the world. Itineraries planned or accepted. College Tutors Association, 511 West 122nd Street, New York, N. Y.

SPECIAL" Jamestown Exposition " number of "Seabord Magazine,' handsomely illustrated. containing detailed description of the various features of the Exposition, as well as many interesting and instructive articles on the six Southern States reached by our line. will be sent upon request. General Industrial Agent, Seaboard Air Line Railway, Portsmouth. Va.. Dept. W.

GIBRALTAR-Italy to Scotland, with Vienna-Berlin, June 20. 29. $360-$595. Reverse, Aug. 17. Ninth year. Illustrated book; map. W. A. Johnson, 917 Madison Ave., Baltimore, Md.

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To the Readers of The Review of Reviews

A MORAL THIEF IS NOT A LEGAL THIEF in the eyes of the law, and by that token many a man is at home when his rightful place is in jail. But the question is: Shall we, the buying public, help this sort of man along?

A man, by dint of thought and work, invents an article of food, of wearing apparel, or for domestic use. He carries out his conception; he gets it ready for the market; he recognizes the requirements of the law of the land and patents his article ; he invests large sums of money in letting the people know about it, and he makes a success. That is, thousands buy the result of the thought of his brain, the investment of his money and his honest legitimate methods.

Along comes a man who has no brain wherewith to conceive except to trade upon the other man's success, and "Uneeda Biscuit" becomes " Uwanta Biscuit"; "Jap-a-Lac" becomes "Jac-a-Lac "; "Cottolene" becomes "Cottoleo" "Pears' Soap" becomes "Peers' Soap," and so on. All these imitations are purely and palpably intended to mislead the public, to confuse the buyer.

Now this imitator does not need to invent; he has no call to invest capital; he goes on the wave of popular support created by the man who legitimately launched the result of his honest thought. Such a parasite not only lives on the brain and capital of another, but he also directly hopes to get an undeserved livelihood by playing upon the credulity of the public. He is a coward, as is proved by the fact that he imitates. His article is never so good as that which he imitates, for the same moral twist that plays upon a man will play upon the quality of the article. As a matter of fact, he has no need to think of the quality of his article, for he relies for his sales on his misleading label: hence, quality, to him, is of slight importance, and therein lies the fraud against the consuming public.

Continued on page 120

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