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Simply Told

of a


Based on Simple Merit

For many years and in many strange corners of the world I had smoked cigarets. None of those made in Turkey, Egypt, Western Europe, or the Orient were just the "real. thing," and not until I learned it from Russians, did I know the true delight of a perfect cigaret smoke. I had a friendly and honest desire to contribute something to the luxury of living, and, believing this Russian Cigaret to be the best in the world, and very far in advance of anything ever offered in America, I began a few months ago to manufacture them in a small way and to furnish them to my friends and their friends. I felt sure that smokers could and would discriminate if given an opportunity. And I guessed right.

In the beginning I offered Makaroff Russian Cigarets to the consumer only. Such an insistent appeal came to me, almost at once, from smokers throughout America to place these cigarets within their convenient reach, that I was practically forced, six months ago, to begin to let dealers have them.

Never, since dealers were given an opportunity to stock these cigarets, has the factory been anywhere near equal to the demands upon it. Such cigarets cannot be ground out by machinery. The men who make Makaroff Cigarets must be Russians of life-long training-artists at their work.

So it is that merit, backed by faith in a discriminating public, has won-again, and our sales have outrun our most strenuous efforts at production. For a time, therefore, our advertising will be discontinued-until we can catch up to our orders-and this is our last announcement for the present. Undoubtedly, we shall advertise again when we shall have solved the problem of adequate production. The quality of our cigarets will not be allowed to deteriorate because the orders are stacked up. This is a connoisseurs' business and will be kept so.

In conclusion: The manufacture and distribution of these cigarets has quickly grown from a pleasant pastime for a few friends into a real business and a "main issue," but it has not lost the savor of enthusiasm and good intentions.

Ask for these cigarets at high-grade tobacconists. If you cannot get them at once, be patient, and write to us if you really cannot wait. We always keep a small reserve of the boxes of one hundred, packed in cedar, for our direct customers, old and new. We furnish the boxes of one hundred, with or without the distinctive Russian mouthpiece or tube, at $2.50 per hundred-and your money back instantly, without the return of any cigarets, if they fail to satisfy your utmost expectations. Dealers sell Makaroff Russian Cigarets in three grades, at

15 CENTS 20 CENTS 25


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No 25







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famous surgical-instrument maker of Brooklyn, New York, has produced a new Ready Razor-the RAZAC-a safety razor that is safe. A simple silver-plated holder all in one piece. A blade adjustment that will suit any face-blades of Swedish razor-steel, rigid and firm as a surgeon's knife and brought to a temper and edge quite impossible with flexible blades. Repeated hair tests are made in perfecting each RAZAC blade. Apply a hair to one yourself and note the sharp clean way it is severed.

Any one can use this little instrument. It will clean the face of every vestige of hair and stubble-simply, quickly, pleas antly, and leave it as smooth as the palm of your hand. A clean, cool shave, no matter how tough or wiry the beard. No stropping, no honing. No trouble at all. RAZAC

Nothing to it but Shave

You can't get away from the plain facts about the RAZAC no matter how you are now shaving-whether at the barber's, at home with the regular razor, or with one of the cld-model safeties.

The price of the RAZAC is $3.50. Try it for thirty days and if at the end of that time for any reason you are willing to part with it we will refund your money. Good drug-stores. cutlery and hardware dealers want RAZACS faster than we can make them.

Send for the new little RAZAC Book. It explains and illustrates everything you'd like to know about shaving. You needn't enclose any stamps. Just say you want the book. HAPGOODS SALES CO.

Suite 132, 305 Broadway, New York

Please mention the Review of Reviews when writing to advertisers

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Please mention the Review of Reviews when writing to advertisers

Dr. Lapponi

Physician to the Late Pope Leo XIII., and also Physician in Ordinary to Pope Pius X., Finds


Of Marvelous Efficacy in Gout, Rheumatism, Gastro-intestinal Dyspepsia, Gravel, and in all the Various Forms of Uric Acid Diathesis."

Following is Exact Translation of Dr. Lapponi's Testimonial as Written by Himself: ROME, August 24, 1903.—In the Hospital of San Giovanni Calibrita (del Fatebene Fratelli) in Rome, directed by myself, I have largely experimented with the nat

ural mineral water placed in commerce under the name of BUFFALO LITHIA WATER and am glad to be able to attest that, by its richness of composition of lithia, it is of marvelous efficacy in cases of Gout, of Chronic, Articular, and Muscular Rheumatism, of Hepatic Congestions and Functional Disorders, of Gastro-intestinal Dyspepsia, of Gravel and Renal Insufficiency, of light Nephritic Affections and of all the various forms of Uric Acid Diathesis.

The same water is also to be recommended highly in the initial processes of Arterio-sclerosis and in obstinate forms of Bronchial Asthma. May also be used as a good table water. So much I declare for the truth. (Signed) PROF. GIUSEPPE LAPPONI.

Principal Physician of the Hospital of San Giovanni Calibrita (del Fatebene Fratelli) in Rome, Member of the Academy of Medicine of Rome, etc., etc. is for sale by Grocers and Druggists, generally. Testimonials

BUFFALO LITHIA WATER which defy all imputation or question sent to any address.



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Oxydonor Gives Vigorous, Buoyant Health

Without Doctor or Medicine

OXYDONOR causes new life, teeming with health and vigor, to be instilled into your system while you rest. It is not a cure in itself, but constrains the human body to cure itself, through its own organs, according to Natural Law. It is not a question of faith or belief. Apply OXYDONOR as directed and the force of Natural Law accomplishes the cure.

OXYDONOR is a necessity for every home, as it gives the mastery of disease, and will serve the family a lifetime, its force never exhausts. Can be carried in the pocket and used any time without delay. SR. M. AGATHA, of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Victorhill, N. Y., writes:-"We have derived great benefit from OXYDONOR and cheerfully recommend it to others."

OXYDONOR applies to anyone's case-except where the evil work of disease is finished-it is master of every disease. Write for free illustrated descriptive literature and grateful reports. Your very life demands that you should know all about OXYDONOR. BEWARE OF FRAUDULENT IMITATIONS. There is but one genuine OXYDONOR, and that has the name of the originator and inventor-Dr. Sanche-engraved in the metal. Look for that name.

61 Fifth St., Detroit, Mich.

DR. H. SANCHE & CO., 489 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.

67 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill.

) 364 St. Catherine St.,
West, Montreal,

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