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OPPORTUNITIES IN A NEW COUNTRY. Leaflet descriptive of the country along the Pacific Coast extension of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. Unusual openings are offered in South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho and Washington, in farming, stock-raising, and mercantile business. Leaflet free on request. F. A. Miller, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, or W. S. Howell, General Eastern Agent, 381 Broadway, New York City.

MR. LAND BUYER: Get next to Gurlock & Co. 260,000 acres of the choicest irrigable lands in the State of Idaho soon to be opened for entry under the Cary act. Write at once for circulars and reliable information to W. D. Gurlock & Company, Shoshone, Idaho.

DO YOU WANT A 99-YEAR LEASE. with purchase clause, on $160,000 business and office building? 1 blocks from State capitol building, on the main street of Columbus, Ohio. The Holtermann Agency, Columbus, Ohio.

REAL ESTATE bought, sold or exchanged for out of town parties. First mortgages for sale on 30 per cent. valuation, 6, 7 and 8 per cent. Commonwealth Security Company, Seattle, Washington.

MICHIGAN FARM LAND. $15.00 per acre. Good market. Easy payments. Fine front lots on beautiful Higgins Lake; telephone and rural delivery: $25-$150. O. J. Willer, owner, 90 La Salle St.. Chicago.


CHOICE INVESTMENT-Property beautifully situated in most convenient part of town, near schools, churches and depot; a large quantity of fruit and shade trees, spacious lawn and garden, an ideal home for a business or professional man who loves a generous, roomy estate: every foot of land available for house lots; contains 56,000 ft.. 416 foot frontage, large, modern house; barn with cellar, ample stall and carriage room. This property is well located for large apartments with court and all outside rooms. building lots, or manufacturing plant, only 3 miles from Boston. R. E. ABBOTT, 176 Federal St., Boston, Mass. FARMS ANYWHERE IN NEW ENGLAND. Send four cents for Bradshaw's Great Farm Book, describing 500 farms. Over 3,500 places listed. E. G. Bradshaw Company, 101 Tremont Street, Boston, Mass.

INVEST YOUR MONEY NEAR A GREAT AND GROWING CITY. Building lots in Boston's suburbs, at $20 each; cash or terms; on steam and electric car lines. Boston Suburban Land Co., 28 School St.. Boston, Mass.


I TEACH MODERN REAL ESTATE METHODS by mail: the kind that made millions of dollars for such concerns of national importance as Wood, Harmon & Co., Realty Trust and Garden City Estates; ten years' active experience as advertising manager, national agency manager, manager and general manager sales department for the above firms makes this course the most valuable and complete ever written upon the subject, because it's based on experience that $100,000 could not buy. A postal will bring my book. **Modern Real Estate Methods." It's free. Henry S. Meyers, 1878 Tribune Building. New York.

ADIRONDACKS.-If you want a cottage, a camp. a building site, or forest lands, near Paul Smith's, Saranac Lake, or Lake Placid, apply to William F. Roberts, at Saranac Lake, N. Y.

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SPECIAL BARGAIN in large tract of Michigan land suitable for sheep or cattle ranchers. Also small tracts for farms and fruit. Active, reliable agents wanted. Address for particulars J. E. Merritt, Manistee, Michigan.

CASH for your real estate or business wherever located. If you want to sell, send description and price. If you want to buy, send for our monthly. Northwestern Business Agency, 367 Bank of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.

RELIABLE information regarding Michigan fruit. stock and farm lands. Maps and illustrated books free, compre hensive, authoritative and full of good reasons warranting your investigation. S. S. Thorpe, Suite 2, McMullen Bldg., Cadillac, Michigan.

DENVER REAL ESTATE WANTED. What have you to sell for cash. Write fully. Cce & Stedman, Realty & Loan Co., Denver, Colo.

SELL YOUR REAL ESTATE. We place it with 5000 hustling agents and bankers throughout the U. S. Booklet and full particulars free. Real Estate Salesman Co.. 451. Lincoln, Neb.

IF ANY READER of this magazine desires reliable information concerning property in Duluth, Minn.; Superior. Wis., cr in the country surrounding these cities, please address The William Kaiser Co., Duluth, Minn.


FOR SALE-130 acres picturesque land bordering on small river. A chance to get the wildest and most romantic natural beauty in an estate, and will be within 50 minutes of New York. Millionaires' estates all around. In most desirable town in Connecticut. Bass fishing, trout fishing at hand. Three miles from Golf Club. Site gives fine view of Sound. A rare opportunity to get an estate combining natural beauty and accessibility. Price, $350 per Address, W. F. Day. Greenwich, Conn.


BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY SITES in lots of 4 acres and up. 12 minutes' drive from Greenwich, Conn.; 45 minutes from New York now; will be 35 minutes next year when New Haven Road is electrified. These lots are in restricted residence park. Town water will be supplied. Most eligible neighborhood near New York. Lovely country drive to property. One of the few chances left to get the most desirable neighborhood and real country surroundings with easy accessibility. Address W. F. Day, Greenwich, Conn.


BUY NEW YORK CITY LOTS at Liberty Heights before Subways open. The small investor's opportunity to share the profits of New York City's rapid growth. Elevated and surface lines now with 5c. fare to City Hall: $450 and upward; 10% down and 14% monthly, or discount for cash; cement sidewalks and curbs, trees, water, gas, and electricity. Title guaranteed. Bank references. Maps and booklets. Bastress, Vought & Co., 350 Fulton St., Brooklyn, N. Y.

FOR SALE-On charming Lake Keuka, within Catawba grape belt. House, stable, fruit, 8 acres grapes, 400 feet beautiful beach. Ideal summer home. Mrs. Catterson, Catawba, Steuben Co., N. Y.

MOST RAPIDLY GROWING BOROUGH of this rapidly growing city. I have for sale best home sites and business locations here. some on line of new subway. Send for Bargain Bulletin. W. W. Carner, 1020 Fortieth St., Brooklyn, N. Y.


MEXICAN TIMBER LANDS. Two hundred and sixteen thousand acres, State of Durango: six hundred million feet of pine, two million oak, forty thousand acres magnificent cattle range. Price, seventy-five cents per acre. Chas. B. Mullaly. 419 Navarro St., San Antonio, Texas.

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Give your children the out-of-door happiness-the healthy minds and bodies-which a daily ride in a Lancaster Pony Carriage brings.

They will thoroughly enjoy these smoothly-rolling, perfectly-adjusted, strongly-built little car

riages, exact miniatures of the handsome Lancaster vehicles made for the grown-ups.

For many years the Lancaster Company has possessed an enviable reputation in the designing of vehicles of an exceptionally high order and our Pony Carriages are an unsurpassed combination of finest designs and materials, luxurious appointments and expert workmanship.

Ask to see Lancaster Pony Carriages. If your dealer cannot supply you,


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LEARN to draw for money. We teach Cartooning, Caricaturing, Newspaper end Magazine Illustrating successfully by mail. If talented, send stamp for Art Circular and Free Lesson. National School of Caricature, 25 World Bldg., New York.

DO YOU NEED LITERARY ASSISTANCE. want lectures, addresses, club papers written for you,-desire manuscripts perfected, typewritten, or sold on commission? We serve efficiently. Booklet. Authors' Revision Bureau, 2400 Seventh Ave., New York.

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"EVERY MAN HIS OWN STENOGRAPHER "-Shorthand and Typewriting can be learned at home in leisure hours. Send for information and sample lesson. Shorthand Institute, Box 982, Palo Alto, California.

COLLEGE PREPARATORY COURSES in French, German, Spanish, Latin, and Greek, given at home. Also Commercial French, German, and Spanish. Native instructors. Send for free information. Massachusetts Correspondence Schools. 194 Boylston St.. Boston, Mass.

LEARN PLUMBING-Many of our students have graduated in four months and are earning regular plumber's wages. Illustrated catalogue Free. St. Louis Trade School, 3994 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo.

CIVIL SERVICE employees are paid well for easy work:. examination of all kinds soon: booklet A 13 describing positions and telling easiest and quickest way to secure them is free. Write for it now. Washington Civil Service School. Washington, D. C.

SIX LESSONS IN SALESMANSHIP FOR $1. If you accept my proposition I furnish you employment, too. Business pleasant and profitable. Remit to-day, with references. W. A. Carney, Suite 105, Stimson Bldg.. Los Angeles, Cal.

$75 WEEKLY EASILY MADE fitting eye-glasses. Write to-day for "free booklet 51." Complete easy mail course. Diploma. Reduced tuition. Big demand for opticians. We start you in business. National Optical College, St. Louis.

PROFESSIONS QUICKLY TAUGHT BY MAIL. same as in our own resident schools, founded 1850. Law. Pharmacy, Nursing. Preparatory Medical. Cartooning. Illustrating. Mech. Drawing. Shorthand. Bookkeeping. Journalism, Penmanship. Personal instruction. Write for summer rate: state course desired. National Correspondence Schools, C-32 Penn St., Indianapolis, U. S. A.

LADY, of several years' experience, will care for and instruct a few backward girls at her home. Box 77. R. F. D.. Raymond. New Hampshire.


GALT'S SAFE INVESTMENTS.-Put your money into gilt edge Farm Mortgages or Bonds earning 4% to 6% interest. Beware of speculation. Write for my list of firstclass loans and high grade bonds. E. Le Roy Galt, 639 Continental Bank Bldg., Chicago.

FOR SALE. 6% preferred stock. Dividends payable January and July guaranteed. All sales secured by bank stock placed in trust for protection of purchasers. Bank references. Jesse Morgan, Pres., Hazard, Ky.

NOW OFFERED, an 8% Preferred Participating Stock. Established profit-earning business. Reason, to enlarge plant. Stock is full paid, non-assessable, cumulative. For particulars, address The Boston Development Co., 927 Old South Bldg., Boston, Mass.

WRITE ME if you wish to safely invest your monev where it will earn 7 to 10% a year. R. E. Abbott, Banker, 176 Federal St., Boston, Mass.

8 PER CENT A YEAR is what we pay on Certificates of Deposit. National Bank and Commercial Agency references. E. M. Martin, Cashier. Key West, Florida.

SEND FOR FREE COPY. 100-page book, "Success in the Stock Market, mailed free on application to John A. Boardman & Co., 53 Broadway, New York City, N. Y.

SIX PER CENT. NET on guaranteed first mortgages, secured by real estate; 30 years' experience. Write for further particulars and references. Ealy J. Moses & Son, Burnett, Tex.

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No Honing-No Grinding



Set of Two in
Leather Case


Carbo Magnetic



Razors have been tempered by fire for hundreds of years for the reason that manufacturers knew of no other method. Fire tempering is not uniform, and in consequence 90% of all razors tempered in this manner WILL PULL. CARBO MAGNETIC razors are tempered by OUR EXCLUSIVE SECRET PROCESS OF ELECTRICITY, which, not only produces an EVEN TEMPER, but PRESERVES THE CARBON (the life) of the blades as well-THEY DON'T PULL.

Give us your dealer's name and we will send you our booklet, "Hints on Shaving," and make you a proposition whereby you can test one of these razors without obligation on your part to purchase. This book illustrates the correct razor position for shaving every part of the face, and contains much other valuable information. Please state whether or not your dealer handles the Carbo Magnetic Razor.


is the registered name of my genuine Mexican Double Yellow Heads the only Parrot in existence which imitates the human voice to perfection and learns to talk and sing like a person. Young, tame, hand-raised nest birds.


June, July, August $10

Each Parrot sold with a written guarantee to talk. Sent by express anywhere in the U. S. or Canada.

Cheaper varieties from $3.50 up.

One of a Thousand Similar Letters on File. "Maxie is the finest talker and singer I have

ever heard. He talks everything. You can carry on a conversation with him. He sings the words of the chorus of a great number of songs. I could write a book of all he says, etc."'-Mrs. KATIE ZEHN, Newark, Ohio. Write for booklet, testimonials and illus. catalog, etc., free. GEISLER BIRD CO., Dept. 75, Omaha, Nebraska. Largest and oldest mail order Bird House in the world. Est. 1888.

Firm of


456-457 Broadway



MADE $10,000

on HALF AN ACRE of ground, growing Ginseng. Another

is making hundreds of dollars per year growing Mushrooms in an ordinary cellar. Others are making big money growing Golden Seal and other medicinal plants, of which the wild supply is fast becoming extinct and prices rapidly advancing. YOU CAN DO THE SAME. Our new monthly magazine, PROFITABLE HOME INDUSTRIES, tells you all about it; full details; letters from successful people. If you want to make money, write us to-day. Price $1.00 per year, 3 months' trial 25 cents, sample copy 10 cents. Address



52 Thompson Building, Scranton, Pa.

Print Your Circulars, books, newspaper. Press

$5. Large size $18. Money saver, maker. All easy, printed rules.

Own write factory for catalog, presses,

type, paper, cards.


A Necessity! Not a Luxury



Every man should have one.

It makes shaving safe and comfortable.

It may be applied to any window, or elsewhere to obtain a strong light, and instantly adjusted to any angle.

It may be carried safely in a satchel.

Furnished express paid,


Chipped Edge, $1.50; Beveled Edge, $2.00.

Send for circular.

CALDWELL MANUFACTURING CO., 8 Jones St., Rochester, N. Y.

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