Imágenes de páginas




Bolce, Harold, 382.

Bond, Robert, 531.

Borah, William E., 273.

Borden, Sir Frederick W., 718.

Botha, General, 428, 531.
Bourne, Jonathan, 274.
Boyle, Thomas F., 263.
Briand, M. A., 280, 404.
Briggs, Frank O., 273.
Bright, Marshal H., 412.
Brodeur, Louis P., 719.
Brown, Elmer E., 302.
Brown, Norris, 273, 392.

Bryan, William Jennings, 519.

Bryce, James, 167; and Mrs. Bryce, 171.
Buchanan, William I., 676.

Burdett-Coutts, Baroness, 201.

Burgess, Gelett, 116.

Burnett, J. L., 649.

Burton, Theodore E., 397, 648.
Busse, Fred. A., 587.

Butler, Charles Henry, 679.
Ruttrick, Wallace, 276.
Caillaux, M., 281,

Campbell, Reginald J., 637.
Carducci, Giosuê, 619,
Carnegie, And
Cartwright, Sir R. J., 719.
Andrew, 400,
Cellini, Benvenuto, 114.
Chamberlin, Colonel, 662.
Choate, Joseph H., 673.
Cholmondeley, Mary,
Clemenceau, Premier, 404.
Mary, 124.
Clement, G. W., 48
Cleveland, Grover, 386, 401.
Colonna, Vittoria. 636.
Colquhoun, Archibald, 636

Commander, Miss Lydia K., 638.

Commons, John R., 758.

Conger, Edwin H., 668

Censtant, de. Baren D'Estournelles, 328.

Cook, Frederick A, 33, 34.37.

Cortelyou, George B. 12.

Crane, Merten E.

Creel. Berique C

Cromer. Lor,

Crosby, Ernest Howard, 100

Cartin, Jeremiah, 30M

Cortis, Charles. 274

Davis, Brig-Gen. George B.. 678.

Davis. Jefferson

De Forest. Lees 680

De Gamond, There. 331.

De Buyer. Admiral 10.

Deakin, Alfred T
De and. Margaret
Deruburg. Friederich,
Descamps. Baren. 328.


Dixon, Josep M... 275%
Douglass, Frederick, 633.



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Edward VIL, King of England 666.

Egypt. Khedise od 336.

Eugenie. Empress, 307.

Evans, Robert, 1

Mala, Anchony. 128

Fleid, Henry M. 290.

Fielding, WLiam Steven, 719.

Filer, W. V. 29. 137
Water L., O82


Fisher. Seiner 779
Forsker. Joseph B.. 318
Funk, Isaac K. 309.
Gaziield, James B. S 391.
Garrison, Wendeil Philips. 42.
Gates. Frederics L.. 275.
Gershuni, Gregory. 192
Godkin, Lawrence. 534.
Goethals. George W. 398.
Galovin. Feodor. 408.
Gorst. Sir Eldon, 665.


Grotius, Hugo, 358.
Guggenheim, Simon. 287.
Hale, Chandler, 679.
Hall, Bolton, 640.

Hamilton, Lady, 114.
Hanberg, John, 584.
Harnack, Adolf, 626.

Harriman, Edward H., 36, 41; Harriman
family group, 38.

Harriman, Rev. and Mrs. Orlando, father and

mother of E. H., 39.
Hatten, William H., 396.
Herbermann, Charles G., 758.

Hershey, Amos S., 381.
Hichins, Robert, 121.
Hill, David Jayne, 677.
Hill, Louis W., 540.

Hilmi, Abbas, Khedive of Egypt, 536.
Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 297.
Howe, Julia Ward, 589.
Howe, Samuel Gridley, 113.
Howell, B. F., 649.
Hughes, Charles E., 642.
Husband. Walter W., 649.
Ijuin, Vice-Admiral. 661.
Irion, Clifford H., 31.
Jackson, William S.. 144.

Jacob, son of Aaron, high-priest of the Samari

tans. 238.

Jameson. Dr. Leander Starr, 531.
Jenks. Jeremiah W., 649.
Johnston. C. Brooks, 313.
Judson, Harry Pratt. 419.
Kaneko, Kentaro, 496.
Kellogg, Frank B., T.
Kigoshi, Lieut.-Gen. Y., 662.
Kipling, Rudyard. 127.
Kobayaski. Capt. G.. 662.
Kopp. Cardinal, Archbishop of Breslau, 26.

Kuroki. Gen. Baron, 662.
Latimer. A. С. 649.

Laurier, Sir Wilfrid 531. 717.

Leffingwell. Elmer C... 263.
Lemieux. Rudolphe. 719.

Leupp, Francis E... 10. 298.
Lillampa, Minna, 601.
Lindsay, Samuel MeCure.
Lodge. Henry Cabot, 206 649
Loeb, William, Jr.. 316.
Longfellow. Henry Wadsworth, 173, 174.
MacArthur, General Arthur, 662

Maclaren, lan. John Watson), 686

MeCrea. Jarres, 130
MeGee. W JAS
Magellan. Ferdinand,
MeKeens. Reginald, 277.
Maleck, W. H. 28
Maxwell WRIS
Melen. Charles S. 390

Mendeleyer. Domitri Ivanovich. 373.
Meyer. George von L. 2
Morrissey. Patrick H., 3226.

Morse. Edward S. 117.

Mosby, John S. 380

Mikey. Frederick W., 27A THA

Muller. Edward. 342

Murphy, Edgar Gardner, 308
Nagayama. Lieut. Col. M. 662

Nel. Charles P. 649.

Newinnds, Francis E..

[ocr errors]

Niedoias IL. Czar of Russia, and the Czarina.

660: 1 family group, 133.

Nobie. Edward. 767.

Nobie. W. Aethur. 123.
North, Simon N. D. 11.

Okuma, Count

Oliver. David. Jr., 263
Oliver. Frank. 719.
Olivier, Sydney, 665.
Cison. Harry. 462.
Ota, Coi. M. 662
Fage. fred B., 323.

[blocks in formation]


Persia, Shah of (Mohammed Ali Mirza), 155.

Peter, King, of Servia, 363.

Pettus, Edmund W., 258.

Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, 125.


Pius X. in his study, 2.

Porter, Horace, 674.

Porter, Robert P., 381.

Prince, Fred, 54, 55.

Putnam, George Haven, 757.

Reich, Emile, 759.

Rhodes, James Ford, 110.

Richard, Cardinal, Archbishop of Paris, 20.

Richards, William A., 298.

Richardson, Harry A., 273.

Roberts, Morley, 767.

Rockefeller, John D., 275.

Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 275.

Rockefeller, William, 394.

Roncovieri, Alfred, 263.

[blocks in formation]

Canada, 652.

Postal Service affairs, 11.

Progress of the World, 3, 131, 259, 387, 515, 643.

RACE suicide, President Roosevelt on, 550.
Railroad accidents, Discussion of, 456, 594.

Railroad crisis, 131-138.

Railroad efficiency, Demand for, 520.

Railroad investments, President Roosevelt on,


Railroad questions discussed, 387.

Railroad reports and the new rate law, 245.

Railroad situation, The, 267-269.

Railroad strike, The threatened, 526.

Roosevelt, President, 515, 517, 650; at Panama, Railway abuses, Correcting, 7.
15, 16.

Railroads and railroad-building in Africa, 477.
Railroads, The States and the, 272.

Root, Elihu, 529.

Rose, Uriah M., 675.

Ruef, Abraham, 664.

Saigo, Marquis J., 662.
Sarasate, violinist, 443.
Schmidt, Nathaniel, 118.
Schmitz, Eugene E., 263.
Scott, James Brown, 679.
Scott, Richard William, 719.
Selborne, Earl of, 431.
Severance, Cordenio A., 7.
Shaw, Leslie M., 13.
Shibusawa, Baron, 739.
Shonts, Theodore P., 267.
Smith, George Otis. 539.
Smith, Goldwin, 485.

Smith, Herbert Knox, 139.
Smith, William Alden, 145.

Smoot, Reed, 399.

Smuts, J. G., 430.

Snyder, Carl, 509.

Spencer, Samuel, 29.

Sperry, Charles S., 678.

Speyer, James, 390.
Spooner, John C., 399.
Stead, William T., 514.
Stevens, Frederick C., 142.

Stevens, John F., 270.

Stolberg-Wernigerode, von, Count Udo, 407.
Straus, Oscar S., 421.

Strauss, Richard, 355.

Switzerland, President of, 542.

Sylva, Carmen, 494.

Taft, William H., 647.
Tanaka, Captain, 662.
Tanura, T., 662.
Tarbell, Ida, 756.
Taylor, Robert L., 274.
Tchaikovski, Nicholas, 492.
Templeman, William, 719.
Train, Arthur, 510.
Tree, A. Maria, 115.

Tucker, Harry St. George, 313.
I'mezwa, Maj.-Gen. M., 662.
Vancouver, George, 637.
Van Vorst, Marie, 124.
Vespucci, Amerigo, 508.

Victoria, Queen. of Spain, 659.
Viviani, M., 657.

Walcott. Charles D., 9, 301.

Walsh, Lawrence E., 263.

Ward, J. G., 531.

Warner, Vespasian, 301.

Watson, John ("Ian Maclaren"), 686.

Wheeler, W. R., 649.

Whiteing, Richard, 119.

William II., Emperor of Germany, 283.

Williams, John T., 263.

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