vi Portraits: THE AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW OF REVIEWS. Bolce, Harold, 382. Bond, Robert, 531. Borah, William E., 273. Borden, Sir Frederick W., 718. Botha, General, 428, 531. Bryan, William Jennings, 519. Bryce, James, 167; and Mrs. Bryce, 171. Burdett-Coutts, Baroness, 201. Burgess, Gelett, 116. Burnett, J. L., 649. Burton, Theodore E., 397, 648. Butler, Charles Henry, 679. Campbell, Reginald J., 637. Commander, Miss Lydia K., 638. Commons, John R., 758. Conger, Edwin H., 668 Censtant, de. Baren D'Estournelles, 328. Cook, Frederick A, 33, 34.37. Cortelyou, George B. 12. Crane, Merten E. Creel. Berique C Cromer. Lor, Crosby, Ernest Howard, 100 Cartin, Jeremiah, 30M Cortis, Charles. 274 Davis, Brig-Gen. George B.. 678. Davis. Jefferson De Forest. Lees 680 De Gamond, There. 331. De Buyer. Admiral 10. Deakin, Alfred T 649 Dixon, Josep M... 275% Deramend Welan Edward VIL, King of England 666. Egypt. Khedise od 336. Eugenie. Empress, 307. Evans, Robert, 1 Mala, Anchony. 128 Fleid, Henry M. 290. Fielding, WLiam Steven, 719. Filer, W. V. 29. 137 T Fisher. Portraits: Grotius, Hugo, 358. Hamilton, Lady, 114. Harriman, Edward H., 36, 41; Harriman Harriman, Rev. and Mrs. Orlando, father and mother of E. H., 39. Hershey, Amos S., 381. Hilmi, Abbas, Khedive of Egypt, 536. Jacob, son of Aaron, high-priest of the Samari tans. 238. Jameson. Dr. Leander Starr, 531. Kuroki. Gen. Baron, 662. Laurier, Sir Wilfrid 531. 717. Leffingwell. Elmer C... 263. Leupp, Francis E... 10. 298. Maclaren, lan. John Watson), 686 MeCrea. Jarres, 130 Mendeleyer. Domitri Ivanovich. 373. Morse. Edward S. 117. Mosby, John S. 380 Mikey. Frederick W., 27A THA Muller. Edward. 342 Murphy, Edgar Gardner, 308 Nel. Charles P. 649. Newinnds, Francis E.. Niedoias IL. Czar of Russia, and the Czarina. 660: 1 family group, 133. Nobie. Edward. 767. Nobie. W. Aethur. 123. Okuma, Count Oliver. David. Jr., 263 INDEX TO VOLUME XXV Persia, Shah of (Mohammed Ali Mirza), 155. Peter, King, of Servia, 363. Pettus, Edmund W., 258. Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart, 125. 36. Pius X. in his study, 2. Porter, Horace, 674. Porter, Robert P., 381. Prince, Fred, 54, 55. Putnam, George Haven, 757. Reich, Emile, 759. Rhodes, James Ford, 110. Richard, Cardinal, Archbishop of Paris, 20. Richards, William A., 298. Richardson, Harry A., 273. Roberts, Morley, 767. Rockefeller, John D., 275. Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 275. Rockefeller, William, 394. Roncovieri, Alfred, 263. Canada, 652. Postal Service affairs, 11. Progress of the World, 3, 131, 259, 387, 515, 643. RACE suicide, President Roosevelt on, 550. Railroad crisis, 131-138. Railroad efficiency, Demand for, 520. Railroad investments, President Roosevelt on, 725. Railroad questions discussed, 387. Railroad reports and the new rate law, 245. Railroad situation, The, 267-269. Railroad strike, The threatened, 526. Roosevelt, President, 515, 517, 650; at Panama, Railway abuses, Correcting, 7. Railroads and railroad-building in Africa, 477. Root, Elihu, 529. Rose, Uriah M., 675. Ruef, Abraham, 664. Saigo, Marquis J., 662. Smith, Herbert Knox, 139. Smoot, Reed, 399. Smuts, J. G., 430. Snyder, Carl, 509. Spencer, Samuel, 29. Sperry, Charles S., 678. Speyer, James, 390. Stevens, John F., 270. Stolberg-Wernigerode, von, Count Udo, 407. Strauss, Richard, 355. Switzerland, President of, 542. Sylva, Carmen, 494. Taft, William H., 647. Tucker, Harry St. George, 313. Victoria, Queen. of Spain, 659. Walcott. Charles D., 9, 301. Walsh, Lawrence E., 263. Ward, J. G., 531. Warner, Vespasian, 301. Watson, John ("Ian Maclaren"), 686. Wheeler, W. R., 649. Whiteing, Richard, 119. William II., Emperor of Germany, 283. Williams, John T., 263. 7 Seabury, Joseph B. Seventy years of systematic giving. [Baroness Burdett-Coutts], 199. Senate, United States, Usurped powers of, 88. Sperry, Admiral Charles S., (brief sketch), 679. Spiritual outlook of the world, A Hindu on, 93. Stassov, Vladimir V., Russian art critic, 103. Stead, William T. James Bryce: Britain's en- voy to the American people, 166; The na- tional arbitration and peace congress in New York, 591; The restoration of the Transvaal to the Boers, 428; Practical peace views TAFT, Secretary William H., Activities of, 14. Teachers,, pay of, Insufficient, 4. Telegraphy, Wireless, and electric waves, 502. Telephone in Great Britain, 243. Telephony, Wireless, 680, 681. Tenements, Model, in St. Petersburg, 356. Theatre, Children's, The, 605. Titus, Edward Kirk. Suburban and mountain VESILOVSKI, A. D., Russian historian, 104. Volcanic action, Effects of, on marine life, 604. WADE, Herbert T. Wireless telephony by the De Wall Street and the administration, 387. Wall Street's crisis and the country, 558. Wall Street: See also under Money. Waterloo, Stanley. The revolution in Chicago's Weather conditions during the spring, 649. Waterways, Interior, 141, 396. Watson, John, ("Ian Maclaren "), 686. Weather prophets, Animals as, 628. West, Max. The Interior Department under Sec- Weinstock, Harris. Is industrial Japan likely to menace the American wage-earner? 472. Woman suffrage, A world campaign for, 406. tecting the The Government's Point of View Dilemma of the French Priesthood.. With portraits and other illustrations. ents a number. Foreign postage $1.00 a year additional. Subscribers ma ss money orders, or by bank checks, drafts, or registered letters. Money as early as possible, in order to avoid a break in the receipt of the number Pealers receive subscriptions. (Subscriptions to the English REVIEW by Mr. W. T. Stead in London, may be sent to this office, and orde price of $2.50 for the yearly subscription, including postage, or |