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church history at the Rochester Theological Seminary, in a recent volume brought out by the Macmillans, treats "Christianity and the Social Crisis." The conscience of Christendom, ne says, is halting and groping, "perplexed by contradicting voices, still poorly informed on essential questions, justly reluctant to part with the treasured maxims of the past, and yet conscious of the imperious call of the future." It is to throw some light on this situation that he writes the present volume.

Sir Oliver Lodge, perhaps the first living scientific man, at least, of the English-speaking peoples, is the leader of a new movement to show complete harmony between science and religion. His views, in the form of a catechism, questions and answers, are embodied in a recent volume (Harpers) entitled "The Substance of Faith Allied with Science."


A new edition of Dr. Daniel S. Gregory's Why Four Gospels?" has been brought out by the Bible League Book Company. For thirty years Dr. Gregory's book has been considered a master-work upon its special theme.

An account of the experiences of the Chicago Preachers' Committee which, in 1894, led in the movement for religious liberty in Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia, is given in a volume brought out by Jennings & Graham, entitled "Religious Liberty in South America." It is written by Rev. Dr. John Lee.

"Church Philanthropy in New York," by the Rev. Floyd Appleton, is a study of the philanthropic institutions of the Protestant Episcopal Church in New York City. It is published by Thomas Whittaker, with a prefatory note by Bishop David H. Greer.

Among other volumes treating religious and ecclesiastical topics recently published, are: "The Psychology of Religious Belief" (Macmillan), by Dr. James B. Pratt, of Williams College; "The Religious Conception of the World (Macmillan), by Dr. Arthur Kenyon Rogers, of Butler College; "Freedom in the Church" (Macmillan), by Alexander V. G. Allen, of Cambridge University; "The Religious Value of the Old Testament" (Crowell), by Ambrose White Vernon, of Dartmouth College; "For the Work of the Ministry" (American Baptist Society), by Prof. T. Harwood Pattison, of the Rochester Theological Seminary; "Persecution in the Early Church" (Jennings & Graham), by Herbert B. Workman, of the Westminster Training College; Kosmos, the Soul, and God" (McClurg), by C. L. Arnold; "Between the Testaments" (Funk & Wagnalls), by Rev. Dr. David Gregg, president of the Western Theological Seminary; "What India Can Teach Us" (Jennings & Graham), by Albert E. Cook, Methodist missionary; Intimations of Immortality" (Small, Maynard), selected by Helen Philbrook Patten;

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The Messiah Idea in Jewish History" (Jewish Publication Society), by Dr. Julius H. Greenstone; "The Union Haggadah" (Bloch Publishing Company), edited by a committee of American Rabbis; "Christ's Secret of Happiness" (Crowell), a sermon by Lyman Abbott; "The Proprium, or What of Man Is Not His Own?" (New Church Board of Education), edited from the writings of Swedenborg, with an introduction by John Bigelow; "The Joyous Miracle"

(Doubleday, Page), by the late Frank Norris; The International Critical Commentary (Scribners), the volume on St. Matthew, edited by Willoughby C. Allen; and four volumes of the "Little Books on Missions," published by Jennings & Graham.


Does the American national tendency toward a small family point to race suicide or race development? This is the question which is asked. and to which an answer is attempted, in Lydia Kingsmill Commander's recent book "The American Idea" (Barnes), which is dedicated to President Roosevelt. The book, the author claims, is not an elaboration of a new theory, but an assembling of facts and opinions from widely varying sources. It is an attempt,-by personal

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great work of reference (the modern issue is a revised edition of the original Grove) have already been noticed in this REVIEW. The present volume handles subjects in M. and P., and is illustrated with a number of portraits of individuals, reproductions of famous scores, and some other interesting diagramatic illustrations. The frontispiece is a portrait of Mozart.

Dr. George Kriehn (Leland Stanford, Jr., University) has translated from the German and edited, with annotations, Prof. Richard Muther's "History of Painting." This scholarly work, in two volumes, treating of the subject from the fourth to the early nineteenth century, illustrated with many reproductions of famous paintings, has been brought out by Putnams.

Another of the invaluable "Who's Who" publications comes to us under the title Who's Who in New York City and State" (New York: L. R. Hamersly & Co.). This volume includes sketches of every army and navy officer born in or appointed from New York and now serving, all of the Congressmen from the State, State Senators and judges, and ambassadors, ministers, and consuls appointed therefrom. Besides these official names there are biographies of thousands of New Yorkers who are leaders and representatives in various present-day activities, including some who live in other States and work in New York, as well as some New Yorkers whose legal residence is still in the State, but who are located at Washington in the Government service. This work makes an attempt to list the children of all those whose lives are sketched, thus adding an important factor to many biographic records. In this case, as with "Who's Who in America," the editors have secured the data from first hand, the completed sketches having been submitted to the subjects for verification or amendment. It may, therefore, be regarded as a thoroughly reliable publication.

Apropos of the peace conference held in New York City last month there has been published (by the Progressive Publishing Company, New York) a little volume entitled "Among the World's Peacemakers." This, as its sub-title indicates, is an "epitome of the Interparliamentary Union, with sketches of eminent members of this international house of representatives and of progressive people who are promoting the plan for permanent peace which this union of lawmakers has espoused." The volume has been edited by Hayne Davis, secretary of the Interparliamentary Union. While the illustrations are interesting, it is rather strange that they do not include among the international peace advocates a portrait of Mr. William T. Stead.

Recent issues of Elbert Hubbard's "Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Reformers" consider John Wesley, Henry George, and Garibaldi. These "Little Journeys" are now issued in the form of a monthly periodical.

A second edition of Gen. Henry L. Abbot's "Problems of the Panama Canal" (Macmillan) is especially welcome at this time, containing as it does full explanations and discussions of the new projects resulting from the studies of the Board of Consulting Engineers appointed by President Roosevelt to advise as to plans for

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"Birds that Every Child Should Know," by Neltje Blanchan (Doubleday, Page & Co.), is an attractive description of those birds that frequent our Eastern States. The photographs from life, by A. R. Dugmore, add much to the interest and permanent value of this work. There are sixty-three of these full-page pictures. By the aid of this little book American children may easily acquaint themselves with the forms and habits of many of our native birds.

"Good Hunting" (Harpers) is the title given to a collection of President Roosevelt's papers upon big game in the West, which were published in Harper's Round Table about ten years ago. Some of the animals described in these entertaining papers,-for example, the elk, bear, goats, and deer,-have suffered marked diminution in number within recent years, and President Roosevelt's influence has been constantly exerted in favor of the preservation of these animals by the maintenance of national parks and forest reserves.

"My Garden Record" (Dodd, Mead & Co.) is a convenient blank book prepared for the use of the gardener, whether amateur or professional, in helping the memory to carry from one season to the next, in accessible form, a list of the successes and failures of the past. It is intended primarily for use with annuals, whether flowers or vegetables, a page being used for each sowing. It can, however, be adapted for recording treatment of herbaceous perennials, shrubs, or trees.

Under the striking title "Three Acres and Liberty (Macmillan) Mr. Bolton Hall, of

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done by himself and others in the cultivation of vacant lots. In short, Mr. Hall attempts to show what is needed for a city man or woman to support a family on the proceeds of a little bit of land. Although the author does not attempt in this article to deal with the technique of agriculture, his work has been revised by specialists, and the author has been particularly assisted by Messrs. R. F. and George T. Powell. Even to those who do not purpose to make practical use of the book's suggestions, it is interesting on many accounts as an exhibit of what actually has been and is being accomplished by industrious city-bred men and women.

"Farm Management," by Fred W. Card (Doubleday, Page & Co.), is an essay in a neglected field of agricultural literature. The author takes the ground that to market a product advantageously is as essential as to produce it economically; in short, that business methods are as important as productive methods, and far more likely to be neglected. In this volume, therefore, special attention is given to business accounts, suggestions for watching markets, the time for marketing various crops, adaptation to local conditions, and so forth.

Dr. Henry C. McCook's new volume, entitled "Nature's Craftsmen" (Harpers) is an outgrowth from a series of nature articles printed


in Harper's Magazine during the last four years. BALLOONING SPIDERS IN THE ACT OF FLIGHT.These studies deal with ants and other insects, and represent many years of investigation. Dr. McCook has made a specialty of the more popular phases of insect life, particularly ant and spider life. There are several chapters, how

(The lower figure shows attitude immediately after vaulting. The upper figure shows manner of floating after adjusting the foot-basket.)

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The Progress of the World

Statesmanship in a Governor's Chair....... 643

With illustrations.

Efficiency in State and City Governments... 643 Dr. John Watson (Portrait)...

San Francisco's Shame...

Her Wonderful Building Record.
Chicago's New Charter, Limited.


644 Dr. Theodore Barth (Portrait).......



646 To Europe, by Way of Hudson Bay. 688


Material and Economic Benefits..

The Idaho Murder Cases..

The Philippine Election..


Candidates, Presidential and Senatorial.


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By Agnes C. Laut.

With maps and other illustrations.

[blocks in formation]

Another Useful Gift to Southern Education. 652

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By Frank J. Nicolas.

With illustrations.

653 The Relations of Canada and the United States...





By P. T. McGrath.

With portraits and diagram.


At Last a Dominican Treaty.

The Harvest of Mr. Root's Sowing.

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655 President Roosevelt on Railroad In

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The Situation in Cuba....


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