Imágenes de páginas

the West, present a most interesting picture of the country and the wild life of the plains. There are many graphic descriptions of scenes in that vast fertile region in those days when travelling was difficult and dangerous, but most fascinating to a youth of John McDougall's temperament and training. He lives those stirring times over again in his lively narrative, and relates his personal experience with all the glow and vividness of an ardent youthful hunter. Here is his description of the scene at a winter's dawn when he is travelling with his dog-train :

"Now the morning is upon us, and presently the clear sunlight glorifies the waking world. Tiny shrub, willow bush, timber clump, valley and hill, with their millions of glittering ice crystals, are brilliantly ilumin


The scene is dazzling and beautiful in the extreme. For miles on every hand as we run the shadows give way to the most brilliant light, and here and yonder the dark spots, denoting buffalo, singly or in groups, stand out with startling distinctness on the great white expanse."

In another passage he remarks: "It has always seemed to me in travelling up or down our ice-bound northern rivers, either by night or by day, that a solemn, reverential feeling well befitted the scene. The long gentle sweeps, and the succeed. ing abrupt turnings of the river's windings; the high and sometimes precipitous frost-covered banks, always like great curtains casting shade and gloom and sombre colors; the fitful gleaming of sun or moon, or the brilliant flashes of the aurora light; the howling of the timber wolf, or the barking of a family of coyotes, sending echoes to reverberate through the canyons formed by tributary streams-all these could not fail to impress the traveller. To me, thoughtless and light-hearted as I was in those early days, there always came a feeling as though I were in the aisles of a tremendous cathedral."

Describing the fertile valley of the Saskatchewan, Mr. McDougall grows enthusiastic. "Beauty and wealth and power are a mighty purpose," he exclaims," and are apparent on every hand. These hundreds of miles of territory, these millions of acres of rich grass and richer soil, these hundreds of days of glorious sunshine in every year, these countless millions of cubic feet of healthful atmosphere, surcharged with ozone so that one ever and anon feels like taking the wings of the morning'— what a splendid heritage!"

Mr. McDougall is now a man of fifty-five years, of which nearly forty have been spent in the West. One cannot note the clearsparkle of his eye, the vigor and sprightliness of his step, and the erectness and easy confidence of his braving, without being impressed with the consciousness that the climate and the life of our Canadian West tend to build up a splendid physical manhood.

New Books.

J. B. Mackenzie's "Thayendanegea (Joseph Brant)", an historical drama, is one of the coming issues from the busy press of William Briggs.

Rev. W. H. Porter, a Baptist clergyman in Brantford, is having a third edition of his

"Converse with the King"-a series of selections of Scripture for each day of the year, topically arranged-published by William Briggs.

Rev. H. S. Jenanyan, a native American missionary, has a book in the press of William Briggs, entitled, "Harutune; or Lights and Shadows of Life in the Orient." It gives the life-story of the missionary himself, and will be fully illustrated.

"The Mutineer," a romance of Pitcairn Island, by Louis Becke and Walter Jeffery, is a capital story of life in the South Seas in olden times. It rehabilitates the everpopular story of the Mutiny of the Bounty. It is published in Unwin's Colonial. Library.

"The Scot, at Home and Abroad," being the substance of a lecture delivered by the Scottish-Canadian poet, John Imrie, Toronto, Canada, with which are incorporated several of Mr. Imrie's original poems, has been published in pamphlet form, 32 pages. Price 25 cents, retail 15 cents. Order from Toronto News Co., Toronto.

Thomas Conant's "Upper Canada Sketches," now in the press of William Briggs, will be ready about the middle of October. It will be sumptuously illustrated with 21 full-page colored illustrations, besides portraits and engravings. It contains much interesting matter dealing with the early settlement of the Province as well as relating to later events.

Rev. Dr. King, Principal of the Presbyterian College at Winnipeg, and wellknown in the circles of that denomination and elsewhere, has gathered into a volumə the substance of a course of lectures on Tennyson's "In Memoriam" that he delivered last year in Winnipeg. They will be published by Mr. Morang under the title "A Critical Study of In Memoriam.'

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The Copp, Clark Co., Toronto, will shortly publish "The Minister of State," by another Scot, J. A. Stuart, author of "In the

Day of Battle," etc., of whom W. E. Henley writes: "Mr. Stuart writes the English tongue with real distinction. He has temperament, brains, style and ideal, a strong sense of his duty to the public and to art. You read him, and read him eagerly, right to the last page."

"A Woman of Fortune," by S. R. Crockett, author of "The Lilac Sunbonnet," "The Raiders," etc., will shortly be published by the Copp, Clark Co., Toronto. In it Mr. Crockett has broken new ground, the heroine being an American girl, highly educated, refined and beautiful, but of independent spirit. The scene is laid in Switzerland and in England, and the story is told in Mr. Crockett's well-known vivacious and forcible style.

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Mr. E. Owen's "Pioneer Sketches of Long Point Settlement," with its secondary and explanatory title of "Norfolk's Foundation-builders and their Family Genealogies "--now in the press of William Briggs and about ready for issue is a most interesting contribution to the local histories of this province. The author has shown not a little astuteness in its preparation, for, lest the dry genealogical records might repel the reader not specially interested, he has made the historical and biographical sketches, which form by far the larger part of the book, particularly racy. The volume comprises 560 pages of ample measure and will repay a reading.

Dealers can make money in pushing the sale of the "Canadian Year Book." It contains all Canadian Official Statistics, all Canadian Agricultural Statistics, the World's Sporting Records, Breeding Tables for each month, Historical Events, Church Statistics of Canada, Customs Tariffs and Regulations, Game and Fisheries Laws, etc., Memorable Dates, and hundreds of other interesting topics. This work is copiously illustrated with half-tone engravings of prominent Canadians. Retail price, 25c. Trade price, 15c. net. This book is 352 pages, 6x8.

The best publication ever issued for the money. Order from G. M. Rose & Sons, Toronto, or Toronto News Co., Toronto.

A third volume by the well-known Methodist missionary, Rev. John McDougall, is promised for October by William Briggs. It bears the taking title of "Pathfinding on Plain and Prairie," and gives the writer's experience during the years 1866-8, on the plains to the west of the Saskatchewan. Mr. McDougall has the faculty of terse, graphic writing. His pages teem with exciting incident in hunting and travelling over the plains among hostile bands of Indians, in the days when the great herds of buffalo swept over the country, and when the howl of the wolf and the "clang of the wild geese" were among the few sounds to break the silences of that "great lone land."

The Christmas number of "Black and White" will be ready early in November. With this well-known annual will be presented three fine colored plates. (1) A reproduction of the very celebrated picture, "The Battle of Alma," by Robert Gibb, R.S.A., 261x151, in eight colors. (2) "The House that Jack Built," by G. Grenville Manton. (3) "The Tabby Toboggan Club," by the well-known artist, Louis Wain; an amusing picture for children. Also an exquisite plate in black and white by G. Grenville Manton, entitled "Two Strings to His Bow," making in all four elaborate Art Supplements, each of a distinctly different character. In the book itself stories will be contributed by the best authors, and the illustrations by leading artists, the whole number forming the most sumptuous Christ

mas Annual ever placed before the public.

Price: Retail 50c., trade 35c. Order from the Toronto News Company, Toronto.

We have an item of more than ordinary moment to the literary public in the announcement by William Briggs of the issue, early next spring, of a collection of Canadian verse that bids fair to be well representative of the best in our literature. With so wide a field to cover-for poets in Canada are a numerous tribe-it is of first importance that the work of selection should be in the hands of one thoroughly capable of adjudging the merit and quality of the verse. Happily, the man for the occasion has been found in Theodore Rand, D.C.L., ex-Chancellor of McMaster University, and himself one of the best of our Canadian poets. In his charming summer retreat at Partridge Island, in the Basin of Minas, Dr. Rand has devoted the months of his vacation to a careful analysis of some hundreds of volumes of native poetry and a mass of fugitive verse, weighing and sifting to secure the "survival of the fittest," and has suc

ceeded in getting together enough to make a volume of about 350 pages, representing some 137 authors. A feature of the greatest value in the volume will be a series of brief biographical notes on the poets included in the collection. The book is now in the printer's hands. Lamson, Wolffe & Co., of Boston, have secured English and American rights, and William Briggs the Canadian. The book will be issued simultaneously in the three countries. Its appearance at this time will be opportune. Mr. Lighthall's admirable "Songs of the Great Dominion" has met with much favor, and will continue in demand, but there is need of a collection such as Dr. Rand's "Treasury of Canadian Verse," to include some of the brilliant work produced in more recent years.

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The maxim, "A war never leaves a nation where it found it," is borne out by a study of the history of the wars of the world. Even in the United States each war has been the source of great changes. And now who can say what effect the war with Spain will have? Surely no one is better able to prophesy than Hon. James Bryce, M.P., the author of "The American Commonwealth." At the request of the editor of "Harper's Magazine" he has given his views in an article which appears in the September number.

Dealers should push the "Canadian Magazine" for various reasons. It pays more for its contributions than any other Canadian periodical past or present. It is illustrated from original photographs and drawings, and is never second-hand. It employs only Canadian artists and writers (with occasional exceptions) in order that Canadian art and

literature may be encouraged. It has all the best native writers, whether at home or abroad, contributing to its pages. The list includes Gilbert Parker and Robert Barr. It is sold at a higher price than many other magazines, and yet has a circulation five times greater than that ever attained by any past or present rival. It is read by every man or woman in Canada with any pretensions to general and literary knowledge. It allows a good profit to the dealers. It is now in its eleventh volume and is firmly established in public favor. Order it from the Toronto News Co., Toronto.

FRANK LESLIE'S POPULAR MONTHLY FOR SEPTEMBER, 1898. The handsome external appearance of "Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly" for September is borne out by an exceptionally attractive table of contents. The leading article, "A Warship's Battery," by Henry Harrison Lewis, tells how the great guns are placed and worked, and is illustrated with some splendid pictures of our victorious ships in action at Manila and Santiago. The famous "Johnson Island Conspiracy," an episode of the Civil War, recalled by the recent death of Leonard B. Johnson, of Sandusky, Ohio, is interestingly recounted by Frederick Boyd Stevenson. Another article of historical as well as picturesque value is John P. Ritter's " Story of Wyoming the Beautiful." The artistic rambles in Holland of Bisbing, the celebrated American cattle painter, are chronicled, with some original sketches by his friend, J. M. Erwin. "Canoe Cruising," by Commodore F. R. Wood, is full of pleasant summer suggestions. Katharine Tynan contributes some charming notes upon "The Irish People at Home," accompanying half-a-dozen characteristic pictures by Helmick. The tenth and final paper of the Religious Denominations series is "The Roman Catholics," by the Rev. A. P. Doyle. The two serials, "Marie Tremaine" and "An American Princess," are continued. The complete short tales in this month's 64 Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly" include: "Merely a Passing Passion," ," "Maude Conway's Brother," "Which Won Cuba?" by Genevieve L. Browne, and "As a Last Resort." by J. Frederick Thorne. A notable poem is Mr. H. N. Dodge's "Spirit of Freedom," illustrated by Frank Adams. "The Soldier's Tent," by Carmen Sylva, the gifted Queen of Roumania, will rank as one of the most beautiful war lyrics of modern times.


Condensed newspaper advertising is responsible for some amusing sentences. Under the head of "Situations Wanted," the following appeared the other day in a New

York newspaper: "Young Irish girl, lately landed, wants washing and cleaning." With so many free baths in the city one would imagine that she could have saved the expense of advertising. The "World" last week contained a want ad. from a foundry for "two sheet-ironmen," and almost immediately beneath it was an ad. for "a silver man for restaurant." Presumably both had to be men of mettle. 66 Two men wanted for umbrella handles," says another announcement in the same paper, and it makes one think that the uses of man are limitless. "Strong men wanted for cold storage," has a peculiar sound, and almost suggests an "Girl wishes undertaker's advertisement.

to cook small family," may be an example of condensing, but it smacks of cannibalistic tendencies. " Boy wanted to work in a store with a reference," is another example of clumsy wording, and even the New York "Herald" prints the following curious "want ad." "Experienced laundress wants ironing; flat preferred."

The following notice was posted in a pleasure boat belonging to a steamship company on the Suir: "The chairs in the cabin are for the ladies. Gentlemen are requested not to make use of them till the ladies are seated." The time I was in the country was just after the visit of the Duke and Duchess of York. I clipped the following advertisement from a Kingstown paper: "James O'Mahony, wine merchant, has still on hand a small quantity of the whiskey which was drunk by the Duke of York while in Dublin."


There are two things about credit-men of which I am positive, said A. M. Compton in an address before the Chicago Credit Men's Association: First, a broad-gauged, manly credit-man can do more to build up and retain the business of a jobbing house than any other one man under the roof. Second, a surly, unapproachable, conceited, credit-man can do more to drive trade away from a jobbing house than any other one man under the roof.

The speaker will now consume just a few moments of your time making suggestions based on his experience. The corps of travelling men representing a jobbing house are largely what they have been made by the discipline and thoroughness of their em. ployers. I will illustrate :

Recently a travelling man, just returned from a five weeks' trip, told me that he had taken seventy-eight orders, not one of which had been held up or declined. This impressed me as being a very thorough piece of work, and I naturally asked the young man how it happened that he was So successful. "Why, our credit-man goes over my route very thoroughly and instructs me exactly who to sell and who not to sell. If any new facts occur during my trip in regard to any man in my territory, I am immediately informed of it by the credit office. In that way, you see, I lose no time and make no enemies by selling goods that are not shipped."

Another point: Don't take too lightly to the opinions of a good travelling man, but rather encourage him, and at the same time educate him in forming good opinions upon which you can rely to a limited extent in forming your own conclusions.

An intelligent travelling man's view of the personality, the characteristics, and busi ness methods of a customer, should be of great value to a fair-minded credit-man. How does this man conduct his business ? What is he ? Who is he? How does his store look; is it a clean, tidy, business-like place? Does he conduct his business himself or leave it to his clerks? Is he mixed up in outside affairs, or does he concentrate his energy and time in conducting his own affairs?

Is his store management economical ? How does he live, extravagantly or modestly? These are all questions that an intelligent travelling man can be educated to weigh carefully and report correctly. Encourage your travelling men to co-operate with you and do not make them feel that you have no respect for their opinions. Even if you have no respect for their opinions, if yon can, disguise the fact.

Do not write letters to your customers in harsh language. To illustrate :

A young man in a western town, a number of years ago showed me a letter received from a credit-man, now no longer in business, however, which read as follows:

"Your order received and declined.


find you unworthy of credit." Now it was not what was said, but, as the costermonger's song goes, "It was the nasty way he said it." It is possible to decline an account in a gentlemanly kindly manner, and in doing so you will not make as many enemies.

If a customer requests an extension of time, or insists on an unusual dating, if you grant the favor at all, don't grant it grudgingly, but do it gracefully even if you will have to say that you will not be able to continue such favors in the future.

Don't quibble too much over little things with your customers. To illustrate: A customer showed me a sharp letter from a jobbing house dunning him for fifty-five cents difference in discount. "Now," he says, "I bought $2,800 from that house last season. I do not think I owe them that fifty-five cents, and I do not intend to buy any more goods from them, because of the way they have written to me." It is better to charge such small differences to policy accounts than to run the risk of driving a good customer away.



Sir Charles Tupper was one of the speakers at the formal opening of the citizens' free library at Sydney, N.S., on the 13th inst. He alluded especially to the progress of education, and said that few countries on the face of the globe could boast of so great advancement in 25 years as can Nova Scotia. Dwelling on the influence of mothers, wives and children, he referred incidentally to the recently published story of the rise of a woman from slavery to the position of Empress of China, and spoke of the Celestial Empire as cracked China, which would soon be broken China, owing to the march of the world's progress. Sir Charles paid a warm tribute to Sir John Bourinot, who, he said, had reached the highest eminence in literature. Canada, said the barone', was advancing rapidly, and would advance step by step until it became one of the principal countries of the earth.

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It is an annoying incident to sit
down to your desk to write a
letter, and then to find that either
your pen scratches, your ink is
gone, or you have but one sheet
and that is soiled, and
as for envelopes, your assort-
ment may be varied, but you
haven't one fit to use. This is
the repeated experience of many.
Now, this annoyance can be
avoided by a purchase at my
stationery department. The price
and quality of my stock are a
temptation to any person who
has a use for stationery.

Bank Books

I want to say just a few words about my line of Blank and Account Books. My line excels in five important points, which are as follows:

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The trouble with the first part of this ad. is the same thing that is the matter with nine-tenths of the ads which people produce who start in with the idea of saying something entertaining. It is "glittering generalities." It is talk about the general subject. It isn't definite enough. It tells all about people's ideas and sensations and annoyances when they haven't any stationery. But it doesn't tell a single reason why they should buy their stationery at this store. It alleges that the prices and quality of stock are a temptation, but it doesn't give a single tempting item out of the almost innumerable items in stationery which might be made tempting. It doesn't give a single tempting price.

It might name a price for special stationery by the pound. It might describe a dainty papeterie telling exactly the amount of paper, envelopes, size, quality and tints, and the decoration of the box. It might describe a specially convenient traveling writing desk or portfolio. It might give a low price on some of the writing-desk accessories so dear to feminine hearts pearlhandle pen-holders, gold pens, paper cutters, paper weights, seals, etc.

In fact, there is no end to the attractive items of a stationery store, and the opportunity for attractive prices, and this ad. doesn't name one of them. The main thing in writing good advertising for retail stores is to describe your goods and talk business.

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Fall and Winter Publications. THE POEMS OF RICHARD REALF. The announcement by the Funk & Wagnalls Publishing Company of the publication of the complete poems of Richard Realf, with a memoir by his friend and literary executor, Col. Richard J. Hinton (author of "John Brown and His Men," etc.), is of notable literary interest. A few of Richard Realf's fugitive poems have been the cherished possession of lovers of poetry. The largest collection known to be in any one's possession is stated at thirty-four, being the poems published in "Harper's," "The Atlantic," "Century," "Scribner's," "The Independent" and "The Argonaut." Col. Hinton has gathered 170, including lyrics, the latter, the volsongs and sonnets.

Wm. Barber

& Bros.



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At 3, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, and 8 per cent. per annum. By Charles M. C. Hughes.... 5.00

Savings Bank Interest Tables

At 3 or 3 per cent. (each on separate
card) calculated on the basis of one
month being 1-12th part of a year. By
Charles M. C. Hughes...

Buchan's Sterling Exchange

Advancing by 8ths and 16ths, with other
useful tables. 2nd Edition................

some now announced will compris, over 60, Georgetown, Ontario. Buchan's Sterling Equivalents and


exquisite in their rhythm and rich in melodious thoughts, throbbing with passion and full of the symbolism which has made Realf's name, to those who have gathered such stray examples as could be secured, worthy of mention alongside the names of Tasso, Petrarch, Milton or Keats. The Realf volume will be a surprise also, as well as a delight, for its passionate and powerful songs and poems of the Civil War period and the stirring five or six years of national history that followed the death of Mr. Lincoln. Realf was a soldier of the Union, and served in all the campaigns of the Army of the Cumberland. His Song of the Sword," "A Soldier's Psalm to Women," the famous sonnet to General Lytle (author of the poem beginning, "I am dying, Egypt, dying,") on whose person the original copy was found when the body was removed from the field of Chickamauga, pierced by the death bullet and stained by the blood of the soldierpoet, will, with others heretofore unpublished or now forgotten, be found in the forthcoming volume. A score of poems written while Realf was assistant at the famous Five Points House of Industry in 1855-56, are worthy to rank with Thomas Hood's "Song of the Shirt." Stirring lyrics of the anti-slavery agitation and of the Free-State strife in Kansas mingle with poems of Love, Life and Circumstance, which will be a pleasure to the general reader, as well as a special delight to the admirers of this "WorkmanPoet-Soldier," as he designated himself at the time of his death by suicide.

Col. Hinton's memoir will trace the life of the English gardener's son to his sad death at Oakland, California, in October, 1878. The editor was the intimate friend of the poet for twenty two years, closely connected with many of the remarkable associations of Realf's life, such as his connection with John Brown and the Harper's Ferry outbreak, and his subsequent army and editorial career. The story of his real marriage in 1865, with certificates, etc., will be told simply, not in attack, extenuation, or defence, but in simple explanation of the shadows which have so clouded this greatly gifted son of song and speech. There will be five portraits of different dates from 1858 to 1876, one of the poet's mother, a spirited drawing, made for the editor's use, of the poet's grave and surroundings in the Lone Mountain Cemetery, San Francisco, which overlooks the Golden Gate. There will be several reproductions of autograph poems and extracts from war letters and other prose writings. 12mo., cloth, deckle edges. Price, $2.00. Ready Nov. 1.

[blocks in formation]

Exchange Tables-..

Oates' Sterling Exchange Tables

From of 1 per cent. to 12 per cent., advancing by 8ths..

Stock Investors' Handy Book of Rates

Showing what rate of Income is derivable from investments in stock paying any rate of dividend, from 3 to 16 per cent. when bought at any price from 50c. to $300...

Equivalent Quotations

New York into Canada, advancing by } cents less brokerages, and other tables. The Importers' Guide

A hand book of advantages on sterling
costs in decimal currency from one
penny to one thousand pounds, with a
flannel table. By R. Campbell and J.
W. Little...
.Cloth 75c., Leather







STANDARD INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL DICTIONARY. Edited by James C. Fernald.-It is announced that the latest, most comprehensive and most precise intermediate school dictionary is now in press. The new volume, which bears the above title, is designed to give the orthography, pronunciation, meaning and etymology of about 30,000 MORTON, PHILLIPS & CO.,

words and phrases in the literature of the English-speaking peoples. It has 500 pictorial illustrations. It is abridged from the Students' Standard Dictionary. The new dictionary will contain about 550 pages. 12mo. Ready about Jan. 1.

STUDIES IN TEXTS; FOR FAMILY, CHURCH AND SCHOOL. By Joseph Parker, D.D.— Dr. Parker commemorates his fiftieth consecutive year of preaching by this jubilee work, which is to consist of six volumes, issued in instalments of two volumes per year. The work embraces new sermons, outlines,

and a great variety of suggestions, etc. The

sermons are characterized by great origin

ality, eloquence and power. 12mo., cloth,

vol. I. 225 pp. $1.50 per volume.


A catalogue is the representative publication of a house-a sort of salesman. It is supposed to list and fully describe the kinds of merchandise for sale by the house. As to its use, the catalogue usually pre-supposes an interest in the goods it describes either among consumers who have asked for it, or among dealers. Its mission is, therefore, to satisfy an existing demand rather than to create one.

As a salesman the catalogue should show samples, where possible, by means of illustrations, which portray the articles of merchandise, etc., in as realistic a manner as their nature permits. The description which is given of each article should be complete enough to satisfy the curiosity at least of the reader, and to give him a thorough understanding of its points of usefulness.-Advertising Experience.

Published by

Stationers, Blank Book Makers and Printers,


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ADVERTISING IN THE UNITED STATES. A book of two hundred pages, containing a catalogue of about six thousand newspapers, being all that are credited by the American Newspaper Directory (December edition for 1897) with having regular issues of 1,000 copies or more. Also separate State maps of each and every State of the American Union, naming those towns only in which there are issued newspapers This book having more than 1,000 circulation. (issued December 15, 1897) will be sent, postage paid, to any address on receipt of one dollar. Address The Geo. P. Rowell Advertising Co., 10 Spruce St. New York


**White, Colored, Manilla

e carry the latter in reams, rolls and packages and are offering exceptional value, especially in large sized rolls and packages

See our 5 and 10-cent lines in rolls and packages

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"Many books have been published on the Care of the Sick by medical men and by nurses, but, for the comprehensiveness of its contents and general utility, none has ever equalled the volume now under consideration. Dr. Billroth is a medical scientist of world-wide reputation, is Professor of Surgery in Vienna-it is not often that a man of his position will condescend to produce a book for the use of families and nurses. The translation is excellently well done-it has a large number of diagrams for the help of the reader, those dealing with bandaging and splints being especially useful. Dr. Billroth deals with everything connected with the science and art of nursing, whether in the home, hospital, or in epidemics; and the chapter on the care of nervous patients and those mentally diseased, of great value. A special chapter is devoted to aid in accidents, and a whole chapter to the important subject of food and diet. No details are considered too small or unimportant. Both author and translator may be congratulated on the admirable

way in which their work has been done; those who wish to practice nursing in private or in hospitals should certainly study it carefully, and keep it at hand ready for reference in the various emergencies which they will have to encounter."-The Lady's Pictorial.

"Nurse Woodford chose 'The Care of the Sick,' by Dr. Billroth, as her Prize in the Post-Card Examination Series; and Nurse Robinson 'The Life and Works of Shakespeare,' both charming_books.” THE NURSING RECORD.

"Dr. Billroth's admirable work will be read with interest by Medical Men, and by Professional and Amateur Nurses. It contains the Main Principles to be observed in the Care of the Sick, clearly laid down, and in accord with both sense and science."-Morning Post.

New and Popular Edition, Revised and Enlarged.

Cloth Bound, Retail Price $1.50. 40 Per Cent. Discount to the Trade.


Booksellers and Publishers,

Toronto, Can.

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