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Mr. Morang marks the new year by removal to much more commodious premises than he has yet occupied, viz.: to No. 90 Wellington Street West, Toronto; and also by the change of the appellation of his firm from George N. Morang to George N. Morang & Company, Limited. Mr. Morang had long found his former premises too strait for him, although supplemented by various additional stockrooms, and in making the necessary change he has been guided by the best traditions of the publish

The new firm will have fine offices and editorial rooms, good shipping facilities and spacious stock rooms. They will have abundant daylight by day and electric light by night, while all the modern conveniences that lighten labour and place the business man in communication with the world will be theirs. Meanwhile there is a character about the premises, or rather will be when everything has been done, which will give ease to the aesthetic mind. The colonial idea has been carried out in the remodelling in such a way as to make the new premises unique. The taste that has been evident

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books for the new year, which Morang & Company advertise on another page, in the securing of which for the Canadian market the firm have shown considerable discernment. The very character of these works, "Aylwin," by Theodore Watts-Dunton, "Life and Letters of Lewis Carroll," "With Nansen in the North," and Gissing's "Town Traveller," would seem to show that the Dominion has long passed the infantile stage in the literary pabulum that she wants supplied to her. In fact it is beginning to be recognized both in England and the United States that the Canadian book market is rapidly grow

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ing trade which inclines in the large publishing centres rather to the utilization of former residences than the erection of prosaic and factory-like premises. There is a literary flavour about the publishing business which seems to consort with spaciousness and quiet, combined with utility, rather than with machinery and noise. Messrs. George N. Morang & Company have recognized this, and having secured a substantial old residence on Wellington Street, it has been remodelled for them under the architectural superintendence of Messrs. Darling & Pearson in a way that leaves nothing to be desired.

from the first in Mr. Morang's publications, is plain to be seen in every corner of the new establishment. This is not the first time that a former residence has had its reception rooms and chambers turned into a haunt of business, but it may be questioned if the transformation has ever been effected in a more complete and useful manner. In fact, Mr. Morang has made a model headquarters for his business, as we are sure his friends and customers will say when they go to see the new firm to find out what new live thing is afloat in the bookselling world. Attention may be drawn to the four new

ing, not only in mere extent, but in appreciative development. That this should be so is not a strange thing when the fact is considered that we have a very complete system of education, and that our schools are every year turning out many thousands and tens of thousands of young people who are certainly more likely to become omnivorous readers than were their grandfathers and grandmothers. The firm of Morang & Company are showing that they mean to fill in an adequate way the market thus created. They have taken pains to understand the situation, and to be equal to it.



From the Globe, Jan. 2, 1899.


Lord Herschell's copyright bill, which will come before the Imperial Parliament at its next session, re-raises the whole subject of colonial copyright. Since the passage of the last copyright act by the Canadian Parliament, an act which was never proclaimed, the situation has changed considerably. There were features of that measure which at least gave occasion for controversy and weakened the Canadian case before the tribunal of public opinion. One of its clauses gave the Canadian publisher a conditional right to publish the work of an English author whether the consent of the latter had been received or not. The fact that the law provided for a remuneration to the owner of the copyright did not deprive it of its confiscatory flavor. While this principle was recognized it was scarcely possible to muster up any enthusiasm in defence of our undoubted rights. We understand that Canadian publishers have no disposition to claim such a privilege now. The main feature of what they now ask is that their rights in any book whose copyright they have purchased from the author, or the agents or publishers entitled to act for him, shall be protected within the limits of the Dominion.


As it is now, our book-publishing houses find that a purchase of the copyright for Canada from any of the British publishing houses is of little or no use to them. author and his publisher are quite disposed to carry out their contract with the Canadian house, and do not themselves invade this market; but it has been found impossible to prevent jobbers, who ostensibly buy copies of the colonial editions for export to Australia, the Cape or India, from sending them into Canada. There being no law to the contrary, these books compete with the edition published here, for the rights of which the Canadian publisher has paid a good round sum. The publisher's appeal is that, having purchased the right to issue the work in Canada, he should be protected from the invasion of his market by the English jobber, and his appeal is a most reasonable one. If the author and the British publisher had chosen not to sell their rights in Canada, our law would protect them from all comers; but it does not protect the Canadian publisher, although his right is quite as clear and legal. It is worthy of note, too, that while these jobbers' copies can be brought in here to the detriment of his property, he cannot retaliate, for if he sends any of his books to the United Kingdom they are promptly destroyed.

Looked at from the public standpoint, there is every reason why the grievance of our publishers should be removed. It may be said that the right for which they ask is in the nature of a monopoly. But all copyright is a monopoly, and the book-buyer has no more reason to fear the monopoly when it is exercised by a Canadian publisher than when it is exercised by a British publisher. It is true that in the past a book published in Canada usually exhibited most of the disfigurements that can be enumerated in the printer's and book

binder's arts, but we have indubitable evidence that this will be the case no longer. The Canadian market would not justify the undertaking of the expense of typesetting, but the paper, press work and binding of some recent books have been wholly Canadian, and do not take a second place to the colonial or any other editions which are intended for this market. If the business of the Canadian paper-maker, pressman and bookbinder can be stimulated without any injustice to the author, the English publisher, and last and most important, the Canadian book-buying public, Parliament should surely have no hesitation in providing the necessary legislation.

There is no reason to anticipate opposition from the British publishers to a bill embodying the principles above referred to. The publisher who prefers to retain this market need not sell the rights of it, as he was practically compelled to do by the former legislation. All that is contemplated is that when he does sell the right here, the purchaser of it shall be protected in his Parliament property against all comers. should not allow a session to go by without dealing with this important subject.

From the Mail and Empire, Jan. 12, 1899.


The subject of copyright in Canada is pressing itself upon us again by reason of the fact that special colonial editions of works, the copyrights of .which for Canada have been sold to Canadian publishers, are sent to the Dominion to displace the editions printed and issued here. For many years a constitutional controversy has been in progress touching the jurisdiction on this copyright question. By the Imperial authorities it has been maintained that an English copyright runs current in all her Majesty's dominions, Canada included, without colonial legislation or special registration. One phase of opinion in Canada has held the contrary view, namely, that when copyright was included in the British North America Act as one of our Federal subjects, it was conceded that we should have exclusive jurisdiction on that matter. This point of difference has not been judicially determined, because no Canadian law assuming jurisdiction has passed beyond its preliminary stages. As a matter of fact, we have deferred to the Imperial decision.⚫

But, while so doing, efforts have been inade, notably by Sir John Thompson, to harmonize the Imperial view with the Canadian requirements. We certainly want the right to buy from the English author the copyright of his book in Canada, and to hold the copyright against outside editions, just as the United States publisher has the right to buy and hold the copyright of the same book across the line. It is not a demand for the privilege to pirate British works. Nothing of that kind is proposed or desired. It is rather a proposition that the British author may be able to sell to a new market, which publication in Canada will create, or at all events extend. Sir John Thompson's bill observed the British copyright, but provided that the author might sell to a Canadian publisher, in which event the Canadian edition should rule in the market. It went further, and declared that when the author did not sell to a Canadian publisher the book might be reprinted

in Canada, after due notice, and on condition that a royalty should be paid to the author, or to the party owning the British rights. This project was not approved by the authorities in England, possibly because of the latter provision, and as a result the question has hung fire. But meanwhile new conditions have arisen. Our publishers now buy British copyright works and publish them in Canada. It is a good thing for the authors, for they are paid as they should be for their labor. It is a good thing for the Canadian reading public. We get at a price as low as, and in some cases lower than, the English or United States prices excellent editions of the latest literary productions. It is a good thing for trade. Our printers, bookbinders, and paper-makers participate in the book-producing business. But while the copyright can be bought and the book published, no adequate defence is accorded to our own issues. A Canadian copyright edition cannot be taken into England and sold there. Of this we do not complain. The British publisher has bought his market, and is entitled to it. But although the British publisher is thus protected against any Canadian competitor, the Canadian publisher who has bought the rights for Canada is not protected against the English edition. The British publisher can get out his special and flimsy edition for the colonies, and can flood this market, thus depriving, not the publisher alone, but the allied trades which produce books, of the Canadian market, the copyright in which the Canadian publisher has bought.

The situation is not fair. When the author sells his Canadian rights, the Canadian buyer ought to have them, just as the British or the United States publishers have the rights they purchase. It should not be difficult to legislate upon this question, much in the line of the patent legislation. We are confident it can be done without entrenching upon the copyright principle as laid down either by Imperial law or by treaty. It is a simple matter of retaining the copyright principle, but of recognizing the right of the author to sell and of the Canadian publisher to buy. If the Canadian business is fairly protected it seems probable that we shall have a growing publishing interest for this market. Such an interest, with its various ramifications, would be an advantage for authors on both sides of the ocean, for the reading public, which want cheap and well got-up books, and for the book-making industries.


Some libraries conscientiously weed out books which are "discouraging" or "morbid." A Philadelphia reader protests against this idea. He says: "One man's meat is another man's poison." This saying is old and homely, but none the less true. The duties of a librarian consist entirely of the registration and care of the books, etc.; deciding for adult minds what they shall or shall not read is not one of them. If she wishes to supervise the reading of children, that is another matter, although even then it seems to me to be a matter that can safely be left to the decision of the parents or guardians of those children. Personally I do not care for books that are "discouraging or "morbid," but I know many people who do. Such people have surely a right

to demand that the public libraries shall cater to their literary desires as well as to those of the readers who differ from them. To insist that a pessimist shall only read the books that preach optimistic views of life, or vice versa, is tantamount to forcing Catholics to attend Protestant churches. The public libraries are maintained by and for people of all classes of thought and opinion, and, in consequence, they should impartially furnish their shelves with the single object of giving satisfaction to all."

Hall Caine, whose "Christian" is being played in New York, where a certain scene in it suggesting the temptation of St. Anthony, has been made the subject of discussion among prudish people, executed a neat advertising feat by inviting all the prominent clergymen in the metropolitan district to witness the performance, and afterwards making them a little speech. A large number attended, and the newspapers gave the matter much space, "The Journal," for instance, devoting almost an entire page to it, which is more than the best press agent could accomplish.


A decision of importance has just been rendered by Judge O'Brien in the appellate division of the Supreme Court. The hearing was on an appeal by McLaughlin Bros. from an order denying a motion for an injunction to restrain Jane C. Singer et al. from using a copy of the colored label of the Game of District Messenger. In his decision in favor of McLaughlin, Judge O'Brien says: "It appears by affidavits that in 1886 the plaintiffs prepared a colored label to be used on a box containing a new game board introduced by them, and to which they gave the name of Game of District Messenger Boy.' There was a chart or board of the game, and a book of directions, which latter was sent to the Librarian of Congress and duly copyrighted. Since that time, the plaintiffs have continued to manufacture and sell the game, put up in a box upon which the colored label is affixed; and as the result of advertising, it has obtained quite a reputation as one of plaintiff's best games.' The defendant, Jasper H. Singer, began to make an article and put it up with a label on boxes containing it, some time just prior to 1897, when, having made an assignment for the benefit of creditors, the business was subsequently bought in and conducted by his wife, the other defendant, Jane C. Singer, under the superintendence of her husband.


"The similarity in the two labels is apparent on the barest inspection; and we do not understand that the fact that they are similar is at all in dispute. The position taken by the defendants is stated in the affidavit of one of them in the following langnage I am advised and believe that plaintiffs might possibly have obtained a copyright upon the design contained upon the box cover, provided the same involved any originality; but the very fact that they did not obtain a copyright for such design is an abandonment and dedication to the public of such design, and, therefore, I have a perfect right to copy it literally, if I see fit so to do.' This position is emphasized by the counsel for the respondents, who insists that after the publication of this new

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The many friends of Mr. H. (Bert) T. Tinning, late of Toronto, were painfully surprised to hear of his sudden death, which occurred at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, on Saturday night, January 14, at 9.30 o'clock, in the presence of his loving wife, mother and sisters who had been summoned on Friday. Mr. Tinning was in his thirty-first year, and for about eighteen years had been in the employ of Messrs. H. A. Nelson & Sons, Montreal, latterly as one of their most successful travellers. Mr. Tinning was one of the most popular travellers in the fancy goods trade of Canada, and was well known to all the trade of the west. He had gone to Montreal on New Year's Day to get out his spring samples. There he fell a victim to a severe attack of the grippe, which soon developed into typhoid fever. He was very popular with his comrades of the road and his many customers, and his genial face will be greatly missed in the many towns along the route, westward from Toronto to Sarnia, and northward to Owen Sound. The funeral, which was held from the residence of his father, Mr. John Tinning, 80 St. Mary street, Toronto, on Tuesday, January 17, at three o'clock, was largely attended by his fellow Masons, travellers and friends, service being conducted at the residence and at St. Luke's church by Rev. Dr. Langtry. There was a profusion of lovely floral tributes, among others being a pillow from Georgina Lodge, A. F. & A. M., of which he was a member, and a wreath from Messrs. H. A. Nelson & Sons, and a wreath from his fellow travellers. The pall-bearers were Messrs. G. O. Merson, A. L. Malone, F. W. Flett, A. B. Cordingly, representing Georgina Lodge; Mr. G. A. Henderson, representing Messrs. H. A. Nelson & Sons, and Mr. J. W. Sanders, of Port Hope, brotherin law of the deceased. The most heartfelt sympathy is extended to the sorrowing widow and relatives of the deceased in their sad affliction.


The funeral of the late Robert Higgins took place from his residence, 804 Yongestreet, on Friday afternoon, Jan. 20th. The deceased was a member of Commonwealth Lodge, Brooklyn, N.Y., and a member of King Solomon Lodge, A.F. & A.M., this city. He came to this country from England, and had charge of the bindery of the Hunter, Rose Company, Limited, for 28 years.

The floral tributes were numerous and beautiful. One was of the most original design that has been seen in Toronto for some years. It was in the shape of a ledger, and the debtor and credit side contained deceased's age and date of birth, and year in which he died, balanced on both sides, with the word "Closed" on the credit side. Prominent among the floral tributes were

an anchor from his fellow-employees; a compass and square from King Solomon Lodge, and a wreath from the grandchildren of the deceased. Mr. Higgins leaves a widow, six sons and five daughters, who were all at the funeral. Charles, who lives in Chicago, and Edward, who lives in Auburn, are the only members of the family who do not reside in Toronto. His brother, Mr. Joseph Higgins, of New York, was present at the funeral. The Hunter, Rose Company, Limited, suspended business for the afternoon and the employees attended the funeral in a body.


It is common to hear a man use as a form of asseveration or astonishment, "I'll eat my hat." Others say, by way of enforcing the absolute veracity of their statement," Well, if it isn't so, I'm a Dutchman." Where did this phrase come from? Was it a William-and-Mary idiom, or did it belong to the Dutch colonizing days? The meaning of it is that the Dutch were romancist story-tellers, to put it pleasantly. Whatever may have been its origin, we know that J. M. Van der Poorten-Schwartz is a story-teller, and we know that to all intents and purposes he is a Dutchman, although if he isn't a naturalized Englishman, he writes the English language like a native. He chooses to be called on the title-pages of his stories Maarten Maartens. What the Dutch think of him is not known to the present writer, any more than what they think of Alma Tadema, another talented Dutchman, who chose to leave the land of dykes and windmills and live in London. But Maarten Maartens is in the top pew of the crowded congregation of English novelists, in that small church that is so hard to get inside of, and where the pulpit may be supposed to be "supplied by successive big publishers, the missioners and represen tatives of that almighty and sometimes cruel god, the public. He has attained this position by dint of hard work and ability. All his books have been written in English, and he dates from eight years ago, when he was 33 years old, and published "Joost Avelingh." In 1 91 he published An Old Maid's Love." The following year came "God's Fool," and "A Question of Taste." In 1894 he published "The Greater Glory," and in 1895" My Lady Nobody." This year Mr. Poorten-Schwartz has issued, in London and on this continent, "Her Memory." Already publishers and the public had begun to regret his prolonged (for a popular novelist) silence. The author, however, declined to hurry himself, and "Her Memory shows even greater care than his other novels, masterpieces of as they were. No doubt it was his "God's Fool" that clenched the nail of success that he had driven in with his two first novels, so that when it appeared Boston critics said that it was wonderfully brilliant, that the interest never lagged, that the style was realistic and intense, and that there was a constant underlying current of subtle humor. They further remarked that it was a book that no student of modern literature should fail to read. The best Chicago critic said that it was a strong and powerful story, and that the author's satire, like Thackeray's showed no taint of cynicism, and was uttered more in sorrow than in anger. That the author was a powerful painter of



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character, and knew the shortest way to his readers' hearts. Some of these things could truthfully be said of "Her Memory," the book that the reading public are now talking about. The scene of it is laid partly in Monaco and partly in Italy. By the way, I see that in a favorable review the "London Spectator" takes occasion to say that it is a remarkable thing that only in two places is there any lapse from idiomatic English. There is no reason, however, that there should be. Although PoortenSchwartz was born in Holland, he lived when a child in England, and there picked up the language, as only children can. was a good basis, that no doubt was built upon subsequently, though he was educated in Germany and at Utrecht University.


Wm. Barber

& Bros.


It may be interpolated that his parents Georgetown,

meant him for a barrister. They hatched, instead, a country gentleman and a follower of literature. His portrait prefixes this present book-"Her Memory.' He is a strong, handsome man, with a smile in his eye. Not a trace of weariness, or the midnight lamp, or any care for fame about him. A healthy, typical-looking man, who looks as if he could laugh at the world and all its affectations.


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The book-talk during the past ten days has been about Theodore Watts-Dunton's Aylwin, of which the booksellers have had to get a fresh supply again and again because everybody wants to read it, and of course it is always "out at the libraries. The author of it is sixty-seven years old, and a very superior person in more ways than one. He lives with the greatest living poet, and they sit together on summer days in a beautiful garden in Surrey, aad have their photographs taken there, as we know by the reproduction of one of them, after the American fashion, in the Sketch. This represents Watts-Dunton and Swinburne as two small figures in the midst of a mass of shrubbery. You get from it in fact more shrubbery than poet and critic. An earlier portrait of Watts-Dunton shows him a man with an intellectual head, a thoughtful eye, and an expression of power and grasp. After thinking over the subject for fifteen years this clever man felt he could do nothing better in the way of a story than take the old motif of love-young, head-overheels love, beginning in childhood, when, in those formed for it, the great passion floods the young being, and carrying on the tale through the period when the young woman began to be frightened at the vehemence of




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Commercial Works.


Interest Tables, at 4. 5, 6, 7, 8. 9 and 10% per annum, by Napoleon Matte. 5th edition. Price $3.00. Three Per Cent Interest Tables, by the same author. On fine toned paper, and strongly bound. Price $3.00. Interest Table and Book of Days combined, at 3. 32. 4: 5.5, 6.7 and 8% per annum, by Charles M. C. Hughes. Price $5.00. Supplementary Interest Tables, comprising a special interest table for daily balances, also comparative interest tables for obtaining interest at any rate from % to 10%. By Charles M. C. Hughes. Price $2.00 net. Savings Bank Interest Tables, at 3 or 32% (each on separate card), calculated on the basis of month. being 1/12 part of a year, by Charles M. C. Hughes. Price $1.00.

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Stock Investors' Hand-Book of Rates, showing what rate of income is derivable from investments in stock paying any rate of dividend, from 3 to 16%. when bought at any price from 50 to 300. Price 5oc. Equivalent Quotations, New York into Canada, advancing by 4 cents, less brokerages, and other tables. Price $1.50.

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The Customs and Excise Tariff, with list of Warehousing Ports in the Dominion, The Franco-Canadian Treaty, etc., and also a Table of the Value of Francs in English money, Harbour Dues, etc., etc., and many other useful items. Cap. 8vo, Cloth, 5oc.

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the young man's adoration. But there is more in the book than the love story. It N UNITED STATES. A book of two hundred

has a thread of mystical philosophy running through it which awakens thought.

Business men must learn that the newspapers are not published for fun, and that newspaper space has a right value, a value below which it is seldom they can get it, and above which it is not judicious to pay.

pages, containing a catalogue of about six thousand newspapers, being all that are credited by the American Newspaper Directory (December edition for 1897) with having regular issues of 1,000 copies or more. Also separate State maps of each and every State of the American Union, naming those towns only in which there are issued newspapers having more than 1,000 circulation. This book (issued December 15, 1897) will be sent. postage paid. to any address on receipt of one dollar. Address The Geo. P. Rowell Advertising Co., 10 Spruce St. New York.

ORDERS are now coming in for Spring delivery. Our paper will still maintain

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and well put up and runs over five yards to the pound..




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New and splended issue of the American Humorist's laughable burlesque. Contains over 200 fine illustrations. Bound in Cloth, Gold and Colors, $1.50. Trade price, 75c. net.


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Publishers and Wholesale Booksellers, TORONTO.


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