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George N. Morang's Preliminary Spring Announcement

GEORGE N. MORANG begs to announce the publication at an early date of the following attractive books which will be found to be adapted to a rapid sale :

"Wolfville." By ALFRED HENRY LEWIS, illustrated

by Frederick Remington. A book of fresh and quaint humor. It describes in odd, but not tedious dialect, the doings of a Colorado ranching town. It is full of honest, clean fun, and keen characterization. The eighteen illustrations by Remington are fully equal to that artist's great reputation. Crown 8vo.; cloth, $1.25; paper, 75 cents. "Little Masterpieces." Three dainty volumes in an upright box. They are devoted to Poe, Irving and Hawthorne, and comprise the most characteristic writings of each author, carefully selected and edited by Professor Bliss Perry, of Princeton University. They are such a handy size as to commend them to all lovers of literature who like to have some of their treasures in a small compass. Tastefully bound in flexible cloth, 40 cents a volume.

"A Kentucky Cardinal" and "Aftermath."

By JAMES LANE ALLEN, author of "The Choir Invisible." The two books bound up in one volume. This will be heartily welcomed by all the author's many admirers. A gentle love story runs through these pages so replete with humor, finished style, and sympathetic description of nature. There is a grace and chivalry here combined with deep insight into feminine character that will win their way to a wide circle of readers. Crown 8vo. ; cloth, $1.25; paper, 75c.

"With Fire and Sword." A companion book to "Quo Vadis," and by the same author. But it is said to be a greater book. Henryk Seinkiewicz has proved in "Quo Vadis" that he can write books that people want to read. In "With Fire and Sword" he deals with historical scenes in Poland and Russia, and competent judges pronounce it a far greater book than "Quo Vadis." Crown 8vo.; cloth, $1.25; paper, 75c.

"The Celebrity." It has been suggested that the author of this book-Winston Churchill-is a son of the late Lord Randolph Churchill. This book shows him clever enough for that descent. The New York Commercial Advertiser says of it: "Mr. Churchill's story ought to have a popular success; it has the elements that win the sort of favor that causes the publishers to issue hastily a bulletin announcing large sales." It has humor, plot and freshness. Crown 8vo; cloth, $1.00; paper, 50c. "Bird Neighbors." By NELTJE BLANCHAN, with introduction by John Burroughs. This handsome book, illustrated by fifty superb colored photo engravings, gives an introductory acquaintance with. 150 birds of North America. As a popularly written guide to the Bird Kingdom it will take a very high place. Crown 4to.; green linen, $2.25. "Folks from Dixie." By PAUL LAWRENCE DUN

BAR, author of "Lyrics of Lowly Life." The remarkable success of Mr. Dunbar's Poems makes the publication of this book of stories a noteworthy event. This young negro writer has achieved one of the reputations of the past year, and those who have read the stories are sincere in the belief that their popularity will even exceed that attained by his poems. 12mo., cloth, illustrated by E. W. KEMBLE, $1.25. "The Bookman's Literary Year Book." It includes: sketches of the new authors, with portraits; sketches of famous authors who have died during the year; a list of the principal serial stories in American magazines; synopsis of the bestselling books; an analysis, into departments, of the publications of the year; a list of the larger libraries in the United States; a calendar of literature containing the publication of great books, the birth and death of authors, and other literary events of interest. 12mo., cloth, illustrated, $1.25.

GEORGE N. MORANG, Publisher, Publisher, - 63 Yonge 63 Yonge St., TORONTO.

merits, work and services of the subject hereof; and (3) supplying the post-office address, town residence and club (if any) of each person represented in the book. Many a biographical work has been sarcastically alluded to as being noted more for the names of well-known people omitted, than for those to be found in its pages. Such criticism will certainly not be applied to this work. Mr. Morgan's work seems very complete and most reliable, and we have already tested it a hundred times. It will be one of the most valuable works of reference in every library, both in Canada

and abroad.

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Un Drame au Labrador" par Docteur Eugène Dick: 1 vol in 8°; broché, pp. 123; prix, 25c. Montréal, Leprohon & Leprohon, 1,629 Rue Notre Dame

L'auteur de ce Roman Canadien nous invite de l'accompagner au pays de Labrador -pays totalement ignoré de presque tous les Canadiens.

À travers les scenes de son drame vraiment émouvant, il nous fait voir l'aspect de cette contrée, le caractère, le langage et les moeurs de la population qui l'habite. un mot, il nous découvre le Labrador.


Aussi ne doutons nous pas qu'ils ne soit favorablement accueilli par nos compatriotes de la belle province de Québec.

Les illustrations nombreuses sont de Edmond J. Massicote.

"Jésus Régnant par Marie" i vol. in 18°; pp. xxi+329. Sherb ooke, Séminaire pe St. Charles Borrommé, 1898.

Sous ce titre vient de parâitre un petit manuel de dévotion à la Sainte Vierge, publié par le révérend F. H. Lavallée, prêtre du diocèse de Sherbrooke.

Le petite Traité peut être considéré comme une édition populaire du "Traité de la Vraie Dévotion" du bienheureux Grignon de Montfort Sa pratique intérieure et parfaite, y est mise a la portée de tous, même des inte ligences les plus ordinaires.

Mgr. de Sherbrooke a fait examiner l'ouvrage avec soin, par un censeur compétent, et n'a pas hesité à en permettre l'impression. Il en a dit :

"Persuadé que cet opuscule peut contribuer grandement au dévelopment de la piété et á l'extension du règne de Jésus dans les ames en faisant connaitre davantage les merveilleuses perfections de celle que l'Eglise appelle Mère Admirable," nous en recommandons instamment la lecture neditée à tous les vrais serviteurs et de Jésus et de Marie."

Ce manuel se vend pour moins de la moitié de sa valeur. Prix spéciaux pour le clergé et les communautés.

William Briggs will this month supplement his Canadian edition of "Pansy's" books by a new story entitled "As in a Mirror."

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William Briggs announces the issue, about the 20th of this month, of S. R. Crockett's new story, "The Standard Bearer," another tale of the Scottish Covenanters. The story opens with a vivid picture of the pursuit of fugitive Covenanters by the dragoons The hero, who becomes a covenanting minister, sees many strange and stirring adventures. The charming love story which runs through the book is varied by much excellent fighting and many picturesque incidents. Few of the great writers of the day have taken so strong a hold of the Canadian reading public as Mr. Crockett, and "The Standard Bearer" is likely to be ranked with his strongest work. The book will be issued in both paper and cloth binding.

Laird & Lee, of Chicago, have just issued the Salva-Webster Spanish-English and English-Spanish Dictionary, approprietely illustrated and compiled from the works of world-famed lexicographers. The book consists of about 400 pages, containing 40,000 Words and Definitions, Usual Conversation, a Practical Letter-Writer, Weights, Moneys and Measures, and a Geographical and Biographical Cyclopedia of all Spanishspeaking Countries, with Maps from Official Sources, and a List of Consulates. The work is a credit to the publishers, and is evidently the most complete of its kind issued. The present threatening complications render the publication of this most accurate volume

an event of international interest. Price, limp cloth, 30c, stiff cloth, double index, 60c.

T. Fisher Unwin, of London, is issuing Sir Walter Scott's novels in the new "Century Scott" series. There are to be 25 volumes. Ten volumes have already been issued. The volumes are published at the marvellously low price of one shilling. Each volume is bound in cloth, and contains a collotype frontispiece and book plate, devices and titles, designed by James Allan Duncan. The volumes are convenient pocket size, 6 x 4 inches. The trade will find the " Century Scott" series a sure seller and a good edition to keep in stock. It is too ridiculous to go into store after store, as the writer has done, and to ask for one or other of Scott's works, to be told that it is not in stock. Every up-to-date bookseller should carry the "Century Scott" series in stock and be able to supply the demand.


The N. Y. "Bookman" for March reviewing J. W. Tyrrell's "Across the Sub-Arctics of Canada," says: "This is the popular story of a scientific expedition sent to explore the Barren Lands' between Athabasca Lake and the northern part of Hudson's Bay. It has been the fascination which always clings to narratives of adventure into unknown regions, and especially into the domain of the Ice King. Compared with such enterprises as those of Nansen or Peary, this one claims but a humble place; yet the unpretentions, candid, and decidedly well-told story of the trip of these young Canadians shows them capable of as high heroism as the better known explorers, and before their journey's end their mettle was fully tested.

"There is a variety in this narrative which those of strictly arctic expeditions lack. It leads through wonderful lakes and rivers hitherto unvisited by white men, with thrilling adventures in running unknown and perilous rapids; it tells of the lonely far north outposts of the Hudson's Bay Company; introduces us to the Indian and Eskimo natives of that terra incognita, and makes us acquainted with the hardy voyageurs and marvellously skilful canoe-men ; it furnishes hunting adventure with caribou, reindeer, bear, and wolves. The really perilous part of the journey came after its object had been gained and the untrodden regions had been safely passed. But the race of life down the shore of Hudson's Bay against the quick-coming arctic winter, in face of storms, ice-floes, and famine, compares in thrilling interest with more conspic. uous narratives.

"The Canadians take themselves seriously, as well they may. They have a

mighty country, whose resources are but beginning to be appreciated. Yet to us of 'the States' their ultra-British tone, outrivalling that of the inhabitants of the 'tight little island,' from whence their ancestors and ours came, their reverence, not only for royalty, but for the titled dignitaries, lent them chiefly for show purposes by the mother country, seems, to say the least, amusing. All this is incidentally illustrated in this narrative. After all, we have little to say. We bow down before our bosses with less reverence, but more abjectly than our northern neighbors."

Trade Notes.

J. & A. McMillan, St. John, N.B., issue a 64-page catalogue of school books, school requisites, etc., and general stationery. The catalogues contains also several rules giving the sizes of folded papers, etc., which will be found of great value to the trade.

Cassell & Company, the well-known publishers, of Ludgate Hill, London, write us that they have now made arrangements for conducting their business with Canada direct from their London establishment. This change will, no doubt, be cordially welcomed by the Trade of the Dominion, as it will afford a basis for closer and more extended business relations in the future.

Mr. Campbell, of the Canada Paper Co., who has just returned from Windsor Mills and Montreal, reports that the recent fire at Windsor Mills is not interfering in the least with the company's business, although about 100 tons of paper were consumed. Fortunately the company's fine new mill had just begun to turn out paper, and the extra supply now saves them from any incon


The Canada Paper Co. report that their sales of window blind paper are heavier than last year, in spite of the fact that many believe the sale of window blind paper is falling off. If anything, its sale appears to be increasing, owing to the greater number of light linen shades now in use.

Mr. L. Knight, representing Ward, Lock & Co., and Thomas De la Rue & Co., Ltd., of London, Eng., writes THE CANADIAN BOOKSELLER from the Windsor Hotel, Montreal. He reports doing a large business and says trade seems greatly improved this year through Eastern Canada. Mr. Knight will be in Ottawa, Toronto and London during May, and will make a trip this year through Manitoba, N. W. Territories, and British Columbia. The trade generally will do well to wait for him before placing any orders. We would specially advise the trade in Brit

ish Columbia not to place orders before seeing the samples of these two well known houses.

As another indication of the push and enterprise of these two firms their representative had purposed going to Dawson City to open up new accounts, if the Senate in their stupidity had not thrown out the Yukon Railway Bill.



SIR,-In your March issue you noticed the Review of Historical Publications Relating to Canada," reviewing the publications of 1897, edited by Prof. Wrong and Mr. Langton, the University Librarian. I have no fault to find with your criticism. I merely wish to point out a curious omission in the volume. The editors have found space to review or mention, not only the books published in Canada and some articles that appeared in Canadian magazines, but also quite a number of books and articles that appeared in magazines published abroad. But it seems they could not find space to mention "Historic Days of Canada," compiled by Sara Mickle, assisted by Mary Agnes FitzGibbon, and published by William Briggs, Toronto. This is all the more noticeable as in the volume of "Historical Publications," reviewing the books of 1896, the editor mentions the "Cabot Calendar,' by the same compilers. It is true that the criticism of that calendar was warmly attacked on a certain point; in fact, the criticism itself was shown to be astray in its data. I have heard several parties wonder if, on this account, the editor feels piqued, and that the omission of any mention of "Historic Days of Canada" in the 1897 volume is intentional. I should regret to think that such was the case. Certainly such an important publication as "Historic Days of Canada" should not have been omitted from a publication which professes to give a fairly full list and review of Canadian publications of the year.—A. M. B.

The death of Alphonse Daudet will be widely felt even among those readers who are modest enough to confess that they prefer to read a good English translation of a French work than grind their way through it with the painful aid of Contanseau. Setting aside "Sapho " and "Fromont Jeune et Risler Aine," of which the late Mr. Vizetelly published translations that had a great vogue, the slighter works of Daudet have found ready acceptance in this country, especially "La Belle Vivernaise," of which Mr. Fisher Unwin issued some years ago, in his "Children's Library," a translation with Montegurt's illustrations. Under the titles of "The Pope's Rule," and "The Fig and the Idler," admirers of Daudet will recognize other favorite works. Mr. Unwin also published the translation of "Rose et Ninette," in which M. Daudet presented a sadly amusing type of woman who fibs wilfully in order to convince people that she is fashionable.



The "Providence Gazette" of October 6, 1792, contains an extremely amusing advertisement of Noah Webster's, denouncing an edition of his book publised in New York. The advertisement reads:

TO THE PUBLIC.-Whereas, in the fourteenth edition of my Spelling Books, printed in New York, for Samuel Campbell, Robert Hodge, etc., the Publishers have inserted a declaration that the edition contains my latest corrections and that it is the most correct edition printed on the Continent. This is to notify all persons concerned that the Declaration was inserted without my knowledge or consent, and that after examining the work I find it the most incorrect edition I have ever seen. There are in it between two hundred and three hundred errors in printing, great numbers of them very material ones, not to say anything of two or three sheets of the work which are printed on bad paper and old worn-out letter. For the information of those who wish to have correct copies of this book, I think it my duty to give public notice that on account of the multitude of errors in this edition I utterly disclaim it. NOAH WEBSTER, JUN.

HARTFORD, September 15, 1792.

There was, at times, hot rivalry among the early publishers, as is visibly demonstrated by these two fiery invectives printed in the "Pennsylvania Gazette" in November, 1729, soon after Benjamin Franklin became its proprietor. The first is :

Whereas, William Bradford, of New York, Printer, has basely and villainously forged an almanack in my name, and I will therefore take methods to prosecute the said Bradford.

TITAN LEEDS, Burlington.

The following week came Bradford's reply:

These are to inform all persons that the above assertion of Titan Leeds is a base and notorious falsehood, and Friend Titan is hereby advertised that he may expect to be handled in another manner than this advertisement for his so free charges of villainy, forgery, counterfeit, etc.

-From "The Reading of Our Ancestors," in "Godey's Magazine" for January.

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The ubiquitous book agent is a danger. The anti-combination or anti-trust mania has inspired Mr. Wheeler, of Kentucky, to introduce in the House of Representatives at Washington a measure that provides that no person holding a copyright for any book, map, or pamphlet shall enter into any agreement, combination, or understanding with any person or persons whereby the parties to said contract shall have the exclusive privilege to sell books, maps, or pamphlets, or into any agreement, combination, or understanding for the purpose of controlling or regulating the output of books, maps, or pamphlets, or for fixing, establishing, regulating, controlling, or influencing the price for which books, maps, or pamphlets are sold." The penalty proposed by the bill is a cancellation of copyright.

The phraseology of the bill seems to cover

a direct attack upon the present system by which the publishers of subscription-books dispose of their publications by agents with


exclusive territorial rights or privileges. It Commercial Works

is also, therefore, a measure calculated to make the "grasping and avid" book canvasser uneasy as to his future. The "Publishers' Weekly "truly says: "He will

have to stir himself as never before to convince Congress of the injustice of such a measure against the advance agents of civilization."

A young writer tells this story on herself' says the "Housewife"-the best joke of all! she sent a batch of squibs to a comic paper, requesting pay at the usual rates, and was tersely informed that the paper's usual rates consisted in " glory." Then print my jokes, and give, oh, give me glory!" she replied. They gave her glory with a vengeance, printing her name, street, town, and State address, in large type, at the foot of her jokelets.

Interest Tables, at 4. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10% per annum, by Napoleon Matte. 5th edition. Price $3.00. Three Per Cent. Interest Tables, by the same author. On fine toned paper, and strongly bound. Price $3.00. Interest Table and Cook of Days combined, at 3, 31⁄2, 4. 5. 5, 6, 7 and 8% per annum, by Charles M. C. Hughes. Price $5.00.

Savings Bank Interest Tables, at 3 or 32% (each on separate card), calculated on the basis of 1 month, being 1/12 part of a year, by Charles M. C. Hughes. Price $1.00.

Buchan's Sterling Exchange Tables, advancing by 8ths and 16ths, with other useful tables. 2nd edition. Price $4.00.

Buchan's Sterling Equivalents and Exchange Tables. Price $4.00.

Oates' Sterling Exchange Tables, from 1⁄2 of 1% to 12%, advancing by 8ths. Price $2.00. Stock Investors' Handy-oBok of Rates, showing what rate of income is derivable from investments in stock paying any rate of dividend, from 3 to 16%, when bought at any price from 50 to 300. Price 5oc. Equivalent Quotations, New York into Canada, advancing by cents, less brokerages, and other tables. Price $1.50.

The Importers' Guide, a hand-book of advances on Sterling Costs in Decimal Currency from one Penny to one thousand Pounds, with a Flannel Table, by R. Campbell and J. W, Little. Cloth, 75c.; Leather, $1.00.

The Customs and Excise Tariff, with list of Warehousing Ports in the Dominion, The Franco-Canadian Treaty, etc., and also a Table of the Value of Francs in English money, arbour Dues, etc., etc. and many other useful items. Cap. 8vo, Cloth, 50c.

BOTH CLEVER. - Mr. Munro Fraser, one of H.M. Inspectors of schools for Scotland, tells a story of a Highlander who was out for a walk with his wife one day, and had the illluck to fall into a river. After great difficulty he managed to scramble out again, and was assisted up the bank by his wife, who had been almost distracted. "Ah, Donald dear," she said, "you ought to be very thankful to Heaven for your life being spared!" Donald was quite offended at this MORTON, PHILLIPS & CO., way of putting it. "Ay, ay!" he replied. "Profitence was ferry kend, but I was ferry clever too!"

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Stationers Blank Book Makers

and Printers,

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EWSPAPER ADVERTISING IN THE UNITED STATES. A book of two hundred pages, containing a catalogue of about six thousand newspapers, being all that are credited by the American Newspaper Directory (December edition for 1897) with having regular issues of 1,000 copies or more. Also separate State maps of each and every State of the American Union, naming those towns only in which there are issued newspapers having more than 1,000 circulation. This book (issued December 15, 1897) will be sent, postage paid, to any address on receipt of one dollar. Address The Geo. P. Rowell Advertising Co., 10 Spruce St. New York

Note Papers

WE are

E are clearing out our stock of these Goods. It will pay you to see our samples. Special value in 5, 10 and 15 cent Tablets at reduced prices.

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"Many books have been published on the Care of the Sick by medical men and by nurses, but, for the comprehensiveness of its contents and general utility, none has ever equalled the volume now under consideration. Dr. Billroth is a medical scientist of world-wide reputation, is Professor of Surgery in Vienna-it is not often that a man of his position will condescend to produce a book for the use of families and nurses. The translation is excellently well done-it has a large number of diagrams for the help of the reader, those dealing with bandaging and splints being especially useful. Dr. Billroth deals with everything connected with the science and art of nursing, whether in the home, hospital, or in epidemics; and the chapter on the care of nervous patients and those mentally diseased, of great value. A special chapter is devoted to aid in accidents, and a whole chapter to the important subject of food and diet. No details are considered too small or unimportant. Both author and translator may be congratulated on the admirable

way in which their work has been done; those who wish to practice nursing in private or in hospitals should certainly study it carefully, and keep it at hand ready for reference in the various emergencies which they will have to encounter."-The Lady's Pictorial.

"Nurse Woodford chose The Care of the Sick,' by Dr. Billroth, as her Prize in the Post-Card Examination Series; and Nurse Robinson "The Life and Works of Shakespeare,' both charming books." THE NURSING RECORD.

"Dr. Billroth's admirable work will be read with interest by Medical Men, and by Professional and Amateur Nurses. It contains the Main Principles to be observed in the Care of the Sick, clearly laid down, and in accord with both sense and science."-Morning Post.

New and Popular Edition, Revised and Enlarged.

Cloth Bound, Retail Price $1.50. 40 Per Cent. Discount to the Trade.


Booksellers and Publishers,

Toronto, Can.

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