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Geo. N. Morang's List of New Books

Cloth. Paper.

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Although this story is by a new writer, its force and ability mark it as the work of a coming man.

The Day's Work, by RUDYARD KIPLING. Crown 8vo.

In this collection of stories will be found the ripest fruit of a genius that has already made itself known in two hemispheres.

The Seven Seas, by RUDYARD KIPLING. 8vo.

These poems are a standard work for which there is a regular and steady sale.

Tekla, by ROBERT BARR. Crown 8vo.

This work is pronounced by competent critics to be its author's strongest work. Her Memory, by MAARTEN MAARTENS. Crown 8vo.

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1.50 75 cts.


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1.25 75 cts.

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1.50 75 cts.

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It was these fine poems that first made Mr. Dunbar's fame.

The Wonderful Century, by ALFRED RUSSELL WALLACE, author of " 'Malay Archipelago," "Darwinism," etc. Crown 8vo., about 400 pp. CONTENTS: Modes of travelling-Labor-saving machinery-The Conveyance of ThoughtFire and Light-Photography-Spectrum Analysis Physics—The Minor Application of Physical Principles - Dust - Chemistry-Astronomy-Geology- Natural Selection--Physiology- Phrenology- Hypnotism -Vaccination-The War Spirit-The Demon of Greed— The Plunder of the Earth-Conclusion.

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The House of Hidden Treasure, by MAXWELL GRAY, author of "The Silence of Dean Maitland," etc. Crown 8vo.

The success of the former works of this clever author guarantees a large sale of this novel.

1.25 75 cts.


1.50 75 cts.

The uncalled, a new story by PAUL LAWRENCE
DUNBAR, author of "Lyrics of Lowly Life."
Crown 8vo.

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Paul Lawrence Dunbar has already made
his name as a writer of short stories.
Stories from Starland, by MARY PROCTOR,
daughter of the famous astronomer. Crown

A capital book of astronomy and stories for
children, with numerous illustrations.

The Forest of Arden, by HAMILTON W. MABIE,
with superb illustrations and decorations by
Will. H. Low. Small 8vo. Cloth decorated

There have been repeated demands for the
publication by itself of this charming piece of

Committed to His Charge, a page of Parish
LIZARS. Crown 8vo.

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The Misses Lizars are already known as
writers of no ordinary power and brilliancy.

The Scourge of God, by J. Bloundelle-Bur-
TON, author of The Clash of Arms." Crown
8vo. .

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The author has already made his name by
his former novel.

Agriculture, by CHARLES C. JAMES, M.A., Deputy
Minister of Agriculture for Ontario; formerly
Professor of Chemistry at the Ontario Agricul-
tural College. Authorized for use in High or
Public Schools in Ontario. Crown 8vo. .

This is an excellent, simple, and freely illus-
trated treatise, the value of which will be at
once recognized.

The Calendar of the Art League of Toronto
for 1899

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25 cts.


35 cts.

This daintily printed and artistic annual is
now in its third year, and its previous success
is a guarantee for its future popularity. It is
the expression of the best power of a group of
Toronto artists, and thoroughly Canadian in
subjects and treatment. The four seasons of
the year are depicted in twenty-eight rarely
attractive pages, with fine cover printed in red
and black.

A unique and uniform edition of the following works of HAMILTON

Essays on Work and Culture.

My Study Fire.

Under the Trees and Elsewhere.

Short Studies in Literature.

Essays in Literature Interpretation.

My Study Fire. Second Series.

Essays on Nature and Culture.

Essays on Books and Culture.

Cloth, 12mo.; per volume, $1.25; (the eight volumes in a box, $10.00.)

George N. Morang, Publisher, Toronto

The Canadian Bookseller






to make Canad.ans order the book from J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia, who pub

Canadian Bookseller lish it at $1.50. This is really a very good

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method of discouraging Canadian-British trade. It is all right for the United States publisher. But is it fair to the Canadian people, or the Canadian publisher ? Certainly not!

(From the Montreal Gazette Sept. 7, 1898.) COPYRIGHT IN CANADA.


To the Editor of the "Gazette":

SIR,The following from your issue of August 31 should not be allowed to stand without, at least, a few words of com

ment :


"It is said that when the Quebec Commissioners have got through with the subjects of negotiation already announced, they will take up the international copyright question. In that case the end of the conference may be expected about the time of the millennium. Every new element introduced into the copyright discussion has made it harder to understand and apparently harder to settle."

With thinking people the present international copyright law is neither difficult to understand nor hard to settle. It is well understood that the present law was passed through the Congress of the United States under great pressure from interested parties. By many it is now considered a monopoly in the United States. As to Canada, it has no validity. A Canadian author, to obtain copyright in the United States, has to have his work printed in that country. This is manifest injustice, as well as monopoly and contrary to home rule.

The law of international copyright can be amended so as to do full justice to the authors and readers of Canada, as well The conas the printing and allied trades. ference of British, Canadian, and American representatives, now meeting in Quebec, is the proper body to suggest the necessary reforms in the law. If a discussion of the subject is called for by the Commission, it is hoped that at least the printers, binders, paper-makers, and authors of Toronto, Montreal and Quebec, may have a hearing on copyright reform generally.

A striking instance of the imperfections and injustices of international copyright law appears in a number of the National Printer-Journalist, Chicago, as follows:The Canadians as class are clever


writers, printers, and journalists. Many of them have made a good record in the United States and England. A very clever book recently published on a purely Canadian subject, in order to obtain copy

[No. 6.

right had to be printed in the United States. Of this a leading Canadian journal says: "The author has struck a rich mine in the French-Canadian dialect.



We only regret that the author had to go to the United States to have the book printed. Just as good work could have been done in Canada. But, of course, the author is not to be blamed. He wanted United States copyright, and to secure that he had to manufacture his books in the United States. * * * * We trust the Canadian Government will do something towards developing Canadian book manufacturing interests by bringing down a new copyright act. The present Canadian law is a great failure."

From various articles which appeared in the Canadian papers in the past few months it is evident that the copyright question is in an unsatisfactory condition. No two people seem to agree as to the interpretation of the law, and through it book printing has almost ceased, and book publishing seems to be totally destroyed. A county with such prosperity as Canada, just entering upon a grand national career, ought to be able to frame just and equitable copyright laws for its citizens.

An association of those engaged in printing and kindred interests might do much in suggesting copyright reforms to the gentlemen composing the Quebec conference. A plain, sensible and just copyright law in Canada is feasible, and should be passed without delay.

September 1, 1898.



"The Calendar of the Art League of Toronto" is this year to be published by Mr. George N. Morang. It is now in its third year, and its previous success is a guarantee that the forthcoming number will have a very large sale. We have been privileged with a sight of advance sheets of the work, and can certify that it has decidedly gained in artistic power. It may be called an artistic picture-book of the year, and is the best expression of a group of artists who have already attained success in various fields of illustration. Some of them are Toronto boys who have gone to New York and found there larger scope and opportunities than were open to them here. The various lessons of the year are admirably depicted. There is no letter-press, but the pictures tell their own story. The Calendar will be admirably printed and gotten up, and as a Christmas gift will no doubt be


highly popular. The cover is itself a work of the highest decorative art, being drawn by R. Weir Crouch, formerly of Toronto, but now recognized as the first in his special line in New York. His design is printed in red and black, and the sheets are bound together with a tie of ribbon. The Art Calendar is a dainty piece of art and good printing.


Mr. George N. Morang has issued to the trade an attractive little pamphlet containing his fall announcement of new books. It has a neat cover with an autumnal design, and has a frontispiece of a fine halftone of the Library of Parliament at Ottawa. The list is prefaced with some highly sensible remarks entitled "Bookselling Talk." In the course of these Mr. Morang says:

"With the advent of a healthier feeling in commercial circles and an undoubted improvement in the trade of the country, the bookselling interest should, this fall, feel the benefit of the wave of prosperity. The statistics of trade show that the prosperity is real. During the ensuing three months the day-books and journals of the booksellers should indicate it too, for there is no more sensitive thermometer of the state of things in general. Of course there is always something doing in the book business; there are some books that are necessities, and there are others that seem to be able to ride successfully over all obstacles, no matter what the times are. But there is no doubt that when things are dull, people will do without many books that they would otherwise buy. But there is nothing that they more surely return to when things improve. Consequently, the bookseller needs to put on his "considering cap" and settle what he is going to do for his customers when the influx of them begins. He will, of course, make due preparation of accessories. There are so many units, tens, hundreds, thousands, or millions of people in Canada who are possible book buyers, and they will buy the books they want at the stores best adapted to secure their trade. There are some book-lovers, no doubt, who would get their books though they had to traverse the arid Bad Lands, or to endure the inconvenience of dealing with a man who knew next to nothing of his proper business. But the great mass of buyers have to be angled for or netted, and it needs foresight and patient work to do it. When the shy fish comes along the bait must be ready; when the shoal goes by the net must be there."

Equally true are Mr. Morang's remarks on the "Status of the Bookseller." Commenting on this subject he says:

"In the old days there were trade-guilds to which none were admitted who were unable to show their fitness by passing some sort of an examination. The system that was in force in the middle age, and some centuries later, has now passed away, and the principle of the "survival of the fittest" has taken its place. Signs are not wanting that show that the status of the bookseller is being gradually elevated. That this should be so is not surprising; for the bookseller must add to his general intelligence and knowledge of human nature a vast amount of miscellaneous knowledge. In many cases he is, so to speak, the

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The annexed illustration gives a fair idea of Mr. Morang's stand at the Toronto Exhibition, which was a salient point of interest to a large number of visitors. The Toronto Globe of Sept. 10 says of it: "The handsome exhibit in the Main Building of the Exhibition of the books published by the firm of George N. Morang has excited considerable admiration on the part of visitors during the past two weeks. It was a surprise to many that we have in our midst a publishing house capable of supplying the public with such a variety of excellent books, which for mechanical excellence and general style are equal to anything turned out by the publishing houses of the world, while their authorship includes the best writers of the day. Canada is no longer dependent upon "colonial editions," when

librarian of his district, and one of the main purveyors of intellectual food. That, of itself, would be sufficient in an intelligent age to raise him to a certain dignity. But in addition to this he has, to some extent at least, to keep abreast of the literature of the day and to know what is passing in the world of letters. Moreover, he must have a general acquaintance with the characteristics of standard works. If a man of science comes into his shop he must be able to talk to him, and he must also be prepared to recommend to the young lady customer the novel that is likely to suit her. He has to unite to these qualifications the ordinary business characteristics of tact, foresight and prudence. He must know how to manage his financial affairs, and to keep up a constant supervision of his stock. We are of opinion that this brief review of his personality shows that the bookseller must be a person of considerable ability."

With regard to juvenile books, Mr. Morang observes with some truth that "The army of book-buyers is recruited from the schools, and it is being recruited every year. Young readers are very observant. They are apt to know where the book was bought, and that very fact is a thing of immense

she has within her borders all the appliances for the production of such books as were exhibited on Mr. Morang's stand. This literary show created the greatest interest, and on the American day especially. Many were the expressions of surprise at the indication it furnished of the maturity and capacity of this country. The position of the publishing interest in a country affords a great criterion as to what may be called its adult state. From this point of view Mr. Morang's well-arranged stand was most significant. It showed that Canadians are capable of producing books for themselves, and thereby affording employment to thousands of persons in the printing, paper, bookbinding and allied trades. It was also satisfactory to see that the work in these departments is unexcelled. We can print books and bind them as well in Toronto as they can be printed and bound in London or New York."

interest to them. It creates a bond that

will last through future years. Let the reader sort up the memories of his childhood and he will remember among other places the bookseller's where his first cherished volumes were purchased. It is of the greatest importance to remember these facts. They indicate a field of trade that every wise bookseller will work. For the child is the progenitor of the future adult, and not only this, but the child and the young person are admirable advertisers. It is of the greatest importance, therefore, to have a good line of juvenile books. That so many booksellers know this and take advantage of it is no reason at all why the fact should not be again mentioned. Too many tradesmen seem to go upon the idea that the world is made up of one or two classes of people only. If they realized the great diversity there is in our population they would often do a better business."

We are sure that this "Bookselling talk" will be taken in the spirit in which it is offered and that the trade generally will recognize that this enterprising and alert publisher is alive to the fact of the interdependence of interests, and takes large views of the possibilities of the bookselling trade in Canada. His fall list appears to

be a well selected one and to have considerable variety. Taking a small book first, we have had considerable pleasure in becoming further acquainted with Miss Proctor's "Stories of Starland," to which we referred last month. This is really a first-class child's book and it will be a boon to parents, and to those who have the care of children. It is clearly printed, strongly bound and well illustrated, while the stories and conversations it contains are such as will fill the mind of the child with the great facts of astronomy in a gentle and pleasant way. The book may indeed be profitably read by "children of a larger growth."

Of the two Kipling books that Mr. Morang has in his list one is an exquisite edition of "The Seven Seas," which will, no doubt, sell largely again at Christmas, and the other is the collection of stories entitled

"The Day's Work." The latter is brought out in very taking form, and the illustrations are remarkably fine. Rudyard Kipling's amazing and deserved popularity is a guarantee that there will be a very large sale of this work.

"The House of Hidden Treasure," by Maxwell Gray, another book of this list, is one that there should be no difficulty in selling. "Maxwell Gray 99 is, of course, Miss M. G. Tuttiett, and her great success with "The Silence of Dean Maitland" should pave the way to a considerable popularity for this her last book. She has great power as a word-painter, while her study of the principal character, Grace Dorrien, is a masterly one. The story element is abundantly present in the book, and we predict for "The House of Hidden Treasure" a very wide popularity.

"Trinalchio's Dinner," by Petronius, the translation of an ancient Latin manuscript,

will be looked forward to with much interest.

What Petronius, who will be well remembered as one of the principal characters in "Quo Vadis," has to say about his contemporaries and their manner of life must necessarily throw a vivid light on the Iago of Nero. The translation has been done by Harry Thurston, Peck, the scholarly editor of The Bookman" and a writer of acknowledged ability, and it goes without saying that the task has been accomplished with judgment and sympathy.


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Mr. Robert Barr, from the days when he was the Luke Sharp," of the "Detroit Free Press," has developed in power and ability, and his successive novels have gradually added to his fame. A Canadian by birth, he has widened his point of view by travel and by living in various countries. By all account, this last work of his, "Tekla," is a most ambitious attempt. There is about Mr. Barr a solidity and common sense that preserves him from the vice of hysterical writing, while his sympathetic delineations of human nature will command general attention.

In "The Grenadier," by James Eugene Farmer, Mr. Morang has secured a novel that will make a good showing in the book

shops during this season. To begin with, it is very strikingly bound in appropriate scarlet. Then the story is an exciting and enthralling one. Its scenarium is laid among the Napoleonic wars of the beginning of the century, and, as its anthor has already written some admirable essays on French history, it may be taken for granted that the historical element of the book has been duly considered. The great interest taken in Canada in military affairs, and the skilful way in which soldier life is set forth in this book, should render it an easy seller.

Among other important stories of Mr. Morang's fall list are: "Her Memory," by Maarten Maartens "The uncalled," by Paul Lawrence Dunbar; and "The Scourge of God," by J. Bloundelle-Burton.

Of each of these it may be said that they are the product of undoubted and tried literary ability, and that they will be read by people who "know a good thing when they see it." Maarten Maartens' former novels have placed him in the front rank of English novelists. Paul Lawrence Dunbar, the talented young colored writer, whose abilities have raised him from the position of elevattor boy to that of litterateur, has shown great qualities in the "Lyrics from Lowly Life," and "Folks from Dixie,” and the advent of his first extended novel naturally raises expectations. J. Bloundelle-Burton, in his "Clash of Arms" of last year, struck a note that was heartily responded to in the appreciation of those who love a stirring story. With regard to this trio of books, therefore, there need be no misgivings.

"The Wonderful Century," by Alfred Russell Wallace, is a book which any publisher might be proud to present to the people of Canada. The prominent position of the author among contemporary scientists and the years of observation he has devoted to the subjects of which it treats, render this book one of the greatest interest. Alfred Russell Wallace was the first to write upon the question of "Natural Selection," which subsequently made Darwin famous, and he has since that time contributed much to the scientific literature of the world. He takes no narrow view of things. He is not bounded by the small horizon of the specialist. He is an independent thinker, who in this book takes a comprehensive view of what has been done during the hundred years that are now rapidly drawing to their close. He touches on hypnotism and phrenology. It is well known that he is interested in spiritualism. But he also passes in review what has been done in modes of travelling, in labor-saving machinery, in the conveyance of thought, in photography and spectrum analysis. Nor do such subjects as the war spirit, the demon of greed, and the plunder of the earth, escape him. It will be seen,

therefore, that this is a volume the value and usefulnes of which at the present time can hardly be over-estimated.

In bringing before the Canadian public the works of Hamilton Wright Mabie, Mr. Morang is performing a distinct and commendable service. In a recent letter, Mr. James L. Hughes, School Inspector of Toronto, says: "I have much pleasure in strongly recommending the works of Hamilton W. Mabie to teachers and all others interested

in stimulating literature. Mr. Mabie has true sympathetic insight into the vital philosophy of life as revealed by the greatest thinkers of the past, and extraordinary skill in interpreting it in its relationship to the problems of the present. Few men equal him in broad conception and definite grasp of the fundamental laws of human evolution, and no author with whom I am acquainted has greater power to express profound thought in clear and attractive form." Every word of this commendation is true. Mabie's essays on Literature and Culture should be in every intelligent and thoughtful person's library. They are a refreshment and a solace such as will be appreciated by those who are tired of the meretricious bizarre attempts of the writers who try in various ways to astonish the public with sensations, rather than to edify them.

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"By the Aurelian Wall and Other Elegies," by Bliss Carman, and "New York Nocturnes," by Chas. G. D. Roberts, have just been issued by Lamson, Wolffe & Co., of Boston.

The last novel by the late Dr. George Ebers was entitled "Arachne," and was recently published at $1.50 by D. Appleton & Company, the publishers of the complete edition of Dr. Eber's works.

It is rumored that the title of the companion to "Many Cargoes," by W. W. Jacobs, is to be "More Cargoes;" but even the coming publishers of the book in America are without word as yet in the matter.

Much interest is shown in the new novel by G. A. Henty, author of "The Henty Books," who has been best known as a writer of juvenile stories. The novel, "The Queen's Cup," has just been published at 50 cents by the Toronto News Company, Toronto.

A complete edition of the poems of the late Alexander McLachlan is promised this autumn by William Briggs. A biographical sketch of the poet will be contributed

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"Not all the reasons given for the delayed publication of a book are as neat and conclusive as those advanced in the case of a recently announced book, Ease in Cycling.' The publisher had to beg for indulgence because its author had just been pitched off his wheel, broke his collar-bone, and lain insensible for sixty hours."- "The Evening Post," New York.

Robert Machray, who under the name of Ruari MacDonald," redshank and rebel," wrote "Grace O'Malley, Princess and Pirate," published in Cassell's Colonial Library, is a nephew of the Primate of Canada, and while a Professor of History at St. John's College, Winnipeg, was a frequent contributor to " Harper's Magazine' and "The Atlantic Monthly." He now resides in London.

Caspar Whitney, who was with General Shafter throughout the Siege of Santiago, is now on his way to the Hawaiian Islands, on a mission for "Harper's Weekly." On his return he will again edit the. Amateur Sport Department in the "Weekly;" in the meantime he is preparing papers on the present condition of sport in France, Germany, and England, and also a series of articles, entitled the "Jungle Hunter," in which he will give the results of his shooting-trips in Siam, Malaya, and Sumatra.


A romance, by Miss Elsad Esterre Keeling, whose delicate imagination wove together some years ago that charming collection of fantasies, "In Thoughtland and in Dreamland," has been added to Fisher Unwin's Colonial Library. The romance in question is called The Queen's Serf," and deals with a singular instance of miscarriage of justice in the reign of Queen Anne. A young man is hanged in chains and comes to life after the operation. He is not again subjected to the death penalty, but becomes the Queen's serf. It would take real life to furnish the parallel of such an astounding


It is often wearisome to read of places we have never seen, but about two countries, Egypt and Palestine, our dreams have so often revolved that we have become gradually familiarised with them, and could almost find our way about them. In "The City of the Caliphs," which Fisher Unwin will presently issue, Eustace Ball has written a monograph on Cairo and its environs, and

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The House of Hidden Treasure," Maxwell Gray's forthcoming novel, is regarded by the author as her most important and significant work since "The Silence of Dean Maitland." The scene is laid for the most part in England, and the story opens in the sixties. "There is a strong and pervading charm in this new novel," says the London "Chronicle," in the course of a long and enthusiastic review of the book, which is characterized as a picture of "a woman's ideal," and free from morbid thoughts and theories. The London "Spectator' says: 66 6 The Silence of Dean Maitland' was a very popular novel, and we cannot see why "The House of Hidden Treasure' should not rival the success of its forerunner." This book will be issued immediately by D. Appleton & Company.

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Messrs. D. Appleton & Company's announcements for August and September include Spanish Literature," by James Fitz Maurice-Kelly, a new volume in "The Literatures of the World" series, edited by Edmund Gosse: "The History of the World," a new volume in the Concise Knowledge Library; "Historic Boston and its Neighborhood,' an Historical Pilgrimage personally conducted by Dr. Edward Everett Hale; "Our Country's Flag," by Edward S. Holden; The Earth and Sky," by Edward S. Holden; "Philip's Experiments, or Physical Science at Home," by Prof. John Trowbridge, of Harvard University; "The House of Hidden Treasure," a novel, by Maxwell Gray; "The Widower," by W. E. Norris; "The Lust of Hate," by Guy Boothby; and "The Gospel Writ in Steel," by Arthur Patterson.

Absence is said to make the heart grow fonder, and it may well be that many an emigrant sees his motherland in rosy tints.

Especially has he been taught to listen from afar to the little village chimes, the bleating of lambs and the play of Chloe and Daphnis, till he forgets all about the squirearchy and the sweating system. A volume by J. Kent, which T. Fisher Unwin is shortly to add to his Colonial Library, will remind the homeside emigrant of unpleasant realities. It is entitled, "A Harvest Festival," and depicts a gentleman farmer who, for the purpose of aggrandisement and hastening his entry into tip-top society, in the picturesque metaphor of an American writer, yielded to no one in his ability to "skin a flea for the sake of its hide and tallow." The circumstance that his wife was full of charity, which she was condemned to suppress, leads up to a pathetic denouement.

Dr. George Maurice Ebers, Egyptologist and story-writer, who died at Tutzing, Germany, on August 7, has done little writing for ten years past. He was born in 1837, was the son of a banker, and read law at Gottingen. While still a student he had a very serious illness, from the effects of which he never fully recovered, and that disability helped to turn him from a life of active While business to a more studious career.

he was studying Egyptology he fell in with the brothers Grimm, students of folk-lore, grammarians, and writers of story-books, and through them he met Lepsius. These associations seem to have determined the direction and scope of his endeavors. published "A Princess of Egypt," which


was successful, and in 1864 became a tutor at Jena. Some years afterwards he became Professor of Egyptology at the University of Leipsic. He made repeated visits to Egypt, and in 1887 published "Uarda," which was followed by Homo Sum" and other novels. He wrote sixteen historical novels in all, besides fairy tales and biographies." Harper's Weekly',


Rev. John McDougall, of Morley, N.W. T., the well-known missionary and author, has been in the city attending the meeting of the General Board of Missions of the Methodist Church. As chairman of the Lake Winnipeg and Saskatchewan District, Mr. McDougall's official jurisdiction covers a territory of one million square miles, without doubt the largest diocese on the contin ent. Last year he travelled nearly 12,000 miles, part of it by dog-sled over ice-bound lakes and rivers. Resident in the far NorthWest since 1860, few men know the country better or have more enthusiastic confidence in its future. The series of books he is engaged upon-two of which, "Forest, Lake and Prairie," and "Saddle, Sled and Snowshoe," are already published, and a third, Pathfinding on Plain and Prairie," is now in course of issue by William Briggs relating the experiences of his earlier years in

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