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Everything About Canada


Retail Price 25c.

Price to the Trade 15c. Net.

Canadian Year Book Co.,

25 Wellington St. West, TORONTO.






are wide awake. There are already many volumes of Australian poetry. T. Fisher

Canadian Bookseller Unwin, of London, has added to the list,

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having published a new volume, "A Twilight Teaching and other Poems," by Mrs. Lala Fisher, of Queenstown.

Dr. R. Maurice Bucke, Medical Superintendent of the Asylum for the Insane, London, Ontario, is an earnest student and an enthusiastic admirer of Walt Whitman, the poet. Dr. Bucke has recently edited Whitman's Hospital Letters, and has published the volume under the title of "The Wound Dresser," through Messrs. Small, Maynard & Co., Boston.


The Montreal Star adorns an article referring to the withdrawal of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of the somewhat famous divine Rev. C. A. Briggs, whose theology was supposed to be not quite in accord with the church standards, with an excellent portrait of the popular Book Steward of the Methodist Church in Canada. Possibly it was assumed that if the one surname sufficed, the same portrait should answer for both; else there must be an extraordinary likeness to one another in the Briggs clan.

THE CANADIAN BOOKSELLER extends hearty congratulations to J. Bayne MacLean, of the "Bookseller and Stationer," on his promotion to the Lieut.-Colonelcy of the 6th Fusiliers of Montreal. Col. MacLean is popular with all who know him, affable by nature, genial in disposition, indefatigable in business, an enthusiast in matters military, and a gentleman in every sense of the word. Lieut.-Col. MacLean-Here's congratulations to you. May prosperity ever attend you. May you live long, and continue to be as enthusiastic a Canadian in the future

as you are now, and have been in the past.

"The Trial of Emile Zola," issued in pamphlet form by B. R. Tucker, New York, is unique from a typographical point of view. In setting the type for the book the "justification" of lines is entirely dispensed with. Mr. Tucker says this has the advantage of allowing absolutely perfect spacing between the words of each line. But we think the disadvantage of having the lines ending here, there and everywhere,

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more than offsets the advantage of the equal spacing between the words. The people are used to the old style of the lines being spaced out even. It will be a long time before Mr. Tucker's new idea come into general use.

It is pleasing to be able to record instances of the appreciation abroad of the work of Canadian writers. Gilbert Parker is recognized as in the front rank of the world's novelists. He already has the honor of having his books published in a uniform edition by leading publishers in America and Europe. A. D. DeCelles, Government Librarian, Ottawa, was last year awarded 500 francs by the French Academy of Paris, in recognition of the ability shown in his book "Les Etats Unis." J. W. Tyrell's "Across the Sub-Arctics of Canada," which has had such a large sale here, has been republished in London by T. Fisher Unwin. R. T. Lancefield's clever satirical sketch "Tim and Mrs. Tim " is being translated into German and will be published in Germany within a few weeks.

Why is it that the handwriting of so many well-known men is so illegible? It is a fact that few could tell the signatures of Hon. G. W. Ross or the Hon. J. M. Gibson unless they had seen them before. Fortunately these estimable gentlemen have private secretaries who write the body of the letters. It is said that E. E. Sheppard, the talented "Don" of Toronto 66 Saturday Night," writes so little that he is quite at a loss if his faithful stenographer is not at hand to catch the words when he is in the mood for dictating. It is more than certain that only an expert compositor could set up matter written by that bustling journalist, J. Ross Robertson, of the Toronto "Telegram." But it seems that the late Dean Stanley was probably the very prince of wretched caligraphists. Elliot Stock, of London, writing to "Literature," says that a letter was once delivered to him which the postman thought was addressed to "Elliot Stock, 62 Paternoster Row," but which, on being opened, was found to contain a receipt by the Dean for an article in the "Contemporary," and intended for "Mr. Strahan, Ludgate Hill." The address was as much like one as the other!


Mr. Charlton, M.P., seems to think he is the guardian of the public morals. He seems satisfied that Sunday papers are one of the means whereby public morals are demoralized. Therefore he is determined that, so far as he can help it, there shall be no Sunday papers in Canada. But, like many another well-meaning man, Mr. Charlton goes too far. He is not only determined that no Sunday papers shall be printed in Canada, but he goes a step further, and says that no Sunday papers shall be sold in Canada, even although the attempt be made to sell them on other days than Sunday. Of course such a proposition is ridiculous, and the introduction of Mr. Charlton's bill into Parliament was the signal for a storm of protests from every section of the country. This restrictive legislation would have been felt particularly by the newsdealers through

wrong sentiment among Canadian children. Dr. McDonald and G. R. Roberts emphasized what Dr. Withrow had said.

Mr. Mulock, however, was firm in refusing the prayer of the deputation, saying that all classes of papers must pay the new rate. On the whole we are inclined to agree with the Postmaster-General. Newspaper proprietors have no more right to have their papers carried through the mails free than other classes of the community. We would, however, like to see the PostmasterGeneral omit the ten mile limit from the

new scale. Make all papers pay postage rate, whether delivered within one mile of the publishing house or within fifty or five hundred miles thereof.


The Ottawa "Free Press," in a recent editorial, was somewhat severe on the pro

out the country, many of whom sell a large position to establish a free public library in number of Sunday papers. Protests against the principle of Mr. Charlton's bill poured in thick and fast on the members of Parliament from all sections of the country. It was pointed out to the members of Parliament that to prohibit the sale of all Sunday papers, because a few of them were ultrasensational in tone, was something that could not for a moment be tolerated in a free country. In consequence of these protests, Mr. Charlton's bill was quietly shelved. Let us hope that we have heard the last of it. There are enough restrictions on the trade of the bookseller and newsdealer, without such an absurd bill as this of Mr. Charlton's being introduced to further harass and worry the trade.


The proposition of Postmaster-General Mulock to charge a rate of a cent a pound on newspapers carried through the mails has raised a storm of protests. The religious papers especially have been vehement in their opposition to the proposed tax. The following deputation interviewed Mr. Mulock at. Ottawa on April 18, with reference to the matter :-Dr. Withrow, "Methodist Magazine"; G. R. Roberts, "Canadian Baptist"; Frank Wootten, "Canada Churchman"; Mr. Seager, "Evangelical Churchman ; Dr. Briggs, Methodist Book and Publishing House; Rev. A. C. Courtice, "Christian Guardian"; Patrick Boyle, "Catholic Register"; Alex. Fraser, "Presbyterian Review"; Dr. Macdonald, "The Westminster."

The deputation placed their case before Mr. Mulock. Dr. Withrow said that American competition, with more advertising and cheaper paper, was running them hard. These American publications promoted a

the city of Ottawa. The writer is, however, decidedly astray in his conclusions. The gist of his argument seems to be that because people read novels there should be no free library. Surely the writer has never been in a public library and seen the hundreds of readers of all ages and conditions in life who consult the dictionaries, the encyclopedias, and other works of reference. As a matter of fact, the circulating department of a popular library is but one, and that one not the most important, feature of the library. The reading rooms and the reference library are equally as important as the circulating department. And because people read novels, that is no reason why the people as a whole should be deprived of the benefits of the library. The Ottawa library will be an exception to the rule if the use of the books on the arts and sciences and general literature does not compare most favorably with the use of the novels. No doubt more novels will be read, but a novel can be run through in a night or two, whereas a mechanic will study a book on the steam-engine, or on electricity, for two or four weeks before he will take it back to get another. So with the student and with the reader of history and travels. The "Free Press " writer would do well, too, to understand that while certain classes only read books in certain classes-no one but a plumber, for instance, would study a work on plumbing treated from a technical point of view-all classes read novels. The lawyer, the merchant, the mechanic, the housewife-all these like a novel occasionally. And for a very good. reason too. A good novel is a relief to the tired-out man or woman. A good novel gives one an idea of life outside one's own little circle. Thus as all classes read novels, it is no wonder that the use of novels in libraries is very large. But no harm will

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result from this if proper restrictions are placed on the circulation, and if only the healthier class of novels are provided. It is unnecessary to say that it is the duty of the library board to see that novels of an objectionable or low moral tone are rigidly excluded from the shelves. We yet hope to see Ottawa enjoying the benefits to be derived from a well-conducted public library. We are satisfied that the people of Ottawa will find that money so spent will be money well invested.


Editors and publishers owe a duty to their contributors. This duty is to see that nothing material is omitted from the manuscripts sent in by authors. Two instances that have recently come to our notice serve to emphasise the importance of this duty. THE CANADIAN BOOKSELLER recently had to point out the fact that in an article in "Chambers' Journal," the authoress, Isabella Fyvie Mayo, seemed to have taken the matter almost entirely from the Misses Lizars' clever book, "In the Days of the Canada Company." We understand that Mrs. Mayo feels very much hurt at this assertion. From a letter received from a friend of Mrs. Mayo's, we understand that Mrs. Mayo gave due credit to the Misses Lizars' book, referring to it in complimentary terms, but that the editor of "Chambers' Journal" cut out these references, for no other reason, as Mrs. Mayo could judge, than to bring the article within a certain space. This certainly clears Mrs. Mayo of the charge of not mentioning the Misses Lizars' book. But what shall be said of the editor of the old reliable Chambers'? Without dwelling further on the case, we can only say it would have been in much better taste had the editor of Chambers' omitted something else and given the Misses Lizars the credit that was justly due them. Another case of a very similar character is that of Mr. McLellan's book, 'Spanish John," published by the Harpers. Mr. Marquis somewhat bluntly accused Mr. McLellan of having compiled this book from an old story published many years ago, and of palming it off on an unsuspecting public as his own original composition. In reply to this charge, Mr. McLellan says that in the manuscript of his book he mentioned the story alluded to by Mr. Marquis, but that in publishing the book the Harpers omitted this memorandum. Mr. McLellan adds that he is in no wise to be blamed for this omission of his publishers; the less so as he amplified, enlarged, and improved on the story alluded to by Mr. Marquis. These two instances show, as we have said in our opening lines, that publishers owe a duty to authors. Authors must evidently insist on


their manuscripts being printed entire ; otherwise they must not be surprised if the omission of the editor or publisher is adversely commented upon.


At the risk of giving "Hugh Wynne" a free advertisement, we have to make the following explanation: In our February number we listed "Hugh Wynne" as being published in Unwin's colonial library. We did so for the very good reason that we had seen it announced as one of Unwin's colonial library. These colonial libraries, we have been told, were issued for the special use of the unsophisticated "Colonials" who (before the discovery of the Klondike gold fields) were supposed to be too poor, don't you know, to purchase the expensive. British editions. But it appears there is a "rift in the lute," as it were. Even some of the much-vaunted cheap colonial libraries cannot be sold in a British colony, in fact, the Canadian market, in certain instances, can be supplied only by the New York publisher. This would be a very good joke, if it were not a very great outrage. These remarks are called forth by the following letter, which, in its way, is selfexplanatory:

LONDON, March 19, 1898.

To the Editor of THE CANADIAN BOOK


Dear Sir, My attention has been called to an announcement of a colonial edition of

Hugh Wynne," which appears under the heading of " Popular New Books." Please

understand said edition does not exist for Canada, and as the book is an American copyright work, I have not issued a colonial edition for the Canadian market. It is expressly stated on the edition that I do not issue it in Canada, and therefore I am not able to execute any order forwarded to me from Canada. Your kind announcement of this statement will be esteemed a favor. Faithfully yours,


We are glad to publish this explanation from Mr. Unwin. It will, we trust, free him from any appearance of attempting to deceive the Century Company, of New York, who publish "Hugh Wynne" in New York. The letter, however, is worthy of a little special study. For one thing, it emphasises anew the necessity for a Canadian copyright law which shall prevent the Canadian market being supplied from New York. The plain meaning of the letter is that Canadians are denied the privilege of purchasing Mr. Unwin's colonial edition, manufactured in England, which would be sold in Canada at 75 cents in paper cover,

and $1.25 in cloth cover, and are practically taken by the throat and made to buy the Century Company's edition manufactured in New York, and selling for $2. Surely this is most unfair to Canadian and British manufacturing interests. Nay, is it not an insult to Canadian national sentiment? This is another sample case we respectfully submit to the consideration of our Government at Ottawa.

Book Reviews.

Among the books which have made advent in Canada through Canadian printing presses and Canadian publishers, perhaps there is none that will create a greater ripple than "The Celebrity," published by George N. Morang, Toronto. This book, whoever wrote it- and there seems to be a little divergence of opinion on that score, is the work of a clever man. Or is it a woman ? The name of the author is put down as "Winston Churchill." But who is "Winston Churchill ?" Of course everybody knows that there is a grandson of Mr. Jerome's who bears that name; he is a tolerably well-known young man in New York and Boston society, and he might possibly have written the book in question. But the question arises, has the author of the book endeavored to carry out the impersonation idea even to the author's name ? Impersonation is the motif of the story. The hero takes another man's name and gets "soaked" for it. If any fresh and forward young writer has been doing the same with regard to Mr. Winston Churchill, the latter, as the son of the late Lord Ran

dolph, ought certainly to tell the public about it. We don't want to be crediting a novel to Mr. Churchill when he did not write it.

On the other hand, is it possible that "The Celebrity was written by a woman? The name "Winston" is, of course, no guide. Women writers in these days are rather fond of taking men's names. But against this hypothesis, what "Kit" says about it in the "Mail and Empire" would seem to militate. That practised reader and critic says:

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"In The Celebrity,' a book just stirring abroad, the same idea prevails. tral character happens to be very like somebody else, barring a scar on the forehead, and so he determines to masquerade for a time as that somebody else, and flirts, and is happy until the alter ego happens to be a defaulter to a large amount with the police after him. Mr. Winston Churchill, the son of the temeritous Lord Randolph, exploits the idea with a skill which has more in it than mere smoothing over of improbabilities, and consequently The Celebrity' will be a book that will 'catch-on,' although there may be doubts in some people's minds as to the author's girls. They may be men's girls all right, but they are, perhaps, hardly

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women's. But then, women, as a rule, have very hazy ideas as to the sort of girls that men really are taken by, and we toss our noses at some of the creatures in an ignorance that the men often find very entertain. ing. Because, of course, how is it possible for us to look at women as man looks at her. A few have the insight to perceive what a man's woman essentially is, but scores make the mistake of imagining they know, when they don't after all, and, as a result make great fools of themselves trying to be men's

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"Grant Allen strayed away from the path of novel-writing righteousness when he gave the world that too daring Woman Who Did,' but he has proved in this book that he can write about the dear women who don't with just as much skill, and more. The 'Incidental Bishop' is a bit of good literary sculpture. Here again we have the old impersonation scheme as the motif. A very decent sailor youth in the twenties finds himself on what is really a slave ship, cruising about some cannibal islands, or some place in Darkest Africa-I forget which but the vessel sails under the euphemism of the Labor traffic.' When they have their cargo of black men and women, a British gunboat bears down on them, and a wounded missionary, who has come aboard after his black flock, dies. The hero-as the British gunboat is coming near-and as also he doesn't like slave-catching, puts on the missionary's togs, so that when he comes to after an explosion which conveniently occurs, he is rescued by the British crew and taken to Australia, where he is carefully nursed by a parson's daughter of course they fall in love-and by successive steps he climbs into a bishopric. There is much in the story, and I must not spoil the appetite of the reader. I am only showing that the impersonation idea is the Alpha and Omega

of the book."

The forthcoming book by Hon. J. D. Edgar, Speaker of the House of Commons, which George N. Morang will shortly. publish, would seem to have a satisfactory future before it. From an inspection of advance sheets we have formed the opinion not only that no such interesting book respecting Ottawa and the Government institutions there has been hitherto written, but that it will take a high place among the best historical writing about cities the world over. Mr. Edgar has not only brought to his task practised literary capacity, but he has had the most favorable opportunities for obtaining information respecting his subject. As a result he has given us a graphic picture of what the Capital was in the old Bytown days, a charming description of the city as it is to-day, and a most useful treatise on the various departments of Governmental and legislative matters. The book is to be finely illustrated with halftone cuts, and there is no doubt that it will be one of the leading publications of the


The illustrated edition of " Quo Vadis," which Geo. N. Morang recently published, is finding a ready sale. His editions of John Lane Allen's Kentucky Cardinal," and "Aftermath," also with all the original illustrations, shows that he has faith in the taste of Canadians for a good thing.

"The Old Testament Its Own Defence." By Joseph S. Cook, B.D., Ph.D. 76 pages, 7x5 inches, paper cover, 25 cents. Published by William Briggs, Toronto.

A reply to Dr. Workman's "The Old Testament Vindicated." The author is evidently no believer in the Higher Criticism. Rev. Principal Shaw, of the Wesleyan Theological College, Montreal, contributes a short introduction.

"For Love of a Bedouin Maid," a novel. By LeVoleur. 346 pages, 8x5 inches, cloth, $1. Published by Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago and New York.

A story dealing with the stirring times of the great Napoleon. An intrigue of Napoleon with Halima, the Bedouin Maid, during Napoleon's campaign in Egypt, furnishes the motive of the plot. A rattling good story, full of exciting incidents, and sure to become popular.

"The Man Who Outlived Himself." By Albion W. Tourgee. 7x4 in. 216 pages, cloth, 75 cents. Published by Fords, Howard & Hulbert, New York.

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"Whoso Findeth a Wife," a novel. By William LeQueux. 236 pages, 8x51 inches, cloth, $1. Published by Rand, McNally & Co., Chicago and New York.

LeQueux's previous stories have placed him in the van of popular sensational novelists.

"Whoso Findeth a Wife" is equal to anything Mr. LeQueux has written. It is interesting from first page to last. It can be recommended as a book that will drive away the "blues." Once started the reader will find it almost impossible to lay it to one side till he has read the last line.

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tem, such as that of Mr. Malone's, seems to be what is wanted. Those interested in the question will find this book worthy of consideration.

"The Bouquet of Kindergarten and Primary Songs." 80 pages, 10 x 73 inches, cloth, 75 cents; in Bristol board cover, 50 cents. Published by Selby & Co., Toronto.

A collection of 60 songs, with words and piano accompaniment. The harmonies of the songs have been revised by W.O. Forsyth, Director of the Metropolitan School of Musicand Mrs. James L. Hughes writes an introduction. The collection of songs includes all the old favorites familiar to Kindergarteners, as well as "Fair Canada," "The Red, White and Blue," and other patriotic songs. Booksellers can confidently recommend this book to their customers, as being not only a good school-class book, but just the thing to interest the young folks at home on rainy days and during the holidays.

"A History of the Dominion of Canada." By John B. Calkin, M.A. 448 pages, 74x5 inches, cloth, 50 cents. Published by A. & W. Mackinlay, Halifax, N.S.

Well printed, freely illustrated with excellent portraits of historical Canadians, handy in size and well bound, this volume seems to fill the bill for a popular short bis

63x5 inches, cloth, $2.50. Published by John Lovell & Son, Montreal.

The author gives a most exhaustive treatise on the Civil Code of Lower Canada. The subject-matter is grouped under four main heads Book First, of Persons; Book Second, of Property, of ownership, and of its different modifications; Book Third, of the Acquisition and Exercise of Rights of Property; Book Fourth, Commercial Law. It contains also the amendments effected by Imperial, Federal and Provincial Legislation, up to and including the first session of the ninth Legislature of the Province of Quebec, 61 Victoria, 1898; also the Federal Bills of Exchange Act 1890, as amended up to and including the Dominion Act, 60-61 Victoria, 1897.

"The Monroe Doctrine, and other addresses." By Alfred A. Stockton, LL.D., D.C.L. 192 pages, 71x5 inches, cloth, $1.25. Published by J. & A. McMillan, St. John, N.B.

In the opening address the author gives an interesting and profitable account of what the Monroe Doctrine really is, by whom it was originated, and its effect upon Canada and the other countries of the North American continent. These are points upon which the average reader is quite in the dark, and the book should therefore meet with a ready sale. The other addresses in the book are

tory of the Dominion. Typographically (1) "Fifty Years a Queen," an address de

the book is far ahead of Mr. Clement's History of Canada, published at the same price. The type is larger and clearer than in Mr. Clement's book, and this is a most important point; while the paper is better. Mr. Calkin, the author, is Principal of the Normal School, Truro, N.S., and is evidently well qualified for the task he set himself to perform.

"The Christian Gentleman," a series of addresses to young men. By Louis Albert Banks, D.D. 130 pages, 73x51 inches, cloth, 75 cents. Published by Funk & Wagnalls Co., London and New York.

The addresses in this volume were originally delivered on Sunday afternoons to audiences of men only, in Association Hall, Cleveland, Ohio, under the auspices of the Y.M.C.A. They are now presented in book form in response to many demands for them in a permanent form. It is a book that will serve a most useful purpose. The author has hit on quite a happy title. Many a man who calls himself a gentleman according to the standard of the world is anything but a Christian gentleman. The addresses are of a bright character, dealing with everyday life and abounding in incidents drawn from everyday experience.

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livered at St. John, June 20, 1887; (2)

"Sixty Years a Queen," an address delivered at the Jubilee demonstration, St. John, June 19, 1897; (3) "The Aim of Legislation," an address at the University of New Brunswick, March 12, 1895; and (4) "The Object of Law," an address delivered in the University Extension Course, St. John, Feb. 14, 1892. The author is Member of the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick for the City of St. John, and a Lecturer on Law in the Universities of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

"Canadian Men and Women of the Time," a hand-book of Canadian biography. Edited by Henry James Morgan. First edition. 1,128 pages, 71x51 inches, cloth, $3. Published by William Briggs, Toronto.

Mr. Morgan is to be congratulated on this attempt to supply a hand-book of biography devoted exclusively to living persons of both sexes, including among these Canadians of note dwelling in all parts of the world. Mr. Morgan has endeavored to make the work of permanent value, as a work of reference, by adding some special features: (1) including in certain of the sketches the recorded or original opinions of the subject of the sketch on the public questions of the day; (2) adding to the majority of the sketches, opinions taken from the public press, or other trustworthy authority on the

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