INVESTMENT IN ROAD AND EQUIPMENT - Concluded. Investment since June 30, 1914, not through 8,317,025 88 Investment since June 30, 1914, not through Total investment in road and equipment, Average investment per mile of road, exclusive of improvements on leased lines, 13,041,022 14 233,457 96 8,247,746 41 4,288,330 71 263,380 29 $6,540,509 51 $230,294,489 08 $236,834,998 59 1,233.69 $186,671 28 New York Trust Co., $8,730 00 New York City. $9,990 00 $17,274 25 $27,264 25|| $26,004 25 $9,990 00 $9,990 00 Worcester & Connecticut Eastern Ry. sinking fund. Worcester & Connecticut Eastern Ry. first mortgage 42% bonds due Jan. 1, 1943. 1 $28,000 par value bonds were purchased for the fund at a cost of $26,004.25 during the year. The discount $1,995.75 was credited to profit and loss. NAME OF FUND. INVESTMENTS IN SECURITIES OF CARRIER COMPANIES AFFILIATED WITH RESPONDENT. NOTE.- Items appearing under these columns under various investment schedules and covered by lien references, are pledged as part of collateral securing $43,964,000 six per cent gold notes of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company, dated April 15, 1918, due April 15, 1920; payable to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. 1 Joint control, Boston & Albany R.R. Co., Boston & Providence R. R. Corporation, Old Colony R.R. Co. 2 Scrip. The stock of these companies is in the hands of trustees appointed by United States District Court, this company holding certificates of beneficial interest. • Half share. 7 Nominal value. 8 Interest accrued not credited "Income" but carried under "Other Unadjusted Credits." 3 Joint control, Pennsylvania R.R. Co., road under construction. Covered by certificate of beneficial interest. |