The Laws of the Island of Antigua: Consisting of the Acts of the Leeward Islands, Commencing 8th November 1690, Ending 21st April 1798; and the Acts of Antigua, Commencing 10th April 1668, Ending 7th May 1804, Volumen1

Samuel Bagster, 1805

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Página 181 - Neither will you, upon any account, at any time whatsoever, disclose or discover the vote or opinion of any particular member of the court-martial, unless required to give evidence thereof, as a witness, by a court of justice, in a due course of law. So help you God.
Página 122 - Queen's most excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal and the commons in this present Parliament assembled and by authority of the same...
Página 21 - Court where the action shall be brought, to the use of the plaintiff or plaintiffs, or his or their executors or administrators, such damages so to be assessed by reason of all or any of the breaches of such covenants, together with the costs of suit, a stay of execution of the said judgment shall be entered upon record ; or if by reason of any execution executed the plaintiff or...
Página 168 - All officers, of what condition soever, have power to part and quell all quarrels, frays, and disorders, though the persons concerned should belong to another regiment, troop, or company ; and either to order officers into arrest...
Página 122 - ... or had power or authority to dispose of or charge the same by their wills or testaments, have, to the defrauding of such their creditors, by their last wills or testaments, devisedthe same or disposed thereof in such manner as such creditors have lost their said debts...
Página 123 - Westminster, to make and deliver Execution unto the Party in that Behalf suing of all such Lands, Tenements...
Página ii - Assembly intituled An Act to alter and amend an act intituled An Act to...
Página 173 - Any person belonging to the armies of the United States who makes known the watchword to any person not entitled to receive it, according to the rules and discipline of war, or presumes to give a parole or watchword different from that which he received, shall suffer death, or snch other punishment as a court-martial may direct.
Página 304 - State, and each and every of them who shall at any time hereafter be found in any part of this State, shall be and are hereby adjudged and declared guilty of felony, and shall suffer death as in cases of felony without benefit of clergy.
Página 33 - If any person making such solemn affirmation or declaration shall wilfully, falsely, and " corruptly affirm or declare any matter or thing, which, if the same had been sworn in the " usual form, would have amounted to wilful and corrupt perjury...

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