OF THE BUREAU OF Labor and Industrial Statistics FOR THE STATE OF VIRGINIA 1911 RICHMOND DAVIS BOTTOM, SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC PRINTING 1911 COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE, RICHMOND, VA., October 3, 1911. To His Excellency, WM. HODGES MANN, DEAR SIR: Governor. It is with pleasure that I transmit herewith the fourteenth annual report of this bureau. Introduction. The steady advance in the industrial growth of the Commonwealth is gratifying. The calendar year of 1910 gave a net gain in product value of $15,979,162.18. Thirty-five industries showed increases amounting to $16,899,482.27, while decreased product value occurred only in seven, aggregating $920,320.09. Attention is called to the necessity for proper laws for the regulation of mining in the State, and the attention of the General Assembly is respectfully called to the article on that subject contained in the thirteenth annual report of this department. The rapid development of our mining interests makes such laws an immediate necessity. In response to a general demand, a compendium of all the statutes affecting labor have been incorporated in this report. Attention is especially called to the report of the factory inspector, as it gives a comprehensive idea of that special feature of the work of the department. |